Copperbelt Minister Bowman Lusambo has sounded a stern warning to all those undermining President Edgar Chagwa Lungu’s vision.
Mr Lusambo said he is fully aware that some people in the province are determined to frustrate the implementation of President Lungu’s vision to develop the province.
He said he will not sit idle and watch some people frustrate President Lungu’s vision in the province.
Mr Lusambo said President Lungu has a clear vision of taking development to all parts of the country hence the need to give him full backing.
He was speaking Saturday afternoon when he flagged off the street cleaning exercise in the Ndola Central Business District as part of the Keep Zambia Clean programme.
Mr Lusambo, accompanied by Provincial Permanent Secretary Reverand Howard Sikwela, Ndola Mayor Amon Chisenga and Ndola District Commissioner Cannon George Chisulo and other officials cleaned Chisokone avenue, one of the busiest streets in the city centre.
The exercise is an initiative of the Ndola Street Vendors and Marketeers Association who have now started cleaning the streets where they trade from.
The Provincial Minister also took part in a tree planting exercise in the city centre.
Mr Lusambo commended the Ndola Street Vendors and Marketeers Association for the initiative saying Government is also eager to work with people with progressive ideas.
“We are happy when we see people taking it upon themselves to work with Government. My office, the office of the P.S and the DC’s office are always open for people with developmental ideas, please come forward and together, let us build this great province,” Mr Lusambo said.
He added, “Cleanliness is next to Godliness. The rainy season is here so we have to keep our surroundings clean, including our trading areas if we are to avoid Cholera and other waterborne diseases.”
PF politics at play. This man needs to learn from kambwili that been a bootlicker always ends in you been booted away. Kambwili was and continues to be lungu’s boot licker even after lungu has embarrassingly fired him through social media kikiki. Wake up lusambo and just do waht you is stated in your job description. Anyone appointed can be easily disappointed. meanwhile vote nez as best blogger 2016
Chief strategist of the UPND
Incoming best blogger 2016
Another Kaponya – that’s street language.
This is one of the biggest political problems we have in Africa kowtowing!
These are the people that perpetuate dictators. Democracy is about people having diverse views. If you say you will bash anyone opposing lungu the will of the people will end up crushing you.
Learn from history kamalondo and nsululaka who by the way lived in the very house you ocupy were once annoyingly talkative!
Lusambo is the new Kambwili!
@ NEZ, I was able to vote like 3x on the LT ‘elections’… what’s going on? These elections are worse than Zambian presidential elections with no safeguards to detect the same IP address or MAC address has been used to vote already. 🙁
“I,’ll crush those undermining president Lungu’s vision on the Copperbelt” -Lusambo!!!!!!!!
So actually there is nothing to “undermine”. Is this man now chasing ghosts? Clueless clowns with nothing to offer Zambians except poverty and corruption.
Lusambo you have over stepped. Waipwila umulilo palukasa. Look him we brought down Kabimba from State House as part of the. PF A-team.
You Lusambo a MMD die-hard, can’t threaten us. Just watch chikkalla….
Maverick, i was only able to vote once. My computer does not let me vote more than once. If you are talking IP then it means yes you can vote on each device you own. So to label these lusaka times elections as not fair or free is just not holding weight. Should you have concerned regarding the authenticity of the results i advise you to take this up with the lusaka times administrators. As things stand we believe the results reflect the wishes of the people on the ground. 1 vote per 1 IP and so if u own 3 devices you should be able to vote 3 times it just follows.
He needs to deal with them squarely.
That thuggish, tough guy, talk has no place in a democratic state. Lungu has no vision for you to defend. He said so himself. But even if he did, it doesn’t mean he just implements what he wants done without other people’s input, including parliament. Zambia is not a monarchy. We have no king in Zambia. If Lungu has a vision for the country, why don’t you take time to explain it to the country yourself, so you can have more people learn about it and thus, maybe, support it? Otherwise all you’re peddling in are empty threats with no meaning behind them. And that makes you look uninformed and fo0lish. So next time remember to explain your vision to the people, and try and convince them that your vision will be beneficial to them. But remember, they may or may not agree with you, or…
(Continued)…, may suggest you adjust some of the things in your plans. And remember to be gentle with your words. Threatening adults like school kids is simply ludicrous.
Mr Minister, how do you rid off cholera by cleaning streets when your cohort failed to adhere to basic hygiene rules? Just look at some individuals in the photos without gloves, mouth pieces and footwear! What a bunch of jokers!
Bowman how can you crush people undermining no vision….where is this vision? Is it a secret?
A VISION is attained, not implemented. Ba Lusambo, sikulu ni liweme.
