Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Edgar Lungu calls on the Church to Pray for Politicians


President Lungu with Enock Kavindele on arrival
President Lungu shaking hands with Enock Kavindele on arrival

President Edgar Lungu has called on the church to continue praying for peace in the country.
The President has urged the church to take a central role by praying for politicians and giving them advice.

He says politicians are God’s children and need prayers from the church.

The President was speaking when he addressed congregants at Kyawama new apostolic church in Solwezi on Sunday.

President Lungu added that the Church has a duty to ensure peace prevails in the country.

He reiterated that he has an open door policy to the church and will meet church leaders at short notice to discuss national issues.

President Lungu said he remains a partner for peace with the church.

He said he wants to preside over a peaceful nation and that peace should reside in hearts of Zambians.

President Edgar Lungu is in Solwezi, North Western province to check on developmental projects taking place in the area.

And in welcoming the President, District Elder Patrick Chishinda thanked and encouraged the Head of State for recognising God in his life and for ensuring that his programmes always included church.

Elder Phiri pointed out that the Church has a responsibility to pray for peace to prevail for peace ahead of the August 11th General Elections.

President Lungu will later this morning meet traditional rulers, the Northwestern Council of Elders, party officials and in the afternoon, commission a solar-powered milling plant at Kambazhi.

In the evening, the President will officiate at the United Church of Zambia fundraising dinner.

And Tomorrow, February 22, the President will be in Mwinilunga to commission construction works for the Mwinilunga-Jimbe Road, a project to connect Northwestern Province to the Zesco National Power Grid, and inspect a livestock breeding centre.

Earlier the President told hundreds of people who welcomed him at Solwezi airport at about 08:30 hours this morning that they should not be surprised to see him in the province.

President is accompanied by PF Deputy Secretary General Mumbi Phiri, party Deputy Spokesperson Frank Bwalya, Mufumbwe Member of Parliament Steven Masumba and Local Government Deputy Minister Dawson Kafwaya and other PF Members that include former UPND Vice resident Richard Kapita.


President Lungu reading the Posty Newspaper on the Plane enroute to Solwezi
President Lungu reading the Posty Newspaper on the Plane enroute to Solwezi


President Lungu on arrival at Solwezi Airport on Sunday, February 21,2016 -Picture by EDDIE MWANALEZA
President Lungu on arrival at Solwezi Airport on Sunday, February 21,2016 -Picture by EDDIE MWANALEZA


President Lungu on arrival at Solwezi Airport on Sunday, February 21,2016 -Picture by EDDIE MWANALEZA
President Lungu on arrival at Solwezi Airport on Sunday, February 21,2016 -Picture by EDDIE MWANALEZA


President Lungu on arrival at Solwezi Airport on Sunday, February 21,2016 -Picture by EDDIE MWANALEZA
President Lungu on arrival at Solwezi Airport on Sunday, February 21,2016 -Picture by EDDIE MWANALEZA


President Lungu on arrival at Solwezi Airport on Sunday, February 21,2016 -Picture by EDDIE MWANALEZA
President Lungu on arrival at Solwezi Airport on Sunday, February 21,2016 -Picture by EDDIE MWANALEZA


President Lungu on arrival at Solwezi Airport on Sunday, February 21,2016 -Picture by EDDIE MWANALEZA
President Lungu on arrival at Solwezi Airport on Sunday, February 21,2016 -Picture by EDDIE MWANALEZA



President Lungu being welcomed at Church
President Lungu being welcomed at Church


President Lungu attending a Church Service
President Lungu attending a Church Service


President Lungu being welcomed at Church
President Lungu being welcomed at Church


President Edgar Chagwa Lungu addresses congregants at New Apostolic Kyawama A Congregation in Solwezi during a service on Sunday, February 21, 2015. PICTURE BY SALIM HENRY/STATE HOUSE ©2016
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu addresses congregants at New Apostolic Kyawama A Congregation in Solwezi during a service on Sunday, February 21, 2015. PICTURE BY SALIM HENRY/STATE HOUSE ©2016


 New Apostolic Church Choir in Kyawama, Solwezi
New Apostolic Church Choir in Kyawama, Solwezi


 New Apostolic Church in Kyawama, Solwezi
New Apostolic Church in Kyawama, Solwezi


President Lungu waves at the crowd after attended the service at New Apostolic Church, Kyawama A Congregation in Solwezi on Sunday, February 21,2016 -Picture by EDDIE MWANALEZA
President Lungu waves at the crowd after attended the service at New Apostolic Church, Kyawama A Congregation in Solwezi on Sunday, February 21,2016 -Picture by EDDIE MWANALEZA


    • I fail to tell if lungu is sober or not,,, his face looks dizzy all the time,,,,
      and yes lungu needs prayers indeed,, people!!!

    • He should also ask the Church to hold all Politicians accountable whether ruling or opposition without fear of favour because faith without works is dead.

    • @Ndobo, was Edgar really sober, why was laughing after reading “Athlete raped” in The Nation Newspaper? How can he read about such on a Sunday, he needs prayers for real.

    • How he is asking us to pray for people like him with DEVILISH intentions – pretends to be a religious person, immediately he walks out he is plan to get rid of UPND – setting thugs & killers on them, kicking Univ students from Uni etc etc – he is PURE LUCIFER!!!

    • Every man wants to go to heaven but none of them want to die…but there’s gonna be no Peace till man gets Equal Rights and Justice – Peter Tosh.

      clergymen, tell Lungu to champion Equal Rights and Justice then peace will naturally follow even without talking about it.

  1. “Nah, don’t waste your time praying. To pray is to do nothing. God doesn‘t do anything; only humans make a difference.”

