Saturday, July 27, 2024

Four people who include Catholic nuns perish in road accident


FOUR people who include Catholic nuns have died on the spot along the
Chipata-Lundazi road  in Lundazi District.

Eastern Province Police Commissioner Alex Chilufya confirmed yesterday
the accident which happened at Kampondo area around 11:00 hours on

Mr Chilufya said the accident happened when a driver Isaac Phiri 27,
whilst carrying four people on board driving Toyota Ipsum registration
number ALC 7695 lost control after hitting into a cyclist.

“The fatal road traffic accident (RTA) occurred around 11:
00hrs at Kampondo area along Lundazi- Chipata road. Involved was a
Toyota Ipsum reg.No.ALC 7695 driven by Isaac Phiri aged 27yrs whilst
carrying five passengers. He hit into a cyclist and in the process the
vehicle lost control and overturned,” he said.
Mr Chilufya identified the decease as Sister Martha Mwale of Teresian
Sisters and Sister Margret Botha of Sisters of John the Baptist all of
Lundazi Parish.

Janet Phiri, a teacher at Lundazi Day SecondarySchool  and
Enestiner Jere who are both Catholic also died on the spot.

He said the cyclist survived but with bodily injuries and was
currently admitted to Lumezi Hospital.

And Chipata Catholic Diocese Pastoral Coordinator Fr Gabriel Nyoni has
expressed shock at the sudden death of the two sisters and two other
female Christians.

He has further revealed that the late Sr Martha will be buried
Today at Chassa Parish in Sinda while the body of Sr Margret will be
taken to Kitwe for burial after requiem mass at St Annes Cathedral


    • “We are all going to die…”
      This makes the point: Whether you pray or you don’t , you are going to die some day. So, what is the point of praying.

      “…and where is it stated that there were prayers here?” Are you serious? This is a reasonable assumed practice especially in a country where people think they can cure AIDS with prayer. Lesa takwaba ico afilwa! Oh yaaaah! Try HIV-AIDS. Hundreds of thousands dead brain frozen Zombies (pardon me, Zambians).

      Galamukani! Prayer is a but a placebo!

    • 1 1 Only a Christian understands why we pray. We pray for peace and life after death. The law is based on Christian principles particularly the 10 commandments. It’s up to you to accept or not.

    • No wonder you call your self Faithless or should i say Useless because you really suck and am sure your mother gave birth to you whilst your father was having his menstruates…You are really a son of a hard cocked son of a bitch, i guess you are a satayoko or sorry ******** of the worst kind *****O!!

  1. LT, the program is that today at 17 hours mass will be held in Lundazi. Soon after, the bodies of the two nuns will be taken to Chipata, St Anne’s Cathedral, where the bodies will lie in state. Tomorrow at 05 hours, another mass will be celebrated to allow Chipata Christians to bid farewell to the beloved daughters and sisters. Soon after, the body of Mather Mwale will be taken to Chassa Parish while that of Margaret Botha will be taken to Kitwe for burial.

  2. RIP Brethrens!!!but its high time Govnt via RTSA reversed their decision to ban night travels because an accident can happen anytime.thats why its called “ACCIDENT!!”Govnt will slow our already weak economy down once the night travels ban comes into the volume of vehicles increases on our roads,accidents increase as well.this is a simple RTSA stop cheating senior Govnt officials that banning night travels will end or drastically reduce road accidents.that wont will only cause great damage to our weak economy because taxes are collected by Govnt across Zambia when businessmen travel 24hrs per day!!

  3. Sr Martha Mwale was my Classmate and group mate at college….its so sad to hear that you are no more…MYSRIP…..the who Grey Zone group we are just 3 remaining after Sister Theresa Left us too…RIP sisters.Chainama College 2009 intake have lost humbles souls.

  4. I am getting tired of these unnecessary deaths in Zambia. The drive must have been going on a high speed. we need to ban cycling without helmets. condolences to the families.

  5. We hear in many instances RTSA/police blaming drivers for causing these accidents but they too forget that there is a lot that they need to do. Most of our roads don’t have road marks and proper signage. You will find a truck has broken down in the middle of the road and it will be there for days and no one will care until someone dies after hitting into the truck. It’s the responsibility of RTSA to ensure broken down trucks are removed or dragged away from the roads. They shouldn’t just rush to saying this driver was over-speeding ! It’s strange!! These days all accidents seem to be caused by ‘over-speeding’. RTSA JUST DO YOUR PART. WE ARE TIRED OF STORIES!!

  6. I think the driver lost control because he was trying to avoid hitting the cyclist. But surely he should have weighed the too scenarios. He was carrying many lives in his vehicle. The cyclist was just alone. It is actually annoying to see one cyclist causing the death of so many lives. I remember another similar accident that happened years back near Kapiri Mposhi. A cyclist from nowhere just went straight into the highway. The driver of the Volvo B7 bus tried to avoid hitting him and ended up killing 11 on the spot. The cyclist bolted and has never been known down to this day. My advice: Better to hammer one cyclist and spare the lives of many!!!!

  7. Our Maggie Botha originally of Nchanga in Chingola has left us too soon. Your life has been exemplary since our youthful days. We mourn you and shall miss you greatly. MYSRIP.

  8. No wonder you call your self Faithless or should i say Useless because you really suck and am sure your mother gave birth to you whilst your father was having his menstruates…You are really a son of a hard cocked son of a bitch, i guess you are a satayoko or sorry satanist of the worst kind *****O!!

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