Saturday, July 27, 2024

I’ll Not Sign the Change of Grade 12 Clause even if Parliament changes it-President Lungu


President EgarLungu meets Ila Chiefs at Namwala Corner Point Lodge from Right is Senior Chief Nalubamba, Chief Mungaila, Chief Muchila and Chief Mukobela During the Official talks on Staurday 13-2-2016. Picture  by Eddie Mwanaleza/Statehouse.
President EgarLungu meets Ila Chiefs at Namwala Corner Point Lodge from Right is Senior Chief Nalubamba, Chief Mungaila, Chief Muchila and Chief Mukobela During the Official talks on Staurday 13-2-2016. Picture by Eddie Mwanaleza/Statehouse.

President Lungu has said that the Grade 12 certificate requirement for aspiring councilors and MPs in the new constitution has been the demand of the Zambian people.

The President said that he will therefore not entertain any amendments to the grade 12 requirement clause.

President Lungu said that even if Parliament makes amendments he will not sign the amendments.

The President was speaking in Namwala when he addressed a rally.

And the President said that he wants 40 percent females to be adopted as PF aspiring councilors and MPs ahead of the August 11th General elections.

Speaking at the same rally PF Deputy Secretary General Mumbi Phiri said she wants the people of Namwala to give the PF chance to develop the area.

Meanwhile President Lungu has revealed that he appointed several MP’s from the opposition political parties like Bweengwa MP Highvie Hamududu as Finance Deputy Minister and Katuba UPND MP Jonas Shakafuswa to work with him but they declined the offers.

President Lungu said that he has meanwhile appointed other UPND MPs such as Richwell Siamunene and Greyford Moonde who are working with the PF, because he wants an all inclusive government.

The President said that it was sad that people are spreading false reports that he does not like the people of Southern province.

And the President Lungu has directed the Ministry of General Education to quickly access rehabilitation requirements at Bweengwa Primary School and work on them.

President Lungu said this is because some leaders of the opposition who are now very rich at one time attended education at the school but have done nothing to rehabilitate it.

And Defence Minister Richwell Siamunene said that the PF has demonstrated that it is a party for everyone by appointing him Defense Minister.

President Edgar Lungu said that a call for peace and coexistence should be on the lips of every Zambian especially politicians.

The President says as the country heads towards election there is need for everyone to preach peace.

President Lungu said that there is need to upheld the one Zambia , one nation slogan as elections will come and go but Zambia will still remain unshaken.

The President was speaking when he met chief Hamusonde and Sinazongwe in Bweengwa this afternoon.

And chief Hamasonde welcomed the President saying every Zambian should feel free to visit any part of Zambia because ZAMBIANS are all one under the one Zambia one nation slogan.

The President later held a closed door meeting with the Chiefs.

President EgarLungu meets Ila Chiefs at Namwala Corner Point Lodge from Right is Senior Chief Nalubamba, Chief Mungaila, Chief Muchila and Chief Mukobela During the Official talkson Staurday 13-2-2016. Picture  by Eddie Mwanaleza/statehouse.
President EgarLungu meets Ila Chiefs at Namwala Corner Point Lodge from Right is Senior Chief Nalubamba, Chief Mungaila, Chief Muchila and Chief Mukobela During the Official talkson Staurday 13-2-2016. Picture by Eddie Mwanaleza/statehouse.
President Edgar Lungu Talks to a young Patient at Namwala Disrict Hospital on Staturday - Picture By Eddie Mwanaleza/statehouse. 13-2-2016.
President Edgar Lungu Talks to a young Patient at Namwala Disrict Hospital on Staturday – Picture By Eddie Mwanaleza/statehouse. 13-2-2016.
President Edgar Lungu Talks to a young Patient at Namwala Disrict Hospital on Staturday - Picture By Eddie Mwanaleza/statehouse. 13-2-2016.
President EgarLungu meets Ila Chiefs at Namwala Corner Point Lodge from Right is Senior Chief Nalubamba, Chief Mungaila, Chief Muchila and Chief Mukobela During the Official talkson Staurday 13-2-2016. Picture by Eddie Mwanaleza/statehouse.