On a serious note, why are THREATS the language of choice in Zambia? Uwakwatako ka rank, ninshi kula lete cintinya pa babiye. You don’t have to defend Lungu. Let him defend himself. It’s like ka weakling pa neighborhood, kalesoka abantu ati uo nkomfwa alepontela Mike Tyson, nkamulibula. What kind of nonsense is that. Does Tyson really need the defense of a weakling who can’t even defend himself?
Lusambo, you have no means to fight anybody. Nangu ni kanyangu wa maka, ta wakwata. Niwe ucite defend Lungu, kapitao wa bashilika bonse na ba messenger kumo?
Awe fimo muleibwelamo. Focus on developing relations across partisan divides.
Give people reasons to have interest in your programs and work with you…
Crush who when you had to run for your Life at Kasumbalesa in October. You equally had to hide behind Inonge Wina at Ndola Airport when the cadres wanted to crush you.
Unlike you MMD chap that just talks, baKopala beats. U will be beaten so badly you will be crushed
The problem is not you Lusambo its your language. Surely you can take a pig ? to a mansion it will forever soil itself. This is reminiscent of the MMD true blue with those infamous blue work suits. Those who sow to violence will beget violence.
@3 ine wine
He must be a street guy – a Kaponya. His language shows.
Let him not mess with baKopala. Ala tuLoma.
His learn’t his lesson Twice during his short tenure already. The third one will be horrible
Very bad language from the Minster himself.
He is no different to those chaps on Facebook Max Chongo and his UPND counterpart..the only difference is a shirt and tie.
Whether bad or kaponya the fact is that cleanliness is ongoing,particularly lusambo is doing it,he’s not my funny but I appreciate were good is done.
More likely he is your fanny!
@ Buck Teeth Lungu
Who is on top?
You have just joined us and you want to crush us. We know you are trying to safeguard your job, but such language doesn’t build iwe mwisa.
So you are one of those frustrating developmental programs. You will be crushed. Pf is not a tribal or regional party where some clowns feels they are more important than new members. You quickly need to differentiate a national party pf from other regional and tribal parties.
@ 1mbecile above
Of course “… PF is not tribal …” (LOL). As the initials say, it is Plunderers Federation ruled by Bugs Bunny and convicted embezzler and supported by 1mbecile like you
What method is Lusambo going to use to crush people like Kambwili who opposed the President’s directives at a recent meeting where the PF SG was even present? Incidentally, this MMD die hard absented himself from that meeting. Surely he was scared of facing the bull frog head on. Bowman, this is not MMD where you used to issue empty threats. You are now in PF, these guys mean business. They will sort you out, so tread very carefully.
The drunkard is undermining himself for being visionless and brainless. Just make your statement clear that you are firing this blank bullet on Chishimba Kambwili.
Sir, try to mastermind, but not to crush, those whom you say are undermining president Lungu’s vision on the Copperbelt. Try using your brain for once, not your fists and blows. Don’t crush – THINK.
Undermining Edgar Wrungus drunkardness would have beedn a better term.
He sounds bitter and frustrated already. It’s too early in the game. You ain’t seen nothing yet.
How people are able to leave rubbish like that is without belief. The chisokone shops will remain the same for the next 50 years. The corridors have pot holes while politicians and civic leaders misuse resources on overseas trips and rushing people to South Africa to come back in caskets. Zambia is more dirty because PF legalised street vending. So for as long as street vending is allowed, the keep Zambia clean will continue to be keep Zambia dirty.
That’s so true. PF reversed all the achievement that LPM made
Who can you crush ,you failed to crush HH and GBM who you accused of trying to murder you. Mr president close your ears to these boys who are trying to show that they working by just yapping yapping. We tired !actions speaks louder than words.
You are very stupid,were you there when we were suffering with the late president on forming the party? You minions your days are numbered with your drunkard president. Lungu has sold PF to Rupiah Banda. Let us wait and see what happens next. Matubvi!
Who still remembers Satan, that foul mouthed over-sexed triba!ist?
Rather than possing for photos in a wrong place at the working hours, you Lusambo needed to abide by the job description of the office you bear. True development should be educating the minds of street vendors to go back to the designated market places and free the streets of unnecessary garbage. The pavements are also pathetic, the City COuncil should have repaired them first before letting you goi there to take photos during office hours
I concur beyond any doubt. But look at it this way, when someone is scared of his office which requires strategic thinking, do you think he will stay in there? My answer is No! he would rather do work which doesn’t need any brains at all. That’s Lazy Lungu’s team. Elo Lusambo go ahead and crush them! Your new found party is the same one which crushed your old self at Soweto Market where as a MMD Die Hard, you were made to cry and beg for your life. Remember those words, Ati landa ati Ba Sata eba President, and you responded whilst sobbing, “Ba Sata eba President.” Say sorry, and you responded, “I am sorry and will never do it again.” Haha Life is Good, hey! Lusambo ba minister, crush them and actually start with your City Market torturers
This chap Lusambo is doing the CLENING and sweeping job that he is best suited and qualified to do. He is not ministerial material which is why Lungu appointed him – Lungu wanted a “thug, a yes man” in that job.
