The Law Association of Zambia has strongly condemned the riotous behaviour exhibited by United Party for national Development Cadres at High Court yesterday when they escorted their Leader to the court hearing.
In a statement released to the media today and signed by the President, Linda Kasonde, LAZ said that the destruction of public and private property, and the resultant intimidation of members of the Judiciary, Judiciary staff and members of the public was wholly unacceptable, whether due to provocation or not.
Below is the full statement.
after PF questioned the silence.
Riotous behavior by UPND cadres is repugnant – totally uncalled for.
Someone lied yesterday that Police officers fired teargas on peaceful cadres………the video on Mwebantu shows cadres throwing stones before police started firing teargas
It is our country, too. We can riot if we want to. Get used to it.
shot to kill and not just to scare, always remember that you are dealing with dundumwezi villagers and the only language they understand is violence. as for ka linda kasonde ” JUST SHUT YOUR LITTLE PUSHI “
The entire cadre of UPND are a total disgrace.
I think HH does not understand politics as he has convincingly demonstrated.
I would advise that he concentrates on business and animal husbandry.
I think you don’t need any psychology or social science to raise cows.
LAZ has acted like the only normal entity in Zambian public eyes in the last month lol.
How about a comment on the decision by the courts to ban all party cadres from the court? I just need a professional opinion from LAZ. Doesnt this interfere with people’s rights? Mukwai ndeipushafye
Iwe kambwanga, RIGHTS come with RESPONSIBILITIES. Just because you have rights doesn’t mean you can engage in any UNLAWFUL behaviour that infringes other people’s rights to live in peace without worrying about their property getting damaged by sycophantic political thugs.
Baba, as a certain principle in law instructs us; “YOUR” RIGHTS ENDS WHERE “MY” RIGHTS BEGINS—always remember that before you engage in violent behaviour. Otherwise you will find yourself singing like CHIMWIINA (an OWE) about your rights in prison.
You are the same POLITICAL !D!OTS who want to praise the nullification of some MP seats (e.g. Mwanakatwe) based on some DUBIOUS CLAIM of violence perpetuated by supposed PF cadres. Yet what we have witnessed before, and continue to witness now, UPND is just as violent and thuggish. How a Supreme Court Judge can pretend NOT to see this mutual violence by UPND is simply beyond RIDICULOUS.
This is the kind of logic some of us don’t understand about you LOSERS in UPND and your “brown enveloped” Judges. You cause mayhem and violence and then pretend to be innocent—it is always the FAULT OF OTHERS and never UPND and its hired thugs. And, as usual, Kasonde’s LAZ falls in line blaming and condemning the Police without actual facts of what really happened. Go figure!
@Yambayamba – your statement is a red herring in as far as apportioning blame is concerned. Both the PF and UPND are culpable in malpractice. At the end of the day we are all citizens who wish to live in peace and be led by responsible and above all RESPONSIVE leaderships. This idea of fomenting cultish followings to get individuals into State House is so backward it is alarming in its implications of intolerance and indecency both by so-called leaders and their followers.
We Kambwanga niwe. I have explicitly stated Iam asking but in your acidic stuupidity you see any such kind of querrying as a challenge for your PF thugs. You are so hellbent on defending PF you cant see straight. Thank you Kalok for being level headed enough to divorce politics from my question. People like Yambayamba need surgery because they have an anus for a mouth.
@ 3.4 Christopher Lee,
While I may not agree with yambayamba on the term he has used to describe you I agree with his content.
I am shocked that you question yambayamba’s point when he questions your reasoning.
Assume citizens who have the right to own and freely move with guns begin to abuse the guns whenever there are public gatherings.
If the police bans the carrying of guns in public meetings, and you come and ask your question saying ‘what about citizens rights to carry guns?’
Would you, yourself be proud of your logic (if at all there is any)?
