Saturday, July 27, 2024

Diabetes has more than doubled in Africa and no one is ready for it


Some workers eating take away food after matching on May Day
Some workers eating take away food after matching on May Day

Once a disease of the West, type 2 diabetes has now spread to every country in the world. There are now four times as many people in the world living with diabetes today than in 1980 and poor diet and a lack of exercise are largely blamed, according to a report by the World Health Organization. In Africa, the prevalence of diabetes has more than doubled in that time, which may be due to better personal incomes versus poor public spending.

While the rate of diabetes remains comparatively low in Africa, the number of people living with diabetes has jumped from 4 million in 1980, to 25 million in 2014. For one of the world’s youngest regions, that number is worrying for a number of reasons.

Since diabetes is a lifestyle disease, an increase in the disease could be a symptom of growing prosperity, as people are able to afford more processed foods. It’s also a sign of a more sedentary lifestyle as more people spend their working days sitting down.

However, Africa’s relative prosperity has not yet translated to more sound public healthcare systems. In developing countries, diabetes is an added burden to states still dealing with historical sociopolitical inequalities and weak economies. Plus, developing countries have other illnesses—biological and social—whose immediate effects have seemed more pressing than diabetes.

“Most of these countries are also burdened by communicable diseases such as HIV, tuberculosis, malaria and diarrheal diseases. Political unrest, poverty and poor leadership with substandard policy regulation and corruption, illiteracy and low education standards are rampant,” said endocrinologist Sundeep Ruder in The Conversation.

“Governments need to guide policy to create environments that are conducive to attaining health goals. Trade measures and agricultural policies need attention. The marketing of foods high in sugar, fats and salt—especially to children—requires attention.”

Source:Quartz Africa


  1. I have told you already, you have to make a choice. Are you africans or are you europeans. there is no in between. Inbetweeners causes so much social inbalances as is evident from the observations of this article. A lot of processed foods , but fewer healthcare facilities which can cater for the diseases caused by these processed foods. You have to get off that white corn meal, sugar and rice. its white and you know there is something wrong with it already!!! How can humans beings eat s.h.i.t which comes out from the machines. yeah, thats what it is. you eat the waste product coming from the machines as they digest the real food. For sugar lovers, try to substitute it with something called stivya. there is racism on your plates and you will only be healthy if you go back to your real…

    • roots, african roots that it. we are different. dont think you can eat the same food whites eat and be healthy. Our physiology has been shaped by the environment our ancestors have lived in. and so we, as their descendant also carry that same genetic marker and make up shaped by the environment. So all of a sudden, you now want to eat beef which is rarely done, you want to eat macaroni, you want to eat bread and sugar when you had honey and natural sugar cane. No, you killing yourselves. Ati KFC, McDonalds. no wonder our brothers and sister in the western world are so obese. have you thought why that is so?
      Lets us sankofa my people, let us return home and be what we are. Proud africans. Hotep family.

  2. For the first time white is bad and black or brown is good. I almost had an issue with Zambia Sugar on why it was exporting white sugar and leaving brown sugar to be consumed in Zambia. Does any one know the unit of measurement of so called sugar disease?

  3. People need to stop being fat and watch their diet. Unfortunately every one wants to be fat and that’s what’s killing people.

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