Saturday, July 27, 2024

UPND challenged to go for a convention and elect a Non-Tonga Leader


Dr Richard Kakuwa
Dr Richard Kakuwa

The opposition United Party for National Development (UPND) has been challenged to test its democracy and tribe inclinations by, for the first time, allow a non-Tonga be its leader.

The UPND is being encouraged as a government in waiting to emulate what the ruling Patriotic Front (PF) which was said to be a political parties for the Bemba-speaking people has done to allow an Easterner be its leader.

According to Dr  Kakuwa, the Every Home for Christ thinks that the ruling Party,  PF,  has shown leadership to replace its late party and republican President Michael Sata with President Edgar Lungu who is from Eastern province.

Dr Kakuwa said that  his organization is of the view that the opposition UPND can do the same if it wants to remove its alleged tag of tribalism.

Dr Kakuwa further said that  as things stand,  the UPND appears to be a one man political party which seemingly may not survive in the political arena without Mr Hakainde Hichilema leading it.

Dr Kakuwa  observed that is because all activities in the UPND are somewhat centered on party president Hakainde Hichilema.

Dr Kakuwa has urged the opposition UPND to consider going for a convention and elect another leader who is not Tonga on account of its alleged tribalism tag.

Dr Kakuwa stated that  the UPND should prove that it is not a tribal political party if it is to govern the Country on the One Zambia One nation motto.


    • Consider your pathetic logic, why don’t we go for national elections and only allow ethnic groups that have never held the position of Republican President to be the only ones allowed to stand as president so as to remove the Bemba-Eastern tribal tag from the country as well ?

    • I thought Miles Sampa (Bemba) is the one who won by democratic means the PF presidential candidacy!!! Edgar Lungu “won” by raising or hands and pangas. How about you put Inonge Wina (non Northerner or Easterner) as a next Presidential candidate in the forth-coming elections!! Then we can talk.

    • Going for what? Elections in upnd… Impossible and worse still electing a non-bantu botatwe as leader…. You kidding me.

      It’s like asking a dog to give birth to an elephant

    • Ba Dr Kakuwa… Picture this…

      If Jesus Chris the son of God can lose against a Tonga god called HH, who would vote for a non Tonga candidate?

    • I can pick up Dr Guy Scott [] on Wiki, I can also pick up Dr Nevers Mumba [] on Wikipedia. I CANNOT pick up Dr Richard Kakuwa anywhere other than Zambia Reports!!!

    • I can pick up Dr Guy Scott on Wiki, I can also pick up Dr Nevers Mumba on Wikipedia. I CANNOT pick up Dr Richard Kakuwa anywhere other than Zambia Reports!!!

    • No one should be judged based on race but based on Character Martin Luther King. Translated as No one should be judged based on tribe but based on Character . Those who claim to be Christians should not be divisive and partisan but should be neutral unifying the country. Christians are not exempt from the Hague/ICC a lesson can be learnt from the Rwanda Religious Leaders who were on trial at the Hague/ICC.

    • No one should be judged based on race but based on Character Martin Luther King. Translated as no one should be judged based on tribe but based on character. Those who claim they are christians should be neutral and should be unifying the country and not be divisive. Chrstians are not exempt from the hague/ICC. A lesson can be learned from the Rwanda religious leaders who were on trial at the Hague/ICC.

    • Tribe is like the new craze, every Jim and Jack wants in on it. What school conferred upon this muntu a doctorate degree? The reasoning is not only petty but flawed too.

      What happened to the Christian badger imwe ba sokomuntu?

      Enough of this tribal crap!

    • That is not an issue Dr. Kakuwa. Perhaps you should also remove your tribalism tag by voting for a Tonga as president.

    • That is not an issue Dr. Kakuwa. Perhaps you should also remove your tri-balism tag by voting for a Tonga as president.

    • Arrest that witch-DR.
      Who the fuuuck told him that UPND is for some tribe? Unless he claims that UPND is for elite and sober Zambians, then we can agree.

    • Who ever calls this scumbag DR? So dull, Edgar was elected based on what the PF thought was trust that their dead leader had in Edgar, not because he was not Bemba. He won the January 2015 vote based on sympathy. There’s no reason now to vote for Edgar. Please let’s be tired of this tribal talk for once!

    • one wonders what type of a doctor he is probably witchdoctor in this time and age thinking like that aba Bakulu balibe Nzelu tate

    • @Dr What you call self ,this is 2016 its year to change this incompetent Government.We In UPND are united under leadership of in coming president HH.The fortunes in UPND high because HH has made UPND a party to admire. Ask sakwiba were is liberal part its dead.He could have killed UPND.HH is a good manager that’s why it is ticking. We shall have a convetion in 2017,so come and contest.

    • Dr can you also challenge pf to be using lozi during campaigns to remove the bemba /tribal cousin tag, why is it that every time chagwa is campaigning he is bluntly told to speak in bemba? Is bemba the official language for pf? Records are there, just listen to the Mandevu rally, by the way it was in lusaka,instead of using nyanja, they all shouted in unison landa mu chibemba, it was live on radio too, is every Zambian conversant with bemba, and you expect other tribes to give you a vote when they can’t understand what you saying. Disappointed with this rat for starting something that everyone is trying hard to hide at the moment.

    • This time Zambians have an opportunity to cleanse themselves of tribalism by voting for a Tonga president. It will show once and for all that we are One Zambia, One Nation.

