Saturday, July 27, 2024

Poaching of wildlife saddens Minister


TOURISM and Arts Minister Charles Banda is saddened with the wanton
poaching of wildlife in the national parks in the country.

He said he was aware that the wanton poaching had caused the decline
of wildlife in the national parks in the country.

The minister noted that it was saddening that the wildlife
population was declining as a result of poaching in the national
He said when he visited Lukusuzi National Park in Lundazi District of
Eastern Province on Wednesday that the issue of illegal poaching had
taken the stage thereby decreasing the number of wildlife in the
national parks.

He said wildlife should not be depleted as a result of illegal

Mr Banda said people should realize the importance of conserving
wildlife because it had the potential of generating income for the
country through tourism.
“As you can see here (Lukusuzi National Park) it is depleted and I
have checked through to see if I can see wildlife, there is completely
nothing,” he said.

The minister said illegal encroaching and settling in the Lukusuzi
National Park was among the challenges facing it.

He said people who had built houses have caused the nature to be
depleted in one of the 20 national parks of the country.

Mr Banda urged Zambians to ensure that they protect the country’s
wildlife as it was an  important resource.

He said that there is need to attach economic value to wildlife and consider
wildlife crime as economic warfare and sabotage.

The minister called on Zambians to appreciate the
wildlife which he said had income value for the country.

In a similar development, Acting Warden Webster  Mumba Katele  told
the minister when he paid a courtesy call in Chipata Wednesday that 81
people have been apprehended in connection with illegal mining in the
Lukusuzi national park.

Mr Katele, however, pointed out that out of 81 illegal miners only nine
ring leaders were behind bars waiting for court appearances in

And Mr Banda has assured the department of cultural affairs that it
would do everything possible to ensure that it was supported during
the construction of the Kapata Hall and other infrastructure
developments at Kapata Cultural Centre


    • You can be sad all you want and preach to poachers all you want about conservation and the importance of tourism, but that won’t stop them from going out to poach. We don’t need your sadness. We need your action. That’s what you’re getting paid for. Find ways to vigorously fight this scourge, instead of shedding crocodile tears. Moreover, fix the economy, create jobs so these poachers can find some alternate ways to make a living.

    • I am getting tired of this talk … so why the hell is the new Tourism minister if he wont bring in new ways of doing things. This nonsense of media show off that you are working isn’t going to help the Wildlife….. Instead you end by talking of construction of Kapata hall. No solution for the wildlife .. restocking; monitoring game; capacity building for Wildlife wardens etc USELESS plan whatsoever .. you were just touring Sir 🙁

  1. Its your Jean Kapata you should be saddened about…her incompetence..all this has doubled on her watch and add to that you have turned the country into a hub for trophy-hunters!!

  2. Well, the solution starts with providing economic opportunities for Zambian in both the rural and urban situation.

    Remember no Zambian is willing to starve for the sake of the preservation of a wild animal.

    Dununa Livesi!!

  3. He is aware because he cannot do anything to the poachers who have bribed to do what they are doing. He will still be aware when the last elephant is killed…

  4. Imwe na imwe is that a story/ Sos and so saddened by poaching? What is he doing to stop poaching? Even if he is doing nothing, the answer, Yes the answer, is what is the story

  5. Imwe na imwe is that a story? So and so saddened by poaching? What is he doing to stop poaching? Even if he is doing nothing, the answer, Yes the answer, is what is the story

  6. If people want nothing but the whole truth we urge them to go on Facebook. Go on their site and read comments on the “Department of National Parks & Wildlife.” These are real comments by real people.

  7. Department of National Parks & Wildlife very useless indeed.
    They are on Facebook and completely incompetent in everything.

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