Sunday, January 19, 2025

President Lungu arrives in New York to attend United Nations General Assembly


President Lungu greets Zambia's Defence Attache to the United States  Brig Gen Henry Mukuka as First Lady Esther Lungu looks on on arrival in New York for the 71st UN General Assembly on Friday, September 16,2016-Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Lungu greets Zambia’s Defence Attache to the United States Brig Gen Henry Mukuka as First Lady Esther Lungu looks on on arrival in New York for the 71st UN General Assembly on Friday, September 16,2016-Picture by THOMAS NSAMA

President Edgar Lungu has arrived in New York  to attend the 71st Session of the United Nations General Assembly High-Level meetings.

President Lungu, First Lady Mrs Esther Lungu, the President’s Political Advisor Mr. Kaizar Zulu and other members of the Presidential entourage landed at Teterboro Airport in New Jersey at 07:18 AM Eastern Standard Time, and was received by Zambia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Her Excellency Dr Mwaba Kasese-Bota.

According to the statement released to the media by Zambia’s First Secretary for Press and Public Relations Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Mr Chibaula D. Silwamba, the President and the receiving party travelled by road from New Jersey to New York.

Permanent Secretaries Ambassador Chalwe Lombe (Foreign Affairs), Ms. Kayula Siame (Commerce) and Mr. Trevor Kaunda (Lands), the Presidents’ advisors, Zambia UN Mission diplomatic staff led by Deputy Permanent Representative Ms. Christine Kalamwina and other senior government officials were on hand to welcome the President in New York.

President Lungu and over 100 other Heads of State and Government will participate in the deliberations of the 71st Session of the General Assembly, which is being held under theme: The Sustainable Development Goals: A universal Push to transform our world.

Preceding his address to the General Assembly, President Lungu will deliver Zambia’s statement at the High-Level Meeting on addressing the Large Movements of Refugees and Migrants. The President and his Slovenian counterpart will co-chair Round Table Two (2) titled: Addressing the drivers of migration, particularly large movements, and highlighting the positive contributions.

The High-Level Summit will adopt an outcome document titled “the New York Declaration on Refugees and Migrants”, through which the international community will propose new approaches to sharing responsibility for refugees. This is meant to bring in more States to support refugees and host States at an early stage of displacements in a more predictable manner.

In Zambia’s capacity as Vice-President of the 71st Session of the United Nations General Assembly, President Lungu will preside over the evening deliberations of the plenary session of the High-Level Meeting to Address the Large Movements of Refugees and Migrants, prior to the closure of the one-day meeting.

As President of country that has been host to refugees for decades, Mr. Lungu will attend The Leader’s Summit on Refugees to be hosted by U.S. President His Excellency Mr. Barack Obama, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Jordanian King Abdullah II, Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto, Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven, and U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki Ban.

President Lungu is scheduled to sign the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. The Paris Agreement was adopted by all 196 Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change at the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) in Paris on 12 December 2015.

At least 175 countries signed the Paris Agreement on 22 April, 2016, on the first day it was opened for signature, at a special Signing Ceremony at UN HQ in New York. The Paris Agreement is expected to enter into force upon having ratification from a minimum total of 55 member states, of which about 26 member states ratified by 31 August, 2016.

President Lungu will address the UN General Assembly on the opening day of the General Debate on Tuesday 20 September, 2016.

President Lungu will use this opportunity to highlight, to the global community, Zambia’s development agenda and aligning the same to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

President Lungu is committed to improve the wellbeing of all Zambians through implementation of sound development initiatives that will spur social, political and economic, as well as job creation for all.

The UN General Assembly is a good platform to showcase Zambia’s social, political and economic successes and opportunities.

President Lungu will take part in the commemorative event to mark the First anniversary of the Adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

President Lungu will also honour an invitation from the US Department of Commerce and the Bloomberg Philanthropies to participate in the US-Africa Business Forum.

The Forum will focus on increasing trade and investment opportunities between the U.S. and African nations, and US President Barack Obama and several African Presidents will participate.

The US-Africa Business Forum will accord President Lungu to engage potential investors.

On the other hand, the First Lady Mrs Esther Lungu will participate in several high-profile meetings including the African First Ladies/Spouses and Heads of State and Government High Level Meeting, focusing on stopping cancer in Africa. She will also participate at the Organization of African First Ladies against HIV/AIDS (OAFLA)/United Nations Population Fund(UNFPA) and International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) annual event to be held under the theme” Improving the Sexual and Reproductive Health of the Adolescent girls: The role of First Ladies”.

The First Lady is expected to attend the African Women’s Entrepreneurship Program (AWEP) Induction Ceremony where she will be inducted as Pan African Chairperson of AWEP.