    • This time Zambians have an opportunity to cleanse themselves of tribalism by voting for a Tonga president. It will show once and for all that we are One Zambia, One Nation.

    • Who is this Iddiot? Is he a PF member? What right has he to tell another party how to vote for their leader?

      If he is, Lungu must now walk the talk and KICK HIM OUT OF PF for making tribal comments!

      Otherwise we will all know that Lungus directive was just empty words.

    • very Dull Dr, Comparing Apples to PF rotten Ifibimbi? what democracy do you see in PF? it was also a one man show until Sata dead. Leave HH alone we will appoint a non Tonga after his 2 term of office. It a problem at all.

    • After declaring no more tribal talk, they get a proxy “Preacher” to continue their tribal onslaught.

      It is PF that should be going for a Convention! Chagwa was chosen in very cloudy circumstances – his opponents were BARRED from the party conference, they had bullies checking on conference delegates & finally, he was chosen by show of hands – the most PRIMITIVE & INTIMIDATING way to host an election!

    • Let us “pause” and be honest to ourselves.

      UPND has not been privileged to select it’s executive team from the convention. We talk about democracy yet we don’t practice it within our backyard.

      Just how will reasoning voters take us serious. We were for 50 + 1 and we seem to be against it. We failed to reflect the people’s will and discarded the national prayer day. Only for our president to make a U-Turn.

      We have become a party that is maligned on insults to the point of making PF cadres look like Angels.

      Let us preach how different UPND is and often reason with constructive critisms. There is a level of truth in this article. But may it has come on the wrong time.

    • Dr KAKUWA what make you think a Tonga can not lead a nation if you are not a tribalist. Who is this tribalist? Has he been hired by PF to keep the tribalism broken record alive or what?

      Dr Kakuwa, are you really a doctor or just an imposter like many theologian doctors who gain theological PHDs online from unscrupulous private institutions littered across the US.

      DR KAKUWA IS AN EPITOME OF TRIBALISM JUST THERE. Such people are a danger to society and need to be caged ASAP. I will start another petition to ban this tribalist idi0t from travelling abroad to spread hate speech against the Tongas.

      IF you do not want Tongas to lead Zambia then Let the Tongas go it alone and rule themselves then we compare which countries will be prosperous.

      If UPND members have not complained…

    • Miles sampa won the election but he was denied. sampa has been pushing behind the scenes for a convention but EL has said no convention. It is tribalism of the worst kind to call for a convention to elect a non tonga when everybody knows that the tribal tug is just a tool used by the real tribalists to deny Zambians of quality leadership. If your PhD was made to good use, you would have been reprimanding real tribalists like kambwili and the delusioned with identity (tonga or bemba) fr bwalya.

    • ….”makes PF cadres look like angels”…man you sound like you are in hell, & you are very right!
      In Zed under PF , we are in hell – hence the many “angels” you are seeing in PF!!

  1. Dr Kakuwa,
    You and the rest of Zambians who are so obsessed with tribe demonstrate a failure of clarity in thinking. I see from the 2 letters in front of your name that you are ‘doctor’ (maybe doctor of medicine or doctor of philosophy) and one would expect at least some level of honest. If you were in Zambia at the time PF selected their president, you know that there was no election at Mulungushi. It was a charade. The late Nsanda and raucous cadres bulldozed their way and cowed everyone into a show of hands as a mode of electing their leader. Miles Sampa was left in the dust and today you want to sermonize to the UPND? Please DOCTOR, give us a BREAK!
    You Dr. kakuwa and your ilk seem to be obsessed with Tongas and I could care the least about them, yet, I wish to remind you that…

  2. That is not an issue Dr. Kakuwa. Perhaps you should also remove your tribalism tag by voting for a Tonga as president.

    • That is not an issue Dr. Kakuwa. Perhaps you should also remove your tribalism tag by voting for a Tonga as president.

    • This PFool does not appreciate that Lungu is held hostage by the Bemba Cartel that put him into power. Lungu is a mere puppet. Otherwise be would have fired Chikwanda a long time ago for messing up the mines, the Kwacha and the economy. Bembas rule, OK. PF is for Bembas, although they will window dress with an eastern clown.

  3. Wow, you are a brave man to suggest that. I can assure you Dr Kakuwa that today you are going to experience the worst online abuse you have ever had from UPND cadres. Mark my words, am sure the entire UPND blog-sphere ecosystem will be unleashed on you with all manner of ad hominems.

    You have just blasphemed their holy and highest priest under 5 , who can never be wrong and nobody dare write anything negative or suggesting he steps aside.

    Good luck Dr Kakuwa fasten your seat belt and hold tight. It is going to be a very bumpy ride today as UPND gremlins are unleashed on you today

    • MMD Chief Bootlicke you are better than that sir or rather I personally have come to expect better from you.

      It is one thing to suggest that the party goes to a convention, and a different thing all together to tell them that the person they vote for should not come from a certain tribe. What would be the point of the convention if I may ask? Is it to elect the best candidate or to elect a non-Tonga person?

      If this is the level of reasoning of a PHD holder in any field what should we expect from us common men?

    • Bootliker
      You really think Kakuwa is brave, you are simply playing with words and on people’s minds sir. The talk of electing a non-Tonga to me sickens. If Kakuwa and you were genuine he and you should simply have suggested that let Hakainde subject himself to a free and fair convention without falling back on the tribe thing for heaven’s sake. People like Kakuwa are hate-stalkers not brave; they are cowards and infantile. Please just continue licking the boots of PF while pretending to be licking those of MMD; that’s your fair right.

