Wednesday, October 23, 2024

UPND Final Mandevu Rally in Pictures


Andrew Banda Mandevu
Andrew Banda Mandevu
UPND Mandevu Rally
UPND Mandevu Rally
HH arrives at Mandevu
HH arrives at Mandevu
UPND Mandevu Rally
UPND Mandevu Rally
UPND Mandevu Rally
UPND Mandevu Rally
UPND Mandevu Rally
UPND Mandevu Rally
UPND Mandevu Rally
UPND Mandevu Rally
UPND Mandevu Rally
UPND Mandevu Rally
UPND Mandevu Rally
UPND Mandevu Rally
UPND Mandevu Rally
UPND Mandevu Rally
PF Defectors at UPND Rally Mandevu
PF Defectors at UPND Rally Mandevu


    • You see the difference people? These are the pictures that LT has been hiding from us. Can you compare these to the PF rally? Anyway the talk is ending TODAY and HH will be declared winner in 24hrs time.
      Flight HH in air bound and will be landing at Statehouse in the next 24 hrs.
      Thank you HH and team for the love of our country, you campaigned well and will be rewarded handsomely. It’s time to prepare your best suit for the inauguration.

    • It has been exciting year 2014, all the news since Sata died. Then Lungu vs Scott drama.
      2015 some of us left our Heritage and Poor People’s parties to join the exciting HH of UPND.
      We thank HH team to give us so much entertainment we Zambians need. We have had RB & boring MMD, Sata came in and all of a sudden dies…. from sorrows to happiness. I pray for HH tonight:….
      HAIL MARY!!

    • Most of those people that attended that rally went out of curiosity just look at their faces, completely bewildered at HH and Pilato, they are just wondering how stupid Silvio Masebo is looking in that Red Beret..anyway its STILL A SMALL CROWD FOR LUSAKA!!!!

      Time is up Lets go guys and vote Edgar C. Lungu, the right man for the job!!!

      ****VIVA EDGAR LUNGU****

    • Every dog has it’s day. It’s HH to run Zambia. No 90 day false promises, no more non payment to farmers, no more sacking nurses, etc etc etc. we are sick of liars of no action, the only actions are lies from their mouths. You see where i’m going with this? Vote wisely vote HH.

    • Vote Poor People’s Party. Only a poor people party can truly care for a country whose population is 95% poor.


    • Civil servants ‘s pay has been cut for unknown reasons by the PF.

      Some farmers not still paid.

      Some civil servants have not been paid yet, only Lungu knows why.

      Please Zambians vote wisely in huge numbers so that Lungu’s rigging scheme does not hold any water at all.

      If Lungu wins and Luo is appointed vice president then Lungu won’t reach 2016. Immediately after swearing in Luo, the plot to get rid of him will begin by first spiking his drink which will be presented to him as a gift.

      He will be lucky if HH wins then his life will be spared by the Luo gang. Luo and his gang will stop at nothing to get power back where they think it belongs.

      Viva HH.

      Vote HH so that Zambia is spared another premature death of a president.

      Vote HH for a credible plan to develop…

    • LT should be closed because they are bias. Do you job properly than being seen to side with who ever is in power.

      This is why I hate Zambian Journalism because there is no integrity, No true reporting but just dullness.

      Be non-partisan as you have the responsibility to educate and let Zambians vote on merits.

      Next time do better than your nonsense…

    • The majority are voting for HH. More money in their pockets? I don’t think so. But remember Donchi kubeba that you will be voting UPND.

    • Since i cant vote from all the way here, I Called my ‘undecided’ family members and convinced them to vote HH! Feels good. Every vote counts, may the best person win.

  1. Na LT why only put few pictures for the UPND rally and more for PayaFarmer? The difference in crowd is nil and yet at Woodlands there was rent-a-crowd. Wins azalila

  2. LT is biased. 11 pics for UPND and 25 for Pf yet both rallies were in Lusaka. Wow! For your own information, Mandevu is where political votes come from; Woodlands is where the educated who understand HH’s economic language and more likely to vote UPND will come from.

  3. This is the best of HH. VIVA HH, VIVA UPND. This crowd is breathtaking. Reminds me of the Pope’s mass in Manila!

  4. We shall see the final results. Cadres can be ferried and paid to attend rallies from point A to B but it’s never the same with voting- one man = one vote. Then the counting will be done and results will be announced by the ECZ…

  5. CHECHA , you are right it is hard to manufacture pangas and knives for the entire country. Only a few chaps who have no future can behave that way on the last day, vote wisely, let us bring sanity back to our precious country. HH is the man,

  6. Just cast my vote on HH, travelled to Mongu the whole night, people were queued up at 04 hrs many from Lusaka. It’s raining but people are resolved to vote out PF. I nearly cried seeing the resolve in their eyes. People were asking did you hear how EL insulted Sylvia masebo yesterday

    • Ine wine,no that was not an insult. I am not on EL’s side but read the Post (who by the way are not EL’s supporters) where it is reported as direct speech. It was only an insult on the ZWD and of course from all those repeating words that that never were. EL simply said “My wife was asking me why that woman is always on my case…..What did you do to her? I said katwishi kwena ifyo fine ifyo namuchita efyo amfwaila” Seriously ZWD has done more harm than good to HH’s campaign. Ask any zambian linguist,they wont isolate an insult in that statement

