Saturday, July 27, 2024

Government distances itself from Guy Scott’s remarks against Robert Mugabe


President Lungu speaks with Foreign Affairs minister Harry Kalaba
President Lungu speaks with Foreign Affairs minister Harry Kalaba

Government has distanced itself from disparaging remarks made by former vice President Guy Scott against Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe.

Foreign Affairs Minister Harry Kalaba Dr. Scott is not a Government official and that his remarks do not reflect Government’s position.

Mr. Kalaba was reacting to remarks made by Dr Scott as quoted in today’s Post newspapers.

Speaking in an interview with ZNBC News, Mr. Kalaba says Dr. Scott should not drag Zimbabwe into domestic politics adding that country is a sovereign state.

The minister says Dr. Scott has in the past when he was in government issued similar statements which almost dragged Zambia’s reputation in mud.

He explained that President Edgar Lungu at some point had to travel to South Africa to mediate over remarks that were uttered by Dr Scott.


  1. Mugabe was once my hero but after learning what he did to many ndebele men, I lost all the respect I had for him except the respect that he is older than me

    • ‘get rid of violence’. We don’t want this country to be like Zimbabwe. Why should we voluntarily become like Zimbabwe, where the President can lose an election and eight years later, he is still there?” Dr Scott wondered. ….I cant agree more with Dr. Scott. Mugabe used violence through out, by burning his opponents with plasting flames and chopping their limbs with pangas…Mugabe is such a crazy fosil.

    • Understand that Scott has an advanced Parkinson’s disease issue. He is a bitter wonded Boer spared with breath in post colonial/liberated sub sahara Africa. Our dear Dr. Kaunda’s eulogy was referring to his kinds at the funeral of freedom icon Madiba Nelson Mandela. A lot of you have never sat next to Scott to appreciate the effects of Parkinson’s disease. Watch is hands, walking, speech and judgement, you will notice a manifestation of HCPs: Illusions, Hallucinations, & Delusions which are PD Psychosis symptoms. Over the years they have slowly begun to change, such as the way he walks. Walking differences such as starting and stopping, or misjudging corners are common, subtle changes can make a walk outside a daunting task with impaired judgement.

    • I did not even think the government was close to the statement. How can you distance yourself from a statement made by a private citizen? This government of reactors, very soon Kambwili will say “staying in power 8 years after losing is global”. ECL is in power 1.5 years after losing Jan 20 Elections. Ask the appeased Chief Justice Mambilima about the last election tallying.

    • “If you look at the map of this country, half of the country is green and the other half is red. If you take the line to the Copperbelt, including towns down to the corner where Luangwa flows into the Zambezi, you will find every district on the left has majority of its people for Hakainde. Every district on the right is for PF or Edgar. So that tells you something. Do you want your country split into two?” Dr Scott asked.

      “We want to put an end to that split. We don’t want a split country where the majority of PF is on one side and the other majority for UPND is on the other side. If we can spread across the divide, it is a powerful unit. So the UPND is a natural factor in this because we are bringing different people to the areas. It is a complimentary situation. What you must get…


  2. Somebody in the corridors of power must deport Dr Guy Scott!!WHY HAVE WE ALLOWED THIS COLONIALIST TO CONTINUE DOING POLITICS IN OUR BELOVED ZAMBIA?WHOEVER GAVE CITIZENSHIP TO THIS F00L MADE A VERY BIG MISTAKE!!IF I WERE PRESIDENT EDGAR LUNGU,I WOULD HAVE DEPORTED GUY SCOTT WAY BACK AFTER 20/01/2015 PRESIDENTIAL BY ELECTION!!if this “mwisa” sets this country on fire,he would quickly run to its us Zambians to get rid of this foreigner faster before he damages our image!!HONESTLY,WHO NEEDS GUY SCOTT IN ZAMBIA?NOBODY,SO DEPORT THE IDI0T FAST!!

    • Eddy because you are stupid and Guy Scott has left the PF you now want him deported. This is what is known as desperation of the worst kind.

    • Even though I disagree with most of what Dr.Guy Scott says, I need to inform you ignorant bloggers that Scott is a genuine Zambian. He was born in Livingstone in 1944. His father, Dr. Alexander Scott was one of the few whites in Northern Rhodesia who sided with blacks during British colonial rule. Dr. Alexander Scott started a newspaper called the African Mail that championed the cause of African liberation in Northern Rhodesia.

