Saturday, July 27, 2024

PF has sunk Zambia


Edith Nawakwi
Edith Nawakwi

Opposition FDD leader Edith Nawakwi has charged that the ruling Patriotic Front has managed to sink the country in its almost five-year rule.

And Mrs Nawakwi has ruled out any possibilities of entering into a political alliance ahead of the August elections saying alliances do not work in Zambian politics.

She stated that everything that could go wrong has gone wrong under the PF rule.

Mrs Nawakwi said the Maize shortages in most parts of the country is symptomatic of the failure of the PF administration.

The FDD leader was speaking this morning when she featured on a live radio programme on Lusaka’s Millennium Radio.

“The PF has sunk the country. Because of their mismanagement, they have the Maize at FRA. We warned these guys. FRA agents are friends of politicians in government and they are the ones who have been exporting the Maize to our neighbouring countries,” Mrs Nawakwi said.

She added, “It’s not wrong to export the crop but leadership demands that people in Government should know that they are lean years and bumper years and that is why we have silos. Leaders should ensure that they secure the Maize for strategic use first before they export.”

Mrs Nawakwi said the Maize shortage is a clear confirmation that the PF has completely failed to manage the country’s affairs.

She said it is folly that the PF through Agriculture Minister Given Lubinda has continued disputing reports of Mealie meal shortages when the whole country can see that the shortage is worsening.

“It’s like your children are sleeping hungry and you are saying you are rich man. This Government found the mealie meal selling at K35 per Kg when they took over Government in 2011 but it is now at K150 per K25 in some places like Nakonde and in some places like Chipata and Central province, it is now becoming difficult to just sight a bag of mealie meal,” she said.

“If there is enough Maize, let us see it. This whole Mealie meal scandal means there is a failure in the management of government. We don’t have to drum up the fact that Edgar has failed, his failure is felt in every home and in every classroom. Our stomachs can tell us when we have enough food. People have started taking shifts in having meals in some households. So sad,” Mrs Nawakwi said.

She added, “Why should a mother going to deliver in George Compound clinic be asked to carry Jik, gloves and pegs to tie the Umbilical cord and you still think you have a Government?”

The FDD leader also charged that the increase in the number of robberies and burglaries is also a sign that the social order has broken down.

“Every day people are being brutalised, in Matero walking every evening has now become a security issue. This is now a crisis and someone needs to say something but unfortunately the President is silent,” she said.

Mrs Nawakwi said, “The economic situation is extremely depressing. It is now clear that the PF has failed to run this country. Universities are closed and people have no food. Maybe God wants to teach us a lesson that we should pray and reflect before we vote for our leaders.”

And Mrs Nawakwi says the FDD is not interested in entering into any political alliances ahead of the August elections because alliances do not work in Zambian politics.

“Even the history of Zambian politics points out to the fact that alliances don’t work. As FDD, we tried it out with the UDA, an alliance with UNIP and the UPND and you all know that story. There was also the PF and UPND pact and by now my brother Hakainde Hichilema would have been President but we all know how that ended and just recently there was the DF and Orange Alliance and we have not forgotten how it ended, we don’t want to waste or time on alliances,” Mrs Nawakwi said.

She also stated that the alliances that some political parties are entering into these days are mere endorsements.

“These are mere endorsements and i don’t know why people are getting excited. I cannot get excited over these endorsements because some of these endorsements are coming from people who have been evicted from their parties.”


  1. The ones not listening are getting richer and fatter with food on their tables while asking everyone else to tighten belts and pray in the dark for a miracle.

    • Not too long ago, Nawakwi you were lobbying to be Running Mate for Lungu to join the same PF.

      What happened in the last 10 days.

    • This lady loves HH to the max, even when she is talking about pf, she has to find some little space somewhere in her heart where to place him, we love you too, no hate we love the way you campaign for us.

    • Hayayaya, that hurts bad!! We thought she is running-mate of Lungu.
      Did Mumbi Phiri & Dora Siliya are aware that mothers have to buy their own pegs to tie umbilical cords?

    • Given what PF has done to the Zambian Economy, it would be my saddest day if Zambians re-elected PF. PF is a bunch of clueless people., not even one Minister in PF exhibits some smarts. To borrow Donald Trump`s words, “They`re a disaster”.

