Thursday, February 6, 2025

FODEP’s presidential parliamentary address expections


FODEP is elated that President Edgar Lungu will be addressing Parliament tomorrow on 17th March 2017.

FODEP is hopeful that a number of issues that are pertinent to the stability and development of the country will be attended to by the President in his address and interventions that will follow.

It will be refreshing to see how the President will reiterate the realization of certain important values among them democratic governance, constitutionalism and national unity according to Article 8 of the Constitution.

FODEP is optimistic the President will outline some practical measures and programs that government will put in place to achieve these values that hinge on national unity and prevent divisions in the country so that the One Zambia One Nation slogan is not treated as theory by sections of society.

The delimitation of constituencies in the new districts is another crucial issue which FODEP expects the President to tackle. The organization has observed that Government has created five (5) new districts in Muchinga Province alone and this may have implications on the Electoral College. It is expected that the President will outline government’s plans on how it will support the ECZ to deal with new electoral boundaries before the next elections.

FODEP is hopeful that the Head of State will give a roadmap on where else Government intends to create new districts. This will help in creating a balanced view of the way government is spreading development opportunities and avoid perceptions of bias among Zambians. FODEP believes that other districts and constituencies like Mandevu in Lusaka are equally vast and may need realignment.
FODEP is looking forward to seeing President Lungu paying specific attention to the state of fundamental human rights, including freedom of expression and the independence of the media in the country following a lot of popular concerns on the matters.

Another critical area which FODEP believes borders on democracy and good governance is the enactment of the Access to Information Bill (AIB) into an Act. The organization expects the Head of State to outline the exact time frame when the bill will be tabled before parliament for enactment.

FODEP is of the opinion that Political Dialogue has not been given the serious attention it deserves in the recent years more especially after the 2016 elections. At the same time the culture of intolerance, among leaders and members of the political parties seem to be on the increase. This state of affairs poses a serious danger to peace and democracy in Zambia. Against this background, FODEP is keenly interested to see how the President will highlight government’s plans to encourage dialogue and tolerance among all stakeholders and political opponents.

Last but not the least, FODEP is anxious to learn of the measures Government is putting in place to deal with people that are perceived to be in detention on political grounds or whether or not the President will exercise his prerogative of mercy in their behalf. This may be one of the practical steps to promote reconciliation and human rights of citizens who belong to different political parties and array perceptions against the One Zambia One Nation motto.

FODEP believes that the President will take advantage of the national address to underscore Zambia’s position on its membership to the ICC in response to concerns among many stakeholders.

Finally, the President must make clarification and government’s position on the referendum. This is not withstanding that financial constraints alone may not be sufficient reasons for not holding the referendum and FODEP is of the view that other cost effective and cheaper methods may be employed to avert costs. The referendum can be held progressively so that both voting and voter education are economically and periodically addressed.

Issued by
Mr. Chimfwembe Mweenge


    • Zambians must not expect much out of the presidential address its best to remain sceptic than hopeful for something already heard repetitively as rendition will be the same as what defines PF governance under Lungu. The economy is in a sink hole and Lungu admitted as he feted the under 20 soccer team the country is broke. The youth still await anticipated jobs, the voice for national unity is askew because Lungu speaks with a forked tongue as his lieutenants rape national resources, leadership is them against us, them being the media and all who hold divergent views from government. Critical services are worsening as families also grapple with meals in their homes……the listing is endless of what one would wish to hear has or is coming to pass! The now obsolete Zambian slogan will once…

    • contd…. again be invoked……blah, blah, blah! Hear! Hear! Divisiveness of cadres and the opposing camp will tear into the air then all will be done and no solutions will have been mapped out!

  1. Will the Illegitimate President be able to make the empty speech since he has been Summoned to the SADC SUMMIT in Swaziland tumoro? Even If he was to speak to MPs in Parliament, he would tell u that Zambia had peaceful elections in August 2016. He will not mention that the Elections were Disputed and Petitioned. He will highlight his govt’s success as hosting and winning the U20 CAF Tournament. He will talk of a successful Agricultural Season for 2017 and the lucrative export of maize contract to Malawi. He will reveal that Oil has been discovered in Zambia and this will lead to a prosperous Zambia. Of course he will not miss an opportunity to showcase his Dudununa Reverse Dancing skills b4 jumping on a plane to Swaziland. On his return from Swaziland he will probably import plenty of…

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