Saturday, July 27, 2024

ECZ cancels the declaration of PF win in Mushindano, declares UPND winner


HH and fellow UPND members enjoying the rally
File HH and fellow UPND members enjoying the rally

The Electoral Commission of Zambia has cancelled the election of PF Candidate Peter Kapamba as Chairperson for Mushindano District Council in the North Western Province.

After Thursday’s election for the position of Council Chairperson for the newly created Mushindano District, the Commission declared Mr Kapamba as winner.

But today, Commission Public Relations Manager Crispin Akufuna confirmed in a statement that Mr. Lackson Mulumbi of the UPND has being declared duly elected as the Council Chairperson after the mistake was corrected.

“After verification of results for Sontobo polling station which is one of the polling stations in the district, the Commission established that there was a mistake in the tabulation of the results at the polling station,” Mr Akufuna said.

According to Section 76 of the Electoral Process Act, the Commission may correct a mistake committed by an Electoral officer in the tabulation of results within a week after the declaration of the results.


  1. Can somebody tell why are we still having elections? Weren’t these elections supposed to be carried out during the General Elections? I am just tied of elections at the moment.

    • @Chimbala,
      Mushindamo is one of those districts EL created a few months/weeks before the General elections. Administrative structures were not yet in place to enable ECZ to conduct elections at Council Chairperson level.

    • @ 1.2 Nostradamus,

      ECZ always reverses any miscalculations in tabulation of results.

      If there had been any miscalculations regarding HH and ECL the ECZ would have reversed, nut there was none.

      Forget about the said 24,000 votes which were said to have been found by Maureen Mwanawasa in a bin.

      Maureen Mwanawasa distanced herself from that upnd falsehood, and that is why they even failed to include it their self-avoided, self-sidelined and self-abandoned petition.

      Even the UPND themselves could not defend their petition and, being human, they could not stand the level of falsehood they themselves had created.

      So they decided to take ake cover under disguise of, and were saved by the multiplicity of the so-called preliminaries.

      And now, HH has remained with nothing to…

    • And now, HH has remained with nothing to offer his supporters apart from occupying them with the focus song of the so-called “petition”.

      I hope he does not make that as the campaign theme and slogan for the UPND for 2021, to replace “Belo yati ngili ngili”.

    • This means that UPND won the 2016 elections.There was just a mistake in the tabulation. Akafuna was part of the Priscilla-make-the-mistake project. Now the country has no direction and the two are responsible.

    • Facts speaks for themselves. This is exactly what happened in the August 2016 elections just that ECZ have betrayed their partner (returning officer) in crime. The Opposition won but that time around ECZ in collaboration with Returning officers gave Chagwa the presidency

    • Dombwa and Kasoni,
      You have nothing to say. If HH insists that he is president he would be impeached on the first parliamentary sitting. How many MPs does he have?
      Ba ECZ do yourselves a favour by avoiding such mistake which give useless character hope of ruling this country.

    • @ 1.8 kasoni,

      How can you base on the council chairperson election to conclude that HH as a presidential candidate won the election?

      You are assuming that because of the mistake incurred in this council election it implies that even in the presidential election there were mistakes.

      Fine, let us assume that indeed there were mistakes. How do you conclude that if ‘those mistakes’ were corrected it would be HH to win?

      If what you are saying is rational, it means that correcting such ‘mistakes’ would as well have seen Nawakwi or indeed marijuana man wining the elections, or even the single-handed man – Banda.

      When you are too inclined, you are bound to avoid rationality and logic, and think if something is not bad then it is good. Well, it could as well be neutral – neither…

    • When you are too inclined, you are bound to avoid rationality and logic, and think if something is not bad then it is good. Well, it could as well be neutral – neither bad nor good.

      Anyway, on social media anything goes. You are not obliged to be analytical and logical; just say something. It is just socialisation, why bother.

    • Look, we told you Esau visit to USA was waste of tax payers money.
      He was saying how much he has learnt, but still simple bye-election goes without full mixup., D.A.M.N !!

  2. What’s the guarantee that the correction isn’t a mistake itself. This ECZ has lost all credibility & will do well to step down.
    If it takes over two days to see a mistake in one polling station I can imagine the unnoticed mistakes in over 7000 polling stations.

    • ECZ are a disaster. Just running one by-election can result in such a monumental mistake, what about for 7,000 polling stations with a lot of money exchanging hands and PF making threats against ECZ officials and election monitors? ECZ are a discredited bunch of corrupt dimwits who should not even be allowed to supervise a class monitor election.

  3. why is it being called a mistake when the truth of the matter is well known? how is adding a figure to a signed copy amount to a mistake? its not fair if we keep on tolerating what happened am glad the decision has been reversed.

    • It’s that what happened? This was the normal practice in the August election and ECZ would not investigate any discrepancy, including where the actual results were ignored and fictitious numbers inserted on G12s and G13s. That’s why the Presidential petition was never allowed to go ahead.