    • Mrs Nawakwi, I like your reasoning. The only issue is that you cant win the next elections!! You need to be very realistic about this. If you really think that PF has destroyed the Zambian economy, then you need to join forces with other opposition parties. FDD and Rainbow are not going anywhere other than disadvantaging the opposition. For now, the common enemy is PF. Lets remove PF and we can regroup after August 11, 2016. Your attacking the opposition members is simply arming PF with more ammunition.

      I think Kabimba is selfish. Deep down in his heart he knows that he cant win a single seat and yet he is busy attacking other opposition parties. In all fairness, I think UPND has a much better chance to beat PF. The rest of the parties can support HH for now and work out how they can…

    • Contd…
      The rest of the parties can support HH for now and work out how they can be included in the running of the Government. Some can be ministers, diplomats, etc.

    • My fellow citizens, don’t be hoodwinked by Edith Nawakwi’s rantings against President Lungu and the PF. Nawakwi has already been annointed by Lungu to be his running-mate. Read the outbursts of Mumbi Phiri against HH on Joy FM radio. Who sent Mumbi Phiri to Soweto Market, according to her? It was ” her sister Edith Nawakwi! “. What does this statement imply? It implies that Nawakwi is now the Boss to Mumbi. Have you Sat down to listen to Nawakwi lately? He attacks are directed to the UPND and HH and not the PF and Lungu! Watch this space and don’t be hoodwinked by Nawakwi’s sweet-nothings my fellow citizens. Vote wisely.

  2. Nawakwi, remember you were MMD, a certified failure party. While in MMD you connived with Hakainde and we all know how that Privatization story ended.

    • You guys are actually wasting saliva explaining to dull kudos how privatisation works? Come on guys, watching a brick wall is an intelligent way of spending your time compared to reasoning with this clueless gay dunderhead.

  3. it’s a woman’s world. Fellas step aside. Out goes Mumbi Phiri with her share of rants IN COMES Nawakwi, Mfumeko mayo!

    • Nawakwi with the clandestine Carlington maize saga that she hasn’t adequately explained! Having been Minister of Agriculture too she failed on introducing policies resulting in continuing problems still dogging the agriculture sector.

  4. All the suffering the masses are going through is sweet music to the cruel humble leader. He is waiting for them to take to the streets like they did in 1986/90 then declare a state of emergency and cancel elections. That’s the surest method to win this election. There’s just no time nor the brains to put in an emergency strategy to convince the people to change their minds about booting him out of the grave train. That’s why he is silent, just waiting for things to get out of hand, then the soldiers and paramilitary, police and cadres all over the show.

  5. @Mr kudos remember your godfather Sata and Chikwanda were together with Nawakwi when the privatisation took stop playing a broken record over and over again .Unless of course you’re the foolish one or is it buffoon!

    • The key figures in privatization was the infamous Mbala mafia and Bemba cartel which include George Sokota , Norman Mbazima , Mtine, Francis Kaunda, Lumbwe, Ronald Penza, FTJ

  6. Nawakwi and MMD never failed to run govt. A debt of US$7 bilion inherited from UNIP was written off through HIPC under MMD govt. Mealie meal was left at K35 in 2011 but is now K120 in less than 5 years of PF rule. This time in PF its very difficult to get loans and which are repaid at 40%. PF out 2016

    • This is very cheap talk Mr. Siame ! You understand that Zambia was stripped off it’s birthright by the IMF and World Bank. Today’s Zambian mines do not belong to the Zambian people . 7 billion dollars was not a forgiveness , it was actually purchase of the Zambian Souls . You have to been in Zambia in 90s to understand the implication of SAP.

    • Kekele, all that is nonsense to the starving man. How will that help anyone what you are saying? And in case you did not know PF and dull Lungu have run back to IMF for help. I really fail to see your point.

