Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Lusaka Province team wins first prize at the 2016 National JETS fair


Lusaka Province team, winners of the 2016 National JETS Fair held in Mkushi
Lusaka Province team, winners of the 2016 National JETS Fair held in Mkushi

Lusaka Province has won the best overall team position at the 2016 National JETS(Junior Electricians Technicians Scientists) Fair that was held in Mkushi District.

Central Province Education Officer(PEO) Jennifer Chishimba officiated the 48th National JETS Fair that was held at Mkushi Secondary School.

Mrs. Chishimba said that JETS competitions are exemplary of Government’s commitment towards strengthening the scientific base amongst school going children.

She said that Government is gratified to learn that various organisations are complementing the efforts involved in helping to form a well grounded base for young people to unfold their potential in scientific research and innovations.

She said that Government thanked organisations such as Engineering Institute of Zambia(EIZ), UNICEF(United Nations Children Education Fund), JICA(Japan International Cooperating Agency) as well as PACRA(Patent And Companies Registration Agency), for sponsoring the event.

Meanwhile, EIZ Representative Evans Mwauka assured that his organization is committed to ensuring that National JETS Fair becomes a permanent fixture on the annual calendar for school activities, adding that EIZ would continue sponsoring the event.

Deputy National JETS Coordinator Dr. Dani Banda noted that projects displayed at the competition had taken into consideration the need for innovations that are environmental friendly.

Dr. Banda said that amongst projects from all 10 Provinces that had taken part in the competition, the aspect of environmental concerns was adhered to as this was reflected in the theme that read as ‘creating wealth through knowledge for a peaceful and sustainable future’.

Lusaka Province also came tops in the Junior secondary, followed by Luapula and Southern repectively.

Senior Secondary was won by Lusaka, with Central and Copper Belt coming second and third place respectively.

The Primary school category was won by Central Province, followed by Copper Belt and Lusaka respectively.



  1. Congrats but under pf this the only achievement you will get because there is lack of support for people in your interest or sector. Under pf you will succeed if you become a cadrre

  2. These kids will waste their brains under failed pf. If they have any brains they will try hard to come to UK and join intellectuals like myself

    • Kabotu musankwa.how is your PhD going? I will be visiting London this Tuesday and will need to see you mwana wesu.

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