Saturday, July 27, 2024

I have No Regrets Working with PF Government- Siamunene


Livestock Minister Greyford Monde, Defence Minister Richwell Siamunene and RDA chairperson Simon Mukupa at a really Itezhi Itezhi yesterday 14-02-2016. ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
Livestock Minister Greyford Monde, Defence Minister Richwell
Siamunene and RDA chairperson Simon Mukupa at a really Itezhi Itezhi
yesterday 14-02-2016. ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS

UPND Sinazongwe Member of Parliament, Richwell Siamunene, says he has no regrets supporting President Edgar Lungu and the Patriotic Front (PF)’s development agenda.

Mr Siamunene, who is also Defence Minister, says this is because President Lungu is the only one among all Presidential contenders who is capable of providing sound and visionary leadership.

He was speaking at Chikuni in Monze yesterday when he and Agriculture Minister, Given Lubinda, addressed a public rally in the area where 250 UPND cadres also defected to the Patriotic Front.

Mr Siamunene said since aligning himself with the PF Government, Sinazongwe has seen unprecedented levels of development which have changed the development landscape of the valley district.

He told the meeting that there is no need in clinging to the opposition UPND which he said would never form government.

Mr Siamunene encouraged all the people of Southern province to emulate him and support President Edgar Lungu’s visionary leadership.

And Agriculture Minister, Given Lubinda, said he is disappointed that Monze UPND, Jack Mwiimbu has failed to deliver development to the people.

Mr Lubinda said the opposition MP has lamentably failed to improve road infrastructure in the area.


  1. “…addressed a public rally in the area where 250 UPND cadres also defected to the Patriotic Front…”
    LT, where are the pictures of the 250 defectors?? Your PF cadre-ism is getting out of hand. We always see pictures of defectors from Chainana Hotel when the in-coming president, H.E Hakainde Hichilema addresses a media briefing and receives defectors. Stop rumour-mongering ba-Swine!

    • @suntwe what do for your living?you are always here waiting to react to any movement in the pf are the same people making hh look like a villager (bushe tukalalya imisebo mentality).find some do than or simply get a life. if you think hh will come and give you a job simply because you come from the same region uleibepa

    • “Mr Lubinda said the opposition MP has lamentably failed to improve road infrastructure in the area.”

      Ba zayelo, when the roads are done ati my govt is delivering development to all corners!

    • “He told the meeting that there is no need in clinging to the opposition UPND which he said would never form government.”

    • @ Peter the amended constitution provision allows for anyone to contest as councillor without party affiliation!

  2. I’m guessing that this article was copied from Daily Mail & pasted onto L.T.
    ..and did Siamunene just say Lungu was a ‘visionary’ leader?

    • “Lungu is the only one among all Presidential contenders who is capable of providing sound and visionary leadership”….

      Siamunene, did you not hear Lungu tell everyone he had no vision or are you just deaf???

      If bringing Zambia to its knees economically so that we have to go BEGGING to the IMF is “visionary” then I would rather vote for a blind person! Perhaps YOU as you seem to be blind to the huge mess Lungu has created that will take DECADES to repair!

  3. These pf thugs are having rallies on a daily basis, they have even abandoned their public offices, i hope kambwili is keeping count of how many pf political rallies being held in southern province.

  4. Lubinda why didn’t you tell those people how you stole at the Jam factory in Chikuni which ended up being closed.You think we don’t know about that,you made several people loose jobs because of you selfishness.

    • Reveal what they try to hide bro! Its only that Zambians have very short memories and rhetoric than reason captures their best in judgement!

  5. Tongaman alishupa. Try and give him power and see how he will steal and mistreat other tribes. Those people like ostrich head GBM will be sidelined like nobody’s business. That is why God cannot allow this failed project called forward with links to satanism. Party symbol and colours all attest to that. Janza, satanic symbol, Red colour, blood, see how they post pictures of fresh wounds with blood gashing, Yellow Jealous of Lungu. Zambian wake up.

