Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Lungu’s foreign trips key for Zambia’s development


Foreign Affairs Minister Harry Kalaba
Foreign Affairs Minister Harry Kalaba

Foreign Affairs Minister Harry has assured the nation  that the high level state visits that President Lungu undertakes are the surest ways to unlock potential and mutual beneficial cooperation with other countries.

Mr Kalaba said as a result his ministry will continue facilitating such high level visits between the Head of State and his counterparts on the continent and beyond.

Addressing a press briefing in Lusaka today Mr Kalaba said the state visits are in line with Zambia’s Foreign Policy as espoused in the revised Foreign policy of 2014.

Mr Kalaba also outlined the forthcoming international engagements that President Lungu is scheduled to undertake in the coming few days.

He said in recognition of the country’s standing in the region and beyond, President Lungu has been invited by his Tanzanian counterpart John Magufuli to undertake a state visit to that country from 27th to 29th November this year.

He said the two Heads of State will discuss among other things, the revitalization of the Tanzania Railways and Tazama Pipeline.

Mr Kalaba also revealed that President Lungu has been invited to undertake a state visit to South Africa to discuss diplomatic consultations from 7th -10th December this year.

In addition Mr Kalaba also announced that President Lungu has accepted an invitation from President of Egypt Abdel Fattah El-Sisi to undertake a state visit to the Arab Republic from 13th to 15th December this year.

He added that President Lungu will also attend the International Conference on the Great Lakes region to take place on 15th December in Nairobi and that the summit will mark the 10th Anniversary of the signing of the pact on peace, security and development in the great lakes region.

And Mr Kalaba says President Lungu has appointed some ministers as Special envoys to gunner support for the fielding of Ambassador Albert Muchanga and Dr Austin Sichinga as African Union Commissioners for Trade and Industry and Rural Economy and Agriculture respectively.

He disclosed that those appointed are Justice Minister Given Lubinda as Special Envoy for the Northern Region that includes countries like Mauritania, Tunisia and Egypt, Commerce Minister Magrate Mwanakatwe for Eastern Region that include countries; Kenya , Rwanda and Uganda.

Others are Agriculture Minister Dora Siliya for Western Region that includes Cote d’Vore and Ghana while Higher Education Minister Professor Nkandu Luo will be Special Envoy to Central Region catering countries like Equatorial Guinea and Democratic Republic of Congo.

“These visits are a testimony to the importance President Lungu attaches to the placement of Zambian nationals in international Organisations in order to safeguard our national interests, “said Kalaba.


    • Liar, Liar, Show us how the trips have been beneficial as compared the the amount spent on them, Bet you will not even tell us how much is spent on a single trip because there will be an uprising if the poor Zambians knew how much its costing them to send EL who can not even articulate issues at home, How do you expect him to sell our country if he can not even attend a simple presidential debate.

    • Yes, bane, these trips are key to my personal enrichment.

      How da blazes do you expect me to cut my salary in half and then stop traveling and miss out on all those hefty allowances???


    • As Lungu gets $100,000 per each foreign trip, an allowance that he does not have to retire, his travelling is only benefiting his pocket. No wonder he can afford to cut his salary in half, as if it mattered. And this excites Scarface Kalaba as he plays tag-along for his own allowances so that he can finish his flats near Linda. It is a great scam!

    • Dont be fooled that Lazy Lungu has cut his salary …it is not as easy as that; only the Secretary to the Cabinet can confirm that..if he was really serious he would have contributed half his salary to charity through a standing order every month, that way we would know.

    • Dont be f*oled that Lazy Lungu has cut his salary …it is not as easy as that; only the Secretary to the Cabinet can confirm that..if he was really serious he would have contributed half his salary to charity through a standing order every month, that way we would know.

    • Kalaba has a very low IQ.
      Being in PF is not helping. Where’s the Chief Lungu Administration spokesperson? That’s who should be talking. Not this kakunkubiti.

    • That scar must have left you with brain damage please report yourself to the nearest hospital for a brain scan your reasoning defies logic and our past experience,if presidential travelling was adding value Africa would have been the most developed continent because our former compound citizens who become presidents become instant addicts to travel.

  1. Cutting the number of his foreign trips will save the treasury a significant amount of money. It would be more meaningful than cutting his salary by half. We want meaningful cuts in line with the austerity measures he announced for everybody else except himself and yourself ba Kalaba.

  2. Kalaba cannot discourage his boss from making some of these non productive trips because he is a big beneficiary. Wherever Lungu goes he also goes being foreign affairs minister.

  3. The key to Zambia’s development must be productivity and not foreign trips. Does this mean the more he ‘Lungu’ travels the more Zambia will become developed? What a warped mindset. Where does Zambia get these guys come from?

  4. Trips within Zambia’s SADC region are really beneficial to the nations economy and standing. Let us not scream at everything. We can get connectivity in power generation just like that. Have you guys not heard of the Cahora bassa hydro projec in Mozambique?

    • Has Lungu and Kalaba not heard about phone.calls and emails?

      Magafuli has only.make 3 trips to neighbouring countries since he came to power and Tanzania does not have 12 hours of LOAD SHEDDING!

      This must be the most useless, ineffectual and costly president in the world!

      All this borrowed money spent on useless trips and Zambias economy is still going in REVERSE at top speed!

