Saturday, July 27, 2024

Police summon Fred M’membe’s wife Mutinta


Police in Lusaka have summoned Oracle Media Productions Managing Director Mutinta Mazoka M’membe.

Oracle Media is the company behind the publication of The Mast Newspaper which has replaced the Post Newspapers which folded recently after it was placed under provisional liquidation.

Mutinta who is married to Fred M’membe, the Editor in Chief of the defunct Post Newspapers has been summoned to at Service Headquarters at 09:00 Hours this morning.

Last evening, Mutinta issued a strongly worded statement in which she stated that Oracle Media will continue publishing the Mast Newspaper as it is a registered entity.

“The current discussion of The Mast in the government media is wrong and has no basis in law. It has been suggested that The Mast is an illegal publication for allegedly not being registered with the Zambia Revenue Authority. Companies are required to register for tax within thirty days of commencement of operations. Our company has tendered all the documents required for Tax Registration and is therefore compliant with Tax laws,” Mutinta said.

She added, “It is therefore wrong to suggest that The Mast is being published illegally. On the question of copyright, we have established that there are no registered trademarks or other similar rights that The Mast is infringing. That said, we will continue to publish the newspaper in keeping with our laws as established.”


  1. Zambia Police how I wish you could have caught those murderers who were cutting young men’s private parts. Is it now a crime to register a company in Zambia?

    • Fred Mmembe is a true coward, why putting his wife in this situation? He should be man enough to not send his wife to register a company in her name.

      We are surrounded by cowards the likes of Hungry Hyena, GBV and others!

      However my appeal is to the govt not to waste time or resources on the like of the Post or Mast or whatever it is now..we have so many issues that need to be addressed!

    • Zambia is indeed going backwards due to the incompetent PF bandits & their slumber of thugs mascaraeding as police.
      The Mast is compliant with the taxes, visionless Lungu’s thugs parading in uniforms turning the country into dictatorship.
      The economy is melting, a life which is free from God has turned expensive under the violence & visionless PF of Lungu.
      Leave Mutinta Mazoka M’membe alone & learn to tolerate various views, especially the media. Without media freedom to democracy, its backwardness to primitivity with blindfolded Lungu.
      The Skeleton Key

    • How i wish these police should continue shooting each other and later ECL. Why not let this newspaper be? Now we are concentrating on closing down MAST at the expense of development which you promised during election. Next 6 months our energy as a country will all be about MAST CLOSURE.

    • While bedroom needs may be guaranteed with a Mutinta for a wife, advice on important matters from a wife may not be equally so. We all know how HH has failed to step aside from the UPND leadership after a string of election losses. After battling successive govts. Fred Mmembe refuses to see sense with a Mutinta for a wife!

      Who else on this forum also finds himself in this Mutinta web? …

    • So why has M’membe always decamped the so called Bantustan Tonga party yet out of all Zambian tribes & women he can only find love in a Bantustan Tonga woman who coincidentally is not only a mere Tonga but daughter of the founder of the same Bantustan party? M’membe is another Nawakwi always decamping a ‘Tonga’ party but beds a Tongaman as Husband who is fathering her children. Now her children will bear Hambote as surname & will be told “teti ba teke ichalo pantu ni baTonga” yet the mother is Namwanga.

      The irony is how do such couples really co-habit happily when the other is always against your tribe?

  2. So now it is Tom and Jerry at play. This idea that you can design an action for a singular purpose must stop. Now see you even forgot this guy is married, has a wife who can champion his cause for him without breaking the law and most likely they are breeding children who will do the same. Just govern with existing laws and restrain yourselves from petty nonsense. You have commenced liquidation to claim back debt and taxes. Stop there. For now.

  3. She may have applied but was her application replied to? If so what was the answer and was she issued with the necessary certificates.? If not, was she given reasons as to why this was so? Instead of baseless insinuations, people must look at these questions.

    • And before mentioning “necessary certificates” it will be useful if you clarify and quantify the same without making baseless comment whose purpose is shallow as your tax knowledge.

    • Ba Discovery no need to be emotional. I’ve simply asked these questions without bias. I am neither in support of government nor Mrs Mmembe. I am simply asking if she applied and also if she’s denied certificates ZRA must give reasons so what’s the fuss about this? Surely the guilty are always afraid.

