Saturday, July 27, 2024

Namwala Post Election Violence Mastermind arrested


A Zambia Red Cross official checks the burned down house in Chikwato village in Namwala District, Southern Province, where 143 people have now been displaced in a wave of political violence. Nine village have been affected by the violence.

THE Police in Namwala have arrested a man allegedly accused of being a master minder of the post-election violence that resulted in the displacement of people and destruction of property in the area last year.

Southern Province Police Commissioner Bonny Kapeso said Dickson Mukalanga 36, was arrested in the early hours of yesterday after Police staged an operation in Maala area of Namwala.

Mr Kapeso said members of the public in the area accused the Police of being compromised for not arresting the alleged suspects while others had been arrested.

“Others were arrested and have since appeared in court, the master minder and others said to be known by police remained free,” he said.

He said following the concerns from members of the public his office issued a seven day ultimatum to the Namwala Police acting officer in charge to arrest the remaining suspects or face the consequences.

“My office issued a seven-day ultimatum to Namwala Police Acting officer-in-charge last Tuesday to arrest the remaining suspects or face consequences.

“Early this morning, police staged an operation in Maala area and nabbed Dickson Mukalanga of Maala area, who is said to be the master minder of the post-election violence that followed the August 11,
General elections last year,” he said.

He said the Police would continue with their operations in Maala until other suspects were all arrested.

“The suspect was now helping police with investigations while in detention,” he said.


    • He was reported by the members of the public whose relatives may have been arrested while the master mind was roaming freely.

    • Really Laughable !!! absolute nonsense from Crackheads with little to no forensic skills employed. By the way they are likely to only listen to PF “witnesses”

  1. Compromised officers should voluntarily resign and rejoin the force when and if HH forms government. Your job is to maintain law and order regardless of who’s involved.

  2. They have deliberately choose not to mention the party affiliation because these are pf cadres who had no transport money to get back to Lusaka after been paid to cause confusion in upnd strong holds. If they were upnd Lusaka times pf would have been quick to point this out. Useless hairy punanis the lot of you

  3. Cases don’t just die , some one must pay the price.
    Just imagine how long it has taken and still more have to face the law, the dust has settled people are breathing freely voices can be heard no exitiment.
    How painful it can be to be left alone, when all the beer you drank is gone from your system.

    • Indeed and you keep on trying to wake up from “sleep ” and leave the ugly dream only to discover that you’re awake all the time.

  4. The rural and even urban police are a mess, they have to be given such instructions. I had a case in which some known people stole my items. the case was reported to the rural police. It took forever to arrest the culprits, but when I spoke to the officer in-charge of a named police station he agreed that he was aware of the case. Asked why his officers where not arresting the culprits he said they would arrest them soon. I then spoke to the local CID and he also indicated he knew the culprits and that they had confirmed they stole the named materials, but the arrest was not on cards, I has been more than six months nothing has come out of it. I learnt that the CID chap knew the culprits personally and he could even mention them by name. Such is why these officers have to been given…

  5. Reported by members of the public. Members of the public in a predominantly UPND area means even the members of UPND are not happy with what happened especially as they were painted tribalists when UPND leadership celebrated the tribophobia. But it pained these members of the public because those people were their fellow Zambians no matter what UPNDonkeys party felt after their chief lost the elections.

  6. This is a serious mistake for UPND. Come 2021 this area no votes for UPNDonkey, but never mind there will be no UPNdonkeys or HH on the ballot papers come 2021.

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