Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Mutati asks Dangote Industries to expand investments in Zambia


Aliko Dangote with Hon. Mutati
Aliko Dangote with Hon. Mutati

Finance Minister Felix Mutati has implored Africa’s richest man Aliko Dangote to expand his investments in Zambia.

Mr Mutati said Zambia still offers a favourable investment climate which companies like Dangote Industries will do well to explore.

He said this when he the Billionaire businessman paid him a courtesy call at his office in his office in Lusaka on Saturday.

Mr Mutati has asked Mr Dangote to continue putting pressure on the production of cement in Zambia so that the price can come down further for the benefit of the man on the street who is looking forward to building.

He praised Mr Dangote for providing competition in Zambia in the cement industry and asked him to continue putting pressure so that the prices can go down.

And Mr Dangote has reiterated his commitment to consolidate his investments in Zambia.

He also urged the Zambian government to intensify its support to the SME sector.

Mr Dangote said support by the banking sector to the SME is key in deepening the economy and creating jobs for locals.
And Mr Dangote has announced that he will invest in other business sectors.

Mr Dangote described the level of investment he has made in Zambia such as the cement plant and a power plants as exciting business ventures.

He says as an entrepreneurship company, he is looking at more than what is on the ground as the company envisages to expand its investment in other sectors.

He commended the Zambian government for the warm relationship his firm is enjoying in the country adding that it was Mr Mutati who single-handedly welcomed him when he was Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry.

“You are the person who brought us to Zambia, singlehandedly. When we came here more than ten times, we were not sure whether to invest or not but eventually we were able to invest more than what we had planned for. It’s been a very exciting investment,” he said.

Industry sources have indicated that the Dangote Group will soon launch its own brand of Sugar in Zambia called Dangote Sugar.


  1. MMD firmly in charge. The over rated Mutati full of rhetoric will not change anything. These are people who in their thinking think that if the price of mealie meal goes down to K85, then they would have reduced it. Very disconnected with what is happening on the ground. And in Zambia they are called leaders. No clue

    • Why not ask GBM to expand his investment?
      Post trucks for lozi Mmembe are impounded, and taken out of local investments.

  2. Can the suppliers of motor vehicles to ECZ for the August elections get their money please. This is now too much Mr Mutati.

  3. Not all contractors have received the money as you said in your paper,daily mail.Can the contractors please be paid and this is why the local contractors can’t perform. How can one perform when you take over a year to pay them and when you pay them again you send ZRA to collect direct from the source of payment when it’s the government that delayed in payments. Please help the locals

  4. Zambia has millionaires, who invest their money in what? Here a Nigerian billionaire is going to make millions even billions with new sugar on the Zambian market. Money that shall grow the Nigerian economy.

    • For you to call them millionaires, it means they have good investments, by the way most Zambian millionaires are self made, dangote is swimming in inherited wealth, so chill let us Zambian businessmen do our own thing.

  5. Difference between a rich man and a begger, mutating mutati has a lot of food on his platter and sipping on coffee or tea,imwe bamu ma hotelier what do you call that mutant breakfast, Continental, full English, or heavy duty-free Zambian breakfast? Yet dangote only asked for a bottle of manzi water worth K3.

  6. Dangote be wise on how you invest in foreign soils. Bola ilachinja with African Leadership stay away from politicians big man before you remember my word.

  7. OK. Single handedly brought dangote to Zambia. That is what Chibamba Kanyama would call ‘Bemba killer instinct’ while others are busy calling him Kaponya

  8. i wish…..I really wish people could get to know what or how this richest man in Africa treats his fellow Africans at the dangote plant in masaiti….they are virtual slaves in their own country but oh no nobody brings that to light!! dangote industries extols the indian workers more than it will ever reward any African/Zambian worker ! and you want him to bring more investment!! more likemore slavery!! what kind of government is this that does not care about people who put them in government?????? can we be serious even for a minute!! call trump what you like be I agree with him 1000% when he says ” America and Americans first” !! why are we giving jobs and opportunities to Indians enmasse at dangote industries at the expense of our own very educated people??? why>???? coz you want…

  9. When When we have our own local potential businesses in Zambia this son of a beech is selling our country to a man whose only concern is profit. The pf have failed to facilitate the growth of local small business. They have failed to support their own people they would rather get kickbacks from dangote. As I keep saying Zambia will be saved when lungu dies. He is very ill and I ask him to repent his sins

  10. A billionaire flies in on Saturday weekend and he is able to meet both the Minister of Finance and the President on the same day …who do you think made way for who’s diary? At times lets not be too needy…at least I know Mutati was more prepared than that drunkard in State House going by the two articles.

  11. There is no problem in asking Dangote to expand his investment in Zambia, but however, it is the Government’s fault that it has allowed the management to bring in so many Indians at the plant . One would think that maybe the plant is located in a small Indian village. Secondly , how do these Indians get work permits? Recently, a batch of Indians have arrived at the plant comprising boil makers, electricians and technicians. Who gave them work permits? Surely these jobs can be done by Zambians. Even their engineers qualifications are questionable. Can EIZ do the needful and help Immigration to deny these people work permits and ensure that these jobs go to Zambians. Thirdly the Government must engage Dangote so that conditions for Zambian workers are improved. The Indians have taken…

    • Absolutely Right Mr . Starting from Dangote sales up to the plant all mbatiya Indian workers only . SORRY AND NOT FORGETTING TRANSPORT ASWELL handled by Indian lady . The sales guy is way too corrupt and a threat to Zambian workers .

  12. Just a reminder Felix Mutati has shares/connections to Dangote. He enabled Dangote investments by express process in Zambia using his office in return for shares during MMD government. Mutati was Commerce minister then.
    Mutati is still MMD president though is minister of Finance in the conundrum of Lungu (PF), RB (MMD) and Mutati (till July/August 2016 RB sponsored MMD convention hurriedly to usher Mutati as MMD president on instructions from Lungu and RB to support PF in the August 2016 elections – his reward Finance minister.

  13. I think as Zambians let’s stop politicking every thing, if we have so called millionaires, were are they hiding in politics .let them show us like dangote is doing thumps up mutati, and The President. Let the man do More. Auger,unga,cement. And electricity.

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