Peace for Zambia you and yambayamba would fail simple logic tests because you both can’t grasp Christopher Lee’s point which is that he is just asking. You are trying to ascribe a logic he himself hasn’t to his questions. The questions are supposed to be answered not to be condemned. Opinionating on the questions is taking another path altogether.
@ 3.6 Socrates,
I would not mind my logic being marked wrong by you.
You are very comfortable with a person who asks you,
“Is it okay if I milk a chicken? I just asking”
or he asks you,
“Why can’t men also start getting pregnant so that we do not leave the task to women alone? I am just asking”
It is sad that you think a person who is asking does not need to be logical because he is just asking.
You believe logic should only be demanded of those answering. Those who ask should do so in any way, whether sensible or not.
I was totally mistaken when I thought the guy was alone with that type of logic, so you are many?
What is wrong with telling him this will be a very difficult task? He doesn’t need to be sneered at. The world is full of people riding high horses who don’t want to help those below their perceived status. That’s why we end up with slaveownet and slaves coloniser and colonised
Thanks for the numerous arguments in my defense. My questions are very logicsl only an empty tinp would see something else. They are there for everyone to read. Any lawyer or indeed philosopher can examine them and perhaps answer them. Other rabblerousers can read the politics into them or like most PF followers nonsensicalise them
Okay I condemn whatever that means
PF Police and PF Judiciary provoked UPND and got what they deserved.
You mean the gassed dundumwezi upnd villagers got what they deserved just like mwaliteta who is busy picking lice in chimbokaila. tautontonkanya iwe mumbwamumbwa.
This LAZ is compromised big time. how do you condemn an event that played out in full view of the public 36 hours after it happened. Why the silence for so long.
If it was PF, you would have issued a statement 3 minutes after the event happened, but because you are compromised, it takes you 36 hours , after you realized that you have to at least save some face. This is despicable to say the least.
Infact if you read between the lines , this is not a condemnation at all, Look at paragraph 2.. ati cadres were provoked by police ..obviously UPND will say they were provoked ..then why are you condemning them.
This is a window dressing and compromised statement and coming very late from compromised LAZ
@Chanda Beu – why are you commenting 36 hours after you were supposed to have died?
This LAZ is questionable. How can the Police provoke cadres? Police are there to maintain law & order. Where do you get such kind of an unsubstantiated rumours to justify crime. This is really a poor statement from an organization that is supposed to assist GRZ achieve law & order. There can never be any excuse for disorderly behaviour, violence, damage to public or private property. I am sorry LAZ your statement is very childish. You need to grow up of give space for grown ups to run LAZ
Useless. LAZ
Desperate BlTCH Linda trying to redeem herself. What an utterly useless UPND cadre this female dimwit
Please behave like a human being.
Pure pretence from Linda. Its good that this behaviour has come from upnd. Zambians would av bn more comfortable if Linda had condemned the sata:nist who invited the thugs to storm the courts. What is the comment from the sata:nist. Ba PF bakaele. PF, u av bn vindicated.
Amos Chandas’ comments on judiciary bearing fruit. Amos thanks, Linda is talking now. Though she may not av spoken from her heart at least her pretence has bn seen.
Police acted foolishly:
I wish we could know what is in the hear of LAZ. My appeal to UPND is that they should leave frustration for 2021 because that will be bigger than 2016 disappointment
..I’m surprised…even LAZ fell for it…??…
Linda too early for tomorrow’s meeting. Reading in between the lines you just had say something.
Whatever the level of provocation, court grounds must remain sacred to all; out of bounds for unruly behavior of every caliber and color.
My only worry is ZNBC the quoted five PF officials vice president, home affairs minister, Frank Bwalya, Kennedy Kamba and another PF party functionery but nothing from the other side. This is what angers Zambians, how come we have no comment from the otherside.
Which other side are you talking about? The side which consideres ZNBC to be part of Govt and don’t want to talk to any Journalist associated with it? It is not like ZNBC don’t want to talk to them and get their views, UPND has made it point NEVER to grant Interviews or Speak to ZNBC. So the problem is not ZNBC but Kalusa (HH’s) insatiable appetite for control of everything UPND.