    • @asslicker, good to see you acknowledge the massive support of UPND online like this!

      Hope your prediction comes true.

      It will surely be a good demonstration of the disgust with these PF clowns and thieves that have surely failed Zambia just to fill their own pockets.

      My popcorn is ready!

    • @MMD Chief Bootlicker: You are better than that sir, or rather I have personally come to expect better from you sir.

      It is one thing to suggest that a party goes to a National convention and yet another thing all together to tell the party which regions the people they elect should or should not come from.
      What would be the purpose of the said convention if I may ask? Would it be to elect the best candidate or elect a non-Tonga leader?

      Is this really the level of debate we should expect from a PHD holder in any field of study? What then should we expect from us common men who haven’t had that kind of education?

    • @The Armchair Analyst. what was the purpose of the convetion that elected HH when it was pre – decided that a Tonga was supposed to take over. I agree with bootlicker 100%

  4. Sponsored by PF. I always wonder how some of these Drs became Drs. If HH was not competent then for sure we have a problem. The problem is Lungu is very incompetent and does not even want to take responsibility. I really do not care were the next president hails from in terms of tribe but as long as they can manage the economy and try solve the problems we face is what we should be talking about not tribalism. Our country is failing apart financially and socially and this so called doctors starts talking about tribalism instead of the clueless people we have in power.

    • These Pentecostal pastors with fake doctorates from USA are just cheap liars.Start from your churches go to the convention elect your Bishops and other leaders before you preach of democracy.You are the modern day criminals with a strong love for money using the word of God.The worst womanisers.Leave HH alone,he is managing.We are enjoying peace in UPND.our convention is in 2017.

  5. Thats what every zambian would expect these tongas to do. Go for a convention this time around. It’s the only undemocratic party in Africa today. Even Mugabe is more democratic that under 5 as he has never gone into any elections without a convention

    Please please give me a break. What doctor are you? medicine or philosophy? To say PF elected a non-bemba at their “convention” is to display a high level of economy with the truth. Sampa won that election after another “election” conducted by show of hands had been bulldozed upon the cowed PF conventioneers by Nsanda, weapon-wielding and fist raising blood-thirst cadres. Second, depending on what your doctor is in, you should know by now that there is no genetic basis to the concept of tribe. This is a racist caricature and we blacks took it in hook line and sinker and it has haunted us. Third, the one Zambia one nation BS is nothing other than a political gimmick by those who propagated it to stifle the possible uprising in Barotseland in 1965 as well as a trick to…

  7. How many times did PF hold a convention while it was in opposition. Sometimes going to the toilet to relieve yourself helps, before making a call or suggestion. Michael Sata was the perpetual president of PF until he died. Stop insulting our intelligence.

    • Its like asking Bill Gates to donate every ngwee to the poor and carry Jesus’ cross. this can’t happen in UNPD……

  8. So this clown thinks UPND should emulate PF and have a party election with pangas?

    And then let a clueless, visionless drunkard that steals his clients money get elected as President?

    Who then tells the Nation that he is not to blame for the economic mismanagement that has caused the collapse of the Kwacha?

    Kakuwa, get REAL! These are all the things that have gotten us into this mess! These are all the things the next Government must avoid at all costs!

    We do not need to “me too” this USELESS party that has completely FAILED in almost every aspect of Government and left the country with a MASSIVE DEBT that will take years to repay and keep Zambians poor for generations!

  9. That’s what every zambian would expect these tongas to do but knowing their behaviour forget it. This under 5 grouping is the most undemocratic party in Africa. Even Mugabe is more democratic that under 5 freemason as he has never gone into any elections without a convention. Hard lucky Doc

    • HH ascended to the Presidency of UPND? At a party conversion held at Mulungushi Conference Centre, by an election heavily contested by Sakwiba, Bashi Nono, Chisanga and some Tonga joker from the States and he won by over 60% or thereabouts. A clean orderly campaign. There were no pangas, just methodological,a battle of ideas, clear vision, etc (contrast that with the PF debacle at Mulungushi Rock Of Authority – where a dead man had anointed one ECL!) The losers left in humph, formed their parties but could not stand the heat. They are all on the wayside. Where are those non- Tonga presidential aspirants who can beat HH in UPND or indeed in a fair election in Zambia?. Mention ONE and I will support you, otherwise just chew your PF payoff.

  10. This is plain discrimination. Where is now Police to investigate?
    Dr. (lol) Kakuwa, you are just a maggot. Shame on you. Go and f*ck yourself.

  11. I thought your president has given you a directive to stop your tribalism, does it mean diluting the bemba tribal tag in pf means replacing sata with a easterner a tribal cousin ? Why did you not go for simusa or lubinda? This is undemocratic coming from a “dr” in short he is saying tongas should not stand for presidency in UPND, this is the meaning of his dictatorial statement, what’s happening to our democracy?

  12. UPND cadres are full of insults. Wether u refuse or not u’re bitter and when pipo tell u the truth always u insult.Too bad ba UPND.PF demonstrated that PF is not for bemba but when Mazoka died he was succeeded by a Tonga.Sakwiba n chisanga were chased.Can’t u say that was trabalism?U’ll never escape that coz history tells everything.Maybe u need to rewrite da history otherwise pipo are scared of how UPND cadres behave especially some those from southern province.

