Saturday, July 27, 2024

Heavy rains damage 100 houses in Ndola


Bwana Mukuba MP Dr.Chanda hands mealie meal to victims of the storm as Minister for Presidential affairs Freedom Sikazwe looks on.
Bwana Mukuba MP Dr.Chanda hands mealie meal to victims of the storm as Minister for Presidential affairs Freedom Sikazwe looks on.

A heavy rainstorm left 100 families of Chichele ward,Ndola stranded after their houses were damaged by the storm. 34 houses had roofs completely blown off.The familes sought shelter at a primary school.

Bwana Mkubwa Constituency MP,Dr Jonas Chanda requested for assistance for the victims through the Disaster Management Unit (DMU) in the Vice Presidents Office.

Dr.Chanda thanked the Minister for Presidential Affairs,Freedom Sikazwe for coming to the aid of the victims at very short notice.Each of the affected 100 families received a bag of mealie meal, fish, cooking oil, salt.

Dr.Chanda said the long term solution to preventing disasters is to provide decent housing for the people through legalisation and re-designing of settlements. He appealed to the local business community in Bwana Mukuba constituency for help.

Meanwhile a hail storm has blown off a roof on a one by two Classroom block at Chiriwe Primary School, destroyed several houses including two churches and injured several people in Luangwa District.

Remains of a house damaged by a recent rainstorm in Ndola
Remains of a house damaged by a recent rainstorm in Ndola

The hail storm which started at around 15:00 on Saturday ripped off the whole roof on a newly rehabilitated one by two classroom block,
two offices and also blew off the roofs on teachers houses.

Acting Luangwa District Commissioner, Ngoni Moyo and District Education Board Secretary (DEBS), Veronica Mubanga who rushed to the
scene to check on the damage at the school described the situation as a disaster as the hail storm did not only affect the school but
several houses in the surrounding villages.

Mr Moyo who visited the affected houses sympathized with the people especially those that were injured and said his office was going to
inform the higher authorities to find a way forward.

Among the injured was a two year girl.Also affected by the storm were two churches the Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) and the Pass over Living Lamb Ministries which also had the roofs blown off.

Chiriwe Primary School Head Teacher, Ephraim Mapiki said the hail storm which lasted for almost thirty minutes has also left other teachers houses at a threat as the roofs were no longer stable especially that most of the structures were built in the early 70s.

Meanwhile Mr Moyo has implored the Building Officer under the DEBS Officer and the District Works Supervisor to be monitoring all the
construction and rehabilitation of Government structures in the District to ensure that they are built according to the standard.The Acting District Commissioner said it was sad that a newly rehabilitated classroom block which is less than a year can be damaged in such a way by the hail storm.

House damaged by a recent rainstorm in Ndola
House damaged by a recent rainstorm in Ndola
House damaged by a recent rainstorm in Ndola
House damaged by a recent rainstorm in Ndola


  1. Another proof that prayer is useless. I am sure the owners of those mud houses pray every single day to their god for protection. kikikikikikikiki

    • Meanwhile the incompetent, violence & visionless PF bandits of Lungu keep on blaming God for poor economy, expensive conditions of living & the endless load shedding.
      PF bandits, its illogical to force citizens to ‘urinate in the rivers’ as attested by the fired & corrupt Kambwili of PF. The rains are here & PF bandits & blind Lungu must stop blaming God for their human failures, God doesn’t control the economy nor load shedding!
      Floods with pathetic drainage systems iced up with load shedding, cholera is imminent a threat.
      Hey PF, utilize the rain water & stop load shedding now.
      The Skeleton Key

    • The poor souls who died fighting for our independence from the British so as to better our lives will be very shocked if they had to wake up from the dead and find that people in Zambia are still living like animals if anything worse than when we live under the queen’s rule. What a shame.
      You can even call those things as home even animals in Europe live in better things than those.

    • Its a shame that you ‘FACT’ can try to mock God. Kindly note that God can not be mocked. its only a fool who can say there is no God. May God forgive you and save your soul. He still loves you and will forgive you if you repent.


    • Those are not houses (huts) .. Poor construction has a baring on the weakness of the huts. Ants are wiser builders.. Antihills never fall or melt down from a heavy rain. Learn to build strong hits that can withstand disaster like that one.

  2. I like “Skeleton’s” observations but I bet about 90% of you people who have their own houses are “safely” surrounded by 6 foot tall concrete wall fences which have destroyed the natural flow of rain water to the natural water courses and defeating nature’s ways.

  3. Even a hose-sprinkler could have damaged those houses. Lets just work to build stronger houses and dont tell me about poverty because these are PF strongholds who are happy with PF policies including provision of reliable shelter

  4. Prayer hurts satan and his followers reason why satan worshippers hate prayer , if you hear such complaints then it indicates that prayers are effective .
    It is only prayer that touch the spiritual world and come in to control the natural world , demons tremble at the mention of the name of Jesus sicknesses are healed , don’t complain but pray pray without ceasing Paul tells the church, without prayer satan tomernts people and locks them into confusion .As for me I choose to pray , prayer gives me strength and confidence
    As for you fact you are hearding into darkness and finally hell and you never come back, until the lake of fire shallows up final judgement

    • South African prophet of DOOM must visit Zambians in the diaspora. The religious poverty stricken dunderheads are ready to be healed from their brainlessnes!

    • South African prophet of DOOM must visit Zambians in the diaspora. The religious poverty stricken dunderheads are ready to be healed from their brainlessness!

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