Saturday, July 27, 2024

Violence a sign of a break down in law and order-SACCORD


File:SACCORD Executive director Boniface Chembe captured in the audience during the presidential debate
File:SACCORD Executive director Boniface Chembe captured in the audience during the presidential debate

SACCORD says the political violence that has continued to rock the country is a sign of a breakdown in law and order.

In statement SACCORD Executive Director Boniface Cheembe said opposing cadres should stop interfering with political activities of their opponents such as rallies regardless of the party the belong to and that Police should endeavor to protect all Zambians regardless of their political affiliation.

Mr Cheembe said there is need for different political parties to stop interfering when others are having rallies because parties have the right to sale their massages to the voters.

He expressed regret at what transpired in Matero on Sunday and the attempted retaliation from the PF on Monday saying two wrongs don’t make a right.

He called on party leaders from the two parties to strongly speak against the violence of their cadres and that their cadres should start respecting the rights of their opponents in holding rallies.

He also called on the Police to quickly bring to book the people involved in the recent spats of violence.

He further reiterated the call for peaceful campaigns as the country starts it’s campaign period.

He was commenting on the ransacking of PF Matero Constituency Office by UPND cadres who were provoked by their counterparts from the PF who tried to disrupt their youth rally.

On Monday tried to retaliate by launching an attack on the UPND Secretariat but we’re rebuffed by UPND youths and later the Police.


  1. SINKAMBA WISDOM – What happened on the week end in Lusaka by pf thugs /cadres assisted by pf police cadres to disrupt a lawful assembly of UPND members is un acceptable. Zambia Police must not be seen to aid pf to cause lawlessness. Zambia Police must learn to protect all citizens equally. Zambia Police must know that there is more UPND members now than pf. So if the worst is to take place. Police will not manage to control the UPND members because they are the majority. So Police must not take defective orders that will expose them to be harmed. Remember a bullet has never found a solution, you may shoot hundreds of the UPND cadres but remember that since they are the majority you will definitely be over powered and you shall be beaten like ba kapanga or bakoswe. Respect the peaceful…

    • I think being an illeterate cadre is a cancer. These cadres actually cross political parties with the smae menatlity. I think that the current crop of violent UPND thugs came from PF, from MMD. I have Kadobi in mind during Chawama machets instigated by Sata (M.H.R.I.P)…unless we have a stiff law to deal with violent cadreism, the violence will never end. Remember these are mostly an uneducated youths who get fed by political parties through that behaviour.

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