Lusaka Central Member of Parliament Guy Scott has commended the Catholic Church for supplementing government’s efforts in the provision of quality health service to the people.
Speaking when he officiated at the Cardinal Adam Memorial Hospital open day in Lusaka yesterday, Dr. Scott noted that the establishment of a specialty hospital by the Catholic Church will improve access and affordability of quality specialist health care for the majority Zambians who cannot afford to go abroad for treatment.
Dr. Scott, who is also former republican Vice President, noted that 60 percent of health service provision in the rural areas of Zambia is by the church.
He stressed that the church has a unique and highly respected place in Zambia’s health care system because of its commitment to noble cause.
And Secretary General of the Zambia Episcopal Conference Cleophas Lungu disclosed that the ultimate goal of the hospital was to become a referral hospital that offers specialised health services that include gynaecology and obstetrics, urology, nephrology and oncology.
Fr. Lungu said the hospital is currently offering general health conditions to patients at an affordable cost compared to privately owned hospitals in the country.
He said the church will soon embark on fundraising ventures to raise funds for the second and third phases of construction to make it a fully-fledged specialist hospital.
And in her vote of thanks, Medical Superintendent Agatha Lloyd recognised government’s commitment to fulfilling its policy of proving all the people with quality health care.
Dr. Lloyd said the church will use its comparative advantage to support government effort in delivering quality health services to all the people.
The Catholic Church is one of the cadre entities for PF. They are very supportive of the ongoing stealing by PF that takes away resources from poor people because most of these thieves are Catholic. Catholics then comfort themselves by chipping in with hospitals and schools which should not be necessary if govt is not stealing public resources.
Did the Catholic Church start chipping in with schools and hospital when PF came into power? With these insults, do you expect the catholic faithful to follow your progressive party?
My Guy is back! He has all the qualities to make a great president: humour, humility, integrity, forgiveness, intelligence and political wit!
@Legal Brain
If you call offending/alienating Zambian Citizens with Colonialist claptrap
the mark Of good Leadership…..
did the church die. What’s with the Eulogy?
The Church uses its resources to oppose social progress and positive change all over the world.
The catholic church is a criminal organisation!
A catholic priest was found guilty of sexually assaulting a woman while she was sleeping on a flight from Philadelphia to Los Angeles.
Catholicism has always been been like islam, its a relic of the middle ages, run by religious maniacs, but the members are terrified of all the crap that is thrown at them from the pulpit. If hell exists, then most religious of their leaders will surely burn there and Amen to that
The Catholic Church is Evil!
And the holy ones are commenting as above.shame on you!
and you expect to win elections whilst insulting the catholic church? ba UPND go and tell your seven days church to put you in state house.
SDAs stop playing as haters and leaves at alone!
I agree 100%. The Catholic Church is an organisation that is extremely secretive in all it does. To me these guys are MAFIA, CIA, KGB, M16 you name it. There’s NOTHING these guys can do without “serious calculations”….
Unfortunately to us Zambians, we cannot see the writing on the wall. We are ‘mentally cemented and colonised’ by the notion that Jesus Christ was/is the son of God and therefore, Zambia should be a Christian nation. For us, as long as you can speak the English language and speak it better than the English themselves then, you are very educated.
Once upon a time, Alexander Chikwanda said (about a Political party- UPP) thus; “they are a bunch of illiterates who cannot even speak English”! Well Mr Chikwanda, how are you fairing today with your Chikwanda-nomics?
Learn to give a pat on the back where it is due. The Catholic Church is a good church it is a church with action not just talking talking. Congratulations ba katolika mwandi. I will always support your charitable works.
Guy Scott is an inherently wrongful person. He has poor morals and will always try one scheme after another to service outer bodies in Zambia.
Pardon me but what does ‘comparative advantage to support government effort,’ mean Dr Lloyd? Who gave you the mandate over Zambia’s health?
In his hey days when he was abusing his position, Guy Scott tried this same attempt at shipping out Zambia’s Health provision to Scotland/NHS. HE IS BACK AGAIN WITH A NEW APPROACH….using the Catholic Church (‘religion is the opium of the people,’ Karl Marx). Zambians hold religion at its centre but we are not having our Health Provision under indoctrination.
STOP IT PF. This man is resurfacing as General Election rumblings start. Guy Scott is back trying to service external bodies.
Guy Scott is squalid, horrid colonialists. He presents himself as a major Player in Zambian Politics. His corrupt modus operandi is always to patronise us.
We don’t know him ….he thinks.
Your Excellency, this man is back with his daggers. He must never be allowed back in office or anywhere near Central gov’t.
Ignore or welcome/rehabilitate him at your own cost. You are on the ridge of of a watershed, if you fail on Unity you will provide a stronger positioning for UPND/Opposition.
Catholic Church has had a long history in birth control prevention or rather encouraging the lack of it. Against Condoms etc. Do we need HIV/AIDS statistics to go up? Overpopulation to be an issue again?
Health provision must be free of indoctrination. Churches treat through Prayer…
Health provision must be free of indoctrination. Churches treat through Prayer IN CHURCH. Partnering with Secular bodies is not serving God.
Awe muli fyungwa.This people are trying their best to insure that healthy sector in this land, become a reality.People with money always go outside this land to seek healthy care.Catholic church with their good will are doing everything possible in their power to make sure the dream of this land as far as healthy is concern becomes a reality.People with no heart for this country are criticizing the church for no parent reasons.It is very and fortunate to have people like that in this land,better you were not born.
I am not Catholic. Praise the church for supplementing services which were supposed to be done by the government. They created the first secondary schools at a time when the English politicians had no high schools for African children. Nuns and Fathers don’t drive around in limousines like the new born again churches. They have some of the best run schools around the world all the way to universities. None of the new born churches do that because the scheme poor people for money. The old churches do not force people to stay religious. Going to church is voluntary. The Catholic church serves the poor better than the government. Get over your shallow condemnation of institutions which have contributed to the development of the country.
It’s surprising that this man is back, is it cos general elections are around the corner or what? Guyscot nooòooo! !!!!!