  1. Just don’t get Nevers Mumba as your running mate, otherwise you will regret. Even if you win the elections you should reflect on why Mwanawasa fired Mumba, he will try to undermine you in the hope of gaining his own popularity. Even in MMD you can see he has differed with everybody including Muhabi Lungu and now Nakacinda, basically he is there by force otherwise no elected MP supports him. He is using MMD to get the most from PF and later the most from PF. Following the history of this man, you would conclude there is something very wrong morally.

    • Awe shuwa!!! sometimes people should notice change even if it came too late! imwe bantu Lungu achinja since he return from Vatican,, he is born again!!1,,, meeting people so, normal conversations!!!! awe shuwa, the Lungu I know Saturday today would have been dancing!!!

    • Your excellency, as an executive republican President you have the constitutional mandate to veto a bill you believe is not in national interest.

      On choosing a running mate, we believe you understand that a running mate ought tI be a typical chola person and not a rival with insatiable appetite for executive power only to start shadowing your constitutional office. Get a trustworthy and credible citizen that can win the respect of the citizen. Don’t era ti fall for a problem child that has zero following and respect.

    • Indeed it should be left alone. If a security guard is required to have the certificate as the minimum qualification what about the highest office in the land? This move to change the clause is driven by selfish arrogant people who are not interested in serving their own country. The mere fact that we are having this debate is evidence enough to indicate the the Grade 12 certificate is required and must remain.

    • Katondo Boys: The boat is leaking Captain

      ED: Chama why did you fire your gun?

      Chama: You told me to shoot from the hip!

      Kambwili: You also said to clear the air with the press so I tossed teargas canisters and removed access to any air for journalists.

      ED: Getaway chopper!

      Kambwili: I will use my grade 12 certificates to cover holes. I have many.

      ED: There is only room for me, Katondo and my 1000 cartons of Jameson Spiritual Guidance Potion.

      Kambwili: Will you come back for us?

      Katondo Boys: Sorry boyi it was nice knowing you.

      ED: Chama, ride Kambwili’s body like a canoe to get to shore. Remember if you don’t survive. It’s not my fault.

    • How president does your mouth say anything about economy and the useless Kwacha ? Your poverty family (PF) talks about the some stuff every day ? Is it party in government or opposition? Kabria dam is full know , why is load shedding still happening? Only dull Zambians can believe this dull government.

    • Nevers has no shame. On this one ECL I support you. You need people that have valuable skills to disseminate to the country to reduce poverty. Not to get them out of poverty. On this one am worried about HH he is being surrounded by the same scavengers that are supposed to be in jail for looting.

      Am not PF but if you are survive loose popularity but leaving all thieves and maybe you can be forgiven about the clients money. And for you HH just stop taking in these bad people.

      Please debate on Mother Zambia and stand for Zambia. I think who ever shows real patriotism win this election.

      God Bless

    • Just looking at EL any person he picks as a running mate will overshadow him because they guy has no appeal what so ever, his looks, his voice, his brains etc, honestly speaking EL does not inspire any confidence in any one with a right mind. Why did we end up with this guy.

    • @A Phiri Ana bwera,,,,i will take you back to the maritime school,,,

      In this stage no coordinates are given. The ship first checks if he is stationary himself and than if the ships are in the right distance from the station (between 1000 and 12500 meters).
      If another ship is in launching status or another temporary condition preventing docking is in effect it returns: TRY_AGAIN_LATER
      If the ship is too large for the docking port, or another permanent condition preventing docking is in effect it returns: DOCKING_REFUSED
      If the station or carrier is moving to fast or is turning to fast with a non-rotating station it returns: HOLD_POSITION
      If the ship is already to close to give accurate coordinates (<1000 meter) it returns: BACK_OFF
      If the ship is still to far away to give accurate…

    • If another ship is in launching status or another temporary condition preventing docking is in effect it returns: TRY_AGAIN_LATER,,,(Nevers Mumba)
      If the ship is too large for the docking port, or another permanent condition preventing docking is in effect it returns: DOCKING_REFUSED,,,,,,(Hakainde Hichilema)

      2016 vote(PF) Edgar

      i thank you

    • It is Lungu himself who sneered at bakachema wanting to rule Zambia soon after he became President. There’s nobody else but Lungu to blame for presenting himself as being anti-Tonga and anti-farmers. Lungu cannot blame the rest of the world for things he said and did. What a hypocrite.