    • Comment: Learn to tell the truth always.Were Chisanga and Sakwiba chased from UPND?.The answer is a big NO!.Kakuwa’s statement cud hav made a bit of some senses if he had jst appeal to them(UPND) to go to the convetion b4 the 2016 polls rather than saying vote 4 a non tonga president.He sounded very tribal.As a matter of fact us in UPND we are very much comfortable with HH and we promise the pf to give them a sound victory that they will not 4get 4 the rest of their lives.

  13. Just concentrate with your job at that college, not what you want to start , you are paid to teach students not to tell us what we should do in politics. We need solution on the following issues below not that useless idea:
    (1) Load shedding
    (2) Depreciating Kwacha
    (3) Poor economy
    (4) Ending tribal hate on tongas
    (5) Lack of jobs for the youths
    (6) Closing mines
    (7) Looming hunger in 2016

    Do not divert people on trivial issues of yours , if you are paid just eat your money alone, if you can help us to sort out the above issues Doctor, then your are welcome .

  14. And this rat has not heeded to the directive from his president to stop tribal talk, when every pf cadre was trying hard to hide what’s embedded in their DNA, this rat couldn’t hide anymore, now we all know who can’t do without tribal hate speech.

  15. Let HH go for his last breath and pay back all he got from Zambians before he steps down. HH will believe & know this time around that there is God in Zambia who rules over the affairs of the nation. Let the spirit of Pharaoh continue to rule in his heart so that he learns to respect those in authority and people’s views. Who knows he might become a Reverend at SDA when he runs out of money and becomes a humble citizen. Ask BY at the grave yard he will tell you the real story. In fact we have many ammunitions to use but as wise men we can’t use them on the rabbit (UPND). All Christian fraternity know very well what HH is up to, we will finish him up. Cowards always talk about things before they happen.

    • @Big tribe

      I worship The Lord God Jehovah. I bind your satanic attack on HH and plead the blood of Jesus over him.

      No weapon fashioned against HH shall prosper!

  16. These quack men of god!!! No wonder in Kenya they are cracking down on them. Where do you find these characters. I have never even heard of him before today. I think he should concentrate on his every home for Christ ntemba church. I would also like to know how he was appointed to his position and is he a witch doctor or real doctor.

  17. Why are you so scared of going for a convention, you are the same people who kept nagging PF to go to a convention before 2011 elections. Do you mean to say that all the people in UPND are so scared to challenge HH? Show your democracy from within your party. HH is a dictator.

  18. Big Tribe prepare a long rope to hang your self come 11th Augast,2016,because HH is winning.Thats what they used to say to Sata that he is mad he cant win.Sata won after three attempts.This yr its for HH bakamba.

    • Sata was a complete and utter tribalist and this is his legacy to Zambia – a useless PF that has cluelessly screwed up our economy, left us in darkness from load shedding and created divisions that were not there before.

      He is the cause of all this nonsense. He has taken Zambian democracy backwards to Colonial Constable times and is personally responsible for destroying the One Zambia One Nation unity we had before.

      May he ROT IN HELL!

  19. These are upnd and HH sympathizers we know. Very rude and demeaning. Such are the people who should not be left to come anywhere closer to the corridors of power. Non of them has responded to the article by Dr kakuwa but are flat out to insult him. What’s difficult by simply commenting without insults and staying facts why you think hh is indispensable. Continue chanting forward with hh until his pockets run dry.

  20. Kikik UPND cadres are full of insults.They know that HH came into power thru tribalism and wanna hide in insults.The history will remain UPND cadres.

  21. surprised, what a doctor, i know this man as a pastor now turns himself to be a politician, he is a womanisor, he left his sick wife to another woman what a shame pa pastor.

  22. Dr Tribalists do not to be reminded who they are, they get mad because the truth hurts. Convention and HH giving way to a non Tonga? Can’t never, not in our Up and Down Party.

  23. MMD chief bottomlicker i just wonder why you use the pic for the former mp and once upon a time lusaka province minister if my memory serve me good , let’s hope he finds you one of these days and wipe your bottoms, he is former head teacher by the way. He is no nonsense man.

  24. Laughable everyone knows PF can not be used as a model of democracy or anything good, this Joke of a DR/Pastor has the courage to use the PF,s model as an example it is clear now that after the Presidents order on anti tribal and hate rhetoric from politicians in the PF the responsibility has now shifted on to paid fake pastors and clandestine civil rights leaders, watch the space you can never put a good man down NO CHAMPAIGN MASSEGE

    • In fact this same DR knows what happened in kabwe at the so called convention and also knows that ECL Leadership is a failed one with nothing good to write home about tu pastor tumo with a ka Zambian flag shirt ati tubamone ati they are patriotic, i think ni ba mobene na mmd chief bootlicker. Being patriotic calls for advising the less informed voters to make wise choices and to rid the country of tribal divisions without siding with any party or individual

  25. Well he may have said the right thing, but who wants to be dictated what to how to behave in their club? Let us not forget how the PF behaved after the death of Sata. It is a pity that we always want to look for faults in other clubs. The UPND members will decide when they want to change a leader. Did PF ever have an election to choose Sata? Was Lungu elected on merit? This Dr is fake and lacks objectivity hence his rhetoric must be ignored. Does he want challenge HH for the UPND presidency or he just been paid to make noise. Deal with issues in your house and let others deal with their business.

