Saturday, July 27, 2024

Court orders Zambia police to allow HH and GBM attend court sessions


GBM and HH smiling outside Luanshya Magistrate Court
GBM and HH smiling outside Luanshya Magistrate Court
Luanshya Magistrate Court has ordered Zambia police to allow President Hichilema and his running mate to attend court sessions as ordered by Court.

Magistrate Mbuzi said the two accused persons have a right to a fair trial.

And Magistrate Mbuzi adjourned the matter to today 18.01.2017.

Earlier Counsel Jack Mwiimbu representing HH and GBM raised preliminary issues before the session commenced to bring to the attention of the court that the two accused persons after every adjournment have always been moved out of Luanshya by armed police officers to the detriment of their rights as citizens.

Counsel Mwimbu said as a result the accused persons are not even able to make necessary arrangements for their stay in Luanshya and have resolved to be coming from Lusaka to attend the court session.

Counsel Mwimbu also said that Despite the accused persons not confronting anyone they have bee harassed by police on their way into Luanshya.

He also questioned why the accused persons are always stopped and questioned by police despite police knowledge that they are coming to appear before the court in Luanshya.

“Today police discharged live ammunition as the accused persons were coming to court.”

Counsel Mwimbu told the court that they are innocent until proven guilty and added that what is happening is unfortunate and unprecedented that security details by police are now violating the rights of the accused persons.

Counsel Kabesha also added that the first accused was stopped five times despite police knowledge of the court session he was coming to attend.

Counsel Kabesha told the court that When the treason trial for Shamwana took place he used to attend the trial as a young boy and that gave him motivation to become a lawyer and today he is a good lawyer

He also told the court that it was surprising that police took charge of the court premises and stopped each person coming to court.

“How are other citizens and youths going to get motivated to become members of the bench or to become police officers if they are not allowed to attend court sessions.” Said counsel Kabesha.

He told the court that police can only do what they are doing with the authority of the court.

“We request that the court re looks at the conduct of the police .”

Counsel Kabesha also wondered why other matters taking place at the same court are not taking place today.

He requested the court to hold a meeting with the officer commanding to look at the behavior and conduct of the police which interferes with fair trial of the accused persons.


    • It appears common sense is not that common amongst some bloggers here hence the tag of dunderheads. How do you allow blood thirsty UPND members in troves who are vent on causing anarchy when they group up to attend court sessions- a managble number say of 50 or less of friends and relatives is alright which the Police are allowing to attend not 100 and above most being thugs from as far as Namwala! Next there will be chaos as always happens, then the Police react to maintain law and order and we have incidents where these dunderheads will cry foul- prevention is always better than cure! GBV and Hungry Hyena always looking for scapegoats!

    • Lungu and his PFolice have gone overboard. Why are they so scared? Their pyrrhic “victory” is haunting them. They are too scared to let HH even answer their trumped up charges.

    • Zambia has become a police state, why should one be stopped from attending his own court hearing? Why is the police using live ammunition on innocent people? This is all strange!!!!!!

    • Very poor reporting.
      The accused, the accused – accused of what?

      Mwiimbu, said, Mwiimbu said, regarding what case?

      Lusakatimes, I think you have a duty that even when you get news from hearsay in the compounds by street vendors, at least try ask the exact subject, and the matter including its background and context.

      Not just starting from accused; accused of what?

      In the matter, which matter?

    • HH knows that both him and his colleague, GBM, are not politicians.

      They have no way of keeping their dedicated followers busy for the next 5 years.

      So, they have decided to use the courts to make headlines so that their supporters can continue to clap.

      HH is very convinced that his dedicated followers are very easy to manipulate.

      He knows that their vulnerability lies in the belief that they are thinking independently when they are being manipulated.

      You can see that they are deeply manipulatable to the point that HH’s manipulative thoughts have been integrated into the supporters and have become part of them to the extent that they think they are thinking on their own.

  1. Zambia Police are not behaving professionally. They have become PF cadres, everything under Lungu is not working well it is dununa reverse gear.

  2. Very unprofessional Police conduct. As PF, we know that GBM and HH are not even a threat but we are busy embarrassing ourselves. The conduct of the Police puts this country at it’s lowest

    • PF’s conduct confirms that they are scared of HH. If he was not a factor they would be ignoring him like they do Muliokela. PF are haunted by the theft of HH’s victory last year.

  3. Surely GBM and HH are free citizens. The harassment is senseless. It defies logic, and the politicians in charge of this country are quiet and enjoying the harassment of the same citizens they are supposed to protect.Surely GBM and HH are supposed to be protected by the president and his PF Police. Not every thing should be partisan

  4. In a normal functioning democracy, the minister of home affairs was going to be the first one to condemn the harassment of HH and GBM by the Police. And I repeat in a normal functioning democracy

    • Do you know who the Minister of Home Affairs is and what he used to do to UPND helicopters in Shiwang’andu? The PFolice are following orders from the highest offices in Zambia.