    • The ***** Kambwili sent himself. I know him very well . Somebody challenged him on this and he wanted to get physical.

  2. I do not support EL, but on the G12 clause, I agreed with him entirely.

    Kambwili told us that what he speaks has the blessings of HE and His government. Why then has Kambwili continued to abuse his post by continuously spreading falsehoods that the G12 clause will be sent back to Parliament for amendments?

  3. If security guards maids cleaners office orderlys shop packers are G 12 what more a elective office like mayor . . thats we see some mps sleeping in parliament coz they never seen a test tube Or rather heard some thing adttional mathematics.

  4. Remain resolute, principled, focused. Looks as though some leaders want to go the wrong direction by their anti constitution, manoeuvres!

  5. What does the constitution say on the qualifications of a running mate? Does a running mate also have to have a G12? Since ideally a running mate will not stand as an MP. So do they need that qualification

    • A running mate must qualify to be a President because under the amended Constitution the running mate will always finish off the term of the President if he dies, resigns or is incapacitated.

  6. Balungu Grade 12 Certificate will just disadvantage you. Remeber the better the candidate the more votes you will have. wait you will know those chiefs well after elections.


  7. Bravo to HH’s heartland, Bweengwa/Namwala, for according our Republican President EC Lungu a massive typical Tonga~Ila welcome!!!!

    Now.over to you Bembaland, PF heartland, do likewise to the opposition leaders. No stoning of helicopters this time!!!

  8. Well spoken HE. Let those who still want to play ping pong with the constitution wait for a slippery president in 2021

  9. Well spoken HE. Let those who still want to play ping pong with the constitution wait for a slippery president in 2021

    • And just to add: watch out for court injunctions and what not. If the electoral commission throws out a certificate and disqualify someone and the affected person challenges the decision in a court of law, will they delay the elections? Or will the person be allowed to participate in the election until the case is determined? Or will the courts resolve the issue as a matter of urgency? What about the appeal process and the cost of this?

      This are the things they need to think about that this clause will bring about as a consequence.

  10. Bravo to HH’s heartland, Bweengwa/Namwala, for according our Republican President EC Lungu a massive typical Tonga~Ila welcome!!!!

    Now.over to you Bembaland, PF heartland, do likewise to the opposition leaders. No stoning of helicopters this time!!!

    Now pyeeeee….let the game begin!!! ,Nayo nayo…

  11. Will Bembaland and Nyasaland reciprocate and welcome HH with such joy…..kaya?!

    Meanwhile ba Edgar, when is kick off? We tired of seeing one sided chipantepante, we want imingalato and fumbi proper

  12. On this one, I too completely agree with you! You see it doesn’t take much to please me. Just make the right decisions like firing Kambwili and frank bwalya.

    • ECL nabateya ba UPND…..for GBM as running mate of HH is the passport to Bemba voting block.

      So ECL will do everything but one thing…he won’t ever and will never assent to the removal of G12 requirement…..kkkk!!!

      Ba GBM tulange G12 if you have got (not equivalent but from Exam Council of Zed)!

    • What is so special about GBM’s G12 Certificate that people should be so obsessed with it. The law is clear and it is not made for one person, if he has it he qualifies for any political office, if he does not he does not qualify like so many other councillors, MPs and presidential aspirants and dare I say most of the current sitting ones especially those in PF- the obvious one is OBVIOUS who led a group of his fellow not so well schooled colleagues to petition followed by KAM BULLY who carried-out a one man commando mission to explain and get views on the amended constitution and declare that ZAMBIANS want the G12 clause revised and he would table it before parliament. What is shocking is that Kam Bully said this after touring Northern, Muchinga and Luapula Provices only are these the…

    • @Prof Lule: don’t be surprised. Most Bembas think that the people who really matter in Zambia are those in the provinces that you mention. That’s why they address the national media and write office memos in Bemba.

