Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Lungu and First Lady’s New year’s Day in Pictures


President Lungu drive past at City Market
President Lungu drive past at City Market
President Lungu drive past at City Market
President Lungu drive past at City Market

President Lungu Drive Through Ngombe Compound in Lusaka on year New- Picture by Eddie Mwanaleza/Statehouse
President Lungu and First Lady Esther Lungu admirers one of the Babies born on New Year at Chipata Compound Clinic in Lusaka on Sunday, January 1,2017-Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Edgar Lungu with First Lady Mrs Esther Lungu holding Twins of Mrs Beverly Nange at Chipata Clinic in Lusaka after The First Family Presated New Year Gifts to 10 mothers
President Edgar Lungu with First Lady Esther Lungu and Mrs Maureen Chikwa Sister in Charge at Chitapa CLinic diuring the Tour on New Year day- Picture By Eddie Mwanaleza/State house
President Edgar Lungu pose with Medical Team at Chipata Clinic in Luska after he and Fisrt Lady Presated New Year Gifts to babies Picture by Eddie Mwanaleza Statehouse.
President Lungu and First Lady Esther Lungu admirers one of the Babies born on New Year at Chipata Compound Clinic in Lusaka on Sunday, January 1,2017-Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
First Lady Esther Lungu talks to Kanyama Constituency PF Parliamentary candidate Elizabeth Phiri as President Lungu listens on at Kanyama Clinic on January 1,2017 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA

First Lady Esther Lungu join PF women in dancing at Chipata Clinic where President Lungu presented New Year gifts to Babies in Lusaka on Sunday, January 1,2017-Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Lungu and First Lady Esther Lungu presents New Year hampers to one of the Babies born on New Year at Chipata Compound Clinic in Lusaka on Sunday, January 1,2017-Picture by THOMAS NSAMA


  1. Did he get a police permit because i can see a lot of PF thugs and children lining up the streets, What a dictator we have now and hiding under the blanket of Christianity, How Christians can easily be fulled surprises me, EL is a dictator and all well meaning Zambians can see that, Just look at all the people who wanted to take over from sate when he died, EL has systematically gotten the out of PF. Only a dictator like EL can do that.

  2. In one of the pictures, there’s “Ministry of community development mother and child development” and “Wellcome to Outpatient department”

    For starters, there’s no such a ministry in Zambia. Secondly, check the spelling of “Wellcome”. Chipata clinic should get a refund from the signwriter it hired.

    • The minister of national guidance did not guide them well, that’s why they couldn’t notice that, muzimayi afola zama hala.

    • Infact all the nurses in that pic @ chipata clinic look dull, dirty and ugly. where were the cute nurses i see @ chipata clinic?

    • The more our president goes out the more we see his inadequacies.Mind you he does not move alone so all the dull goons he has surrounded himself with could not see that signage?

    • @ZeBige
      I totally agree with you. That is my observation too, ECL is still in campaign mode, doesn’t see the difference that he now the Zambian President and not PF President. He is always campaigning….OMG

  3. Lungu this lungu that. Twalema imwe. Lusaka times please learn to be fair in your coverage. Hh was doing a lot over new year and even addressed the church. Why is this not reported. Now because I have won best blogger you cannot announce it because I do not tolerate lungu

  4. Unip’s lining up kids in the street, doing chisokone, chisokone is back, 19th and 20th century politics of kamuzu banda and kaunda.

  5. Can’t LUNGU see the dilapidated infrastructure in the background?

    Can’t LUNGU see the poverty-stricken people waving at him?

    Are they (LUNGU & the people waving at him) happy with the status-quo?

    We need leaders who think out of the box & can make a difference, not the caliber of LUNGU.

    Sheikh Zayed of UAE (DUBAI), Deng Xiaoping of China , Park Chung-hee of S/Korea, Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore etc are some of the VISIONARY leaders that have transformed their countries from 3rd World Countries to being developed in under 50years whilst during this period ZAMBIA has been cursed with VISONLESS leaders like KK, FTJ, RB, SATA, LUNGU who have transformed the country into one big filthy KOMBONI.

    • “VISONLESS leaders” not need to say more the writer cant spell what he is talking about, how can he know what he is talking about. beware of certified Idi0ts like this Maloza.

  6. This is the reason why many upnd cadres including HH do not want to face the people’s darling Edgar Lungu in 2021!!ECL is very loved by poor Zambians!!sadly for upnd,these are the majority voters in Zambia!!!if a by election comes up in Lusaka or any PF strongholds-upnd would lose badly!!you may hate PF and ECL in Dudumwezi but in 6.5 provinces – sorry PF and ECL are very loved!!!pictures do not lie-we used to see such pictures wherever ECL went in PF strongholds before 11/08/2016 and to date nothing has changed!!!HH UKOSE-2021 NI LUNGU NAFUTI NAFUTI!!

  7. doesnt the state and look of the country and infrastructure bother these folks in power …dressed proper proper and looking nice but still driving around bad roads and unfinished infrastructure. boggles the mind..!

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