    • After independence the newspaper was taken over by Kaunda’s government and morphed into the Zambia Daily Mail which you see on the streets even now. Dr. Alexander Scott also had a farm in Lusaka in the northwestern part of Lusaka. Out of a sense of philanthropy, he gave part of it to his farm workers. The workers built houses there; this is how present day Lilanda Township was born. Dr. Alexander Scott died in the early 1960s and was buried at Alymer Cemetery in the Rhodes Park area of Lusaka. Guy Scott is therefore not a foreigner but a very genuine Zambian despite his despicable politics.

    • Actually iwe ka eddy you are the one who is supposed to be deported faster to your grave yard will dont need people of your thinking.


  3. Problem with Guy Scott is that he thinks all blacks are fools and stupid! Then we have a section of cadres who keep leaking his ###. Disgusting how some cadres still believe development can only come from someone with a different skin! We have also seen it from some leaders of some parties! Terrible!

  4. Comment:Dr Guy Scot is no longer a Zambian govt Minister and what he said about Mugabe is his own personal opinion and therefore there is nothing to apologise for. The govt may not agree with Dr Guy Scot’s opinion which is fine.

    • I wonder what would have been governments action had it been any other private citizen or an MP say from an opposition party that had made the remark about Mugabe that Scott did. Would government have distanced itself from the remarks?

  5. Why are you scared of Mugabe, he is a bad president, what is there to apologies , does Mugabe feed us, we feed him with our maize. Foolish author to hell.

    • This is how cowards behave. We have stooges of Mugabe governing Zambia. How did Zambia end up with these statues as leaders? How can the remarks of a private citizen make you shiver even before Zimbabwe’s highj commissioner reacts just because you adore your god Mugabe? And yet the GRZ is quiet when PF’s Frank Bwalya is busy insulting Western diplomats and the clergy. Are Frank Bwalya’s rantings sanctioned by the PF and the government? May be.

  6. My Zimbabwean friends living in Zambia in fact applaud Dr Scott for saying the Truth. Mugabe lost the election and he never relinquished his grip on power.
    This is in fact ominous to Zambia – Do you think Lungu, a Mugabe protigue, would give up power if he loses? Never! Lungu would use his thugs to cause violence and even civil war! That is exactly what he did at Mulungushi when he lost to Sampa. You will need soldiers to haul Lungu from that office – watch this space!!

    • Stop being delusional and emotional. HH is losing this years elections, and you UPND will still not put Gary Nkombo as president of UPND.

  7. Well said Dr Guy Scot. It will be helpful if u can reveal to the Zambian Nation how the 2016 elections will be rigged with the help of Mugabe. We do not want Mugabe to interfere with our elections. Nikuv or Timor Consultants must not be allowed to rig our elections without fail.

  8. Fearful little men and women in Chagwa’s government!

    How can you distance yourselves from remarks that are merely personal views and attributed to someone fully protected under the republican constitution?

    • @Nsimbi: Read the article again, it is a short one for that matter!

      What does this sentence mean to you: “Speaking in an interview with ZNBC News, Mr. Kalaba says…”

      So you can’t even make an obvious connection that Mr. Kalaba was more than likely asked to comment on Dr. Scott’s comments which appeared in the Post newspaper? If he wasn’t asked about it he probably wouldn’t even bothered to mention this issue at all. Zambian bloggers please, let us read and comprehend simple stuff before we comment. It is embarrassing!

      By the way, in opinion Mugabe is an a-hole who has overstayed his welcome. He is from a generation of African leaders who couldn’t tell when their time was up and should leave the scene with their integrity and dignity intact. He is a yesterday relic who…

    • continue…

      He is a yesterday relic who should be enjoying his retirement and his young wife somewhere on farm waiting to be called “home” and be reward for his courageous contributions to Zimbabwe and Africa as a whole!

    • @Yambayamba
      What’s wrong with you? Are you delusional? You are being critical without facts….you cant even tell but you want people to guess that Kalaba was responding to query. whores like you are the reason why Zambia is going backwards instead progressing!!

    • In my view it should not matter whether the ‘frightened little man’ was responding to a query in an interview or being proactive on the remarks. Kalaba embarrassed himself and his govt.

      The point is Guy was expressing his personal views on an issue a lot of people and governments alike are reluctant to comment. Freedom of speech kwasila!

    • @Wise head or should we call you Fo.olish Prik Head!!
      We know you worship Tswanas – Is Khama black in your myopic eyes? This is how fo.olish and utterly you are! Scott is merely speaking the truth and given his pure Muzungu traits, he will always speak the truth despite any intimidation from Lungu sycophants and like you!!!


  9. God help us from poor reporting in our country. The poor standatds of Journalism are beyond redemption. How does such nonsense get published? Don’t you guys have journalists working for you? What the horseshiit is this: Speaking in an interview with ZNBC News, Mr. Kalaba says Dr. Scott should not drag Zimbabwe into domestic politics adding that country is a sovereign state. And what statement has Scott made? You talk about it yet you don’t tell your readers!