  7. Why should a mother going to deliver in George Compound clinic be asked to carry Jik, gloves and pegs to tie the Umbilical cord and you still think you have a Government?” kikikiki
    Yaba elo lwa…


  8. JJP to extract something very fundamental out of him; on the Rupiah corruption to which Tayali was a key witness. Unfortunately, he received underserved publicity out of this process which dos not materialize after Rupiah vowed back. He is an unschooled a JJP to extract something very fundamental out of him; on the Rupiah corruption to which Tayali was a key witness. Unfortunately, he received underserved publicity out of this process which dos not materialize after Rupiah vowed back. He is an unschooled a

    Unfortunately, many citizens do not mind watching their country degenerate to these levels purely because the front runner political party is led by a Tonga. With this mindset, we are drifting into the Stone Age era. I pray to the Lord God to intervene and help us understand that a unites nation is what Zambia needs to come out of these sociol-economic dire traits. The nation should open up and identity a leadership that will not embrace corruption.

    • @JJP

      The country is not in the the hands of a single tribe but in the hands of irresponsible theiving minions. They are the ones running the country down. Mealimeal shortages were predicted a long time ago but drunkard Lungu instaed chose ignore the warnings because they were coming from HH.

      HH is the man to restore the country irrespective of whether he is Tonga or not. Tribe at the moment does not matter as long as the one who is in power is a Zambian by birth.

      Hate him or like him he winning the 11 August elections no doubt about that.

      VIVA UPND and the HHTEAM

  9. I wud rather go for poverty than choosing this dictator hh or this sleep with O to become president.
    We know you have organised to be making statements to lable our nation bad.
    Yo friend hh will be inviting obama and queen elizaberth of uk at his new home next friday master of ceremony will be schuzh usa ambassador to zed
    I will not miss this one nkalyeko inshima ya mufimuti .
    Pa zed iyomwe nefipuba kwati nawakwi ati miteke next ni ~

  10. Nawakwi you ruined this nation with your HH through the sell of government properties now you two want to show as if you have sound economic ideas yet you are criminals. Seleni tubombeko.

  11. I don’t like Nawakwi but I absolutely agree with what she is saying. This country is in the doldrums. An absolute mess. It does not take long for something to be rundown but it takes ages to build up. Our attitude as a people has changed. Some of us are selfish and this can be seen on the roads and the way we relate to each other. Who will correct all the problems this country is facing? A country with huge potential but going nowhere.

  12. Ms Nawakwi, during MMD rule you used to import maize and you were doing this personally in your capacity as Minister of Finance. At least RB imported fuel personally which is not produced in Zambia but not maize. Lungu has neither imported maize nor fuel personally. Who is a huge demon and less demon of the three? A mother going to deliver in George Compound clinic being asked to carry Jik, gloves and pegs to tie the Umbilical cord, started in mid 1990’s duiring MMD rule. All prices of essentials regrettably have tripled just from around July 2015 on pretext of weakening Kwacha exchange rate. Are you telling us that you will reintroduce price control again? Obviously, alliances can,t work because there is no emergence now otherwise it will work when necessary like in 1991.

  13. professional you don’t sound professional to me. The real issue here is that our political leaders are so selfish. Some what to use any means to come into leadership like Nawakwi and his” brother in law” HH Seleni tubombeko

  14. It sounds like a broken record. We all know what has happened to the economy and the cause of high prices. We also know that the conditions will improve. We also know that opposition politicians of all hue and colour are trying to ride on the misfortune that befell the country and they seem to rejoice at the plight of our poor people. Under these conditions, the opposition are all busy praying that Zambians continue to suffer, because they see such conditions as their only way to State House. Unfortunately, for the HHs and Nawakwis of this world, that is not the way God sees things.

    • God hates those that oppress and steal as Lungu gets fatter and fatter and richer and richer that now he can buy whole stadium tickets, 150 buses for pf thug drivers, higer Marco Polo buses, etc….. This money is from corrupt deal cuts from infrastructure projects shared with Chikwanda

    • Spot on 100%. Where were they all this time when the kwacha was weakening and bells were ringing for global warming, elnino, etc causing load shedding. They did not even know and read these. How are they going to do it when they get in power they even see elnino for their small fields. How can they claim to prophets after the incidence has happened and start pointing fingers.

