Saturday, July 27, 2024

UPND U-Turns on Prayer Meeting, Canisius Banda to lead the party’s prayer delegation


UPND vice president Dr Canisius Banda
UPND vice president Dr Canisius Banda

The United Party for National Development (UPND) has U-turned on it’s earlier decision to not to attend the Prayer Meeting slated for July 24th.

In a statement released to the media, the party said that the’s Vice-President for Politics Dr. Canisius Banda will lead the UPND delegation in joining the National House of Prayers in Lusaka for a service to pray for peaceful elections.

Early this week, UPND Deputy Director for Policy and Research Joseph Lungu, who is also in charge of the party’s fasting and prayer organizing committee, said that the party would shun July 24th national prayers bacause the party did not not see the need to take part in the national day of prayer to be held on 24th July to pray for peaceful elections.

Speaking to QTV, Mr Lungu who said that his party had issues with the national day of prayer because the people who are spearheading them seemed to have some biasness towards the ruling PF and that UPND found it difficult to be part of such prayers.

Below is the statement released today by UPND


Canisius Banda To Attend National House of Prayers in Lusaka This Sunday

Earlier this week we were honoured to attend prayers for peace hosted by the Church and the Law Association of Zambia. UPND President Hakainde Hichilema who attended and led the UPND delegation once again called for peace and unity, condemning all acts of violence regardless of the provocation.

This Sunday 24th July UPND Vice-President for Politics Dr. Canisius Banda will lead the UPND delegation in joining the National House of Prayers in Lusaka for a service to pray for peaceful elections.

UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema will be touring in Southern Province on the 24th, while Vice-President for Administration who is also the UPND running mate Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba is scheduled to be in Northern Province.

But regardless of their location they will be joining us in prayers on this matter of national importance, as they have done in the past. We will be praying also for justice for those who have been victim of acts of electoral violence and their families.

God bless.
Stephen Katuka
UPND Secretary General


  1. Chakolwa Kaloba wrungu should not pretend to holy as far as I m concerned he is just a murderer and a hardcore swindler.


    • HEXIT. HH is a joker who always plays with GOD.

      He always goes against these venues, calls the prayer events satanic names.

      The first time he told his followers that it was a JOKE and MOCKERY to go for NATIONAL PRAYERS.

      Then he made a U-TURN only to rush and attend the national prayers with GBM.

      Even that, he refused to appear to stand on the same prayer-stage with ECL, KK, RB & NEVER MUMBA; to show unity

      Now we get this U-TURN statement again!!!

      HH is very Emotional, Arrogant and thinks he is Omniscient.

      He has become a master of cursing himself. And now the women want to teach him a lesson about his infamous sex jibe.

    • HEXIT – HH will never appreciate credit going to anyone.

      For him it’s all about hI’m. I know this and that. I will fix all the problems.

      I have already won the elections…..

      And yet he is crying to have a debate with ECL who he thinks he has already beaten.

      This guy is a joker. So desparation that desparation itself has confused his mind.

    • Never before in this country have elections been maared by controversy into Edgar Chagwa Lungu showed up. Right from the her first shot, Chagwa’s candidature has been shrowded in violence. The largest number of teargas canisters has exceeded the number of stones thrown during chachacha.What a man!


    • Some bloggers hav bn calling hh satanist;the pf govt has five ministers and ex mayor who were members of the moon sect which is deemed to be satanic,these are my friends and l later discovered that there is No satanic rituals to them but alot of zed pipo think likewise.whn u say that man is a satanist ,are u championing God ‘s causal being or the devil.Jesus was called beelzub,satan,but was jesus a devil?having a different diviergent view of spirituality and political view doesnt make one a satanist.infact the opposite is always true.

    • HH supporters are very interesting chaps; if HH says NO, everybody will sing praises for Hh and condemn those who say YES. If HH U-turns on the same issue and says YES, they will all u-turn and justify on half of HH and still continue condemning those that had always said YES…

  2. Jameson Vodka Chakolwa Rungu is a Hypocrisy,murderer,a thief and a liar.He just want to buy our votes VIVA UPND,VIVA HH 2016

    • You always call LUNGU a chakolwa, it seems you are not aware of how much GBM drinks and how violent he becomes when drunk…just as his wife and his numerous girlfriends…ABASH UPND, ABASH HH & GBM..

  3. Operation watermelon will be in attendance…… its only the noble thing to do….tho it would have been better if H.H attended just to clear the religion tag on him..aposako na ka prayer muma tongues

  4. hahahaha yaba they have realised that in Zambia you don’t neglect the church. After calling Bishop Banda names this shows that they have no direction…….I believe our brothers before waffling they should side down and consult, you say no after two days yes no direction

    • Ifi fi bantu kuwayaya fye…always getting it wrong! Why is the senior satanist not attending?…that arrogant bast8rd!