    • The law stipulates that you must register within 30 days from the date of your trading!
      Your reasoning is either faulted or you have deliberately decided to mislead others. I give you a benefit of doubt for that.

  4. Lungu and his minions are really incompetent and afraid of their own shadows. Why are they so scared to have divergent views from those who sing their praises.

    There is one thing Mmembe, with all his tenacity and brevity, missed: he failed to move with time and embrace and utilise the power of digital media and social media: blogs, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Perhaps because he himself wasn’t open to criticism but he even blocked comments on his Post Newspaper. Rather than just sorely relying on print media, he should have diversified into digital media. By now he would have been elusive from the arm of this dictatorship by registering his company overseas under a different domain name.

    And the social media world would have come to his defence and sympathised with his…

  5. continue reading…

    And the social media world would have come to his defence and sympathised with his predicament. Had he allowed people to discuss freely, debate freely and tolerated criticism perhaps his The Post would still be around somehow.

    But he embraced the corruptible old guard who ran away from him when he needed friends.

      HE IS A FRAUD.

  6. Zabwino palibe for you. A police force that’s indescribable. You can hardly understand ZP. Tabakwata insoni bakapokola!

  7. When we speak learn to listen
    COPPER PRICES PREDICTED TO DOUBLE IN THE COMING WEEKS!Sorry ba Lsk Times this is an off subject topic but I have to share the good news!!!! I said copper prices would rise (I was insulted by the usual empty tin UPND blood thirsty animals) and yes they are rising at an extremly fast rate!!! Increased demand from China and expected massive infrastructure projects across the US from a new Trump administration are the pushing the price up! This translate into- more jobs, a more stable Kwacha as predicted we expect it to reach K6 by beginning of next year! But let’s continue with fiscal discipline especially at the top level of govt expenditure- No more SUVs for Top Govt officials please!!!
    Ba Zambia We Love You!!!!

  8. Comment: Why do this country tolerate this family. It is now getting out of hand coz this family wants to abduct this country and take it to some unknown destination.

  9. We live in a very big village which has no proper rules for governance, and the name of this big village is Zambia. This can also be evidenced from the type of infrastructure around and the levels of poverty. Only a few well to do are having it easy while three quarters of its villages are hard hit by poverty. Accept or refute this, reality will still dawn on you.

  10. persecution at its worst…the mines didn’t pay taxes for the whole of 2015 because they disputed and still negotiating as we write,Mmembe disputes 53 million they close him down and airheads continue saying just pay,its laughable

  11. DEC is sadly an organisation composed of frustrated and very bitter UPND Lozi supremacist trialists that make it a point to embarrass and intimidate Northerners and Easterners!

    DEC should be disbanded and absorbed into the. Zambia Police Service. DEC serves no prupose, their money laundering division should be absorbed by the ACC.

  12. This government will succeed at brainwashing the nation one day;this is evident even from some comments here.We have seen how the Americans have been brainwashed to the extent that they have no clue what ms happening on Wall Street and behind the scenes in running their government. Mmembe is not an angel but to leave us with DeadNBC, daily mail and times is a recipe for serious brainwashing. Muvi is under intimidation too.

  13. Good luck Madam, and congratulations. For you to open this MASK NEWSPAPER, you must have been mentally , intellectual and factually prepared for the battle with government. I believe the timing of opening the paper was not well scheduled. Your dear husband maybe should have paid everything in due time or if this is not about paying taxes, then he should have mended his relations with his close friends in government, before allowing you to open the MASK. And if PUSH COMES TO SHOVEL. JUST CLOSE THE PAPER UNTIL , YOUR HUBBY IS OUT OF HIGH WATER.. OTHER WISE GREAT JOB…….

  14. they have failed to harrass and bring down mmembe now they are after his wife. How pathetic is that? lungu be a man.. if mmembe decides to go after your wife he will fimish her off because ba esther does not even know how to count upto 20

  15. What happened to the abuse of office by DEC EX-bosses who used exhibit money and a fund for operations to build houses and buy cars for themselves? What happened to PS Miti and his hand in Kapoko’s theft and corruption? What happened to the exPS southern formerly from Cabinet who awarded multimillion contracts to road pavers for a company she had benefits, what about the exPS at cabinet ‘special duties’ who gave a contract tender without laid down procedures for curtains etc amongst other things…what summer kamimbas OMC? Oh what about the Chinese airport contract? Or the road tenders to former Min for Finance? Oh please leave m’membe alone just say lets insulting each other and move on….

