Saturday, July 27, 2024

David Livingstone’s writings sighted at Kilwa Island


Kilwa Island
Kilwa Island

Nchelenge District Commissioner Derrick Mwelwa has disclosed that David Livingstone’s writings have been seen in the slave curves of Kilwa Island in Nchelenge District.

The District Commissioner disclosed this during the convergence of all Luapula based District Commissioners, Council Chairpersons and Council Secretaries in Mansa on Friday last week.

He said the writings of David Livingstone, in his own handwriting, are engraved on the walls of the curves of the Kilwa island which should make a good case for tourist attraction.

Mr. Mwelwa added that the writings indicate that David Livingstone after parting company with Henry Stanley came to Kilwa Island and spend a night in the curves where he left the writings on the walls of the curves indicating that he had enjoyed a peaceful night sleep in the natural curves molded by mother nature.

The District Commissioner further explained that the Kilwa curves are referred to as slave curves because the spot was used as a slave trading area where some traditional leaders who were selling slaves used to meet with their slave buyers which made it a meeting point between the slave sellers and their buyers.

Mr. Mwelwa said slave trade at the time was a normal trade where human beings were being sold just like any other commodity and Kilwa Island was a hive of activity as a market for the trade.

He appealed to the Heritage Conservation Authority to take interest in the Kilwa curves and document the writings properly for historical purposes and increased knowledge on the historical sites that David Livingstone stepped his feet on when he was in Zambia.

But Former Nchelenge District Commissioner Royd Chakaba disclosed that the Kilwa curves were surrounded by a lot of myth which require further research for proper documentation for the appreciation of the future generation.

Mr. Chakaba added that during his tour of duty in Nchelenge as District Commissioner, he was not accorded the rare opportunity of entering the Kilwa curves because it was believed that one could only do so with the authorization of the Chief without whose permission one could not come out of the curves alive but get swallowed up by the curves.


  1. CAVES not CURVES! Elo if this is true then it is a major find! Zambia has so much tourist potential, just look at that beautiful scenery! Only in Zambia! God bless this beautiful country!

    • How does Mr Mwelwa conclude this is D Livingstone so quickly and also start giving an insight of how he traveled. A District commissioner never the less.
      Unverified and somewhat he has made a conclusion?



    • This can be true because ithere is evidence that David Livingstone ran out of paper and basically all resources at some point and had to rely on slave traders, the very people he loathed. Infant, it is missionaries who inadvertently paved the way for slavery and colonialism with their documentation of Africa in overseas journals.

      The best people to contact are the London Missionary Society. They sponsored DL’s excursions into Africa.

    • Kilwa islands is on lake Mweru. David Livingstone never went there. He never even reached Mansa. Livingstone died between Serenje and Samfya. Dried there, and carried back to cost of Mozambique back to UK.

    • It’s caves, baSwine!
      The ldiot repeatedly writes curves, over and over again. It’s time LT invested in journalists. Now, we’re being subjected to a lecture in History by a PF cadre??? Pulleeaase!!!

    • @Nostradamus, David Livingstone actually visited Lake Mweru. He visited Mwata Kazembe in 1867 under the reign of Mwonga Nsemba as he was looking for the source of the Nile River. As for those claims I would leave it to experts.

  2. This is the problem of bad pronunciation and accent that these young Zambians are speaking. Caves to curves??? Spent a night to spend a night(past tense). that’s why when you listen to hot fm an English British or American speaking English person would be lucky to understand what they are saying. Flava is real, they speak our Zambian English accent which is the ‘burst’. not this “Burst” (best) accent competition. So fool/sh.


  3. This is the problem of bad pronunciation and accent that these young Zambians are speaking. Caves to curves??? Spent a night to spend a night(past tense). that’s why when you listen to hot fm an English British or American speaking English person would be lucky to understand what they are saying. Flava is real, they speak our Zambian English accent which is the ‘burst’. not this “Burst” (best) accent competition. So fool/sh

  4. This is the problem of bad pronunciation and accent that these young Zambians are speaking. Caves to curves??? Spent a night to spend a night(past tense). that’s why when you listen to ho t fm an English British or American speaking English person would be lucky to understand what they are saying. Flav a is real, they speak our Zambian English accent which is the ‘burst’. not this “Burst” (best) accent competition. So fool/sh

  5. Iwe ka ngulu learn to read you cretin..hence the use of the word “if”. And why not were you there? For Lsk times to run this story there must be some substance to it.

    • Substantial amount of 1MBECILITY. Do you know anything about Dr. Livingstone? LEARN BEFORE COMMENTING YOU 5TUPID 1MBECILE.

    • If you had functional brain, which you do not have, and if you had been interested in the life of Dr. Livingstone, which you do not have clue, you should know that all his diaries are available on line. As to PF /DC “informed” assessment, do you still believe that there is “unprecedented development”?

    • Iwe ka ngulu no doubt you are another frustrated blood thirsty animal and a victim of cretinism a typical trait of which is to believe they are smarter than everyone else. 1mbecile being your favourite word as that’s what your parents named you seeing your amazing deformity. The truth hurts you does it? You pathetic uneducated 1mbecillic cretin but you are funny keep up iwe ka ngulu you make me laugh.