  7. One thing that we should understand is that the voters register has not been updated. don’t be cheated by the crowd. The other day I saw a political party ferrying boys and girls for their political rally’s who are not voters. One body guard when asked if he has a voters card to everyone’s surprise the answer was negative. if registered voters are 8 million as at 2015 it will remain like that until it is updated. One other thing, these are the same people who attend these political rally’s. Go to their houses you will find that they have different political attires just in case. 5000 people may vote out of this crowd of 15000…

  8. I hope HH wins, but even if Zambia fails this simple IQ test
    Who is better

    1)an alcoholic, who has said he needs RB to lead because he has no idea how he will achieve someone else’s vision
    2) Or successful sober business man with a proven track record of success and endorsed by any reasonable person in zambiA

    My problem is that ama Zambians fikopo and can get this wrong
    So I will not be surprised if EL wins

    • You are right arithmetic. I support you 100%. That is exactly my concern as well. I at times wonder how we think. Probably there is some demon that seems to cover the zambians to a point where they fail to reason rationally. GOD help us really…….

  9. I walked into stream B of my polling station. A beautiful young lady shouted my name, NRC #, voters card #, & the page of my name on the register. Then she ushered me to another lady, even more beautiful! She picked a marker, held my thumb & started painting it with indelible ink. She was so sensual & arousing. I was just about to wish she could paint my other head when I noticed this ugly UPND agent gazing at her activity with red eyes & gaping mouth! She said: “go to the next table sir.” I moved on & a young man gave me a ballot paper. It was not premarked, lest UPND agents escort me from table to booth. At booth, only one face stood out with love & humility. I quickly crossed the appropriate box, folded it & put my secret ECL vote in the box. My job is…

    • @kakolwe I think you have been waylaid by a false election booth probably in your Imagination! Please note the following:
      1. No one calls out your name at a polling station
      2. They ‘did ‘your left thumb
      3. All the ‘faces stand out with love & humility’ man all the faces are photographs
      4. Your vote has been hacked by the Green Party

    • You wait for the results, to see which face will look exactly as you have described above. Besides the alcohol has done its part already.

  10. People of Zambia, please don’t and never take crowds at rallies as a measure of popularity no. The late Dean Mun’gomba cried because he thought due to huge crowds he would win.
    People go to rallies not as cadres but just to get the message while others follow entertainment.
    So the most popular candidate will be known only after ECZ. announces the results. Wina azalila nafuti.

    You only declare yourself winner after the final whistle. So. kutekafye bola panshi bane.

    The winner will be known , lets just wait and see.

  11. I have just voted one more vote to EL from me. So I just wait for 20 hrs when results start coming out .

    We know EL is winning over 50%.

    Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.


  13. This is an aerial view and angle visual engineering

    There were a pantry a few people filling a size of that ground a football pitch and most of them were shouting PF Edgar Lungu ni continue including in the roads leading and to and from that small Mandevu local ground

    Its not correct to mislead popularity It took only a few hours from a pantry number of people to come in buses to assemble to listen to HH were as the Mandevu people headed to woodlands

    These small people who assembled actually after met and exchanged UPND t shirts for PF shouting Edgar ni continue and damping HH materials everyone on the streets which children picked and tore along

  14. I and my wife have already voted for a winning candidate Edgar Lungu!!the rest can be!!! How can tribal HH win in Lusaka or non bantustan areas where he has no MPs?keep on 22hrs today we shall all start getting lusaka results!!!GO PF GO!!

  15. Crowds are deceiving pipo are there 50% for CHIMPWENA only Hakainde Hakaivotela is not a factor in Lusaka Southern no doubt

  16. How can a leader insult at such a public rally. He was insulting all the listeners for sure. Masebo did not hear it, it was those who were there. Very disappointed.

    SHAME PF and its leaders.

  17. This tribal thing seems a problem in Zambia. The only solution is intermarriages…Tonga’s marrying Bemba’s, Lozi’s marrying Ngoni’s so that their children can find balance in future Zambia. It is really sickening to here Tonga this, Bemba this, Lozi this as if people do not belong to one country. No wonder Zambia will remain poor.

    On another issue Edgar Lungu made a mistake to mention KK and RB these two seniors are bad for Zambian politics. They are both Selfish old men.

  18. Bloggers EL did not insult Masebo as reported elsewhere. I am not on EL’s side but read the Post (who by the way are not EL’s supporters) where it is reported as direct speech. It was only an insult on the ZWD and of course from all those repeating words that that never were. EL simply said “My wife was asking me why that woman is always on my case…..What did you do to her? I said katwishi kwena ifyo fine ifyo namuchita efyo amfwaila” Seriously ZWD has done more harm than good to HH’s campaign. Ask any zambian linguist,they wont isolate an insult in that statement

  19. Vote HH for change now or give us more time to finish and deplet the treasury before 2016. Next unga price shall be K100 just to teach you a lesson. Fuel price will go up again because of Dollar/Kwacha exchange rate still high. Wait and see. This is true. We gave u chance to decide for what can help you. You will regret and remember hh if you do not vote for HH. Go ahead. Vote hh now.

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