  13. Its good to be firm Mr President. People should not belittle your office and Parliament. What is signed is already done. Only the reduction on fees for standing as a candidate in this year’s election should be reversed.

    • I believe that the fees are not determined by Parliament. Those are probably set by ECZ and then gazetted via SI.

  14. Actually that is a good pronouncement but the change that is needed is to have upgrade from grade twelve to bachelor degree so we eliminate more chaps. Let there be educated cadres for once!

  15. Am also tired of the one sided chipantepante, am just wondering what the opposition is waiting for to start campaigning, back then we used to wait for the president to announce the date, then campaigns would start, now the date is already set, just stretch the police by holding rallies at various points at the same time.

    Pic 3 is very interesting the little boy in the hospital seems to be more concerned for him, am sure he has a alot going on in his head.

  16. So the President (Lazy Lungu) and his Chief Government Spokesman ( BUFFOON KAMBWILI) are not on the same hymn book page..this is worrying indeed!!

  17. Finito for people like GBM who has no G12 certificate!!you have my vote ECL!!keep on working hard sir!!most Zambians are behind you sir!!

  18. BRAVO ECL!!Finito for people like GBM who has no G12 certificate!!you have my vote ECL!!keep on working hard sir!!most Zambians are behind you sir!!GO PF GO!!

  19. …while I support his stance on the issue, I don’t agree with the reasons advanced…in both cases its the Zambian people who are involved…Zambians asked for it and Zambians are opposing it….the same way degree requirement for the president was proposed by Zambians and was shot down by Zambians too….why sound as if non Zambians are the ones opposing the G12 certificate requirement..??

  20. Well good call, but to enforce the clause, they need to empower law enforcement agencies to expose rampant fraud of fake certificates and transcripts. There will be bribery and corruption going rounds, both in the local school qualification and more so in the ‘equivalent’. The education department will have to work harder to define what is ‘equivalent’.

    Also the govt needs to create an enabling environment where everyone is given an opportunity to complete Grade 12 so they are not excluded from serving their country.

  21. And just to add: watch out for court injunctions and what not. If the electoral commission throws out a certificate and disqualify someone and the affected person challenges the decision in a court of law, will they delay the elections? Or will the person be allowed to participate in the election until the case is determined? Or will the courts resolve the issue as a matter of urgency? What about the appeal process and the cost of this?

    This are the things they need to think about that this clause will bring about as a consequence.

    • Maverick,

      You are displaying a lot of ignorance on this matter. At UNZA, it takes only a few minutes to verify the authenticity of Grade 12 results because all the Grade 12 examination results are computerized and the university always has soft copies of these results from ECZ. Even examinations obtained from overseas examining boards are computerized. To authenticate these results therefore, all that is required is that the prospective candidate produces an examination identification number which can then be verified electronically locally or overseas.

    • Maikalange, you just because they are ‘computerised’ then they can’t be forged. And what do you mean by ‘computerised’ anyway? You probably mean they are put in a database, right? Why do you think passports (which I would assume have better security features) can be forged? What stops anyone from paying someone to doctor records in a database? Or indeed hacking into it… give me 5 minutes and I can access into any Internet connected computer database in Zambia? What about identity theft? With Zambian names that are so common, what stops anyone from masquerading as a Bwalya Mwamba who died in 1960? And when did computers come to Zambia again? Again it’s easy to verify authentic records but very difficult to detect fraudulent ones. Zambia has poor ID records keeping

  22. Can you hear me now,,,,Zambia is ours and Lungu is the right person to take care of the smart people of a great country Zambia

    Captain EL “Requestdockingcoordinates”

    Pope Francis “Recalldockinginstructions” and guide the ship


    i thank you…….

    ps: A Phiri Ana bwera,,,please come back home my dear brother…just dont come back with an empty suiticase

  23. Anyone forging a certificate whether local or international will be caught within seconds- all you need is to key in the exam number and details of its true owner emerge or its rejected there and then! No way around it- @ Katondo Boys, love your creativity withe the maritime ship antics!

  24. A leader’s life is defined by rejecting ideas that do not add value to the country’s future. Lungu has passed this test for now. It is time to move on because those without G12 have all the time in the rest of their lives to get it. This means Lungu has inspired them to reach for new heights by taking on a new challenge to join the progression into the future.