  26. Awe kwena aba ba Dr. bapuba. He is a pf hiring. If you have nothing to write or talk about you will be respected by keeping quite. Mwaimweneshamofye.


  28. @PanAfricanist
    Please mind your language. I really don’t know where you were when you were posting but in this particular case, it’s an ELECTION and not an ERECTION and in case you have a ranguage ballier (instead of language barrier) in this lain seezone why not just go local, mate! Would rather lose an election is not the same thing as would rather LOSS an Erection!

  29. Atleast lungu is a republican president but the freemanson will remain in the terraces of opposition corridors dreaming that one day they would become a real president not Gong’a president.

  30. Ba Dr, say things that will unite the country; we are now tired and sick of this tribal talk. By the way, maybe we missed it, have you ever condemned the tribal rantings by senior PF officials, endorsed by Chagwa? It’s easy to tell this man is a PF hired gun. Ba doc aba bapumbu

  31. The problem with the UPND Species is that who ever is not with them is demonized and is not good enough person compared to their Cult Leader-HH.Remember how they used to call GBM.They called him names-Elephant,Grain Bag of Maize(GBM).Now GBM is a darling in UPND-sick pipo indeed.The UPND is full of bitter pipo under the spell of their UPND Cult Leader HH,the Free Masonist.No wisdom at all

  32. Comment
    how can a so called “biggest” oposition party have a grade 5 drop out as vice president for administration. shame on HH….shame on UPND shame on all the bantu stan party.
    that is why it is and it wil remain and kadoli party.

  33. UPND gets anything and everything.To them,the substance of the one joining them is not an issue.No standards.Remember,they condemned William Banda as violent man in MMD/UNIP,but now William is the Special Advisor to the Cult Leasder HH.What species of pipo is really UPND?

  34. Pf is very sure that by using tribal cadres like kambwili,mumbi phiri,frank bwalya,sunday chanda e’tail will portray a bad picture of Lungu burning tribal talk by his followers, now resorted to using other paid for cadres like this witch doctor,fake pastor to criticise upnd, ask yo pf for how long did Sata MC remained in pf driving seat without anyone challenging him? ten years in pf as opposition party, three years as president of zambia, all togehter 13 yrs as pf leader,who are u to direct upnd to go for unplanned for convention,look at how yo president Lungu was elected, by raising of hands,january 2015 elections cooked one, this time around we’re well organised with the 50%+1 clause start preparing to vacate state house u failures who cant take responsibility in the management of…

  35. HH is not a problem but it’s that man called Ackson Sejani who uttered those words that only a Tonga can lead the UPND and the rest is history all other tribes left UPND and that’s how it is labelled as such up to date. Those of us who were adults read what transpired because it was covered by both private & public media in Zambia at the time and we understood the power of the tongue from one Ackson Sejani…

  36. This is an experimental substitute on the PF’s tribe game. No doubt, we will see more tribal players from PF. But will all fail. There is no reason on earth and in heaven why our fellow Tongas should be descriminated. This charlatan can even dare say “go to convention and elect a non-Tonga” and not see tribalism in his statement. What a pfoolish minion!

    • Mr Ackson Sejani is the one to blame for the words he issued when the UPND was replacing their Leader which scared other people…

  37. You so called pastor, stop singing praises about PF not being a tribal party. Was it not PF that used an under ground method to swear in Edgar Lungu and not Guy Scott just because he is a white man. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones; you are being paid to call for a convention in the UPND just to destabilise it because you can see that they have become a powerful opposition to your party. Stick to the pulpit because no man can serve two masters and be faithful to them. Give UPND a chance to rule first and see how tribal they are. Tribalism talk is coming from the PF not from UPND;

  38. Even if a Namwanga like myself is elected president for UPND chaps like you will change the language to say we can’t vote for UPND because it’s founding president comes from Southern Province. So please try something else to critise the party on, iyi yena its like walking Into a supermarket hoping to find tinned offoals, kuti wayisanga? The issue of who should be president is a matter for UPND, changing the leader will not make you vote for my party because your party is pf, so the current president is fine. Worry about your pf that quite clearly has issues to resolve not just nationally but as a political party too.

  39. Who ever has to join them(UPND),has do so as an under dog.I remember during their marriage of convenience under the UDA umbrella,Nawakwi said HH is so egosentric that even when he knew that he was merely a political novice,he wanted to be Leader of the Alliance.And I don’t believe now Mama Nawakwi can waste time even going to HH to negotiate the obvious.Only Milupi can go their as a sub-human being to join these so-called educated characters with their Economic Manager.To them,the number 1 position is non negotiable.

  40. I dont understand why God gave us such *****s as fellow citizens. All they think is tribe. What wrong with a tonga president Dr…… You are broke sir! Just eat with them

  41. Well said Doc, there is need to change the president for UPND. HH is still under 5. We need someone else who can challenge the ruling party(PF). HH has no message for the Zambian people. His time has ready gone. He should just concentrate on farming.

    • @Bandanga: Its obvious PF are so scared of HH. HH, just like any other Zambian, has equal rights to be Republican President. Its not a crime to be Tonga. HH has two Vice Presidents, GBM and Dr C. Banda who are not Tonga. Its a fallacy to say UPND will only cease to be tribal if the party president is from Northern, Luapula or Eastern Province. If UPND members are happy with HH being their leader, who is Dr Kakuwa to decide on their behalf?