    • Please spare us that crap last time we checked chiluba was from liverpool and he stole,lungu from kumawa and he stole clients money and was deregistered and of cause not forgeting king cobra the father of nepotism and tribalism tell us something try checking with the prisons register and see if all convicts are from the south please show maturity in your reasoning.

    • All you see is tribe even when you have no food what a pathetic human being you are.You are such a miserable cadre who isn’t worth living am sure you are the same cares that are ready to kill for K100

  6. @nyandule n bantustan shinganano,koma u r really pro poor followers. Just the date of the article is wrong,the information distorted n yo comments r misdirected. When time comes,goats will be separated from sheep. Its time for change n no one or amount of your tribal / satanical malice will change people’s massive mind of change. Shalenipo mukwayi!Zambia Forward chabbe.P F kuya bebele.Just give the fools enuf rope to hung themselves. UPND + HH +Team Zambia, wins adzalila

  7. Siamunene see how this people insults your tribe and you are busy supporting them it shows how foolish you are any you are the current Judas scariot . Lungu said he have no vision but you you are saying he has you are filling him just because he has given you a job . But what you must understand that we have suffered more than before. Zambians when this people come get the money and pretend to defect but come 11/8 vote on merit for HH and team not who only became fat after entering state house. No!

  8. Comment:Given Lubinda said,”the area mp hon Jack mwimbu has failed to improve road infrastructure”.
    This kind of politicking should not exist in this era.We nid issue based kind of politics not hoodwiking the masses.
    its a well known fact that an area mp has no capacity on his own to initiate developmental projects without goverment funding.

  9. …how can he regret when his bank account…his pockets are full of Dollars…meanwhile I haven’t seen or head any MoD policy proposed by him…apart from the usual praises of the appointing authority….
    …reading between the lines, the dude is actually regretting as the 11th August draws nearer because he can clearly see his political road abruptly coming to an end…he can see the road sign or placard clearly written….ROAD CLOSED…he may be luck if only ECL retains the office just to appoint the dude into foreign service….

  10. It is the duty of a sitting government to deliver development to every part of the country. It has never been the duty of opposition to bring development on behalf of the government in power. Any polititian who claims opposition has failed to deliver development to a country does not understand why they are in government. In truth such polititian is self-condeming his own government failure to deliver delopment to Zambians. Such people as Given Lubinda and Shamunene condemn PF failure to develop all parts of Zambia.

  11. Bwana minister, enjoy whilst it lasts. Come August you will be a normal nobody zambian like us. It is your right to work with who soever you choose.

  12. how can or regret when its though them that you knew butter and jam?…keep it up sir but you will blame yourself for short sited vision.

  13. Pictures do not lie. Where are the pictures please?. LT I respect you for trying hard to keep your objectivity. There is often more balanced in your reporting, but be carefully not to hide the truth. As for Hon Richwell, there are only 136 days remaining man and we will soon see the truth emerge.

  14. How can Richwell Siamunene Siamvwemu stop supporting his spoon feeder ? Because he lives on 3 meals per day, he thinks it’ s the same with the other many Zambians who now live like orphans or refugees within their own country. How can he complain because we read and we have heard that him and his fellow looters of Zambia’ s economy were given a salary increment recently ? Truly, he cannot regret supporting his fellow looter but very soon, he will regret.

  15. But nobody asked him or cares whether he regrets or not. That’s a sign that he regrets the day he crossed over to the PF. Here is an adult man, on his own volition and without being asked suddenly cracks up and says I have no regrets….
    Who really cares about Siamunene? May be his wife and children and no one else. Let this guy shi.t in his trousers. The day of reckoning is soon coming on Aug 11.

  16. Honestly speaking hh cannot win the next general election because he has nothing to offer to Zambian public, all he does is critisize even when it’s not even necessary. His bitterness towards ECl will not help him at all to win this year’s election to make matters worse he has welcomed all crooks to his camp.

  17. Siamunene, who are you fooling or you are trying to look relevant to your drip feeders? ZWD shows pictures of ‘defectors’ draped in PF chitenges but showing the forward symbol instead of the clenched fist! Why spending all that money paying ‘defectors’ instead of using it to improve sanitation in your constituency? This is economic sabotage. Time of reckoning is coming.

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