Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Zuma invites President Lungu for state visit



President Edgar Lungu is expected to arrive in South Africa on Wednesday 7th December 2016 for a three-day State Visit.

The visit is being undertaken at the invitation of his South African counter-part, President Jacob Zuma.
The President’s visit will be preceded by the signing of a Joint Commission for Cooperation (JCC) between Zambia and South Africa.

This is according to a press statement released to the media by Nicky Shabolyo,press secretary High commission of Zambia in South Africa.

This is the first time that the two countries will establish a permanent structured platform through which to periodically table issues of common interest and concerns.

Zambia’s High Commissioner to South Africa, Mr. Emmanuel Mwamba confirmed the President’s state visit and holding of the JCC session.Mr. Mwamba said the senior officials’ session of the JCC will be held in Pretoria on 5th and 6th December after which the ministerial session will be held on 7th December.

Foreign Affairs Minister,Harry Kalaba and South Africa’s Minister for International Relations, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, will sign the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) of the JCC on behalf of their countries.

Permanent Secretary for Commerce, Trade and Industry, Ms. Kayula Siame will lead the senior officials’ delegation from Zambia to the two day session that will consider areas of cooperation under political and diplomatic, economic, social and, security and defence segments.

Mr. Mwamba said the signing of the JCC was a great milestone as this would now help Zambia and South Africa implement cooperation agreements that had remained ineffective for a long time.

Also expected to be signed are other cooperation agreements in agriculture, tourism, infrastructure, trade and energy.

He pointed out the issue of trade imbalance between Zambia and South Africa as one of those that could be tabled and quickly addressed through the JCC.

Mr. Mwamba said President Lungu will soon after arriving in South Africa meet Zambians resident in South Africa.

On Thursday, 8th December, President Lungu will hold meetings with President Zuma in Pretoria during which important decisions are expected to be made by the two leaders.

Later in the day, the President will visit Freedom Park in Pretoria where President Lungu will lay a wreath.
Freedom Park is the memorial site of those killed in the South African Wars, World War I, World War II as well as during the apartheid era.

Mr. Mwamba said the visit to the memorial park by President Lungu was important as it will underscore the close relations that Zambia and South Africa have had dating back to the era of the liberation struggle.
Zambia played a key role in the liberation of the region.

Zambia hosted liberation movements and was the country of residence for South Africa’s then future leaders such as President Thabo Mbeki, President Zuma, former Deputy-President Baleka Mbete and African National Congress’ longest serving president Oliver Tambo, among others.

On the same day, President Lungu and President Zuma will address a gathering of Zambian and South African captains of Industry, business entities and executives organised under the auspices of the Zambia-South Africa Business Forum (ZSABF).

Mr. Mwamba said President Lungu will, on 9th December, visit an energy project as part of his quest to find solutions to the energy deficit that Zambia and other countries in the region were facing.
The President will be accompanied by Minister of Energy David Mabumba, Minister of Tourism and Arts Charles Banda and other senior government officials.


    • At least they have electricity to cook nsima! Their load shedding in SA was fixed in less than six months. But with Lazy Lungu spending all his time on holidays out of Zambia, TWO YEARS later we have even worse LOAD SHEDDING than ever, and the PF cardres he appointed to ZESCO are admitting total failure! Imagine telling the Nation to buy generators because they are too incompetent to do the jobs they are being paid for!

      This is what happens when people are allowed to STEAL AN ELECTION and docile Zambians just accept it!

    • I hope one of those highly annointed South African pastors can spray Doom on ECL during his visit to remove the spirit of travelling too much. We also need him at home. He needs to sort out problems.

    • Dokotor,
      Zambian are not docile. We voted for PF and so take offence when chaps like you say the election was stoled. PA BWATOOOOOOOOOOO!

    • There is no iota of truth in these fake invitations, Lungu just knows that Zambians are tired of calling on him to stop his kamwendo munjila like his mentor Rupiah. Lungu please listen, stay home and if you have any idea, help sorting out the economy inthe ICU. Nabanjita nabanjita kwisa? Even when you invited, you can still tactfully de cline the invitation considering your ailing economy.

    • This visit was initiated by Yoweri Museveni who visited South Africa for two hours only on the 28th November. It was organized by another wicked dictator to the most corrupt president for the upcoming dictator. This is not for any business but for zuma to share his experience on how to survive the hostility from the people and within the party.
      Zuma is the most morally and corrupt president in Africa.

    • Next, he should invite himself to Zimbabwe and DRC. Failed states hang together. There are 4 more foreign visits for December for Lungu to meet his quota.

  1. These trips are becoming too much. He was just at various summits where Zuma was available. You mean he couldn’t meet him and discuss then the signing can be done by the foreign affairs minister?? Please release how his getting per trip? This trip like the Saudi trip will not yield anything good for the country. Please Lungu stay home and fix the problems.

  2. The invitation is choreographed because the man requested and pushed for it. Like many presidents ECL loves visiting, Zuma is embattled.