  4. These white washed tombs why didn’t they do the same for the presidential elections than let that creepy worm steal the victory?

  5. Really laughable…this the organisation that won an award for the best managed public entity. How can these people be on govt payroll with such utter incompetence!!

    • They are trying to appease where it does not really matter. After stealing the Presidency, they are now trying to calm people by trying to appear honest when we know they are crooks. ECZ is a disaster.

  6. How are we not suppose to believe that it was the same mistake you made in the august general elections and failed to reverse.
    Look at this group of incompetent old men.joking even were there is no room to joke.eating tax payer’s money..

  7. Kampamba in North Western Province? How was He going to represent the interests of those people after what we have seen of Kambwili? I think Zambia should become a Federal state if certain tribes want to dominate over others.

    • This is typical of Bembas. They are here to rule and r@pe Zambia. And they don’t care what other ethnic groups think.

    • @10Kasongo…please STOP BEING TRIBAL, what is wrong with KAMPAMBA in NW?? WE ARE ALL ZAMBIANS and DON”T BE FOOLED BY NAMES! Some names are found in more than one ethnic group e.g. Mwanza,Mulonga,Mumba and there are also intermarriages. What makes you think that MULUMBI rightfully belongs to NW and not KAMPAMBA? Do you know that there MULUMBIs in LUAPULA,NORTHERN,MUCHINGA and CENTRAL PROVINCES??

  8. @ 1.2 Nostradamus,

    ECZ always reverses any miscalculations in tabulation of results.

    If there had been any miscalculations regarding HH and ECL the ECZ would have reversed, but there was none.

    Forget about the said 14,000 votes which were said to have been found by Maureen Mwanawasa in a bin.

    Maureen Mwanawasa distanced herself from that UPND falsehood, and that is why they even failed to include it their self-avoided, self-sidelined and self-abandoned petition.

    Even the UPND themselves could not defend their petition and, being human, even they could not stand the level of falsehood they themselves had created.

    So they decided to take cover under disguise of, and saved by the multiplicity of the so-called preliminaries.

    • And now, HH has remained with nothing to offer his supporters apart from occupying them with the focus song of the so-called “petition”.

      I hope he does not make that as the campaign theme and slogan for the UPND for 2021, to replace “Belo yati ngili ngili”.

  9. ECZ thinks it can win the credibility from the people. Once trust is lost it’s difficult to recover it. The meaningful Zambians who read between lines would be difficult to be convinced that ECZ can be neutral.
    I don’t know why UPND doesn’t take advantage of making these pronouncements of reforming such institutions.
    ECZ all commissioners have to be elected.
    Chief Justice elected
    Supreme and High court judges elected
    Con Court judges elected
    Anti corruption commissioners elected
    DPP elected
    If all the above institutions are reformed in such a way, even the economy would recover at a fast pace. If HH can be campaigning in such a way I would be his follower.

  10. Just like Edgar recently cut his salary, instead of stopping the creation of redundant ministries (if he was truly determined to cut costs), so has ECZ made an insignificant correction. This is meant to hoodwink us into believing they are fair, but we all know ECZ worked as a branch of PF during the 2016 elections. Upto now Cris can’t explain how and why that alien by the name of Samuel Chavula was found in ECZ server room, and this guy mentioned some names, some of whom are at the helm of ECZ. But what has happened to those he mentioned?? Nothing. ECZ has sunk to rock bottom, and can never be trusted not even to hold a 4th grade class monitor election.

  11. Just as well this is in favour of the under 5 party. I can just imagine if the reversal was in favour of PF, the ECZ could have showered with insults from UPND cadres and their small god. I really wonder how day in and day out you insult people and hope to get votes.


  13. Hw can we trust such a miserable n fake ecz we whole knw dat de upnd n its presendant hh won de August general election all vis re facts dat thy won de reverse is dununa now ecz is dununa pf feel de hit mr chingola

  14. Come 2021 UpDn members will cry again. It will be loss number 6. How many conventions has the party held since HH became the great leader? When was the last time members elected their leaders in the party? HH appoints people to all positions in the party. As it is I can safely say UpDn has become one of the companies belonging to HH

  15. If the concourt was left alone to do their job professionally Edgar Lungu re-election could have been reversed too.That election was stolen in broad daylight.

  16. What kind of dull workers are at ECZ? Why do they rush into announcing the results b4 verification? Has it always bn like this in the past elections? Anf what happens to the electral officer who misleads the electoral process? Anyway oneday we will rectify these deliberate mistakes and people will pay for this…

  17. Such coincidences are rare in this era and age, why then do we have doubts that such mistakes were massive in the general elections? Lies and Theft have but one thing in common, both are exposed without anybody pushing for their exposure. Diramba will never cease to amaze and irritate Zambians.

  18. The Con court, if it had integrity, should have ordered for a recount in all the polling stations where there were ‘mistakes’ and we would now be talking of a different political situation altogether. But this was not to be as it would have opened a can of worms. The petition was doomed to failure from the beginning.

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