Saturday, July 27, 2024

UPND to instruct youths to take over markets, bus stations and administration of land in stronghold areas


THE opposition UPND in Southern Province has vowed that it will instruct its youths in its stronghold to take over the running of markets, bus stations and the administration of land following the order for Patriotic Front cadres to do the same.

This comes in the wake of Patriotic Front (PF) secretary general Davis Mwila’s directives to ruling party cadres and officials to take over markets and bus stations in the country as well as share land in council areas.

UPND’s Neto Halwabala says that the party in the province was disappointed with the PF SG’s statement, saying that such a statement was a recipe for anarchy.

Mr Halwabala, the provincial publicity and information secretary, expressed dismay with the way the PF secretary general has been conducting himself since his appointment.

“As a party in Southern Province, we are calling on the police to effect an arrest on Davis Mwila for propagating violence. This is because the day that those youths will wake up and say ‘we are taking over’ there will be violence in such areas. Failure by the police to arrest Mwila, we shall have no option but to sort out PF members,” he said.

“We demand an apology from the PF. Zambia is today divided as a result of such mischievous statements from leaders like Mwila. We know they have failed to govern the country and want to create civil war and use it as an excuse for their failed leadership,” said Mr Halwabala.

Mr Halwabala told the Daily Nation in a statement issues in Livingstone that “if he (Mwila) is not going to withdraw his statement, we shall reciprocate because we are not going to allow our people be denied to enjoy their political rights’’.

He said that for a long time now the running of bus stations and markets had been a source of concern because of political interference.

Mr Halwabala said that it is high time such facilities were left to operate independently by the local authorities and not PF cadres.


    • Lock them up both UPND and PF law breakers period. I will never belong or support a Zambian party. Will always support Zambia. Cant stomach HH or Lungu. One is an egomaniac who has no regard for his country and another has no clue how to run a country. ZAMBIA FIRST!

  1. Mr. Mwila was way out of order and embarrassing to say the least. The worst UPND could do is to emulate the wrong doings of Mr. Mwila as that would just lose them credibility.

  2. Upnd to take over running of all stations and markets in dundumwezi.? That’s will have no impact. The best upnd can do is use its mps to resolve this saga by pf to stop this dirty thing not support it.

    • Well not always, because two wrongs have actually solved huge political problems around the world. Gambia is the latest example where the similar force Jammeh used to persecute others was going to be used to remove him. Mugabe, Museveni and Lungu they need a very strong opposition which can double the revenge on these ruthless rulers and smoke them out of their hiding holes.

      Lungu, museveni and mugabe’s days are coming.

    • @wanzelu badaala you are alive? How is the mental asylum you were admitted to ku UK after feeling the heavy loss of your uncle Hyena’s 5th time loss? I hope you have recovered you cretin. How do you compare ECL to a dictator like Mugabe- Mugabe and Hungry Hyena are actually more similar seeing HH is a dictator amongst dunderheads, that medication you are on!

  3. Lusaka times you are a biased website who lack any credibility. Galu zaku komboni imwe. Only time you report about upnd it is something negative that you cannot verify. You will die young and so will your close family. Star nyoko

  4. UPND will also take over the Kariba power transmission system including the dam. They will take over the Victoria Falls plus all the facilities in local areas…Livingstone airport, ZESCO power lines, etc. Northwestern Province will take over all the mines and all the local facilities in the province.

  5. Two wrongs cannot make a right!!if PF is wrong,UPND must do the right thing to win support from masses.but what do we get from this tonga man Halwabala?nonsense like Davis Mwila a form 3 school drop out said!!its high time ECL replaced this dull Mwila.look,school is very vital in learned SG can say what Davis Mwila said!!am PF but i can never support what Mwila said-period!!!

  6. UPND are right. This is what happens in developed counties where democracy is embraced. We must support their decision. Mwila must not take the citizens of Zambia for granted. Zambians are well educated and know their rights.

    • @Nez (NewEvilmindedZambian) wishing death on other people is the character of the devil, his demons and his sa.tanic dunderhead followers such as yourself! Leave ba Lsk Times alone.. If you don’t like varying opinions then stick to ZWD your hatespeech website that focuses on lies, incitement and Ba Lsk keep up the good work its hard to please everyone and you shouldn’t try to please everone- keep reporting factual and independently- Lsk Times is by far the best and most reliable online news outlet which is why these dunderhead trolls keep attacking you- especially newcomer dunderheads like Nez.

    • You will die soon with all that BP in you. Ati nee comer. So are you proud of been on Lusaka times for long? Do you want a certificate for that. You dull preek. The article is useless and aimed at tarnishing upnd because the title states upnd to instruct and not that upnd has instructed. So what they are reporting has not happened and it is wishful thinking. Do you see why English is the toughest language.


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