Soon you will be blaming heads of Govt institutions for not inviting your freaking MPs forgetting the st#p!d and childish directive issued by your “Lame Duck” Party President forbidding them from attending Govt functions—and you PRAISED this shallow move. Ba UPND bwafya mwe!!!!
A statement prepared for her by mumembe
This is not enough from Linda Kasonde(a upnd cadre).if it was PF cadres who did this at supreme court premises,this biased LAZ president could have called for a press briefing where she could have blamed PF infront of journalists(cameras).but since it upnd cadres who were caught pants down causing violence,she has only issured a short press relearse-amazing!!i have been telling Zambians that upnd under hh and gbm is a great danger to our peace and democracy!!!these two must not be allowed anywhere near state house.us voters must keep on rejecting him(hh)!!!if it means rigging,let ECZ do so even in 2021 to ensure that hh loses.maybe after losing his record 6th elections,he will retire because as at now its clear that 5 defeats are not enough.he is still dreaming about plot one-shocking!!
The unruly behavior is uncalled for in our country….we want to continue enjoying the tranquility we have been enjoying for the past 52yrs. Pipo there are mixed stories about the same issue from different media sources…Who started the fight the police or the cadres??? I wanna know wat transpired on that day
point of correction ba lunshi ,the police do not fight, they simply maintain law and order when vigabengaz can no longer control themselves.
@19 Lunshi
“…tranquility we have been enjoying for the past 52yrs…” It’s either you are a new comer or you are being hypocritical.
This is very uncouth for UPND supporters police next time use live bullets so that they learn a lesson, HH at the moment is not a factor in Zambia. And another thing UPND cadres a very dull Mwaliteta and his tandem of minions are rotting in remand and you start another fracas. Next time let us have the provost to control the court surrounding. Your president has never hired lawyers to represent you in courts of law while fellow members are taking each other to court for non payments of petition litigation services. But this is really uncouth you leave your home going to court to cause trouble what a citizen?
Linda Kasonde has also fallen for PF’s trick.
Honestly a normal leader can’t be escorted to the court by cadres who don’t understand anything . Come on Zambians cadres are cadres be it from the ruling part or UPND they don’t bring peace to the table. PF cadres spent a night at the high Court when the ruling of presidential petitions took long. Look at the markets, bus stations. Any where they are found its total madness let’s learn to keep them away from the courts. But the problem is with the so called leaders who hire buses and trucks and buy them beers to cause trouble. The high court has done well to stop the hearing, let the leaders who brought the cadres lose the chance to be head. For you cadres I hope the ones arrested will be an eye opener to could be offenders .
The problem with the judiciary is that they are not professional. The issue is that they dont keep to own programs. How can they flip flop from one stance to another like un educated people. Hearing should be hearing- trial – not entertaining PF positions every time. The judiciary is actually a PF wing not a professional body. Did they react to PF intimidation via the Chanda guy in any way? Damn
This is the same party whose members assaulted other ethnic groups in the south and no leader from their party could condemn the behavior but said “It never happened” even photos were there as evidence. Shame! Hazaluza Hagain!
This I quation her inter gritty? She must be demoted with immediate effect.How can police provoke these uncouth carders.she needs to be investigated someone is paying her , coz no way s profertion can put Sarah a statement.
Linda Kasonde must resign on her own with immediate effect otherwise I will lead a crusade to force her out of Laz. We can’t have a professional body behaving like a bunch of &stupid cadres. How do you blame police for the damage to public property caused by these shetanist. She didn’t even mention hh or gbm who organised this &stupidity. This must step down or she will go in records as the most useless Laz president.