  42. Even if a Namwanga like myself is elected president for UPND chaps like you will change the language to say we can’t vote for UPND because it’s founding president comes from Southern Province. So please try something else to critise the party on, iyi yena its like walking Into a supermarket hoping to find tinned offoals, kuti wayisanga? The issue of who should be president is a matter for UPND, changing the leader will not make you vote for my party because your party is pf, so the current president is fine. Worry about your pf that quite clearly has issues to resolve not just nationally but as a political party too

  43. I have always told you here that 95% tongas belong to upnd VJ inclusive!!examples are VJ,then Eastern province water and sewarage MD a Mr Mweene who insulted Edgar Lungu recently!!these guys from the south have gunged up and now very desperate for the presidency!!WHILE THEY ALL BELONG TO UPND,THEY HOPE OTHER PROVINCES MUST VOTE FOR THEIR HH TOO BUT ONLY THOSE WHO CANNOT SEE THAT UPND IS FOR TONGAS WILL SUPPORT THEM AND NOT US WISE ZAMBIANS WHO BELIEVE IN REAL DEVELOPMENT THAN TRIBE!!vj can yap but now he is very far from the corridors of power,so he cannot take part in rigging!!PLUS IF INDEED RIGGING EXISTS,THEN PF MUST RIG 2016 ELECTIONS BECAUSE WE GREATLY NEED THEM TO CONTINUE DEVELOPING OUR BELOVED ZAMBIA BEYOND 2016!!

  44. This is another experimental substitute in PF’s tribe game. No doubt, we will see more of such players as the PF has made tribal division it’s pivot strategy in winning next elections. But make no mistake these PF minions will fail. This charlatan says, ‘go to convention to elect a non Tonga president’ and can’t see tribalism in his own statement. What kind of doctor is this who education has failed to shake out tribal feelings and bad reasoning from him? Hoodlumism has been culturised in PF such that these supposedly educated folks have abondoned the goods methods of campaigning education affords.

  45. Even that challenge itself is tribal. why should a non-Tonga lead UPND? Sata never had a convention until he was elected president and you never complained. I don’t know where PF is taking this country??!!

  46. Upnd is a fake party which pretend to love zambians whilst telling other corners “we shall chase all bembas from~bembas are monkeys”
    God Is Love ,anything That Has No Love Then Its SATANIC

  47. One piece of advice to UPND; for as long as you keep dismissing the facts that birthed HH’s political career as a none-issue, UPND will forever be linked to the unfortunate utterances made by the “FEW” (as you put it) at the time. It was at the time a ‘few’ people made the remarks that UPND should have stood up and distanced the Party and the rest of its members from such unadulterated tribalism and regionalism. But what we get instead was DEAFENING SILENCE and INDEFERENCE. Including from the Party President (HH) himself—utter silence and defensiveness. So it is only natural for people to conclude that UPND leadership agreed with what was said. Hence the TRIBAL TAG that has dogged the party ever since.

  48. Just last week, the Republican President gave a directive to banish all tribalism and hate speech. Here is one Dr kakuwa doing exactly the opposite! Lusambo and Cosmos Mumba took VJ to the Police for commenting on rigging and the Police has taken action. Here is another scenario where someone has gone against the Presidential directive and also the Zambian Consititution, can someone in UPND compalin to the Ploice. If the Ploice are above partisan politics, this is a clear crime for them to investigate and bring Dr Kakuwa to book.

  49. This is another experimental substitute in PF’s tribe game. No doubt, we will see more of such players as the PF has made tribal division it’s pivot strategy in winning next elections. But make no mistake these PF minions will fail. This charlatan says, ‘go to convention to elect a non Tonga president’ and can’t see tribalism in his own statement. What kind of doctor is this who education has failed to shake out tribal feelings and bad reasoning from him? Hoodlumism has been culturised in PF such that these supposedly educated folks have abondoned the goods methods of campaigning education affords. PF is a very useless party and sadly Edgar is so plastic about this issue

  50. Comment:why cant tongas see sence from the Dr. intelligent and timely advice ? See , all the oposing remarks are coming from tongas.

  51. SHIMAINE, Be reminded when Big Tribe speaks, it’s final. He doesn’t speak from without or out of hatred but what he gets from above. Your president’s time has passed, he was to take over from MC Sata,on a silver platter but missed it due to lack of spiritual eyes. Presidency is not about education or what you have acquired in life but based on God’s lineage, if you are in God’s lineage even if you are dull, poor, foreigner you will still find your way to the top job in land, but if you are not, no matter what you will do it will amount to nothing – waste of resources. There people who have missed their chances due to lack of discernment. That day you will believe what I say.

    • Eat stupidity because its God’s lineage – no-wonder Jehovah’s witness dont vote. Who told u that when we know African politics is about witchcraft and crime (corruption, killing, etc)? U cant see now because u are shadowed with yr support – the day u will step out of that shadow, you will know how we Zambians miss it at elections time.

