Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Anyone engaging in violence, whether from PF or UPND, will be arrested-President Lungu


President Lungu talking to a girl child when arrived in Itezhi Tezhi
President Lungu talking to a girl child when arrived in Itezhi Tezhi

PRESIDENT Lungu has said no one agitating violence ahead of the August 11 elections will be spared regardless of which political party they belong to.

He warned perpetrators of political violence that they will face the law and will be dealt with sternly.

“Let me warn those that think just because they are in the opposition they will be spared when they engage in violence. If you bring violence whether you are Patriotic Front or United Party for National Development, you will be arrested,” he said.

He was addressing residents of Kanzwa in Itezhi-Tezhi district after commissioning a hydropower station.
President Lungu said people should learn to co-exist even when they have divergent political views.
He said that without peace in the country, it would be difficult to foster national development because everything becomes chaotic.

President Lungu said that those that want to involve themselves in violence should know that they will suffer alone and not their parties, but that their families will be affected.

He said that he is willing to work with anyone who means well and urged the women and the youth to come forward and be part of the development process.

President Lungu urged youths to desist from being used by politicians for violent acts because the politicians themselves are friends outside politics.

He said that those who don’t want to work with him should pave way so that he continues to bring development to the country.

President Lungu urged traditional leaders to go out and spread the non-violence news ahead of the August elections so that the country remains peaceful.

He urged PF members to ensure that they attract others to the party so that they continue to win elections.
President Lungu said that in a democracy like Zambia, everyone is free to belong to any political party, but that that does not mean that people cannot co-exist.

He assured the people of Kanzwa that anyone who would disturbs their peace will be arrested and face the law.
President Lungu urged the people of Itezhi-Tezhi to support their member of Parliament Greyford Moonde even if he proposes to be adopted by the PF.

President Lungu being welcomed by area member of Parliament Greyford Moonde
President Lungu being welcomed by area member of Parliament Greyford Moonde


  1. “Let me warn those that think just because they are in the opposition they will be spared when they engage in violence. If you bring violence whether you are Patriotic Front or United Party for National Development, you will be arrested,” he said.

    • It’s high time you put your foot down before thís violence gets out of hand. Walk the talk by arresting both UPND and PF thugs.

    • This Edgar, when is he going to relinquish position of Home Affairs minister? He just arrested a peaceful defense minister the other day.
      President should not be mentioning arrest, only peace & co-exist.

    • He has been president for over year and has failed the simplest of tasks, stopping the violence. I am sure he thinks the problem is global. This man is a total failure, he has failed the economy, he has failed at everything

    • @ Chils..Very funny. you are calling the president Week when your GBM is languishing at Chimbokaila. Let me advise u and your GBM plus HH. Lungu is the president of Zambia and deserves total respect for the sake of the office he is holding. I know GBM used to interact with him as a simple Chawama cadre but its no longer like that now. The man is a president for Zambia. Wether GBM likes it or Not Lungu is the president who must be respected otherwise he will end up on the losing side. All his businesses will be affected if he is not careful.

    • @ask munkombwe, respect is earned and not forced. So far your drunk lazy president has not earned any of our respect. It is what it is

    • @Nostradamus
      how can `going for the throat` statement be a crime or a threat????,,,, us chakolwas use that statement very weekends,,,, even our ex-friend Lungu uses it

    • He is a foolish President. What if the statement he made during the campaigns was insinuated as having planned to kill UPND members, when he said “we shall wipe them all out!” His SG Chama shot someone in Western Province and he has never been question by the Panga Police!

    • Lungu, if you mean business, then have the cadres who come to receive you at the airport be arrested for contravening the traffic rules. That will be a good signal that you stand for law and order.

  2. Mr President, kindly define political violence for us.

    If GBM calls us ba mumbwe or rats or ba koswe, do you expect us to maintain our cool?

    • The man usually forgets he is Zambian president. He thinks he is just president for PF that is the real tragedy. Dispite what cadres believe he is also president for the opposition and the neutrals like me. I just criticise PF ALL the time because they are in government and messing up our lives. Leave government and you stop being in my cross hairs. I Will do the same against whoever wins if they also prove to be clueless. Back to Lungu does he actually believe any person would be training militias at a gym in town in broad daylight?

    • The man usually forgets he is Zambian president. He thinks he is just president for PF that is the real tragedy. Dispite what cadres believe he is also president for the opposition and the neutrals like me. I just criticise PF ALL the time because they are in government and messing up our lives. Leave government and you stop being in my cross hairs. I Will do the same against whoever wins if they also prove to be clueless. Back to Lungu does he actually believe any person would be training militias at a gym in town in broad daylight

  3. This is a very nice picture. An Ordinary kid from the street with a dirty looking T-Shirt with holes on it, hair done weeks ago, and I bet she had no shoes too, gets to meet and shake the hand of the President, the most power man in the land.