    NO 2021 FOR LUNGU!!!!

  6. Have they restrained their cadres from past donkey riotous behaviour at court as last time in Luanshya and Lusaka?
    The magistrates order can only please a donkey mind as a victory. In reality no one ever stopped them from attending and what lawyers are saying has no bearing on attending. Kuyopa jele chabe ati delaying tactics, the guilty are afraid. Sorry hearing proceeds today.
    LT ati HH and his “running mate”, are there peesiswntial elections in Luanshya or GBM has already been selected for 2021? Me think not for 2021these two will fall apart very soon fir how a bemba monkey continue in UPND? The only yhat has kepr GBV in UPNDis that he is not welcome in PF and he cannot afford to form a new party and who will join him anyway?

    • Terrible Tribalist, you can go hang. In this time and age someone is still talking about tribalism, really! And that is because of three pieces of silver and not gold? Stupid ***** @Terrible!

  7. A coward dunderhead called 2020 vision is taking a partisan stance instead of an objective stance. You see when dunderheads are putting up an argument, they don’t realise that every sentence they put in has a partisan tone. You can’t blame the man because dullness is like death, only the other people alive know you are dead. You the dunderhead does not know and you think all is well

    • @Martin I’m always amazed when a blood thirsty animal looks for a reason to cause chaos! It is in your genes! Just as you caused young Mapenzi to die you want other naïve pawns to be victims while a keyboard warrior like yourself makes dull comments from the comfort of your dungeon somewhere outside Zambia- what a coward! The plain truth is there to see, you are nothing but a bitter, 6 times failing bunch of sa.tanic cowards that are on record of attacking Zambians that don’t belong to your tribal grouping, the records are there for all to see so thanks for reminding us.

    • Iwe ka (Ha)Lungu aka Martin aka bloodthirsty cowardly animal, only a super 1mbecile uses two usernames to pretend to be two people- as a senior blogger with many years of experience this is a trait I’ve found to be common amongst you United Party for National Dunderhead cowards it appears you are just another ilomba like chi Nez except even more of a cowardly dunderhead an amazing achievement mwana.

  8. Just last month, the Copperbelt Minister castigated the Police for tear gassing his protesting cadres in Ndola. Can the same minister castigate the Police in Luanshya for their barbaric actions against HH and GBM. HH and GBM, as big Zambian businessmen, contribute huge monthly Taxes to ZRA which eventually pays salaries to the same Policemen harassing them. The whole world is following what is happening in our country. If Zambia is perceived to be infringing human rights, we may end up with sanctions like Zimbabwe. Police must always act professional and impartial, if they are partial, as Mr Kampyongo instructed, they must resign and pursue politics.

  9. Animal kingdom. And beyond comprehension, they are people who are supporting such heinous crimes committed by Zambia Police in Zambia. Unbelievable. That’s why I support the guy who says we still have people who cant think properly. I will always be PF but what is wrong is wrong. We should respect the republican President as well as Opposition leaders. You cant just be wasting tear gas anyhow. I think I need to see what was put in the budget for tear gas by the Zambia Police, it must be too much, they are just playing with it anyhow

    • @Marlone,
      Indeed you are one of the few PFs who thinks with your sober head. Let the others learn from you and we will have fewer of those police toys called tear gases.

  10. The accused HH & GBM have a Right to attend Court. It is just ridiculous to see how the illegitimate Lungu govt is persecuting HH and GBM. How can the accused be barred to attend Court Sessions when they are in the Dock? This is unheard of anywhere in the World. HH and GBM are being punished for Winning the 2016 Elections and embarrassing Lungu and PF. By harassing and persecuting the two Lungu hopes that HH and GBM will withdraw their Petition and recognise the illegitimate Lungu.That will not happen! HH and GBM have constitutional rights to attend Court and to be heard as Petitioners in Court. President Jammeh of Gambia after losing elections has filed a Petition with the Supreme Court. The AU,ECOWAS,UN etc concede that it is Jammeh’s Right to be heard in Court. Why is HH and GBM being…

  11. Lungu is harassing and persecuting HH and GBM using his PF Police Force. Lungu hopes these measures by the PF Police Force will force HH & GBM to withdraw their Petition in Court and recognize the illegitimate Lungu. This will never happen. Lungu must recognise and respect the Petitioners’ constitutional Rights to be heard in Court without any preconditions. Delivery of Justice is far more important than Time Expiry Technicalities. So the Petition must be heard,determined and the Winner of the Election declared without. Anything else will not resolve Edward’s illegitimacy. The presiding Magistrate will soon be transferred as punishment for making a Statement infavour of the accused. Just Watch!!

