Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Sunday Interview with University of Zambia New Vice Chancellor



  1. With all the debt UNZA has one wonders whether Lungu has a vision. He has wasted money which could have been given to UNZA by using ZAF helicopter to transport dancers and singers for his campaigns, hiring planes to the USA and oppressing the opposition with his police etc. thanks doc for your ideas

    • This type of bile spilt out at every innocent occurrence can’t be good for you. It’s bad for the human spirit to harbour such venom, and does not show you in good light. What can anyone gain in reading your surly outbursts?

  2. The interview seem promising. I think the ideas seem workable but what Prof Mumba needs is team of staff sho shares his vision. Identify a few who can believe is what he seen and together, can steers the sheep forward.
    I like the idea of creating research Chairs in strategic areas
    1. Research chair in Agricultural Sciences, which can narrow down to even research chair in Food Science ad technology who will be responsible for a direct link with Industrial if they have to re-look at value addition as a second alternative to the desired income through export of finished products.
    2. Research chair Mines and energy!
    3. Research chair in medicines etc
    4. Research chair in Law!!
    5. Research chair in Economics etc.
    These are but a way to go.

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