Saturday, July 27, 2024

Jean Kapata does not owe KBF any apology-Davies Mwila


PF Secretary General Davies Mwila
PF Secretary General Davies Mwila

THE decision by member of the central Committee (MCC) chairperson for elections Jean Kapata to fire her deputy election Kelvin Fube Bwalya (KBF) is justified and there is no need for her to apologise for branding him a rebel, secretary general Davis Mwila has guided.

On Monday, KBF dismissed assertions and remarks attributed to Ms Kapata calling him rebel and demanded for an apology.

But in an interview with the Daily Nation, Mr Mwila said it depended on how KBF understood the word ‘rebel’, adding that for him (Mwila), a rebel was someone who was not following the rules and working against the party.

Mr Mwila said Ms Kapata who is a member of the central committee had the power and authority to appoint any member from the subcommittee.

“In this case, KBF (Mr Fube) was in the subcommittee so the same chairperson has the powers to remove anyone from the committee even to disband it. So, in terms of removing KBF, it was within the powers of the chairperson. She was within her powers,” Mr Mwila said.

And Mr Mwila said Ms Kapata does not owe KBF any apology for removing him from the commission.

The PF chief executive has warned party officials fighting for positions and causing confusion on the Copperbelt to immediately stopped and let those elected to work.

He said at party structure level the term of office was still running as all party officials were elected in June 2015, adding that their term of office was three years.

Meanwhile, the Mandevu Constituency executive has charged that Ms Kapata did not owe Mr Fube any apology and KBF’s demands that she should show remorse for branding him a rebel are nothing but wishful thinking.

Mandevu Constituency secretary Lemmy Bwalya has charged that the party structures were intact under the leadership of President Edgar Lungu and that all other party leaders still had the mandate and enjoyed their immunity in line with the party constitution.

Mr Bwalya Fube stated that Ms Kapata should apologise for branding him as a rebel against the president unless she could provide evidence or the issue would get personal


  1. Says someone who shouldn’t be bothered and is exercising his libido.

    Cant stand dull people like Mwila

    If anything Fube makes sense in a lot of what he says, he is just a wee bit inexperienced



    • Is this the SG for PF? I cant help, but notice that he looks both dull and ‘unwell’ That being said, funny how they are failing to touch Kambwili. As for KBF, he was part of an evil scheme and they played him. Ask the Post where the are now.

    • mushota you are just so pompus for say alot but say nothing in the end. If anything the entire PF owe zambians an apology for their constant lies and failures. Look at the economy, look at electricity supply, look at food insecurity.. the list goes on. why should we be discussing personalities of people who are stealing our hard earned taxes while our people suffer? Indeed mushota is now MIB2016(most irritating blogger 2016)

    • KBF has no problem with being fired by Kapata. His problem is being branded a rebel for reading the PF constitution.
      Edward should be careful with Davies Mwila. The man seems to be hell bent on destroying PF.

    • Complete ejots, when they are not fighting the opposition parties and the media, they start to destroy each other.
      Meanwhile the country is suffering because the president is too busy consolidating power and traveling on irrelevant trips.

  2. when i grew up in Zambia a grade 7 had no space to talk in a newspaper… now its free for all

  3. …………………./´¯/)
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  4. Ba Davies you really lack leadership skills. Take some diplomatic lessons. There you will teach be taught how to tell someone to go to hell sothat he looks forward to doing just that.

  5. Ba Davies you really lack leadership skills. Take some diplomatic lessons. There you will be taught how to tell someone to go to hell so that he looks forward to doing just that.

  6. KBF told the nation in detail how they secured the adoption of Edgar Lungu as PF Presidential candidate in 2015.Waking up the Judges around 03hrs to go and sign injunctions to stop the other faction from holding a convention!!!Not long from now we will start hearing how PF rigged the August 2016 elections from the PF members themselves.

  7. kBF spill more beans boss.That judge who connived with KBF at 0300hrs is not worthy of the office she presides.According to KBF she read the petition from Lungu at 0500hrs and at 0600hrs bingo she signed the injunction.Imwe sure nangu niwe judge .This contemptuous from this Judge.She should be tried for treason.

  8. Lungu is the problem in these squabbles in PF. He appointed Davies Mwila after he lost elections in his own Constituency beaten by an Independent MP. Therefore this unelected SG is against Elections in PF and hates Independent MPs with a passion having himself lost Elections to an Independent MP recently. PF is currently being led by unelected Leaders hence the need for Leadership Renewal in PF next year. All these leaders are operating without mandates from the members. An urgent Elective Convention should be called to elect New Leaders and Office Bearers. Davies Mwila should feel free to contest the position of Secretary-General. The SG should set the dates of this elective Convention without further delays. At this Convention the Role of MMD in PF govt needs to be properly defined.As…


    • It is a strategic move by president Lungu. A lame duck SG cannot challenge president Lungu for president of the nation in 2021. One that lost to an independent MP, in Luapula kikikiki. He is upset at every independent MP now. Mumbi Phiri would have been the best secretary general, but her verbal output is too frequent and toxic on occasion.

    • This is same strategy Sata used to put Lungu in place each time he was out of the country and the same strategy the PF central committee used to hail Lungu to presidency..Lungu now believes ‘weakest link’ strategy works and so uses it and will continues to do so,,.i cant wait for the second phase ‘KBF revelation ‘. God is great!

  10. Iwe chi Davies, Muletasha…. why do you forget so easily the efforts of others. as SG you could have done better. am disappointed with your actions

  11. Touch IMBWILI and you will see the crumble of PF. Kambwili single-handedly campaigned for Edgah/PF more than any other member in PF. Where-ever IMBWILI went thousands of people assembled to hear him. You people should learn to respect pillars of your party. Why do you forget so easily. Yes kambili might have his own weaknesses but there is so much sense in what he is saying only foolish and failed politicians like Mwila can not see sense you can’t run a party full of appointed leadership; it is an assault on intra-party democracy. As for madam Kapata you’re a huge disappointment to some of us who held you in high esteem. People thought you were among the remnant of the real PF who were ready to defend the interests of the party you have suffered r so much for. Now for you to label…

  12. Davies Mwila lost Elections as an MP recently. Lungu then Appointed him SG . Mwila has no grassroots support so he has to say or do what Lungu wants. Both Lungu and Mwila don’t want an Elective Convention becoz they could lose elections. KBF is saying lets have Elections now becoz as per PF Constitution they are overdue. KBF is a bitter man becoz Lungu played him. KBF played a crucial role in Rigging Elections for Lungu recently and Lungu has denied KBF what he promised him. Very soon the Election Rigging Tricks will be revealed. As they say the thieves and the moneys will soon part.

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