  52. There is tribalism in Zambia and there always has been, NOTHING NEW HERE. Zambians just hate each other like water and fire. Curry on as usual, do not change anything, it is culture of hate, insults and simply mindedness.
    All the way across the country, Zambians hate each other..! KK failed to change this mind set. He had Kapwepwe a fellow Bemba for his Vice, remember that? No, you are too young to remember that.
    For fair and quiet peaceful August elections, HH and team should change stance – Let a none Bemba or Tonga stand for elections.
    HH should not stand for presidency, instead, he should remain the leader of the party. This will solve the problem in Zambian politics….! If you notice people hate you so MUCH why push your luck?

    HH a group of Zambians hate so much, stand down…

  53. If UPND keep deflecting this issue (the problem you created for yourselves) and do not realize the psychological impact the “only a Tonga…” utterance has had on citizens from other tribes, then you are indeed political amateurs and living in DENIEL. Let me tell you, by virtue of what was said (by design or not) turned UPND from a mare political “club” (Party) open to all, into some kind of an “exclusive club” hostile to NONE TONGAS. UPND (or few members) should have NEVER linked tribe (Tonga) to the Party, period! This the biggest mistake you guys in UPND have always avoid to acknowledge and accept. Instead you have a tendency of going off on diatribes blaming others for your “SINs” and political blunders.

    Yes, the Post newspaper has its agendas. But one thing they have been consisted…

  54. #MMD Chiefbootlicker, I expected you to be a reasonable person but you seem to have become useless by your tribal comment support of this Dr Kakuwa who is a tribalism himself. I could not think that a person claiming to lead a Christian organisation can sink so low with his tribal remarks. His idol Sata was unchallenged and without death PF would have continued with one tribal leader. I am not Tonga but I see no need for HH to be replaced because of tribalism voices from people like Kakuwa. Shame on this hiring preacher. Let him go for a convention in his organisation first

  55. The virulent attacks from the regionalists portrays who they really are.
    To them, if you have a non-Tonga Upnd president then ii would no longer be Upnd. . What matters to them is one’s tribe and nothing else.
    And they want to rule Zambia.
    Not in a thousand years.

  56. Dr. Kakuwa (Doctor wa tunyelele) musukwalaho. Ngati njala ya kunyokola, go and dance naked in front of Lungu to give you a job instead of disturbing the incoming ruling party. It is so shameful for a so called Doctor to utter this rubbish.

  57. The unbalanced responses from UPND is telling. What Doc. Did was allow UPNDers to show everyone who they really are. The suggestion itself was harmless in truth and requires every UPNDer to ask the question and perhaps to take on the call to go to Convention for clarifying Leadership and His a Deputy. As it is UPND has multiple Deputies and you really have to ask why. This article has lead to an expose on the really troublesome issue of UPND. In truth UPND is a stealth, Trojan Horse outside the cities of Zambia. We really cannot allow this party to continue being a threat to our peace in Zambia. The longer they are around, the longer they infect Zambia with hatred and allow HH to recruit more disciples duped and dazzled by his money and sect like Leadership. HH has truely lost…

    • it is you who is lost just wait and see. don’t take things for granted. wake up and except that, things can change in one way or the other.

  58. LT what have you done with my post? This dr is useless and the MMD chief bootlicker has become tribal and lost sense in his tribal support comment. #Mowsco OP, not everyone challenging this dr is UPND

  59. The vehemently hostile reactions to Dr. Kakuwa’s harmless suggestion by some bloggers is very alarming and worrying if this is representative of mainstream thinking among UPND members. Let me stop here while waiting for a barrage of insults from them.

  60. When we say Upnd is a violent party this is exactly what we mean. The best zambians can do is punish them in the ballot box so that their god can quit politics since he can’t step aside on his own. This is the only way we are going to have sanity in politics.

  61. I am looking foward to see Inonge as either president or Since we are told the seating president Lungu is the only soul candidate for presidency, in the same way/ vein, I EXPECT TO SEE INONGE WINA CHOSEN OR STAND FOR VICE PRESIDENT’S RUNMATE AFTER ALL, SHE ALSO HAS ONLY BEEN FOR A YEAR ONLY!! THIS WILL PROVE THAT PF IS NOT TRIBLE

  62. Another funded brain washed from a brain washed funder. UPND is not looking for a tribal to run this country. but someone with capabilities. the coming in of LUNGU should not be compared with the situation in UPND. unless the person who luck’s understanding. why this country is just being ruled by one side of the tribes. It is so shameful to have people like the so called Dr kakuwa who allow himself to be used as a conduit pipe just to confuse people’s mind. Anyway, he has some rights to express his lower sinking. HH is the answer for now. he can drive this country to a promised land. Zambians be careful with what you say. think before you talk, don’t just open your mouth an how.

  63. HH has brought more harm than good to upnd.Even if upnd is refusing not to be tribal,that is the truth about upnd.Its a tribal and very wicked political party.

  64. It feels nice to be back on Lusaka times. I found found very useless good for nothing upnd chaps. Who are perpetual losers and good at nothing but insulting.

  65. Zambians,
    Stop this rot about tribalism !!!! Its totally against the founding principle on which Zambia was build – “One Zambia – One Nation” , and you dishonaring Zambia `s Fathers – KK, Simon Kapwepwe, Maiza Chona, etc. That s not what they stood for.

    On one hand ECL just asked his PF to stop being tribal, I would have expected PF would be loyal to the President, unfortunately, this call from Dr Kakuwa is nothing else other than a smart call that has the same effect as earlier calls by Kambwili and team. Dr Kakuwa just mind your business within PF and leave UPND alone to sort out their internal matters.