  3. More heartbreaking news – Lungu playing guest to one of Africa’s most disgraced presidents. One wonders as to who, between the two leaders, is saving face – Zuma or Lungu?

  4. There he goes again its not even been 7 days since he came back from Tanzania …he is off again, it seems he has nothing to do this utterly LAZY BONE LUNGU. The Bum has no vision for the country…why stand for Presidency if you are lazy and work shy…simply unbelievable.

    • Though a Dictator himself, i respect Eduardo dos Santos. You badly hear him taking such useless visits out of his country and yet he Presides over one of Africa’s richest countries!

    • Shower to prevent AIDS?
      Replace Challenger with Dreamliner?
      Build small farmhouse costing USD 20 Million with tax-payers money?
      Get introduction to Gupta family?
      So many things to learn in five short days………………….

  5. Whilst he is trotting about can PF & Chagwa answer this:

    December 4, 2016

    By Vlad Vincent Siatepeshi

    Here are the budget allocations to the Chingola-Solwezi road in the 2016 budget gotten directly from the yellowbook. (keep in mind that these ammounts are in the rebased currency).

    Rehabilitation of Chingola to Solwezi Lot 1 – 60km – K60,000,000

    Rehabilitation of Chingola to Solwezi Lot 2 – 40km – K60,000,000

    Rehabilitation of Chingola to Solwezi Lot3 – 75km – K73,140,000

    Supervision – Chingola to Solwezi – K8,000,000

    As you can see there was a total of K 201,140,000 ( which is over 200 billion old currency) which was allocated for the road. Where has that money gone to, the PF must…

    • Its called “Dununa reverse, Sontapo” system of governance.
      They will then call you “Bitter” for questioning where all this cash has gone to.

  6. This chap claimed to give up half his salary by cleverly increasing his trips abroad inorder to gain more from allowances. He is actually raking in more than his salary just on travelling allowances. wake up zambians

  7. Zuma and Lungu have so much in common. They are both corrupt and well connected to the Asian Community. Whereas Zuma has been involved in Guptagate Lungu has been involved with Ghulangate.Nothing much will come out of this visit. Perhaps Zuma could advise Edward to put his house in order. Zuma has had several cases with Concourt perhaps he could advise his Junior partner how to navigate the Concourt mishandled Petetion. The Zambian Nation is divided after the August 2016 disputed election. Zuma should advise Edward how to resolve the matter and unite the Zambians so that the country can move forward.

  8. Leadership old style. Khama is busy working to make Botswana even more prosperous. You hardly hear him running all over the place less still begging Chinese to come and invest in his country. Dos Santos is trying to step down from an economy that has potential but has racked up close to 40% poverty. Geingob in Namibia is making every effort to stay away from the excesses that the presidency is actually entitled to. Our own – busy taking every opportunity to fly all over the place, returning with half-truths and unpresidential comments regarding attacks on the citizenry and its associations like the law association. Is this what dununa really meant kansi mwe bantu?

  9. He wants to cash in on allowances.Ati the president reduced his salary by half.
    The sad thing is that a good number of Zambians accept this nonsense while they live in abject poverty.
    Ifintu ni lungu…what crap…

  10. uyo, uyo, stay home and fix problems in your country, on the other hand I guess the functions of president have been redefined to kamwendo munjila. shame on Lungu

  11. They want to lie to us as if Lungu was invited by Zuma. He just wants to make some allowances by spending three days. It just takes about about an hour and some minutes to reach South Africa by plane and why should a thief President want to spend three days in a foreign country? You are a disgrace. You can easily sign those agreements within a short period and come back. Nobody invited Lungu, he is just taking himself. He did not even want the ballot papers to printed in South Africa because of the arrangements he made with Museveni and the Arabs. F.u.c.k.i.n.g black muntu.

  12. Even supreme scum of the world like Yahya Abdul-Aziz Jemus Junkung Jammeh of Gambia know when an election is lost to hand over power. But never with this Chagwa. Only hot iron bullets dislodge such scam from power, and so be it.

    • Hahahaha. Lol. Supreme scum of the world!!! My friend you are crazy. Ngombala your brain is upside down. You ve made my night.

  13. In my opinion Zuma needs help from Mr ecl on how to ring election has he did here in Zambia but south Africa is different from Zambia.

  14. Comment:Iam disappointed with UPND supports let me remaid you that our president Mr Edgar Lungu is not lazy the one who is lazy is HH 6 times failing to go to state House mmmmmmmmmmmmm……………

  15. Banks back home are under threat of collapse due to lack of money in the economy yet someone does not want to reduce on his trips. Those trips are just taking more money from our economy. How pathetic! Ndipo tili muchibe!Government should be transparent enough to tell the nation how much has been generated from the 6 TRIPS that the President has undertaken in the last 6 WEEKS.

  16. It used to be Vasco Da Banda, and Zambia has nothing positive to show for RB’s many trips. Now, due to RB’s coaching, it is Vasco Da Lungu, and nothing positive will come out.

  17. Meanwhile, CheChe has invited Hazalusa Hagain to visit his clan on an official business visit. President Hagain confirmed the invitation.


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