President Lungu and First Lady Esther Lungu listens to Permanent Mission of Zambia to the United Nations First Secretary for Press Chibaula Silwamba on arrival in New York for the 71st UN General Assembly on Friday, September 16,2016-Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Lungu and First Lady Esther Lungu listens to Permanent Mission of Zambia to the United Nations First Secretary for Press Chibaula Silwamba on arrival in New York for the 71st UN General Assembly on Friday, September 16,2016-Picture by THOMAS NSAMA


  1. Straight after inauguration the chap is busy trying to accumulate allowance while wife shops. He missed the globe trotting. Surely he hasn’t even finished picking his ministers and a lot of work is looming at home. Why not delegate a ps or minister. He is attending a meeting where Zambia doesn’t have much influence or gains. Ubututu

    • And to all those wondering yes I am in ibiza on holiday but I am doing so using my own hard earned money and because pf has damaged tourism in Zambia. As I speak I am just having a drink and interacting with various nationalities . I am shocked how well known hh is among Norwegians. God bless u hh our president

    • @ 1 Ewe Chuundu Impi, zonda chikubabe. Ichikonko chifikilepi? Zonda uleme its 5 more years of unpalleled divine Grace on ECL and the people of Zambia.

    • @Nez……
      Lazy Bum Edgar is simply a useless tin …by the way how old are you to be holidaying in Ibiza? I wouldn’t go there even if I was offered free 5 star hotel package. I see enough drunk English boys and girls in the city centre.

    • The chap is partying as we speak; serious people hit the ground running look at John Magufuli its only now that he has started travelling after 12 months of working …meanwhile this Lazy Bum hasn’t finished appointing his cabinet he is off on a privately chartered jet for 5 days in the US with a big entourage. Do you know how it costs to keep a chartered aircraft waiting for you for 5 days.

    • “As President of country that has been host to refugees for decades, Mr. Lungu will attend The Leader’s Summit on Refugees to be hosted by U.S. President His Excellency Mr. Barack Obama, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Jordanian King Abdullah II, Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto, Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven, and U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki Ban.”

      The US President from the land of Lincoln will be hosting the Zambian Lincoln ~ US’ way of reaffirming ECL as the legitimate President of the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise. Move on losers, we have a country to run!!

      I rest my case …

    • Please take time to visit the bronks, harlem and see our brothers and sisters who were stolen from africa many centuries ago to work as slaves in the america. Their descendant are there. Why do no african leaders ever talk abou them. We wrote them off like a bad cheque. Its time we established Connections with them. Its more important than the damn UN were the whites still control us.

    • These our brothers have stood and spoke for us during our independence struggle, they spoke against south african aparthied then with protests at the SA embassy. But ifwe we never talk about them. The United Snakes of America are busy killing them using race soldiers they call police and our leaders say nothing. Why? Lets show love for ourselves.whites stood together for their fellow whites in Zim.why dont we?

    • He could not wait, the man was dying that the petition would have made him miss the conference?? You better change the economy than your last term nonsense.

  2. Kalibu bakateka! My grand children based in the USA cordially welcome you with cheerful hearts. Engage them for the benefit of Zambia.

    • Your grand children and children forced to settle in America ad economic refugees yet here you are ati bakateka nyo nyo. You are a very dull senior citizen. Grey hair is not sign of wisdom indeed

    • Bet you cannot even afford to visit your grand children due to pf economic failures yet you cheer and wave at the plane as lungu flies out. Hope u told him to greet your grandchildren for you. You sad man

    • Chuundu Impi, All rage vented out freely in a democracy of Lungu, now go wait for your kaya Kaya opportunity in 2050. But you continue rehearsing protocol theatrics you secretly started in 2006 in hope of HH’s Presidency. Maybe you can use them Kaya Kay’s in 2050 should Zambians condone sectarian causes to fly free which you dearly stand for. But ni katwishi mwana wankhwale samakula.

    • @senior citizen, you’re really a disgrace and a shameless bootlicker. We know what these people do when they get to New York. We’ve met them before in Times Square, doing nothing but just window shopping and looking lost, while the meetings at UN are in progress. If you were wise enough, you would know that most of the people on his entourage are going to the USA not because they’re going to do anything there that’s beneficial to Zambia. Most are just going to shop, and admire the tall buildings in Manhattan, drink , celebrate and laugh at how easily they hoodwinked people like you in supporting their illegal election victory. And I don’t know who wrote this article but in the USA presidents are not referred to as your “Excellency,” a term African dictators love to hear,…

    • (Continued)… because it makes them feel like they’re kings or demi-gods. And if anything, I don’t think President Obama will even pay much attention to Lungu, not only because Lungu has been Cozy with the infamous dictator Mugabe, but because, most likely, Obama already knows that Lungu stole the election victory. Now, put all that in your pipe and smoke it, old man.

  3. An illegal president mascarading in the same room as legitimate leaders such as Obama. There is injustice in this world.

    Dununa Reverse!

    • Yaba Jay Jay of all things you wish to drag my name in the mud and call me lazy on the internet, you don’t even know me. But I am used to baseless commentary such as you have done. If being lazy is being a man able to take care of my family and provide food, clothing and security I am guilty!
      Let me just let you know when I see that flag and fellow country men and women gather and the head of state is there then why not?
      I am tired of people who want to pee on peoples happiness and joy just because they did not get what they wanted. Get with the program or Sela!