    • Chisenga @10. Are these prayers a “campaign strategy” or what? If it is really about praying to God, He will receive the prodigal son even at the eleventh hour. The comments so far are indicating that these “prayers” are just a part of the campaign. Jesus, said about the Pharisee “….. he lifted up his eyes to heaven AND PRAYED TO HIMSELF. (and not to God)…”! Mind you “God CANNOT BE DECIVED…”.

  6. Canicius ‘Pilgrim’ Banda is reserved for such ‘ minor tasks’ by HH coz HH’s Masonic Fathers cant allow him to attend such events just in case the Holy Spirits manifests and shows Zambians which god HH really serves. Kuti asemuka

  7. Viva UPND. Prayers are a double sword and they can go either way depending on which side God is. If the convenors are up to something fishy to use prayers to dupe Zambians to vote for Chagwa God will answer them in the negative, and things will go totally wrong for pf for everyone to see because He can not be mocked. The evangelical fellowship of Zambia with their Pukuta Mwanza and Joshua Banda have disgraced themselves when they failed to attend the prayers where CCZ and Catholics were on Tuesday. After elections you will see these two discredited men of the collar going to lick HH and GBm’s boots as is their custom.

    • Yes prayers can go either way but definitely not towards the idyats who called the same prayers ”a waste of time” in the first place!..amapepo a waste of time, Lesa aka mikanda imwe!

  8. UPND for you, inconsistent and chancers, thinking bigger than they really are. No proper structure, everything is about HH, what a one man centred party. Even their 10 point plan is HH’s short essay, it’s not known by the general membership. UPND is HH and HH is UPND. During Mazoka’s time, UPND was an organisation, that’s why it continued beyond him. PF is an organisation, it’s not owned by Edgar Lungu, but the general membership, that’s why they chose him and support him, it’s not one man centred party. Wait and see on 11th August 2016, if you don’t agree with me, just wait, it’s just three weeks from now. Edgar Lungu will be inaugurated again.

  9. I wanted the head of UPND to attend I guess he can’t cause God is in control. I hear darkness and light can’t mix.

  10. Lungu ordered this National Prayer to achieve certain political objectives. Lungu can stop violence in the country if he wants to but he doesn’t want to. The UPND rally in Kanyama was peaceful becoz Lungu ordered PF thugs to stay away from this rally and for ZP to keep peace.The outcome in Kanyama was a peaceful rally. Lungu is using the Bible and the Gun to rig the upcoming elections in his favour. Lungu is benefiting from the violence and would rather see it continue because the end justifies the means. Most of the violence is incited by Lungu and carried out by PF thugs and the Police on orders from the Commander-in-Chief who is Lungu himself. Any prayers without action are futile.Lungu should stop mocking God.

  11. Xavier always UPND will be cry babies, continue hide and seek. Your party has no direction and divided no wonder you failed to implement the so called black friday. Life is about being consistent not today we shall not attend mailo we are attending pwahahahaha you guys are jokers….

  12. HH does not need to attend in person. He has a team led by Dr. Banda to do that. He will be in Choma on that day addressing a mega rally. He has to catch up with time owing to cancel led rallies, canceled flights etc.

    • President Lungu had a rally on the day of the peace talks called by the church and he personally attended before flying for to Northern province. This man knows and respects God. Not these free masons in the opposition

  13. Prayer is not a forcing matter. We are all sinners so no need to judge any one. God gave us 5 senses to enable us better our environment. What I see in this country is all mediocrity. We want to use God even over things that are simple and straight forward. God doesn’t encourage laziness and stupidity so as we pray lets not politicize prayers .we have to be true to our situation and love each other just as Christ Did. We shouldn’t here any inflammatory immature stupid statements against any tribe or grouping in Zambia …. Amen.

  14. Comment:
    I remember when UPND decided to turn down the invitation there was noise… Freemaison, stanist. Then again somebody decided to listen and say we will attended. It has became a preoblem. Than what do really want them to do…..?
    They dont want to give an excuse of been in a campaign period were time is an issue. Instead they have decided to divided themselves, by sending Banda for the meeting the rest continue with the campaign. Remember they don’t have government machinery for them to cover a winder area in a short period of time… Like using ZaF COPERS which can cover the whole province in day…. Otherwise well done for re – considering your earlier stance tho,its a well known fact that the players are just a show off without meaning. but for the seek of pleasing those…

  15. Now I can see that this prayer thing is just nonsense. Let me tell you, God is not owned by certain people in society. If this was truly a prayer session, you would not be concerned about who attends. God would still prevail on our requests if we truthfully pray even if certain people are not there.