  10. @FUKK, I concur. Well am a Zimbabwean here in Harare. Am just enjoying reading your comments.
    Am surprised to read comments of Zambians criticising Scott and supporting Mugabe, back in Zim its another way round, just read, Newsday of Zimbabwe,

  11. @FUKK, I concur. Well am a Zimbabwean here in Harare. Am just enjoying reading your comments.
    Am surprised to read comments of Zambians criticising Scott and supporting Mugabe, back in Zim its another way round, just read,

  12. What is government’s position if different from The Guy.
    KALABA could you please articulate your government ‘position over Mugabe.?

    • Quote….

      “If you look at the map of this country, half of the country is green and the other half is red. If you take the line to the Copperbelt, including towns down to the corner where Luangwa flows into the Zambezi, you will find every district on the left has majority of its people for Hakainde. Every district on the right is for PF or Edgar. So that tells you something. Do you want your country split into two?” Dr Scott asked.

      “We want to put an end to that split. We don’t want a split country where the majority of PF is on one side and the other majority for UPND is on the other side. If we can spread across the divide, it is a powerful unit. So the UPND is a natural factor in this because we are bringing different people to the areas. It is a complimentary situation. What…

  13. Who has not responded to Robert Mugabe’s leadership? The man has even been banned from entering certain states because of his dictatorship. This government is the most useless, insensitive, crappy and corrupt, all they have done is to make themselves rich. They shouldn’t be using other people’s remarks as excuses for their stupidity. I think Guy Scott is old enough to handle whatever comes out of his mouth.
    Come August, you are out!

  14. ! diots here are busy criticizing govt without knowing what Scott said nor govts position in the matter. Stupid white man was supporting Mugabe’s long stay in leadership referring to himself as one who has been in politics for many years. He said people should have confidence in old men who are in leadership just like Mugabe.

  15. The PF party in Zambia was assisted by Robert Mugabe and his Zanu PF party to win elections in 2011 and to win the Presidential by-election in 2015. Robert Mugabe and his govt has been interfering with Zambian elections since 2011. Currently there is a Zimbabwean contigent in Zambia sent by Mugabe to assist ECL rig this year’s elections. To thank Mugabe for assistance rendered the PF govt exported our maize to Zimbabwe cheaply and now Zambia has to import maize to feed the starving masses. The PF govt is embarrassed with what Dr Guy Scot said about Mugabe and Zimbabwe. Mugabe has exported to Zambia his election rigging template that is why violence related to elections has reached unprecedented levels in Zambia. If opposition parties do not take appropriate measures our elections risk…

  16. Guy Scott is merely adding a MINUS on UPND’s chances of attracting votes on the August Presidential votes. This is a white man who almost ruined diplomatic relations between South Africa and Zambia. Scott criticized the ANC to appease the British Govt and some western imperialists states who cannot believe that Africans can run democratic states.

    Guy Scoot as a PhD holder, must have known that problems in Zimbabwe were created by the British Govt that refused to meet its obligations to resolve the land issues in Zimbabwe. UK campaigned to win the support of USA to hide its own evils but rather punish Zimbabwe. It is the insanity of HH and UPND to recruit a well known racist Guy Scott who is unveiling old wounds against Mugabe. The AU is watching UPND as well as RENAMo (a creation of…

  17. He didn’t say anything except we don’t want to be like Zimbabwe – and PF panics like children afraid that they will be targeted by the schoolyard bully

  18. The photo above is for crooks and robbers in zambian government. Fellow zambian come 11 Aug let’s unite and peacefully send these buggers into jail

  19. Even though I disagree with most of what Dr.Guy Scott says, I need to inform you ignorant bloggers that Scott is a genuine Zambian. He was born in Livingstone in 1944. His father, Dr. Alexander Scott was one of the few whites in Northern Rhodesia who sided with blacks during British colonial rule. Dr. Alexander Scott started a newspaper called the African Mail that championed the cause of African liberation in Northern Rhodesia.

  20. After independence the newspaper was taken over by Kaunda’s government and morphed into the Zambia Daily Mail which you see on the streets even now. Dr. Alexander Scott also had a farm in Lusaka in the northwestern part of Lusaka. Out of a sense of philanthropy, he gave part of it to his farm workers. The workers built houses there; this is how present day Lilanda Township was born. Dr. Alexander Scott died in the early 1960s and was buried at Alymer Cemetery in the Rhodes Park area of Lusaka. Guy Scott is therefore not a foreigner but a very genuine Zambian despite his despicable politics.