    • @ Nzelu

      According to you, SADC includes Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, USA, Morocco………………………
      Please, have bit of decency and take break from sucking in public.
      For your info, “Cahora bassa” (LOL) has been there for more than 30 years!!! Are you on a journey of discovery?

    • @Nzelu (sic), despite Lungu going to Mozambique, he skipped getting power from Kabora Bassa and instead crookedly got Zambia to buy power from a Turkish ship anchored in the Mozambique Channel at double the normal cost. Don’t underestimate the crookedness of PF and Lungu!

    • Improve the business environment in Zambia:adherence to the law, tight fiscal responsibility, finctional civil service, expedited free and transparent judicial process, and for KK’s sake clean the environment: restructure street hawking.

      Do these things and businesses will recruit themselves. Magufuli knows that. If nothing, learn that from him.

  5. So these ministers will also double as ambassadors! What will be the duty of the foreign missions strewn around these places? Harry Kalaba must have discovered a better brand of ganja or he is just bonkers to think that the foreign trips will earn us money. Magufuli never makes any of these foo.lish trips, so he is saving money.

  6. Foreign trips are not key to anything. Its Rupiah banda teaching him stoopid habits. Focus on yourselves like the mad man Trump is trying to tell you.

  7. Flash back
    Lungu in Saudi Arabia

    President Lungu’s economic diplomacy has continued yielding results. He is currently in Saudi Arabia where he is signing big deals that include:

    1. Oil deals which will see the cost of fuel go down to as low as K5. 5. per litre. Negotiations have been going on and finally the deal will be signed.

    2. Funding of 10 more irrigation dams. Zambia is fast becoming the food busket for central and southern africa. President Lungu wants to expand investment in irrigation.

    3. Funding of phase two 600MW solar plant. The 600 MW phase one is being funded by World bank through IDC. Hon Dora…

  8. Ba Harry Kalaba please tone down!!soon and very soon our ECL will be called “KWENDO MUNJILA” like RB!!the president cannot undertake all these trips within a month.its too much!!lets do things right.why do we always want people to start complaining when we can avoid that?a president can be travelling week in,week out,but its up to him to cut those trips by sending other senior officials!!am PF and please stop provoking voters!!zambians can still vote for PF in 2021 provided PF continued doing what voters want!!

  9. Ba Harry Kalaba please tone down!!soon and very soon our ECL will be called “KWENDO MUNJILA” like RB!!the president cannot undertake all these trips within a month.its too much!!lets do things right.why do we always want people to start complaining when we can avoid that?a president can be travelling week in,week out,but its up to him to cut those trips by sending other senior officials!!am PF and please stop provoking voters!!zambians can still vote for PF in 2021 provided PF continued doing what voters want!!go PF go!!

  10. What a load of bull! Everyone is inviting Lungu? For what benefit? Liar! Some of the reasons he gives for the visits are simple conversations that can be done on the phone. Then he claims there is need to support some Zambians to be fielded as union commissioners – in this support, four ministers are appointed to galvanise support from different corners of Africa – meaning more travels. Four ministers to support two useless African Union commissioner positions? What a circus! When are you actually going to sit down (in Zambia) and work on issues directly related to Zambia’s problems?

  11. A politician and you, a civilian perceive development from totally different angles. Theirs , motion translates into cash translocation into pockets ignoring reality .If you think anyone of the political dynasty care for you, then you could be in a “fool’s paradise “. Image is vital for them than reality.
    I equate a politician to ‘male human beings’ persuing a woman. Believe you me, at that moment before she becomes “his” , he’s gona tell her what she wants to hear, and not “lies”. The fact that we ” dance ” to their tune…dununa left,right,forward reverse and center ..we forget to question their tunes . I believe ,Zambia has a chance to redeem itself by ejecting non performing governments . I submit that mp-ship be restricted to two terms , thereafter one has to wait for…

  12. Yeah, 5 more trips before the end of 2016, what a joker this PF guys are. Each trip is costing the country US$500,000. Ati benfit to the country, you moron just say your pocket.

  13. This dwarf is full of rubbish..key to Zambia’s development like the K5 fuel he promised when he flew to Dubai or the Airbus he promised when he visited France…Lazy Lungu should have simply sent the Grandma Bo Inonge to Morocco…he simply has no understanding of climate change as reflected in his govt’s policies.

  14. He is following the footsteps of his boss RB , who went every where when in plot one , including to see naked women how terrible he was he is backk again to finished what he left .
    The advice is from the disgraced Banda changing constitution sacking those opposed him removing some ruless so he could steal from publick coffers , here we go again.

  15. The trips have little value for ordinary Zambians and are a sheer waste of hardly available resources. This is called State Tourism. The late President Kenyatta of Kenya never made a single foreign trip but Kenya that time attracted enviable FDI within the ESA Region. It is total nonsense for Kalaba to state that the trips ECL makes are the surest ways to unlock potential and mutual beneficial cooperation with other countries. Let him show us proof.

  16. Who goes visiting without cleaning his own house??
    Sad state indeed.
    LCC has no money to clean Lusaka – Local Govt Minister
    Ba Kalaba, please read the situation which you are getting yourselves into!!

  17. Kalaba should outline developments that have come to Zambia as a result of these trips by his boss.They just enjoy those trips and pay themselves huge allowances at the expense of the poor.They have even contracted a huge debt from bank of Zambia,some of it just to finance foreign trips.Shame on this reckless regime!!

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