    I can see that people are using very abusive language when describing other people who want to attend prayers and those who don’t want and at the same time claiming to be Christians. That is fake Christianity. If the God you worship tolerates such nonsense, then I can assure you that I can not worship him. I would rather worship something else which makes logical sense than the God being proclaimed by those who are insulting and demeaning others. You God is fake and your Christianity is…

  16. Caniscius Banda with all his personal problems is hoping for divine intervention by attending the prayers in his own personal capacity not for UPND.Mark my words.Simple as that.Evicted by his landlord.Hexit Hexit prefers GBM over him for running mate,…list of problems is endless.Help me God!!!

    • I agree Canitius is coming in his own capacity and we thank God for touching your
      Heart. Light & darkness can not mix.

  17. Igwe No. 2 walasa.
    We do not pray to show off. That is for the pharisees and not us. So, go all ye pharisee to the national house of prayer and show the world that you are God fearing. Surely, you will receive your reward on ZNBC.

  18. Why send C. Band who is already out of the league . We want HH and GBM to come for prayers they are the ones sending young ones to make bombs and use pangas to their fellow youths. Band ni wakayele. Banda will be coming for himself not to represent UPND.

  19. HH shows Leadership. He attended the LAZ organised prayers last Tuesday and has delegated this Prayer organised by ” Christians for Lungu” to his deputy becoz he has prior arrangements. What is wrong with that? PF did not send a Representative to the LAZ organised prayer. Why? In any case going to prayers organised by people who kill at night and want to pray during the Ray is hypocritical. The source of violence in Zambia is none other than ECL & PF. We all know this Bishop!

  20. UPND please don’t announce where you’ll be going next to campaign. Lungu has no campaign strategy but to follow u so that ZAF grounds your helicopters while ZP cancels your rallies ati bcoz VODKA is in the province. A Province is a very vast area that the presence of 1 skinny drunkard should halt movements of other candidates.

  21. Another chibwi @Maloza, what you are forgetting is UPND has already been to those areas so they are the ones who are following PF.

  22. Kikikiki ma…
    Letters were given to leaders of political parties to attend the meeting not representative….
    HH is a freemasonry period he is scared of Holy Ghost fire….Demons will manifest out of him. Fire
    Let him go and you will see what will happen.

  23. The head of upnd can’t attend prayers because he has discernment to know that Lungu is not a serious leader. He will call for prayers the next day he will be sending police to shoot innocent citizens. It is mockery to God and he punishes evil doers. Don’t pretend to be holy when you are wolf in sheep’s skin. Why is it that there is no change despite calling for more prayers?

  24. Well, UPND is damned if it does and damned if it does not! All due to the tactics of the ruling party and the “ndwiiness” of most of us!

  25. Yahweh is great! A long time ago God foretold that “If anyone among you thinks he is wise by the world’s standards, he should become a fool in order to be really wise. For what this world considers to be wisdom is nonsense in God’s sight. No one, then should boast about what human beings can do”.1Cor 3. Now I believe that Zambia is a Christian Nation & God is in control. UPND & some church mother bodies started by belittling & rationalising why they should not attend the call for national prayers. Some even labelled the President foolish & a hypocrite. 1 by 1 God is convicting those willing to become foolish that there is nothing wrong to call on Him if all human effort is failing. God Bless Zambia!

  26. If they attend prayer meeting ati the UPND attended – they made a U-TURN. If they donchi ati – SATANIC PEOPLE BA UPND…! YABA Zambians – make up your mind and do what you want

  27. I do not go to church and I won’t go to church in Zambia where barbaric acts happen on a daily basis then they all turn to God for forgiveness…! So I stay at home and stay away from the devil worshippers who kill innocent people, teargas children and strip nake innocent women so they can video the whole event.

  28. Stopping violence is not only the job of ECL, all of us have to refuse violence. upnd have hh, gbm and William banda who are very violent people, it is up to them to stop fanning problems.

  29. Yahweh is great! Long time ago God foretold that “If anyone among you thinks he is wise by the world’s standards, he should become a f00l in order to be really wise. For what the world considers to be wisdom is nonsense in God’s sight. No one then should boast about what human beings can do.”1Cor3. Now I believe that Zambia is a Christian Nation & God is in control. UPND & some church bodies started by belittling & rationalising why they should not respond to the call for national prayers. Some even labeled the President a fool & hypocrite. 1 by 1 God is convicting some of the ‘wise’ willing to become f00lish that there is nothing wrong to call on Him if all human effort is failing. God Bless Zambia!