    • True dull Zambian, when you rely on ZNBC 100% for your news you will continue being dull. HH told your dunderhead Lungu not to export maize until they had verified the food security in the country. He was told off. HH warned them to take into account the effects of El Nino. They told him off. Going back, HH warned your dunderhead government about the effects of those SIs Chikwanda had put, he was told off. Kwacha started to depreciate and they rush to reverse when it is too late. So ba PF, mumfwila kwisa coz it is clear you have neither ears nor brains. Based on all this it is fact tha PF and its supporters are clearly dull. Fact.

  15. I’m PF but if things a not alright in some issues it is good that we condemn, yes Nawakwi is very very right about the insecurity of peoples lives in George compound, people have been killed brutally and this has come to the attention of the nation but surely not even, Police spokes person, lusaka province police commissioner, the Police Inspector General, the churches, the Opposition more especially HH or our President. It is unfortunate that when it is this stupid violence of our uncivilized Cadres fighting it is the talk of the day even indabas are held. But for Lost human life, no one from the Government has talked or attended or sponsored’ the funerals. It is very true that these killings are related to killings for rituals some killers caught and the perpetrators mentioned but…


    • How is HH comming into this, Edith is talking about the sufferings of Zambians. that is how PF work. Blaming and deflecting attention to every one else. Point at pipo in UPND who died in UTH when thousands of Zambians are dying everyday due to PF missmangment and mediocracy.

  17. In its current state FDD is a two woman-man party consisting of Ms Nawakwi and Antonio. The duo are intelligent but realistically can not form government on August 11. The other thing is that Madam Nawakwi should exhibit tolerance to criticism. If you punch Edgar or Hakainde or indeed who so ever, please expect them to punch back. Being a woman is not licence to politically hit at others while they remain mute. You also seem to be wasting your energy by throwing your punches anywhere and anyhow.

  18. I dont see anything improving under PF coz of the poor planning. From the time PF came into power, they only improve things temporarily. They inherited a govt with a fairly good local currency, stable low inflation but now just look. Some of u guys keep defending PF but u can clearly see that things are ever growing worse. HH began pointing out your flaws, and u keep ignoring his advise.

    He warned against exporting maize, but u went ahead. You are supposed to export mealie-meal rather than maize to create value addition and create jobs in the process. It is clear that the thinking in the PF is low standard. Illiteracy in zambia is causing people to be robbed of what they truly deserve.

    Open your eyes, think without discriminating anyone coz they come from a certain part of zambia u…

  19. @17.1 , that is utter nonsense, are you serious with yourself Sir? which normal person apart from your fellow UPND can buy such stories. If you want to see theft, grand theft and corruption, just look at your own party and the people that have filled it.

  20. …when one looks at our economy by now ABC could have been history….look at our poor maize management…Lubinda could have been history by now…..look at the media fraternity…Kabwili could have been reshuffled by now….look at the dwindling tourism….Jean could have been moved by now…look at scandals involving mwanakatwe…she could have been removed by now…look at impasses at high education…police inefficiencies and brutality…..Kaingu and Mwila could have resigned by now….ECL superintends over these guys and Zambians are the bosses to ECL…and they are looking, monitoring, observing, assessing…soon he will be before assessment performance panel on 11th Aug…

  21. In its Monday 4 April edition the Post carries an editorial which rubbishes and actually insults unprincipled politicians including Guy Scott, HH, and all others. The corrupt politicians who hop from one party to another, even joining parties that they were insulting yesterday. The Post seems very disappointed with the turn of events in UPND in particular and virtually insults the party for its lack of principles. It concludes ” A political party that is opposed to corruption cannot recruit corrupt elements even if that increased its numbers. Without taking these issues into consideration the August 11 elections will produce another corrupt regime.” That is exactly what I have been saying but I have been insulted by UPND cadres for that. This Post article is much more insulting than…

  22. The Post mconcludes ” A political party that is opposed to corruption cannot recruit corrupt elements even if that increased its numbers. Without taking these issues into consideration the August 11 elections will produce another corrupt regime.” That is exactly what I have been saying but I have been insulted by UPND cadres for that. This Post article is much more insulting than my comments, or Nawakwi and Eric Chanda’s insults of both UPND and HH put together. Surprisingly, UPND spokesman Charles Kakoma, HH, their cadres and the rest are quiet. Surely they must be ashamed of themselves these UPND, being insulted by their own ally the Post. Say something you fool.s what do you say to the Post editorial? Do you agree or not? Are you corrupt or not? Sorry guys, that is the end of the…