Whats important is to know who will win between Max and Inno or ba Chibwe , chapwa noti ifi ifyabupuba
Lillys Kasabas’ private parts must also be wrotten like her head. How can u condemn while taking sides. Let the arrested cadres confess who paid them and they u also rot in jail. If hh and gbv were to be in in power, I doubt if there will be democracy my president ECL has exhibited. Which god do upnd cadres pray to. This violence can tell u it is the god of hh the sata:nist. Where was hh. How can he run away. It was deliberate by bafi:kala aba babili. Hill Hang and Go Be Mad you are useless politicians the country has ever witnessed.
Whats important is to know who will win between Max and Inno, chapwa noti ifi ifyabupuba
Ba president aba mafi. Well meaning zambians what do u see in hh and gbv. Baka lunda, kaonde bakaele baba bikamo fye. ICC you av customers in the name of one sata; nist and gender based violence. Bu president bupelwa na Lesa wakumulu and not lesa wapanshi.
Harlot Hooligan and Grieved Bum Mullet are a danger to the zambian innocent society. Dununa Reverse ikali mwe bantu.
Police please fire live bullets to these dogs next time
So,you are a dog.
Police please fire live bullets to these dogs next time they dress up in red and misbehave
Ba LAZY too late you’ve already given Upnd too much teeth.
its very wrong to just condemn without investigating what caused the riot the fact police men were over powered doesn’t make them to be on the right side UPND have no mouth piece the violence were planned by the defendant so that petition is not heard this action by the govt and judicially is not good its a very bad precedent being set just think of it people go to seek justice and they start stoning police who are just standing? come on country men lets think outside the box and reason like learned people. all these are planned to avoid hearing the case.
It’s unfortunately that your party affiliation is affecting your ability to think. The cadres tried to gain access to the chambers where the hearing was taking place and then they couldn’t that’s when they started throwing stones. Open your eyes. You sound reasonable by you just one blind follower too.
The end justifies the means. The objective is to ban the UPND Petition by any means. The Police provoked the UPND Supporters and Edward has now blocked the Petition from being heard in the High Court. He has blocked it at Concourt already.Edward has resolved that the UPND Petition cannot be heard in the Zambian Courts and so the Petitioners have no choice but to Internationalise the Petition since domestic remedies have been denied. Edward cannot allow the Petition to be heard in a Zambian Court becoz there is overwhelming evidence to show that Edward stole the Election and carried out a Constitutional coup to remain in power illegally and illegitimately. The problem for Edward has just started and will not go away. Time will tell!!
When the wiseman Amos spoke, the whole country and all non governmental organizations spoke against him. He was in a suit when he spoke. Tiz, Saccord, jctr, green party, narep, fdd barked like mad dogs. Everyone is quite like nothing happened. Amos did not break any windows or smash cars but he was condemned bcoz of his smooth tongue. Laz held a press conference. Today, everyone is quite. Why is everyone quiet? Mpombo wibilima ababilima tabaya.
@37 Henri
“When the wiseman Amos spoke,..”What a caricature!
Ba Upnd if the “fight ” between Kambwili and Lusambo was between Upnd mps your going to say it was a fabrication by ZNBC. You don’t know how to say sorry.
It has immerged that Linda Kasonde is actually Liinda Hamusonde, in a dramatic turn of events.
So you didn’t know that this Linda thing is tonga? She is just married to Kasonde.
LAZ has become useless under Linda. Surely how can you condemn if they were provoked by the police? If they used live ammunition, how many carders were injured and how many were killed. Linda must learn to be neutral if she has to lead such an institution. It has always been sad to read her statements which are always are not neutral. SAD
Ba @ Buck teeth mulicipuba your comments are always useless.
Well next LAZ elections Linda one term President what a failure you have proved you have merely used your position to further your agenda but the buck stops here…we shall see you at the elections girl power pwah! You are suppose to be neutral that includes gender neutral, political neutral and not saying ‘we are informed live bullets where used’ who died?
Lawyers do not base there evidence/ deliberations/reports on assumptions. How can she say I hear the police provoked the cadres? The police did not come from behind but were already at the site and the cadres came later and tried to force their way in and the consequences were what happened.