    • This is reality which should be broken….The PF induced schism of Zambia into the pre 1900, North Western and North Eastern Rhodesia…..

      Quote from Guy Scott…….“If you look at the map of this country, half of the country is green and the other half is red. If you take the line to the Copperbelt, including towns down to the corner where Luangwa flows into the Zambezi, you will find every district on the left has majority of its people for Hakainde. Every district on the right is for PF or Edgar. So that tells you something. Do you want your country split into two?” Dr Scott asked.

      “We want to put an end to that split. We don’t want a split country where the majority of PF is on one side and the other majority for UPND is on the other side. If we can spread across the divide, it…

  21. Teach him diplomatic relations including the Post Newspaper The post Newspaper on Zama’s kandlas case editorial was gross misunderstanding of editorial In cases et not decided and to be contested You don’t express an opinion you simply quote what has been decided until such a time when parties have reached a settlement

    The post editorial of surtuday the 2nd on Zumas case is another violation of diplomacy and should Such grossly irresponsible commentaries should be condemned unless they have been conclusively decided and documented

  22. The USA was built on the solid foundation of braveness, innovation, tolerance, inclusiveness, and hard work by mostly immigrants. Where is Africa and why.

  23. They say “birds of the same feathers flock together” Mugabe and Lungu have shared values that is to rule their respective countries with an iron fist. Lungu if re-elected as President of Zambia will ruin Zambia exactly in the same way as Mugabe has done in Zimbabwe for the last 36 years. As Zambians we have to make a life saving decision on 11th August 2016. To continue with the visionless Lungu or make a change. To give Lungu a 5 year term means continued mismanagent of the economy, violence from the panga family and continued suffering and poverty among Zambians.

  24. What Dr Scott said about Mugabe is right. Nelson Mandela and Levy Mwanawasa had the guts to condemn Mugabe’s treatment of Zimbabweans. Mugabe is on the wrong side of history. Open your eyes!

  25. I’m disappointed by the shallow discourse of HH and his supporters. It would have been helpful if Guy Scott would be truthful and stated that at independence of Zimbabwe in 1980, 4000 white settlers owned nearly 100% of land in Zimbabwe. 12 Million Black citizens in that country were squatters in their own country. That was the scale of the problem in Zimbabwe.Since the courageous land reform started by President Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe has been able to increase its tobacco farmers from only 4,500 white farmers to 106,000 black farmers who are now producing 216m kgs, almost the same as what white farmers were producing at their peak in 2000 [234m kg]. Don’t listen to racist detractors who tell you what a failure Zimbabwe is, because as you can see, without all the privileges white farmers…

  26. Don’t listen to racist detractors who tell you what a failure Zimbabwe is, because as you can see, without all the privileges white farmers had, black Zimbabwean farmers have gone against the grain and achieved in a decade what took them [white farmers] a century of raping, pillaging, anti-competition and enslaving to achieve.

    • Please let us not deceive ourselves. Is this why Zimbabwe is importing maize from us? Zimbabwe is a basket case, but in the wrong sense!

  27. Scott is right.And just to ad on ,PF supporters are in denial.I am not for UPND nor PF,but as an independent observer its delusional to think Guys Scott is not a factor in Zambian politics.Am not saying UPND will win but I would be stupid to be surprised if things go there way.PF has a leader who has brought a lot of nepotism to Zambia emulating some of the bad things MCS used to do.Just take a look at all government institutions and see who is the MD,Board chairman e.t.c.To make things worse the country is facing a huge economic crisis and so far the president can’t convince me that he has a plan.Obama found problems when he came into office but at least he outlined what he was going to do and even though not all have been achieved we have an idea what his leadership is all about.Iam…

  28. To quote Scott:

    “My other condition was ‘get rid of violence’. We don’t want this country to be like Zimbabwe. Why should we voluntarily become like Zimbabwe, where the President can lose an election and eight years later, he is still there?”

    There is no mention of Mugabe or the fram land issue. It’s Bwalya and Lungu who are the shallow-witted racists here

  29. Doctor Scott has a loose mouth and no wonder even the Rainbow party is annoyed with him.He is talking about a foreign country in a negative manner risking the security of the nation.

    Little wonder he is supporting UPND which used to insult him.When they will lose i dont know what his comments will be.Why does this man hate Lungu ? The goodness is that he will not add any value to the political landscape.

  30. Even the Botswana president though he is back, has spoken out about Mugabe. The problem with us black people is we are racists ourselves. We all know what Mugabe has done to his own country. In any case Scott belongs to Zambia. In fact most of you PF kids are from Congo…..hahahaha!

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