Saturday, July 27, 2024

PF accuses Kaputa UPND of early 2016 campaigns


The Patriotic Front (PF) in Kaputa district has accused the United Party for National Development (UPND) of embarking on early campaigns for the 2016 general elections by enticing voters with donations.

PF Kaleulu Ward Councilor, Webby Kawelwa alleged that the UPND through its member Elvis Nkandu has started undertaking background campaigns in Kaputa district ahead of next year’s elections. He alleged that Mr. Nkandu who is also Zambia National Marketer Association (ZANAMA) President is making the donations to communities with the intention to stand as Member of Parliament (MP) during next year’s elections.

Mr. Kawelwa explained that Mr. Nkandu has hired some community members to do some works on the roads, and is sponsoring football tournaments and distributing mattresses to health centers.He has since cautioned Mr. Nkandu to come out in the open and state his position rather than to continue campaigning in the background.Mr. Kawelwa who was speaking in a walk in interview with ZANIS in Kaputa said the PF is not scared of Mr. Nkandu but that he should come out clearly and state his position.

He warned that Kaputa is a stronghold for the PF adding that he will just regret wasting money if he tried to stand on the opposition ticket.But UPND Kaputa District Chairperson Belson Chansa has dissociated his party from Mr. Nkandu’s purported campaigns saying he was doing it in his personal capacity.

Mr Chansa said this was not the first time Mr. Nkandu had donated to the community adding that he has been doing similar things which is only aimed at helping the people.Mr. Chansa who admitted having heard and seen the charity works by Mr. Nkandu in some wards however said he could not say whether Mr. Nkandu was UPND or not.

He said Mr. Nkandu has also not approached him to indicate whether he intends to stand on the opposition party’s ticket during the 2016 general elections.He added that it could however be true that Mr. Nkandu wants to contest the Kaputa parliamentary seat but has not come out in the open to state which party he will stand on.

The UPND District Chairperson said the opposition party has also not opened nominations for people but noted that a lot of prominent persons have expressed interest to contest the seat on its ticket.Efforts to get Mr. Nkandu who is based on the Copperbelt however failed.


  1. Whats the anxiety for? Let him serve the people if he is able. You sound uncomfortable with mr. Nkandu and also mean to say the least. The electorate will decide when the time comes.

    • It is not possible, how many time have we heard that UPND is a regional party. Now it seems UPND is in Kaputa and explains why difference between Edgar and HH was on 1%.


  2. This Elvis Nkandu never learns. A Congolese always trying to confuse Zambians and stealing big from poor marketeers. HH must have given him millions for him to abandon his MMD.

    • You are very right this congolese from Moba is a problem i wonder why Maksas is not doing anything to curb this nonsense otherwise i will be home soon to cane those *****s who want to listen to this *****.

  3. Sudan’s President Omar al-Bashir, who is wanted for war crimes, has left South Africa, pre-empting a court ruling over an international warrant for his arrest.
    The Pretoria High Court was due to decide whether he should be handed over to the International Criminal Court which charged him with the crimes.
    Mr Bashir was in Johannesburg for an African Union (AU) summit.
    A news conference will be held in Sudan’s capital upon his arrival. BBC News

    • This is very good news from RSA that an African leader couldn’t be arrested on his home soil. Everyone knows how that rogue, George Bush went into Iraq with a fib about weapons of mass distruction and killed thousands in a quest torevenge his father’s defeat at the hands of Saddam in 1991/2. He went further to hang him without trial and this ICC nonsense should stand today to arrest an African when they have not cleaned their hands of the blood of innocent people by one of their own. Shame on ICC!

    • @ Ndaje Kahks

      You mean to say that international criminals accused of genocide (in Bashir case for murder of 300,000 Christians) stick together?

      @ Ndaje Kahks

      Shame on you 5tupid racist. 300,000 fellow Christians been murdered in name of Islam and you are rejoicing? Shame is on you and not ICC.

  4. I just got a car loan for 2 years, I wanna get a house loan in about 5 months, will they approve me for another loan?

  5. Let this PF “Kansala” go to Kasama and see for himself how Emmanuel Mwamba, Kelvin Sampa and the other fella are sponsoring football events and other “charity” activities for the sole purpose of being adopted by PF. So ba kansala before you lecture Elvis, kindly go to media and tell the three Kasama mafias to stop early campaigns

    • Uko, wapya munzi. Faka pressure Elvis. You have the right to choose political destiny.PF under chagwa is a joke.

  6. @5.3 Aleshaday- Kindly explain your point clearly. What I said is true. Mugabe cannot let Elbashir get arrested for his crime- in simple terms

  7. The PF has also started campaigning for next years elections. Look at the President, his VP and most PF ministers talking about developmental projects on ZANIS or construction news at 19:00hrs. That is campaigning.

  8. Where did the nonsense of open and closed periods for campaigning come from? I thought in a democracy all governance stakeholders have a right to sell their manifesto and vision 24/7 to the public for cyclic 365 days without hindrance!

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