  16. Opinion: M’membe’s Shame in Sata Sickness

    Peter Adamu | June 27, 2014

    | 9

    M’membeIt must be very awkward being Fred M’membe these days in the national life of our country Zambia. Even for men without honour there has to be that private moment when you have to face yourself in the mirror and wonder where you lost your soul.

    In 2006 M’membe had a field day almost on a daily basis reminding everyone why the United Party for National Development Anderson Mazoka should step down as UPND President on health grounds.

    M’membe stood on a moral pedestal pontificating about the virtuousness of his position and eventually Mazoka died.

    M’membe sent his venom to Mazoka even to his grave and reminded everyone that Andy may have lived longer if he had heeded his…

  17. his advice.

    Even that was not enough as M’membe consummated this hatred by marrying Mazoka’s daughter Mutinta. How it may have hurt her father? Andy wasn’t even a sitting President!

    Fast forward to Levy Mwanawasa’s tenure where daily headlines were accorded to then venomous opposition leader Michael Sata having a field day on urging Levy to step down. Was it not routine for Sata to routinely issue his soundtrack of “Zambia may have early polls”?

    Did not Sata delight in calling Mwanawasa a cabbage? Was he not chased from accompanying Mwanawasa’s body around the country on account that his hatred for Mwanawasa and wishing him ill was a matter of public record?

    With Mwanawasa out of the way and President Sata in office, M’membe had turned his arsenals to then former Vice…

  18. Vice President George Kunda. Did they not delight in mocking him about his so called red lips? All this was so much fun for M’membe and his heartless lieutenants but albeit in M’membe’s own words ‘it has come back to haunt them’.

    Does not M’membe everyday preach about life being a great equalizer? How awkward it must be for M’membe that he has had to swallow his vomit and now seem to stand tall defending the secrecy about President Sata’s illness?

    Is it not shameful that their news sense is so compromised that the country has to rely on the BBC and the Jerusalem Post to break the news about the President’s illness?

    Surely even in disgrace there is a bit of honour? Is it not a shame that today that M’membe has lost his journalistic compass such that while the international story…

  19. story about Zambia is about the President’s illness he has decided to soak his energies on the drinking habits of women?

    Not even his anointed possible successor Wynter Kabimba is a specimen of good health. For now we wish our Republican President a quick recovery or is it a restful holiday as Guy Scott would want us to believe even when we have detailed briefs of his clinical state!

  20. Zambia is now a police state and the whole world is aware of it. Information in Zambia is suppressed with a full blown dictatorship rule. Zambians be warned of hard times ahead as thieves in power have a field day without accountability. Sad to say the progressive world has forgotten about Zambian issues in terms of good governance rule of law and democracy.
    Corruption will\has consumed the entire Zambia on account of PF government. Chishimba Kambwili is a symbol of corruption in Zambia. Its been reported here about corruption and yet part of the budget presented is awaiting a component from donors. Donors are not foolish not to know what is happening in Zambia by suppressing news media. Common Zambians will suffer in a corrupt PF regime.

  21. The formation of The mast by comrade membe”s wife is legal, however it means they are conceding defeat to the fact that they have failed to pay taxes and workers at The Post they should have dealt with the Post conclusively then later on form the Mast because as it is issues at the Post will continue to haunt them.

  22. Mr. Mazoka had the most shares in the Post, letting it die and not coming up with a solution would not be carrying the dream of Mr. Mazoka so Mutinta married to Mmembe or not she would have done this to continue her father’s legacy. Bwezani is at the root of ensuring that the Post goes down while funding the Nation from our tax monies

  23. Wish Zambian’s were able to stand what is right than allow these people to turn the country up side down. Reduce the cost of mealie than fighting individuals

  24. Zambians have gone to sleep while PF bandits are taking the country backwards. Where are the real Zambians who fought for Democracy? Are you still asleep when the country is turning into banana Republic? Stand up for mother Zambia let us be united and claim back what we fought for.

  25. Lungu dispite don’t agree with on post and his editor his OK,so is he on CK dismissal! The is re doing great job by humbling such man.praise God some of are enjoying his moves day by day!

  26. Its a lesson for everyone to b humble!where is wynter k proud man always drop period well done lungu!keep trusting wise and humble men like RB

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