Talk of a free press : The owner of an on line newspaper in Tanzania has been arrested and held without bail.
LAZ, y condemn th police when u are yet to find out wat xactly happened? LAZ profesionalism is stil under scrutiny
Paragraph 2 tells it all. To paraphrase Linda Kasonde:
The police provoked UPND cadres, used live ammunition on the cadres, did not act professionally, but acted in a partisan manner, did not maintain law and order, but used excessive force, and subjected UPND cadres to inhuman and degrading treatment.
Is this the level LAZ has degenerated to?
The entire cadre of UPND are a total disgrace.
I think HH does not understand politics as he has convincingly demonstrated.
I would advise that he concentrates on business and animal husbandry.
I think you don’t need any psychology or social science to raise cows.
This presidential pertion should be done quickly by the judges. The more they delay, the more anger is built among the cadres(UPND). Police is also to blame b’cos it always uses excessive force. It seems it is now a police force not police service. Linda is right in her own way and she has the ear to the ground.
You do not seem to understand what happened at the court.
The sequence of events were that the cadres began to smash windows of the court building and cars.
Then the police made intervention by use of tear gas to quell the trouble and avoid further damage and possible loss of life.
Now, you want to blame the police action ???
My advice is that before we speak we need to give ourselves sufficient time to analyse and see beyond our emotional reactions.
@ 3.4 Christopher Lee,
While I may not agree with yambayamba on the term he has used to describe you I agree with his content.
I am shocked that you question yambayamba’s point when he questions your reasoning.
Assume citizens who have the right to own and freely move with guns begin to abuse the guns whenever there are public gatherings by killing innocent people.
If, following this, the police bans the carrying of guns in public meetings, and you come and ask your question saying ‘what about citizens rights to carry guns?’
Would you, yourself be proud of your logic (if at all there is any)?
Peace for Zambia you and yambayamba would fail simple logic tests because you both can’t grasp Christopher Lee’s point which is that he is just asking. You are trying to ascribe a logic he himself hasn’t to his questions. The questions are supposed to be answered not to be condemned. Opinionating on the questions is taking another path altogether. You don’t read something into what someone says and them start addressing your perceived logic behind it
@ 48.1 Socrates,
I would not mind my logic being marked wrong by you.
You are very comfortable with a person who asks you,
“Is it okay if I milk a chicken? I just asking”
or he asks you,
“Why can’t men also start getting pregnant so that we do not leave the task to women alone? I am just asking”
It is sad that you think a person who is asking does not need to be logical because he is just asking.
You believe logic should only be demanded of those answering. Those who ask should do so in any way, whether sensible or not.
I was totally mistaken when I thought the guy was alone with that type of logic, so you are many?
Well said Ms Kasonde Esquire(ss) and the truth is surely being made clear that UPND is the United Party for National Destruction/ Dunderheads!
Blood thirsty animals that want to plunge Zambia into chaos! God and heaven forbid that their leader the Hungry Hyena (HH) enters plot 1 there are better alternatives in the opposition such as Peter Sinkamba who has impressed with his objectivity and not under 5 stained nappy politics typical of the Hungry Hyena!
Comment:a we sure this bitterness with upnd isnt good at all,even were you can see wrongs you want to pretend and blame others for your mistake not things.
Ms. Kasonde, you refer to the police using live bullets on UPND cadres. Don’t live bullets kill? Don’t they make a sound? Do they produce fumes like tear gas? As a lawyer, Ms Kasonde, can you please be factual?
UPND, are tedious, hideous, and low grade violent Zambians. It’s time to ban this dangerous jugarnaught (sp, pardon), lorry of a Political Party. They exist only to cause dissent especially at a time our economy is tanking…..;as is India, Venezuela, Brazil I hasten to add before nasty responders claim our economic woes have nothing to do with international market movements.
Ms Kasonde please can you sign yourself off as LAZ President? It’s a bit confusing, since President Lungu should really be the only one signing off as President without need to define the category.