Saturday, July 27, 2024

It Seems Politicians have not have taken anything from the peace indaba-SACCORD


File:SACCORD Executive director Boniface Chembe captured in the audience during the presidential debate
File:SACCORD Executive director Boniface Chembe captured in the audience during the presidential debate
SACCORD has expressed concern that politicians seem not have taken anything from the peace indaba which was organized by the Catholic Bishops to promote co-existence among political parties.

SACCORD Executive Director Boniface Cheembe said it was saddening that despite the peace indaba the country continues to see violent communication among political leaders when they are supposed to be in the fore front of promoting peace.

“We are saddened that even after the indaba we continue to see violent communication taking place in our country. It is expected that all political leaders who attended the peace indaba would at least be in the fore front in ensuring that peace prevails in our country.

“We take note of the fact that if you want to lay blame there are at least two political parties that have been spear heading political violence namely the ruling PF and the opposition UPND but by and large the ruling party. Our expectation is that instead of engaging in a blame game let us all work together and ensure that what was agreed upon at the indaba is actually implemented,” he said.

He said it defeats the purpose for leaders to call on youths to be peaceful while they continue fighting.

“If we are going to call on the youths to be peaceful but at the same time going to call on our leaders to engage in fist fights then we are defeating the all purpose of peace.It is our hope that going forward we will see more non violent communication as opposed to violent communication. We believe that this will go a long way in ensuring that peace prevails in our country.

“Let us bury the hatchet, move on and ensure that we work together as one people working in the interest of the Republic of Zambia because we have a profound and biding faith in the country that we all love,” he said.

Mr Cheembe’s comments comes in the wake of continued hate speech and derrigotory language that has continued to be used by politicians despite their pledge to promote peaceful campaigns by ensuring that the remain civil towards one another.


  1. Just be specific and to the point that Mumbi Phiri was wrong. all know who she was referring and you dont need to have an IQ of a rocket scientist to decipher who it was she was referring to. i am still at loss to understand why ECL has not distanced himself from this type of politics.

    • The problem with you organizations is you are afraid of the PF. UPND has not done any wrong since the indaba but you want to say UPND is also at fault. Put the blame squarely where it belongs and that is on the PF leadership of Chagwa Lungu. call a spade a spade then we will progress.

  2. Why is it difficult to simply say that the PF has flouted the peace agreed upon when all parties met to denounce violence. It is that cheap prostitute called Mumbi who is vommiting hatred of other people while her boyfriend seats nodding to her conduct.

  3. mumbi phiri behaves like she is filled with demons. How she was allowed into that meeting is a mystery. After all she holds no position but that of an escort girl and a chief cadre. If the president wants to lose the elections he must just let this vuvuzela woman carry on blowing his chances away. I have never heard a sensible sentence come out of her mouth.

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