    On the other hand, this is just over reaction from UPND supporters. You can do better !! Otherwise, your overreaction can be interpreted differently.

    If this animal called…

  66. Cont`d

    If this animal called “tribalism” can be avoided from these forums, we will need two separate forums each for UPND and PF, that way, there could be opportunities and chances for self reflections and focusing more on important matters within the parties, how about that?

  67. The first person to plant a vineyard should be the first to eat from it, so is HH with his tribal remarks. They chased S Sikota one of the founder members of UPND using tribal remarks “Only a Tonga can succeed a Tonga & UPND is for the Tonga” and this has been fulfilled and seen through their voting pattern. Let Tongas and HH pay for their primitive pronouncements. Muchinga, Northern, Luapula, Eastern are waiting for their return match 2016. First leg was in Jan 2015.

  68. I am wondering which field of study this doctor is coming from. His level of analysis is too shallow to be called a Doctor. Nangu ni nsala kwena, you Don’t come out as if you live on planet mars.

    Never again should you post such material without making others read it and give you an honest opinion.

  69. Let us “pause” and be honest to ourselves.

    UPND has not been privileged to select it’s executive team from the convention. We talk about democracy yet we don’t practice it within our backyard.

    Just how will reasoning voters take us serious. We were for 50 + 1 and we seem to be against it. We failed to reflect the people’s will and discarded the national prayer day. Only for our president to make a U-Turn.

    We have become a party that is maligned on insults to the point of making PF cadres look like Angels.

    Let us preach how different UPND is and often reason with constructive critisms. There is a level of truth in this article. But may it has come on the wrong time.

    • In case you have forgotten PF conventions use street vendors (violennce and intimidation) approaches to put their leaders in place by raising hands. So if that is what you consider democratic then i am very sorry.

      Please tell us something serious that will help us revive the economy rather than this.

  70. i have been reading postings on watchdog zambia reports zambian eye and i have been amazed how tribe is sending some of you nuts how many of u have eaten tribe for breakfast lunch and supper and how many of you are rich because someone from where you come from has been president when you point one finger at another person that he or she is a tribalist four of the fingers are pointing at you if you will vote for someone because of his tribe and not how suitable for the job he or she is your conscious will never forgive you even christians how sickening.

  71. UPND has 2 vice Presidents. One from Northern Province and the other from Eastern Province. UPND is a symbol of One Zambia One Nation. That is what we need in this country to remain United. President HH is a smart Zambian who will turn this country into a prosperous, rich country. But vote Lungu if you are happy with ZESCO, without lights. Go ahead.

  72. No wonder Zambia will not prosper.Having Doctors whose brains are a missed call to their heads.What a cursed and embarrassing Kantemba country this is.

  73. Mr Kakuwa You should have just commented without puting the tittle “Dr” before your name or may be Doctor is actually your name and not a title. If really you have a PHD then I please never disclose your your field and your intitution you went to because you will help degrade your professional. It is as bad as telling voters to vote for non bemba nor non easterner because these have already had presidents from these areas. This is purely tribalism. N0sense.

  74. Lungu hijacked the Presidency as evidence suggests. Otherwise it could have been the northern block dominance. This doctor by default is useless. His statement is tribal and it is shameful that some people are supporting him. Sad indeed!


  76. @Big Tribe: Eat stupidity because its God’s lineage – no-wonder Jehovah’s witness dont vote. Who told u that when we know African politics is about witchcraft and crime (corruption, killing, etc)? U cant see now because u are shadowed with yr support – the day u will step out of that shadow, you will know how we Zambians miss it at elections time.

  77. Dr Katole or whatever they call you, why can’t you ask PF for a democratic convention as opposed to the one Lungu won of raising pangas in the air. Lungu is not a democratic leader under the party PF, so maybe you can start with PF and then maybe we can talk. Meanwhile to poke nose in the business that does not concern you.

  78. Dr Kakuwa Please such thinking is not expected of you. Whether HH was to be a Bemba or Nyanja his CV and leadership qualities would still be outstanding be be voted as president. I mean the man is disciplined focused and very visionary compared to ECL and these other recycled politicians.

    So whether UPND goes for a convention or not HH wouldd still emerges the best not on tribe basis but on merit.

    Further i am surprised that you sound tribal even when you are coming from a christian organisation. If you have been paid to be a mouthpiece to preach tribal hate like Fr. FB i would advise you to find a safe and honorable enterprise than to be used in the process of dividing Zambians.

    • It was the door that HH used to claim the mantle in UPND that people have used to shut him out of the helm of power nationally. History has a nagging tendency to linger.

  79. No wonder this country will not develop,how can someone claim that Lungu was elected through convention. The one who was elected was Miles Sampa
    Ba kokota Kakuwa muli bawelewele.

  80. Yess they did it with raising of hands,why cant the upnd do the same to see in whose suport most hands will be raised?

  81. Thank you Dr gbocotemple@ yahoo .com for the love spell that you did for me i have just get back with my parter last week, we have been happy together and i thank Dr Gboco for the good work and i will also advice anyone in need of help to contact him.

  82. If only our president was not inept, this tribal talk left by another inept Sata could have been history. what Zambia needs now is a president who is able to unite us, as one Zambia indivisible.

  83. If we allowed HH to be president we won’t have presidential elections in 2021. The man ascended to the UPND presidency in 2006, since then the UPND has never gone to a convention.

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