Saturday, July 27, 2024

It will be irresponsible to borrow for referendum-Simbyakula


Justice Minister Ngosa Simbyakula
Justice Minister Ngosa Simbyakula

Government has maintained that borrowing for the referendum is not necessary saying exercise will be held alongside the 2016 general elections.

In an interview, Justice Minister Ngosa Simbyakula said Government will not be reckless in the contraction of loans on exercises such as the referendum which do not even guarantee success.

Dr Simbyakula said the general elections have already been budgeted for, making it easy to hold the referendum alongside the general elections.

He said it will be impossible to hold a standalone referendum especially that donors have also refused to fund it.

‘A referendum is a major election on its own and it is costly. We don’t have money for that process before 2016 but what we are saying is that we can marry it with the general election in order to reduce costs,’ Dr Simbyakula said.

He added, ‘It will not prudent to hold a standalone referendum before the general election, we don’t have that kind of money. This way we are saying let us hold a referendum and a general election at the same time. With the price of one we can acquire two objectives’


    • Also it is responsible to borrow for by-elections, money for bribing voters, party operations etc.

    • These are the same PFools who have been saying that their forced by-elections were statutory and had to be funded. But the story changes when it comes to the Constitution. Simbyakula (his name sounds like the sound of sh¡tting) is proof of the futility of education over stup¡dity. You cannot take the village mentality from a man even after a PhD.

    • These bustards have their priorities mixed up. You have had employment & salaries frozen for 2 years and yet you can’t show what you have achieved with that money, but it is responsible to borrow for you to steal? It’s better to borrow for everyone to have their say. Your voice and mine have the same value. Your position has been heard what about ours. If you don’t have money why does the entire cabinet and deputy ministers & top civil servants have to drive to the airport to welcome changwa when he comes back from international, regional and even local trips. And changwa has made it priority number one as presidential duty to travel every other day. Whose money is spent on fuel & maintenance of these vehicles? Gvt has no transport crisis yet you want to borrow to buy vehicles.

  1. This is about tackling the possible and impossible. It is a good thing that that the Minister of Justice has come out in the open to let the nation know where the government stands regarding a referendum and for the fact that the donors are not willing to assist with funding the exercise. That being said, let’s support the idea of marrying the general election and referendum. One Zambia One Nation.

  2. In solwezi , they costed K200,600. Checks are still being issued by Emerine Kabanshi at social cash transfer, anew way of buying votes

  3. Borrowing to buy expensive cars for ministers is also reckless. What amazes me is that this ministers have travelled to rich countries and have seen the unexepensive cars ministers or senators drive. It won’t long before ministers will travel in helicopters in Africa. Chikwanda says the budget is tight but he did not offer belt tightening by the government. Reduce the cabinet , the deputy ministers and let them pay for electricity, water etc as the case in rich nations. Zccm collapsed due to to many free things managers and miners used to enjoy regardless of the level the price of copper .

  4. Simbyakula & his govt are not being honest. They have recklessly borrowed for things that don’t add value to our country.
    The issue here is what do we want as a people. Not what the ‘wise’ govt can do for us.
    When we agree on what we want together we can achieve it.
    This abstract huge cost is a way to scare the uninformed.
    Like someone called Nandaaba said in the Post yesterday where are CSOs & the Church to sensitize & mobilize people.

  5. Minister on whose behalf do you borrow? Your bosses are the Zambian people & if they say borrow for a referendum you have to do it because it is a just cause. Do it and stop being arrogant. Right now you can’t even account for the debts you contracted so far. You have even been borrowing to build stadiums in provincial centers where there are no teams to use the facilities.

  6. Borrowing for the Referendum is justifiable on the basis of Good Governance and the respect of the Rule of Law. Apart from that, the Referendum and the General Elections must be held separately because the two types of elections are different institutional mechanisms for strengthening Democracy. The cooperating partners could be persuaded to contribute to the Referendum Fund. However, the cooperating partners always require basic conditions to be adhered to. These include transparency and accountability. Above all, the ECZ must also contribute some tangible resources, including cash. Those groups and individuals that in favor of the Referundum Fund must be allowed to look for the money without any form of intimidation, threats or undue pressure.

  7. It is more expensive to have a outdated constitution (system)that allows morons like simbakyula to plunder national resource with impunity. These punkers must know that proper systems are expensive but cost effective in the long run.

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