Zambia has made a National Voluntary presentation to the UN Member States on the country’s progress in implementing the MDGs and transformation to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), due to be adopted in September.
This is according to a statement released to the media by First Secretary for Press and Public Relations Permanent Mission of the Republic of Zambia to the United Nations, Mr Chibaula Silwamba
Delivering Zambia’s National Voluntary Presentation (NVP) titled: “Managing the transition from MDGs to SDGs: What it will take? The Zambian Experience” to the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) in New York on Friday, Finance Deputy Minister Christopher Mvunga said although Zambia had made progress on some Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), it had challenges to achieve others.
The eight MDGs are development goals agreed by world leaders in 2000 to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, achieve universal primary education, promote gender equality and empower women, reduce child mortality, improve maternal health, combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases, ensure environmental sustainability and develop a global partnership for development by 2015. Heads of State and Government will adopt SDGs, to replace MDGs, during the Post-2015 Development Agenda Summit at UN Headquarters in New York this September.
Mr. Mvunga said despite Zambia’s robust economic growth during the 15-year period of MDGs, there was need to transform this growth into tangible development outcomes.
“Maternal and childhood mortality declined over time, though the country missed target in achieving MDG four on reducing child mortality and MDG five on improving maternal health, maternal mortality declined, Under-5 mortality declined, infant mortality declined,” Mr Mvunga explained.
He said successes had been recorded on HIV/AIDS, primary education and gender equality in primary education.
Mr. Mvunga said the Zambian Government had recognized the implementation challenges in meeting the MDGs that include absence of a comprehensive legal framework and weak linkages between the national development planning and the medium-term expenditure framework and poor coordination.
“To overcome the challenges, the Government developed the National Planning and Budgeting Policy in 2014,” Mr. Mvunga said. “To effectively implement SDGs, the Government will give priority to national response that creates an environment with greater social justice and equity in accessing fundamental drivers of development, including education and health, food security and decent jobs, especially among women and the youth, reducing high levels of inequality and promoting economic diversification.”
He said Zambia would need to develop capacity to capture revenues from its vast natural resources and equitably allocate them to promote inclusive growth and development.
Mr. Mvunga said Zambia’s large landmass and landlocked geography made it difficult to
“Zambia welcomes transformative approach of SDGs as they provide basis for social justice and resonate with national values, principles of national development and Zambia’s vision 2030,” said Mr. Mvunga. “Zambia will also endeavour to engage the private sector in the implementation of the SDGs by creating comprehensive mechanism of engaging that can result in a win-win situation.”
US and Sweden made positive reviews of Zambia NVP report and acknowledged the Government commitment to national development.
Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia and Philippines also made their national voluntary presentations.
But our representatives should not forget to report to the UN that we have a useless president in the name of the Kachasu Man.
Davies Chama should be arrested.
..”though the country missed target in achieving MDG four on reducing child mortality and MDG five on improving maternal health, maternal mortality “.That Mvunga said this is very important, because these two are the most important indicators of how an economy is performing. Because numbers don’t lie, PF and Edgar Lungu have failed us.
From the body language of the people listening, some thing was verywrong in that forum, either the presenter was drunk or full of lies.
Just rename the goals and let’s all move on. Classic political game. Who will remember what target was missed anyway? We have SDGs now!
@Nostradamus, you want to explain the body language in the audience? Well, the people listening to those reports don’t give a reap about some 3rd world country they can’t find on the world map. They are busy surfing the net for news on Greece and the Chinese stock market. More entertaining, more “earth shattering” than 3rd world mdg targets.
mvunga was just singing ” pankoloko, ithe hour ehe ithe hour”
I hope you explained also that you have a president who has no idea what the word economy means is flying around and booze.
@lungu you put too much hope in the u.n. Fat chance they will care about the caliber of 3rd world leaders. In Steve Biko’s words, “black man, you are on your own.” So save your complaints. In case are waiting for the west to save us, we are not worth saving and fighting for like Greece. So better make our country work on our own. Outside world doesn’t care about Africa. Wheres that anyway? Who is the president of Africa? What has changed there, they ask? Poverty, dirt and disease, still? What’s on telly tonight?
“Maternal and childhood mortality declined over time, though the country missed target in achieving MDG four on reducing child mortality and MDG five on improving maternal health, maternal mortality declined, Under-5 mortality declined, infant mortality declined,” Mr Mvunga explained.
Numbers don’t lie. It is clear that the PF have misplaced priorities and would rather spend the money on attending independence celebrations in other countries
I think it is safe to say that the listeners in the photos are either not interested or Mvunga is spinning lies. Listeners are not attentive.
The son of Patrick Mvunga the lawyer of RUphia Banda. aaaaaah Judiciary Eastern,
Ruphia : kaminamisa Jameson – you know u owe me a big ? I want failed and corrupt men and women from MMD get posts else I will stop supporting u.
Jameson L: bamudala aka bilk and Late Sata ‘ Lts and Bemba mafias are plotting to unseat me.
Ruphia : Sata is gone , to show them start with the widow punishing her by making sue she is moved from current accommodation and pretend you are not part of the plan. She is a threat as she is the only one that can stand in your way.
Jameson: Ok mr president , I will ensure Judge Banda to let you off the hook and claim you are not born a crook and corrupt . You know Judial is ours , army and finances