    Nobody in their right mind would ever present their child to the president like that. This is Very refreshing and I like it! This is classic! Very original, unlike those pictures of kids we see presenting flowers to the president, after their parents have prepared them for I don’t know how long for the occasion. This girl get front seat without preps, awesome

  4. Love the soft look on you ED. The camera angle makes it look like you are emerging from a tent, catching the bewildered ‘girl child’ by surprise.

    The tough non violent talk should have been said a long time ago. Also it should be the warning to co-exist in general and not just run up to elections. Emphasise that people should not be beaten, disrespected or made to fear discussing, supporting or ‘wearing’ their political choice. It is a right not a presidential privilege for everyone to be able to choose. As a ‘ruling party’ you should be aware some of your supporters can be quite intimidating at bus stops, market places and in areas that won’t get TV, radio or newspaper coverage. Similarly the opposition need to be able to reign in their frustration and guaranteed a fair playing…

    • … playing field. Neither PF nor opposition should require stern talking to but Zed has a way to go to remove tom foolery, paranoia and fear from elections. The fish rots from the head, ED. Be president of ALL and find that balance coz it’s not going to get easier for you in the coming months. Any bias will not go unnoticed… Once again. Sweet picture. The kids are watching adults behave like unruly kids. We can change this.

  5. You really must be stupid and foolish as a youth to put your life on the line to fight for a politician. Even those of you who insult and threaten each other here on LT fall in this same category of fools who will defend a politician with your lives.

  6. You really must be f00lish as a youth to put your life on the line to fight for a politician. Even those of you who insult and threaten each other here on LT fall in this same category of f00ls who will defend a politician with your lives. Newsflash, politicians don’t care about you, they don’t even know you for all they care.

  7. Tell these violent upnds Mr President. Unpd is so violent a party. Its full of kaponyas mostly rejects from pf and mmd eg. Gbm, william banda, michael mabenga, lupando mwape etc. Marrabishi ya party

  8. We are yet to see how many violent mighty PF cadres will be arrested. Plain to see that this warning is meant for UPND. It’s now up to Zambia Police to implement what ECL has said if they are truly non partisan and professional in their work.

  9. Comment:Well said Mr president, bravo!
    But we dont nid selective justice.Kaizer Zulu fired shots at kavindele jnr up to now no arrest has bin made.Gbm was arrested 4 merely uttering a word that was misconstrued 2 mean something else.Where is fairness Sir?

    • Sam imusho, remember that the pf has been put to death roll for violence and there is no mention of it from you.

    As a Christian, one does not look at justifying oneself of wrongdoing especially violence. HH never takes responsibility of the violence perpetrated by his cadres, rather he justifies evil act by accusing others especially PF.
    I am not justifying the violence of PF, they are equally guilty and they should take responsibility as well.
    However, HH treats the perpetrators of violence in his party as heroes and heroines. And those poor citizens who get beaten by his cadres are like infidels who deserve the wrath of violence for not supporting him. I am a victim of HH’s cadres’ violence and justified it.
    For those among his cadres who get hurt in the battle or arrested, HH treats them like martyrs.

    • Just enjoy your last money abroad, very soon your manfriend will be out of power. Shut your stinking mouth iwe pushi.

  11. Lungu u re failed president and u re the useless president in this world and the foolish person on earth a person without vision bt dt forget that God z watching u one day God will punish u,u ct see with yo eyes that Zambian pipo be rejected weather u arrest opposition leaders pipo be already changed their minds this time pipo they DT want chakolwa u be has nothing to offer to Zambian pipo

  12. Let us not talk the talk but no action being taken MR PRESIDENT. it is very compelling to see that both the ruling part and the opposition are working extra miles to defend their cadres who take part in violence. when the opposition is involved in violence i see the presence of state police and when cadres from the ruling are in the act the state police i see them eating pies and waiting for opposition to counter react that is wen the state sees the need of protecting and only the cadres from the ruling part. please mean what u say and say wat u mean Mr president because no one is above the law. One Zambia, one nation and one president at a time. kwasila.

  13. The efficiency of police to arrest GBM on account of GBM potentially causing violence is marvellous. Though the court Will throw out this one. Going for somebody’s throat is just an adage. But the big question is when are the cadres who raided ndola airport going to be arrested. an entire international airport was unlawful taken over by PF cadres

  14. Mr. President,

    Remember the day of prayer, fasting and reconciliation. Its not a weakness to forgive. Learn to know where your strength lies.
    There is no leader who is not ridiculed. You will be the first one. Wait during the campaigns, you will shocked about what you will receive and what you will say out of anxiety and retaliations.