  25. I would like to see the actual clause but I think the law says minimum G12 or equivalent. If I do not have a G12 certificate, but have a diploma or a masters, an MBA for instance, then I qualify. Otherwise how do you just emphasize on G12 certificate? Unless government just have one person in mind. We all know our constitution never stands the test of time simply because it’s meant to serve the interests of the particular clique in power at that time. Some clauses we want back in the constitution were there before the political engineer King Fred removed them. Let’s be more serious when dealing with the constitution.


  27. Maverick,

    You are displaying a lot of ignorance on this matter. At UNZA, it takes only a few minutes to verify the authenticity of Grade 12 results because all the Grade 12 examination results are computerized and the university always has soft copies of these results from ECZ. Even examinations obtained from overseas examining boards are computerized. To authenticate these results therefore, all that is required is that the prospective candidate produces an examination identification number which can then be verified electronically locally or overseas.

    • Maikalange, just because you think they are ‘computerised’ then you think they can’t be forged? And what do you mean by ‘computerised’ anyway? You probably mean they are put in a database, right? Why do you think passports (which I would assume have better security features) can be forged? What stops anyone from paying someone to doctor records in a database? Or indeed hacking into it… give me 5 minutes and I can access into any Internet connected computer database in Zambia? What about identity theft? With Zambian names that are so common, what stops anyone from masquerading as a Bwalya Mwamba who died in 1960? And when did computers come to Zambia again? Again it’s easy to verify authentic records but very difficult to detect fraudulent ones. Zambia has poor ID records keeping…

  28. I rarely agree with what Lungu and the PF do but on this I am 100 percent with the president. So what is Kambwili doing gathering opinions on a closed issue. They claimed they passed a people driven constitution so why do they want changes so soon. Cadres please advise because you usually argue without thinking and call others UPND cadres for opposing this clueless government.

  29. Thank u ba Lungu.U’ve now my vote.I was so worried that u wanted to change the G12 clause.I couldn’t belive.let Raibow party find it’s candidates.I’m sure kabimba has no supporters with G12 qualifications.Zambia should be governed by pipo who understand issues.Great move ba kateka.I’ll start campaigning for u right now.Viva PF

  30. Mr President sir. From the day you assented to the Constitution Amendment Act you won me over & I’m convinced that you’re the most progressive politician Zambia has ever had. You’ve succeeded were all other Presidents & politicians have failed. Now you’re the only one defending the Constitution. All other politicians have no clue that this is the document that ‘constitutes’ Zambia & the only way Zambia can be governed. They are so self centred. Much respect to you sir & may God richly Bless & Favour you for your humility & statesmanship!

  31. Viva President lungu you a man o the people.Not Ba HH bena fyonse ma negatives.I urge HH to stamd as MP so that he ca understand how laws are passed in parliament.Other he is confusing innocent zambians.

  32. ECL Language Is Clear Over Grade 12 Clause He Never Accept 2 Change It.Since Independence We Hav Had Councilars Who Hav Sever The Pipo And Now Time 4 Certificate Holders 2 Lead The Councils In The Country.ECL Lik Zambia And Want Different Country Bcoz Constitution Cause Alot Problms And Its Good He Signed It And He Is A Flexible Leader Who Hav No Fear Do What Is Right.

  33. ECL Language Is Clear Over Grade 12 Clause He Never Accept 2 Change It.Since Independence We Hav Had Councilars Who Hav Represent The Pipo And Now Time 4 Certificate Holders 2 Lead The Councils In The Country.ECL Lik Zambia And Want Different Country Bcoz Constitution Cause Alot Problms And Its Good He Signed It And He Is A Flexible Leader Who Hav No Fear Do What Is Right.

  34. I totally support you sir on this one it’s high time we have people holding government positions with a different perception of things.

  35. But who is fooling who? Kambwili in chief government spokesperson as and such when he speaks he does so from a position of government position. Therefore it can be concluded that the proposal to change the .grade 7 requirement had the president’s clearance and was discussed in the corridors of power . Why then play populist politics? If thus is not the case stop Kambwili from this campaign

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