Saturday, July 27, 2024

UPP to make the submission on maizegate scandal this Friday at the Malawi High Commission


Dr Savior Chishimba after leaving the ACC Headquarters
Dr Savior Chishimba after leaving the ACC Headquarters

The opposition United Progressive People (UPP) has received an official letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Zambia to notifying the party about the desire of the Commission of Inquiry to receive our submission. 

UPP President Savior Chishimba said “We have just had a telephone conversation and the submission has been scheduled for Friday, 3 February 2017 at 14:30 hours at the Malawi High Commission.”
Dr Chishimba also rubbished reports in some sections of the media that Malawi President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika has established that there was no corruption in the procurement of maize must be treated as illegitimate and desperate state propaganda to downplay the scandal.

He said the Commission of Inquiry has not concluded its sittings.
“Likewise, the Anti-Corruption Bureau of Malawi and the parliamentary committee are still carrying out investigations and reports have not yet been rendered to government.”

“Further, the High Court for Malawi dismissed the application of the attorney general yesterday who wanted the suspended Minister of Agriculture, Hon. Dr. George Chaponda, to be restored on account that the CSOs and the Church did not have locus standi in the matter. The court held that the CSOs and the Church had locus standi and that the evidence was overwhelming,” he said.

He said, “In view of the foregoing, it would be very sad if the PF-MMD Government continues to trivialise this matter. Our own ACC officially commenced investigations upon establishing that there was a prima facie case. The fight against corruption will only be won when our nation moves from political rhetoric to action.”

He warned that the UPP has not even yet moved to more serious corruption scandals.
“The maizegate scandal is just a tip of an iceberg. We shall not lose the battle against corruption. We urge all Zambians to pray so that God’s justice can prevail in our land. Enough is enough of the corruption of the executive arm of government, which has sadly spread to our judiciary.”


    • I start to like Saviour Chishimba, he is now taking Nawakwi spot in 3rd.
      I hope Sinkamba can offer solidarity on that Friday.

    • Dr S Chishimba deserves our support. This is what CSO/NGOs of the ’90s were doing not these spineless ido.ots we have today.

    • The rate at which morality is breaking down in our society must worry us all. Edward’s govt is taking us back to the dogs. We now idolize thieves like Kampyongo instead of condemning them. A thieving judge Nkonde is praised over an upright judge Siavwapa. Mazhandu accidents is a product of decay in our society.
      When men & women like Saviour shore up, all right thinking zambians need to stand by them.

  1. Dr. Chishimba I like your fight against corruption in our country & you need support from all Zambians who cherish transparency. However, your fight should be in Zambia for Zambians, but not cross border fights. Malawians are fighting their own battles in Malawi for Malawians & no Zambian official has so far raised an alarm on this scandal. The stolen documents you have in your possession as proof of corruption from unverifiable sources may put you in problems. Differentiate real fight against corruption from peer pressure excitement. For GRZ to offer you free space without arming you with any documentary evidence, they know how innocent they are & that may finish you off at the end of your presentation. Don’t say that you were not told, its free advice.

    • Unlike you, fake Zambian, Dr. Chishimba has something you are sadly missing.
      Moral integrity and courage to fight for the People of Zambia!!!
      Now, after your usual dispensation of cowardly “free advice”, go and join other beggars waiting to lick master arse.

  2. Every boxer is a potential winner before they enter the ring and open their mouths so wide. When they enter the ring the story is the opposite of the vomits. You have been given the opportunity and be ready for the consequences when the issue is finally closed.

  3. Most Zambians are like that dog called Tayali, they stand aside and watch a few stupid and selfish individuals ripping actually mutilating our hard earned little wealth and worship and glorify the thieves. Fred Meembe worked so hard to expose the thieves this country ever had, what do you do to him? You crookedly hypnotize the fools to believe that he was being pursued for taxes, yet the same dogs owe the country billions of taxes, now you want to do the same to Chishimba kanshi muli fisushi fya shani mwe bena Zambia bamo bamo?

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