    God bless the Republics and its citizens.

  15. At the moment the only violent cadres are UPND. You don’t agree? Well, ask yourself who caused teargas at WOodlands? Who has been arrested? Who has issued unpalatable provocative disrespectful language of going for the President’s throat? Who has been drilling youths? Who harbors hatred against fellow politicians, if not GBM and company? When was the last time you heard PF youths causing violence? Which leader apart from Edgar has unreservedly condemned violence regardless of which party? Which leader preaches peace day in day out? Which party’s cadres have listened to their leader apart from PF?

  16. @mdimba, learn to forgive? Did you read the President’s message? He is condemning violence and warning that the police will arrest anyone encouraging violence. Where does the forgiveness come in? In any case the President as always has offered an olive branch to work with anyone to foster peace and development. Ask GBM and HH to learn to forgive, they are the haters.

  17. Mr President this is just Lip service, we have heard this before but not seen any action against violent PF cadres. You will not resolve violence by selective application of the Law. Show the people that you mean what you say.

  18. Why do Lusaka PF cadres harass opposition supporters at Soweto and other markets and bus stops violently without any adverse reaction from Police.

    They extort money from marketeers, buses claiming they are working for chipani cha Edgar Wrungu.

    This violence and extortion is the extension of Edgar corrupt governance. By violence he ascended and by violence he presides.

  19. Ediga you are only saying this to cover your harassment of the opposition. You have been silent at crucial moments of PF cader violence.
    You reclassifying golf clubs, pangas and boxing gloves as military weapons nor reclassifying common every day English sayings as illegal threats to ones life won’t work.

    Come August Zambia shall be free.

  20. The most violent elements in the whole equation are GBM + Wynter. We all witnessed an unprecedented increase in cases of Machete and Panga clashes after 2011. Now that GBM is out of PF and now in UPND what is so good about him.

  21. This is a message all Zambians should take to heart. All the shouts on social media politicking is misguided. We need to find better entertainment to keep us busy, than social media bashing and stop physical roadside/community violence.

    For youths please note, it’s really uncool to use your life to support politicians to the detriment of your own personal freedom. Militia training is for dumb people not smart, savvy youngsters who should aim for entrepreneurial efforts.

  22. The police are aware of their mandate to maintain peace and orderliness all over including your bedrooms. If it is known you battered you better half they shall sort you out be you President or Vice.

  23. He assured residents of kunzwa that if anyone disturbs their peace he will be arrested, who has been disturbing the peace of the people in the south, north western and Eastern ? Leave them alone let them concentrate on farming to feed the nation, Have even lost count of how many times he has taken his noisy zaf old fashioned helicopters to these three places, since January he has hit double digits just visiting, his double digits visits are in comparison to inflation and the kwacha hitting the double digits under is watch.

    Only a fool will put a negative to this well thought comment.

  24. Mr President this remains a hollow statement as long as you are persecuting your rivals like GBM. Your charges will only do what you are doing not what you are telling them to do or not to do. ECL you are the most dangerous Zambian president ever. Sata and Levy had political differences but we saw no such level of violence, Kafupi Vs KK same and SATA V RB which potentially should have been deadly not such violence. Now you , nasty Chawama panga behaviour has taken root and you hollow words are being used to woodwink the gullible. You will go straight to prison from STATE HOUSE.

    • I am afraid its difficult to trust Lungu on his stance at curbing violence as he does not come out categorically that the police must be seen to be doing their job with impartiality to regain trust lost in them by the citizenry! It would be interesting if a poll were conducted on how the general public views the police. Results of the survey on peoples views would be the yard stick that would then guide police path to restoration of confidence in them! Lungu speaks with a forked tongue and if he chose this very minute to act as an impartial president for the love of the nation and its people sanity would be restored in the blink of an eye but he continues to be divisive as if somewhat scared and hostage to what most don’t know!

  25. Tell them Mr President. We are behind u in August as you send hh into retirenent. Relevant experience is necessary for every job. Let hh tell the pipo his government experience, full stop. If he has none, then he is under 5 coz he knowz nothing but just yapping from theory. Of course selling cattle is not counted as relevant experience

  26. Why should we respect an imbecile. This guy is a lunatic. I don’t like his idocy.
    Look at the fruits of his work, total nonsense. How do you spend $300,000
    to charter a plane to go to UN when all former presidents used to fly commercial?
    How do you spend 4.3 million to sign the constitution amendment bill when all
    bill have traditionally been signed at state house without any cost? There is nothing
    presidential or honorable about this man he simply stupid.

  27. Yes cage all monkeys who think they can use their ill-gotten wealth to set Zambia on fire. Bust all the senseless gangsters and lock ’em up regardless of their political sidings. Keep Zambia clean of violent elements. Zambia for peace.


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