Saturday, July 27, 2024

Former Mines Minister sentenced to 2 years in prison for stealing bycycles


Maxwell Mwale at the Magistrate Court this morning
Maxwell Mwale at the Magistrate Court this morning
FORMER Mines minister Maxwell Mwale and his former deputy Boniface Nkhata have been sentenced to two years imprisonment each with hard labour by a Lusaka magistrates’ court after they were found guilty of stealing 40 bicycles.

The duo was sent to jail after the court convicted them of two counts of theft by public servant charges, contrary to the Laws of Zambia.

Mwale and Nkhata were charged with two counts of theft by public servant each, involving 40 bicycles valued at K22,000 in 2010.

In count one, Mwale is alleged to have stolen 20 bicycles valued at K11,000 which came into his possession by virtue of his employment as Mines minister on November 8, 2010 in Chipata.

In the second count, Nkhata is also alleged to have stolen 20 bicycles valued at K11,000 during the same period in Chipata by virtue of his position.

Handing down her judgment, Magistrate Ruth Chilembo said the offence the duo committed was a serious one as it involved senior Government officers who ought to have conducted themselves in a clean manner as required by their status in society.

Ms Chilembo said yesterday the prosecution had proved their case beyond reasonable doubt and satisfied the ingredients of the charges slapped on the duo.
“I now sentence you to two years imprisonment each with hard labour.

Looking at the prosecution evidence, I am satisfied that they have proved their case beyond any reasonable doubt,” Ms Chilembo said.

She said she heard what had been said in mitigation that the two were first offenders and deserved leniency among them, a non-custodial sentence.

Ms Chilembo, however, said imposing a non-custodial sentence would be unjust.

In mitigation, the pair asked the court to consider a non-custodial sentence on account of them having served the country diligently while in Government and in various positions.

In 2006, the ministry received 100 bicycles from the Zambia National Response to HIV/ AIDS Project (ZANARA) and 40 of these bicycles were expected to be taken to Chipata to distribute them to the small-scale miners but ended up in Mapatizya.


  1. Next is lungu and Kambwili. See, to day you may think you are untouchable tomorrow you will be crying like a baby after sentencing, ask this thief, former mines minister. Thumbs up to female magistrate, these are the kind of people we need in the Judiciary and not sell outs who can not even hear a single petition, nonsense.

  2. These These are the people lungu is employing with rupiahs blessings. Soon he will be pardoned and employed by lungu. It is animal farm under lungu. Lungu is a curse

  3. They have stolen the roofing sheets, and they keep on stealing from the house I am constructing in Lusaka.
    They steal already fitted electric cables, any anything valuable they find in the house while threatening the care takers with pangas. They broke the copper doors with sharp bars of metal. Is stealing an acceptable a way of life in Zambia? They steal cement, they steal fitted door frames, they steal cattle, they steal chicken, even cash and they are the majority, Christian nation ?

  4. Sure sure pa Njinga chabe Bwana you should have instead got some emerald sold it cleansed it through your business as a sale and documented it and used the money to buy the cycles

  5. these people were once untouchable. so those who think are untouchable today will wake up to a rude shock tomorrow. come what may, the day of reckoning will come even if it means just sleeping in custody on Christmas day like KK, that time will surely come. So PF watchout

  6. We know these public figures do not stay in jail. Either they will soon be out on bail or the President will pardon them in no time.

  7. So the ZAMBIAN courts are free from political interference? I bet if these two Easterners had been found not guilty, the Upnd sycophants were going to cry “wako ni wako, RB at work ” and other unprintables.

  8. Sad. I remember Mwale from old days at ZCCM- Mufulira; an accomplished mining engineer. ‘ wonder why he went into politics? Any way, they say politics are for the dirty

  9. Mwale Mwale…..I feel sorry for you. I interacted with you on many mining conferences and as a Zambian in the diaspora I found your arrogance nauseating for a mining engineer. I was so excited when MMD appointed you minister because I though having a technocrat, we will see changes in our mines. You are very luck to be locked up for stealing bicycles and not for selling mining rights which would have seen you serve up to 15 years.

  10. This chat campaigned for ECL, so bamuchaya donchi kubeba. Njinga sure when your friends bene Kambwili are building several flats. what a f.ool

  11. When is the Pardon from the Most Corrupt President in Zambias history??
    They will be pardoned so they can be vuvuzelas for Mr Corruptions 2021 flawed electoral adoption process.
    Winter K, is already positioning himself for cheerleading duties,which are rewarded with dodgy contracts/ tenders.

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