Saturday, July 27, 2024

Chipata TV editor released


Chipata Television
Chipata Television

Chipata Television editor Iris Mwale was Tuesday released from remand after meeting the K 20,000 bail conditions.

Ms Mwale was locked up on Monday after appearing in court charged with seditious practices alongside UPND Deputy National Chairperson for Youth and Sports Development Michael Chuzu.

Mr Chuzu is reported to have issued a statement that the UPND would not recognise President Edgar Lungu’s re-election which was covered in a news story.

The charge of seditious practice is in line with Section 57(1) (b) of the penal code chapter 87 of the laws of Zambia.

Particulars of the offence were that the on 26 September, 2016 in Chipata jointly and whilst acting together with intent to raise discontent or disaffection among the people of Zambia, seditiously
uttered and published a seditious publication concerning government.

The two are expected to appear for further explanation of the offence on November 28th this year.

Meanwhile journalists from different media houses welcomed Ms Mwale as she was being released.


  1. this is because Zambians are docile. You let an dummy step on your toes without saying excuse me Sir you are stepping on my toes. Someone is infringing your rights but everyone is quite, its amazing!

  2. Chola, you can make a fool of a president if you were one – Just let every hell bent element broadcast any nonsense while you sit and fold your hands; let anyone incite citizens to disregard the president in the name of human rights etc. I marvel at your brain capacity.

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