Good post without ugly language, keep up Chilyata
@Mj banda: Thanks bro – One Zambia One Nation.
Lusambo is a mercenary in PF and has not yet been elected to a leadership position in PF and yet he is threatening old and loyal PF members. All becoz of Lungu/RB scheme of arrangement. In any organisation Loyalty is recognised and yet in PF new MMD members are marginalised in their own Party. We can’t accept this and we must stop this nosense. We insist that we need an Elective Convention in 2017. The days of the Panga Family are gone.
This is how people fail to work. You are given a job which you don’t deserve in the first place.Then instead of concentrating on the job, you start issuing threats.The president wants people to work not to bootlick him, he is a clever man
He wants people to work whilst himself is eager to fly out on 3 day working visit!!
What vision?We are a perishing nation because the man himself told us he has no vision
The depravity of Zambian politics is quite disturbing…whatever happened to freedom of opinion!
Such men as Lusambo belong in ancient history when Zinjathropus roamed the earth!
Mr. lusambo good politics,
Crush, Overcome, Overpower, Defeat… the all have same meaning as the first word.
The people who create dictatorships are henchmen like Lusambo who are actually hiding their incompetence and corruption by praise singing for Lungu. Lungu will be emboldened by such loudspeaking praise. Eventually Lungu will find it difficult to find fault with such bootlickers and these muzungu wangas know this.
These characters are hard to control once they go out of favor or get overtaken by events. Remember Malema of SA (now so-called commander in chief of the EFF)? He swore to kill for Zuma, now he can’t share parliament space with him. This Lusambo is just earning his keep. Just wait for that spark when he will pretend he never said what he is saying now.. Africans kwena, awe mwe. Camusebanya sana. This in addition to nullified MPs still clinging to official duties… yaba!
Lusambo is not a true and loyal PF Member. Lusambo is acting like an MMD Mercenary hired by Lungu to harm old and loyal PF members and supporters. Whether Lusambo,Davies Mwila and Lungu like it or not ,loyal members of the PF want an Elective Convention set to elect new office Bearers of the Party.The President was controversially elected in 2015 in Kabwe and so was the Veep who was appointed by Lungu. The SG is also unelected and was appointed this year by Lungu. PF cannot go on like this with an unelected Leadership. Lusambo can crush rebels in MMD but has no mandate to discipline PF Members becoz he is not an Elected Member of PF.Lusambo is shouting loudest when he is not an Elective Executive of PF.He shut up!!
Its a pity some tribal tones are beginning to confirm their roots in PF. If you are not Bemba you are not a PF Die Hard. SAD.
According to his National Assembly File Bowman Lusambo is a Grade 12 with a Diploma in Sales and Marketing Management and his email address is [email protected]
kikiki with a basic gmail address kikikiki wandepula.
Anso wamene uyu munthu aoneka siokwana bwino bwino. Sure bakupasa nchito then watampa ukutinya abantu. Watch this space. He will mostly fall with a thud. Vinzelu vaku MMD non existent die hard fimo fimo
my humble advise to bowman, please stay away from the fights in the PF, ask yourself this question, why isn’t the president “crushing ” them himself? they are big boys that can take him on punch for punch because the current PF is a divided house. You cannot state with certainty who really is in control of the PF.
LUNGU has now got a vision….?!!
No wonder these zealots are crying foul. Dora is a central committed member in PF and KBF is not? The name of this party needs to change to PFM or Patriotic Front Movement.
Committee member
We still have our share of UPNDonkeys on LT.
Protecting the vision of someone who categorically stated that he does not have any vision
This is laughable really… If I may ask, what’s run guys vision to start with?
Typo I meant “what’s lungu’s vision”
This is laughable really… If I may ask, what’s rungu’s vision to start with?
Good job Mr. minister! We are tired of losers who think they won!
Mwisho at work! Show them ba Lusambo! Keep it up ba guy!
Terrible language and poor publicity. Mr Minister, please fix the system. You will clean the streets today and tomorrow and what happens after that? Simply not sustainable
People pay rates and whole sorts of taxes to Ndola Municipality Council, get them to figure out how they will keep the streets clean, and the street lights functional. Then we will know you are working. Issuing threats will not work!!!