  2. During the last bye elections you said if you vote for Opposition then you will put North Western out coverage and what has brought you here again?
    You commissioned the township roads in Kasempa,Zambezi,Chavuma and Solwezi last year in June but to date nothing is happening and you think you can fool us with commissioning of Jimbe road during rain session and those solar milling plants which are not doing anything.
    They say never insult a crocodile before crossing the river.You thought there will be no election since you have put us out of coverage even us we shall put in out of coverage on August 11 2016.
    You are just after our Gold from Kasanshi and money from mines.
    Are you noa ashamed of the township roads you commissioned in solwezi and todate nothing is happening.PF kuyabebele

  3. “It’s time to stop having All Night prayer meetings for the change of economy,”
    All what comes out of it is unwanted bastard children.

    “Every Nation that has moved from third world to developed world had a clear plan.” “They didn’t hope that things will happen. They didn’t have All Night prayer meetings for the change of economy. They planned for change of economy”

    “It’s time to plan, to work hard and to be focused.”

  4. How many women pray in tears and agony of mind and body every day that their children will not die of starvation and preventable diseases, and yet those children die – by the millions?

  5. People should Pray for politicians so that you can continue to live in luxury. How sad indeed. When are you going to start praying for your self so that you can have the heart to help the suffering population.

    One love.

  6. For thousands of years, priests, popes, nuns, pastors of all religions, and millions of common everyday folk have prayed for peace in this world. Based on what we see in this world now and for thousands of years ago do you think any God answered these prayers? I rest my case.

  7. Why so many christians pray for the world and so many wars continue every day ? how can we pretend that God is caring when so many prayers are unanswered and people continue and believe that God test them for a “good purpose? what is the issue : nothing, just nothing !! how can we trust a God who is not faithful in his so called “word of God (the bible) ? I think prayer is like another drug. Some people smoke or drink to face anxiety and some people pray when it comes difficult to face the reality in their life.

    • Please do not insult on name of our God. read the bible and you will get the answers. Read the book of Mathew 24 the whole chapter and Deuteronomy the whole chapter then you will understand why wars have continued. Lastly ready the book of Daniel.

  8. Overzealous Journalist (PF) Lungu reading Posty news paper , I thought it was Daily Nation Lol.
    Praying for inflation rate to drop from 21.6% to ……….

  9. Ba LT! would you kindly napapata reduce, cut on the cult worship! Pictures of Lungu everywhere on every page. It’s almost like we are back in Kaunda era.

  10. The effects of poverty can be felt at every level of society — from the individual living in poverty to the political leader attempting to provide solutions. Whether it is health conditions or increased crime rates, poverty reaches just about every aspect of life. lets join forces and develope Zambia

  11. I m dismaye by some writers who say negative things on GOD.please its better u dont write otherwise u are cursing yo selves like it or not i have seen pipo die doing so talk on politics not on GOD AND JESUS.
    Please withdraw these anti christ sentiments or u face christ.

    • Who is Jesus to you and how does he relate to you as an African? Do you know how old our African culture is? Do you know how old Christianity is? do the maths.
      Wake up and research about self!!

  12. The route President Edgar Lungu has taken of “PUTTING GOD FIRST IN ALL HE DOES”,shall win him a lot of votes on 11/08/2016!!The Bible says “Fear of Lord is the bigining of wisdom”.TODAY A PREACHER AT CHURCH TOLD US ALL IN CHURCH THAT ECL IS A SHINING EXAMPLE OF HOW HUMBLE A LEADER SHOULD BE.God has given ECL much wisdom and if he continues like this,then God shall never let him down.GOD SHALL MAKE ECL SUCCEED IN ALL HE DOES!!BRAVO TO THE MEN OF GOD AROUND ECL FOR PROPER ADVICES CONCERNING GOSPEL!!!GOD BLESS ZAMBIA!!

    • Negative Eddy, not true. When someone tries to hide behind christianity for self gain it does not work. God knows what is in our hearts. is not love one another one of the phrases Jesus used? Look at the country right now, I have witnessed Independence, I have witnessed democracy come into this country and I have witnessed Mwanawasa s rule, Banda s rule but never have I witnessed disorder and chaos and anger and intimidation like what Zambia is going through right now. So to cut a long story short, it will not gain the president votes in August by campaigning in churches but rather by good governance and taming of his cadres.

    • Yes GULLIBLE Zambians who BELIEVE MUZUNGU ANIKONDE, sadly also HAPPEN TO BELIEVE that Chagwa with his whiskey, Concubines,Thugs & Killers has indeed been touched by God, therefore they shouldn’t OFFEND GOD by NOT VOTING FOR LUCIFER HIMSELF!!!

  13. Comment: H H says he is sda. Sda and Jehovah’s witnesses don’t differ much that’s why Mwanawasa parted company with them and got baptized from another church because they don’t participate in politics. HH should come out clean because no one in SDA can accept him. Be a man and act like Mwanawasa otherwise people will doubt your Christianity.

    • No church is greater than the other. Church is just a building called a house of worship. It is not the denomination you belong to that matters but your deeds as a believer. So don t criticise anyone be he or she christian or hindu or moslem, judge them by their works. By the way which denomination is President Lungu from; this is a polite Zambians let us respect each others political or denominations for the betterment of our country. We do not have to insult or kill each other because we have different opinions or partys. One Zambia One Nation.

  14. What pains me is ECL deceit. while denying others to campaign using the archaic POA law. He’s busy traversing the countryside, campaigning in churches. its really pains to see how Zambians are easily duped? Only God knows. imagine another five years of ECL rule. Please Zambians lets not be naive.

  15. it is good when ecl searches the help of god. it is better when he uses gods help to lead his country!

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