    • @ blind d1ck sucking and arse licking son of many fathers
      I may be all the above, but thanks to God, I am not member of your family which has more than 50 children without any father.

  6. Which Kilwa island is this? LT, don’t use wrong pictures for the right reasons! If you can’t get a pic for your fancied story, run a story without a pic!

    • Is the writer thinking of somebody’s curves? Repeatedly written curves! What were you doing in the English class from Grade 1-Grade 12, not forgetting College English? Unless Livingstone wrote “David was here at Kilwa Curves.”

  7. “…..and spend a night in the curves where he left the writings on the walls of the curves….”
    This is extremely embarrassing Journalism, “Lusaka Times”. Are you not aware that a lot of us who read your news do not live in Zambia, and that there are many foreigners abroad and in the Diaspora who read your articles? Don’t you have an “Editor” who looks out for errors in Syntax, Spelling, etc, before you unleash such trashy writing in our faces?This is a new year, 2017. You need to improve the quality of your writings, or some of us will just have to stop reading your “paper” and miss-out on news from home.

  8. The average Briton does NOT even know who David L/Stone is/was. Ati “who discovered Vic falls? : Its D. L/stone. My foot!

    Same applies to DAG HAMMARSKJOLD. RSA has uprooted Cecil Rhodes Statues becoz they know that hero-worshiping WHITE MEN has led us to has an inferior complex leading to us being economically colonized to this day.

    Lets emancipate our brains from the WHITE MAN. We need our own heritage, our own heroes, our economic liberators, NOT investors who bank their profits in Cayman Islands, Switzerland, virgin Islands, Mauritius etc. When tourists come to Africa, they want the real African life experience.
    1. Promote bushmen paintings & cultural activites of local villagers
    2. Develop comfortable Afican infrastructure in Kilwa.
    3. Cull the crocodiles & hippos to…

    • CONT’D
      3. Cull the crocodiles & hippos to promote swimming & fishing
      4. Cuisine & drinks flowing
      5. Speedboats, jet-skis, scuba-diving, fishing boats & gear available.
      6. Advertise heavily after u have done all above.
      7. Appoint me Director at Min. at Tourism for 2 years, 😉

  9. “curves” And some one is surprised!?#&%#$ when they in fact mearnt to write kevu! G’vem a break. They are as innocent as they come. Pwahahahaha

    And I get nothing for my insightful post’s. Huh!

  10. He died at present day Chitambo in Serenje in 1873. His Heart and offals were buried under a big tree which stands up to now. His body was dried and ferried back to UK and he is buried at the West Minister Abbey in London. The guys who carried his body were Chuma and Suusi. The only thing we do not know whether Chuma and Susi came back to Africa. I always pestered my History Teacher if the two came back at all. They deserve to be knighted by the Queen posthumously. As to whether, Dr David Livingstone went to Nchelege on Mansa is a point for debate. In any case, it does not change the course of History.

    • At least, somebody with basic education in Zambia!!!
      By the way, it is Westminster Abbey. Susi and Chuma returned to Zanzibar

  11. Maloza …..speed boats, scuba diving, jet ski .. yeah thats the real African bushman experience…….oh who designed built the speed boats scuba gear jet ski…….you tell everybody. I will leave it to ypu
    . Cull hippos and crocodiles so tourists go to Zim or Botswana to see them great idea Maloza

  12. The announcement of the discocvery this writing on the wall of Membo Cave is most welcome. The National Heritage Commission should send their staff to investigate the writing on the wall of the Cave. Some facts need to be stated.
    1.David Livingstone visitedf Mwata Kazermbe in 1867.. He did not visit KIlwa Island at all.
    2.Kilwa Island was, from 1887, taken over by Nshimba (Simba -Lion -in Ki-Swahili). His real name was Wasswa Kintu, originally from Bu -Soga, east iof Buganda, who was sold into slavery in the 1840s or 1850s. He was later taken to Zanzibar and later mainland Tanzania. After many years as a slave, he formed his own band of mercenaries. He was hired to fight Msiri’s soldiers by Chief Nkuba Kawama of the Shila located ion the western shore of Lake Mweru. Armed with…

    • It surprises me how we know about Europe when we know zero about our country. At least during our time we it was compulsory to learn basic local history.

  13. Yes Livingstone visited Kazembe (Kasembe) and surrounding areas but those writings on the curves! sic caves have to be authenticated by experts. Am disappointed with the former DC, how can he believe that one can be swallowed by some mystical creature in this day and age?

  14. Curves? Curves? Did you mean caves? Iyeh mayo ba Journalist chansoni. If you can’t write english then you should not report in English. I suggest that you resort to publishing on a platform which reports news in vernacular.

  15. can someone compare the writing on a rocky wall to that on paper….we use some kind of chisel to make indentation on the rocky surface…even if he used paint and brush still difficult to compare with pen and paper..beside the paint would have been overridden with fugal growth..
    …another category is required to vote on this publication with the most embarrassing spelling errors (LT, Zambian Eye, Tumfweko, Zambia reports)…I vote in advance on LT…..

  16. Ba Lusaka Times, this is getting embarrassing; Can you please improve on your English or hire some new staff who can actually write, please, don’t you know that even people abroad log on?

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