  30. Putting lipstick on a pig to win votes! Zambians are not stupid! You only get to be believed by denouncing Satanism through being born again not through political convenience moves! God bless the President!

  31. Okay despite u-turn you are welcome as Gods prayers are for everybody. So then you will send the Third vice president?

  32. somehow HH is scared of the holly ghost fire group,it was a few days ago when joshua banda was being insulted here by a simaata,yet the man of God kept mute,wise! same wisdom Edgar shows,then I begin to see the fruits of the spirit,slow to anger,we know HH is quick to anger and believe me whether satanist or not high blood pressure is real,we wouldn’t want HH dying after elections then u point at edgar ati its his fault,wamulowa,we,know u watermelons but we know us too,we are the PATRIOTIC FRONT THR BIGGER TEAM

  33. Oh sorry for the seeming disrespect, I meant Second vice president…..didnt mean to offend UPND they are a very sensitive party.kikikikiki

    • aah, baoneni. mulibachabechabe ba PF ba shinga manyela ba swine. Busy insulting yet pretending to be prayerful.

  34. GBM was hit hard by ECL he has gone to try to reverse it. GBM dont use violence to out run ECL and Kelvin Sampa in Kasama. It will be youself to blame, already you have even international case of forging a certificate

  35. Yahweh is great! Long time ago God foretold that “If anyone among you thinks he is wise by the world’s standards, he should become a f00l in order to be really wise. For what the world considers to be wisdom is nonsense in God’s sight. No one then should boast about what human beings can do.”1Cor3. Now I believe that Zambia is a Christian Nation & God is in control. UPND & some church bodies started by belittling & rationalising why they should not respond to the call for national prayers. Some even labeled the President a f00l & hypocrite. 1 by 1 God is convicting some of the ‘wise’ willing to become f00lish that there is nothing wrong to call on Him if all human effort is failing. God Bless Zambia!

  36. *_Timely Warning To Zambians!_*

    *”OMAR BANGURA from Sierra Leone has this to tell Zambians;”*

    “I don’t think you guys know what you are playing with. You can call each other names and laugh about it now but when you end up inciting hate here as I read through your posts here and a real civil war starts in your country you will regret what you are doing now. Your religious and political leaders are trying to divide you between religious lines and you are helping them do that rather than standing up and say we are all Zambians never mind our tribe, region or religion. That’s the only stand that will save your blessed nation. The foreign powers pushing the government to take certain decisions will abandon you when you start killing one another and reject you from running to their…

  37. reject you from running to their countries so be careful. Our 11 year war in Sierra Leone was not even based on religious or tribal difference and see what we did to our country. The worst conflicts are those based on tribal and religious differences. See Central Africa, Bosnia, South Sudan and Rwanda. To have a better knowledge of this, please watch the documentary/movie called _”Hotel Rwanda”_ or _”Sometime in April”._ My heart bleeds when I read what you guys are saying because I know what this will lead to. _*You will be the losers all of you whether Christian, Muslim, Bemba or Tongas.*_ Stand as one and save your nation together bcos you have only one Zambia that has the8 potential to lead Africa.”


    • In as much as this post from Sierra Leone is very helpful, ifwe tusekaseka fye lubuli fiko! Pa Zed twakana intulubundi!

  38. There was one of these prayer events last year. What are the results of prayer? Nothing but a waste of time. If we can pray our way out poverty then we are a rich nation. Will jobs and economy prosperity come from heaven? Dont pray for your problems to end..use your brain and inner courage to fight for your piece of the world pie. No more prayers!

  39. This was my post on Tuesday 19
    DISGUSTED July 19, 2016 at 12:22 pm

    I advise HH and his group to attend Sunday’s prayers on 24 July. If he shuns these prayers, Zambians will also shun him on 11 August. So to up his slim chance, he must attend and may be, just may be, he will narrow the margin of defeat and survive humiliation. I pity HH, that is why I’m offering this advice. HH, you are being offered a fair chance to concede defeat with minimum humiliation. So do not shun the prayers.

    I’m glad HH ha taken my advice seriously.

  40. Why is it that there is no change despite calling for more prayers? this is a question from Mateo. Mateo it is because of you, HH, GBV and the rest of UPND cadres who thinks the only way to enter State House is through violence.

  41. HH may have problems ” reading” the place of prayers in this kind of political setup ??
    How then will he tone down the nation ??
    He has good advisors but seems to hate ECL

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