  12. The legal president of Zambia. Very handsome and healthy looking man unlike that illegal rat lungu

    • The dreams of a delusional dunderhead NEZ(NEW EVIL MINDED ZAMBIAN) another perpertual reject calling itself best blogger yaaaba these ilombas are mad for sure! Hungry Hyena kwati alefwaya uko lila hehehe.. Elo chi GBV insala yaamba nomba the chap is losing weight!

  13. But why restricting them from the court proceedings. They are free Zambians and it is within their constitutional rights to attend court sessions. It is only the government of visionless leadership that restrict people to exercise their rights. As the spokesman for the Ngoni chiefs and all Ngonis in Eastern province we are not happy with the way government departments including courts in to mouth piece for Lungu and Pf. And the paramount chief of the Ngoni speaking people has emphasized that only H.H. and the Upnd leadership to grace this year’s N’cwala traditional ceremony. He has since said that the Ngoni speaking people are disappointed with the current leadership that has destroyed what the late president Mr Michael C.Sata stood. Thieves like nyini Dora siliya are the ones who are…

  14. HH & GBM are the accused so how can u try them without allowing them in Court? Lungu has politicised the Police and now its interferring with the Administration of Courts. By law the Courts have their own court officials to keep silence in Court. Lungu’s obssession with HH &GBM is going too far. HH & GBM have constitutional Rights to attend Court and to be heard as Petitioners in Court. The Petition is haunting Illegitimate Lungu. No matter how much harassment and persecution Lungu meets on HH &GBM the Petition will not die and Lungu will stew in illegitimacy until the Petition is heard,determined and a Winner is declared by the Court. Period


  16. The Police is acting on orders from Lungu. The Police have no business at the Court premises. Courts have their own Court officials to keep peace in the Courts. Lungu is harassing and persecuting HH and GBM with the sole purpose of breaking their spirits. Lungu hopes that HH & GBM will be harassed into submission and force them to abandon their Petition and recognise the Illegitimate Lungu. The Petitioners will not give up until the Petition is heard and disposed off. Lungu without knowing is turning HH & GBM into Freedom Fighters and heroes. Lungu will soon realise that without Hearing the Petition his illegitimacy will continue to haunt him. After Jammeh is gone AU will shift its focus from Gambia to Zambia and DRC. Lungu and Kabila will be on the spotlight.

  17. Zambia can not claim to be a free and fair nation under Lungu’s rule. As a distant observer Zambia has been blackened out of the international forum even of seemingly good things attributed to the country. Countries such as Zimbabwe, Uganda, Gambia, Congo even Malawi has an international reportage than our nation.
    The unfair treatment of other Zambians is creating a bad image of Zambia out here.

  18. LT please some of the messages delete them this platform its not for insulting other people its for building our nation Zambia. God bless you

  19. Zambia Police are not behaving professionally, Yaa until one of your relatives is killed by these dunderheads called UPND and the lawyer’s car is stoned that is when you will know why the police are doing that., ask the Lusaka UPND lawyers.

  20. Comment:lungu fear not you was buzy saying HH is scaring you but you are busy sending police officer shame on you and kopyongo

  21. If God says YES no man can say no plz Bear wit me (HH &GBM) will soon inherence state house jxt watching .no mater wat lungu does ,will come out .if others are coming out ,whom does he think he’s keep waiting .NAKWE NAKWE

  22. So what if Lungu comes out of state house, that will be then but now he is the head of state and the most popular president just obliged or else you will die with shock. Boma ni Boma you like it or not he is the sitting president unitl when God says otherwise. keep on dreaming for your satanist and GBV but for now wake up.

  23. whatever goes up shall come down one day zambia will end up like gambia. if you want to prove the popularity of someone let people talk about that person freely then you conculude. as of now i dought.

  24. Very poor reporting.
    The accused, the accused – accused of what?

    Mwiimbu said, Mwiimbu said, regarding what case?

    Lusakatimes, I think you have a duty that even when you get news from hearsay in the compounds by street vendors, at least try ask the exact subject, and the matter including its background and context.

    Not just starting from accused; accused of what?

    In the matter, in the matter; which matter?

  25. HH knows that both him and his colleague, GBM, are not politicians.

    They have no way of keeping their dedicated followers busy for the next 5 years.

    So, they have decided to use the courts to make headlines so that their supporters can continue to clap.

    HH is very convinced that his dedicated followers are very easy to manipulate.

    He knows that their vulnerability lies in the belief that they are thinking independently when they are being manipulated.

    You can see that they are deeply manipulatable to the point that HH’s manipulative thoughts have been integrated into the supporters and have become part of them to the extent that they think they are thinking on their own.

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