  23. part 2: The Post concludes ” A political party that is opposed to corruption cannot recruit corrupt elements even if that increased its numbers. Without taking these issues into consideration the August 11 elections will produce another corrupt regime.” That is exactly what I have been saying but I have been insulted by UPND cadres for that. This Post article is much more insulting than my comments, or Nawakwi and Eric Chanda’s insults of both UPND and HH put together. Surprisingly, UPND spokesman Charles Kakoma, HH, their cadres and the rest are quiet. Surely they must be ashamed of themselves these UPND, being insulted by their own ally the Post. Say something you fool.s what do you say to the Post editorial? Do you agree or not? Are you corrupt or not? Sorry guys, that is the end…

  24. 2: The Post concludes ” A political party that is opposed to corruption cannot recruit corrupt elements even if that increased its numbers. Without taking these issues into consideration the August 11 elections will produce another corrupt regime.” That is exactly what I have been saying but I have been insulted by UPND cadres for that. This Post article is much more insulting than my comments, or Nawakwi and Eric Chanda’s insults of both UPND and HH put together. Surprisingly, UPND spokesman Charles Kakoma, HH, their cadres and the rest are quiet. Surely they must be ashamed of themselves these UPND, being insulted by their own ally the Post. Say something you fool.s what do you say to the Post editorial? Do you agree or not? Are you corrupt or not? Sorry guys, that is the end of…

  25. Just as you have a right to vote for HH or ECL am going to vote for Edith she has the best CV and has he relevant government experience and exposure to manage the affairs of the nation. Yes people say she was involved in the Carrington maize saga…but others have chewed client monies and others still used insider information to buy a house from LIMA bank…they say she got someone’s husband…please check the record of LPM or indeed MCS and she if se has done any worse…set aside her human failings focus on her program a and cv none of these current opposition can beat her….Edith for president come on ladies lets vote for our own we are more than the men on the voters roll

  26. Go to school and understand the difference between economic growth and economic development. Its wrong and misleading for someone to say PF has failed when you are able to see infrastructure allover. We might have a problem with economic growth but the country is doing vey well in economic development. wait and see how you will cry on August 11

    • RB prided himself on infrastructure but see how he cried when it mattered most. Baba come 11/08, PF is history in the political archives.

    • You are funny. Mealie meal shortages, fuel shortages, electricity shortages, increased inflation, depreciated exchange rate, unstable policies etc the list is long. Are you in Zambia my friend to talk about economic development here.

  27. April 4, 2016 | Filed under: International News,Latest News | Posted by: Newsroom ABUJA, Nigeria (AP) — Fuel lines stretched for more than a kilometer (half-mile) on Friday in Nigeria’s capital because of a fuel shortage in sub-Saharan Africa’s top oil-producing country.
    Drivers in Abuja groaned and shouted in frustration when one station closed because it was apparently out of fuel.

  28. In Chile, nationalization of the Copper Mines worked with very good results. Just google a foto of Santiago to compare with Lusaka.

    The problem was ZCCM was brought down by pilfering, poor management, over-employment, political interference etc even when copper prices were low. By the time ZCCM was being privatized, Govt was borrowing funds from IMF & World bank to sustain operations. Even divisions that made profit had their profits diverted to loss-making divisions thus demotivating both profitable & loss making units from striving to excel.

    Francis Kaunda had a hobby of collecting Vintage Sports Cars. Everybody in Kitwe knows Pirula’s house.

    Same story with Zambia Airways.

  29. Reading Nawakwi’s comments and then the reaction from most of the bloggers here make me almost cry. Does anyone really think that Zambia will be delivered from its misery by any one person or party? Each one of us has to examine ourself and reflect of what contribution we have made to our family, village and country. HH or ECL or Nawakwi will not help a country full of ill-educated egotistical corrupt individuals. We have a culture of stealing, laziness and an inability to innovate. We are easily misled by a political class that lacks vision and only talks of money they have, not their record of achievement and a convincing costed plan for the country. Whatever you say about Sata, he has done things to point at and his ideals were adopted to effect. Let’s grow up. Get Enlightened and…

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