  4. Where is the Zambian diversity?

    It’s just Mwaba, Mukuka, Silwamba, and drop of Zulu. Then they wonder why they get rejection in other sidelined regions? Where is our lost Unity?

    Dununa Reverse!

  5. Can’t blame the guy for liking the job of Prez. History will note what we do today and write our legacy.

    In the meantime the wining and dining from those desiring things can make anyone swoon. Just remember Zed is not yours and your job is a service.

    When you get back those dirty streets and unpaid bills will still be there waiting. Schmooze away. The work ain’t going nowhere. And guess whose job it is to fix it all… Even I would rather talk about refugees and climate change than face the current economic climate and wonder why a country with so much going for itself is crippled.

  6. Were the Dununa Reverse Band onboard this time again?
    This was chartered flight, are you still investigating how much it cost before this becomes a hot topic here?

  7. Imagine if we had allowed the Satamic mothar fkucker (HH) and his retarded sewage brain GBV into power. Good riddance . Go well your Excellency and represent us. We kicked out the FO0LS Scott Mmembe and the swiine.

    • How can the brilliant Zambian minds allow a Musa tan yo (HH) to ride to New York on our tax payers money? Kaponya (HH) has once again failed the United People for Next Defeat (UPND). (HH) the rejected bitter minion from the pits of hell. Burn in hell mothar fkucker!

  8. Edgar Lungu is quick to attend a mere UN talk shop yet he stayed away from a more relevant Africa -Japan TICAD business forum of African heads of states in Nairobi,Kenya.

    You see why Zambia is regressing cuz of wrong priorities by PF and Lungu?

    • Zambians are so backwards, how can they allow a clueless ***** to rule you! Zambia has lost a golden opportunity in HH, we are in a long haul into a bottomless pit, thanks to docile Zambians.

  9. Poor Zambia hiring a plane while all are suffering, no medicines, not enough doctors, teachers, roads incoplete (Solwezi road), creating new ministry, and many other issues. What iresponcibility!!!

  10. Ewe, when did Japan do anything fo Africa? Those who will tell u that Japan is campaigning fo a UN permanent seat. And only Tongas & their low thinking can buy into the “new found Japan business fimo fimo”. Japan has never given a shi.t about Africa despite being technologicaly advanced akale. China has done so much even when they were poor.

    • @wilz – How old are you that you ignorantly ask that? Do you know who JICA is – its stands for Japan International Cooperation Agency, if you went to a boarding school 20 years ago at some point this organisation genuinely assisted in science, sport, technology…its pointless for me to sit here debate about handouts.

  11. UPND freaks, please give us a break from incessant comments. Just making so.much noise that the very few times when you might speak sense we cannot see the difference. By the way you can make permissible noise by telling us where is HH. He is so quiet after Nervous Mumba was locked up. I always told you that HH is a coward. See how he told Zambians that he had fought enough battles in courts now it was their turn to do illegal things to rise against government and get shot or locked up for him.

  12. The forged President Lungu is burying his head in the sand like an ostrich after stealing elections back home. Elections Observers have not yet declared the Zambia 2016 Elections free,fair,credible and transparent and yet the chief election fraudster is already gallavanting in the USA as if elections were not disputed. Illegitimate Lungu needs to figure out how he is going to restore legitimacy back home b4 he is slapped with sanctions and travel restrictions for electoral fraud. The Petetion remains unheard and until it is heard Lungu should be sanctioned and denied access to capital in international markets. IMF should not finance the illegitimate Lungu govt until it returns to legitimacy.

  13. LT please do not add title to Obama. He is never called “his excellence”. I hope Trump or Rush Limbaugh (No nation ever taxed itself into prosperity) does not read this.

  14. US president “His excellency” Barack Obama? I never knew about his title, only despotic African leaders are fond of using such titles.

  15. “The UN General Assembly is a good platform to showcase Zambia’s social, political and economic successes….”

    Only if Lungu can find some! And that will be very hard work.

    Maybe he should rather just tell the truth.

    Like Zambia is broke due to PF borrowing and corruption. And we have a collapsing economy due to poor planning that has brought load shedding.

    But those things are not as important as enjoying yourself on $300,000 of Zambian taxpayers money, is it?

  16. AThe President should ask the International Community to help him set up an independent and impartial international criminal tribunal for Zambia and not a biased incompetent commission of inquiry, resourced within Zambia.

    The UN General Assembly currently sitting in New York should engage with President Lungu in addressing the human rights violations in Zambia. We want appropriate compensation. It’s my appeal again to the UN Security Council to attend to this matter expeditiously and approach President Edgar Lungu as he attends the UN General Assembly. Our rights have been grossly infringed upon. My UN benefit entitlement in particular, was targeted, defrauded, defrauded, extorted and pillaged from me in abuse of the court process and abuse of state machinery. I need a resolution…

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