Monday, February 10, 2025

Keith Mukata defends himself, I am an MP before anything else


Keith Mukata dancing on stage after defecting
Keith Mukata dancing

Chilanga UPND Member of Parliament Keith Mukata has defended his decision to remain in Parliament on Friday when his fellow UPND members staged a boycott.

The rest is the UPND MP’s walked out in Friday morning just before President Edgar Lungu started making his State of the Nation Address.

But Mr Mukata said there is nothing wrong with his decision to remain in the House.

“Today,the President, his Excellency, Edgar Chagwa Lungu addressed the nation in Parliament on issues affecting our country,both economically and morally. Fortunately or unfortunately, member of my party, the United Party for National Development (UPND) walked out of Parliament, I did not,” he said.

“And because of this,I have been victimised,slapped with funny and petty allegations and called all sorts of names by people.”

He added, “I want to remind everyone that “I AM AN MP” before anything else.”

“As an MP for Chilanga,I owe it to my people, to represent their local interests, review legislation on their behalf,attend debates/committees and generally promote and advocate their interests at a national level That is why I was elected.”

He said he is therefore not apologetic for staying back and listen to what President Chagwa had to say with regards to issues that affect the country.

“However,this does not mean I am in conflict with anyone of my party members.It was a personal decision and my fellow MP’s knew that I would stay back,” Mr Mukata said.


    • We have a lot of MPs in this country whose scrotums have not yet fully developed. These guys have no regard for human life and human rights, for people like Keith everything that happened and still happening in this country is collateral damage. I just can’t understand some people anymore, they have lost the Ubuntu in them.

    • The pipo praising this opportunist must have very short memories.This is the same 1diot who betrayed MMD and was rewarded with position of Deputy Minister by PF what we should be talking about is what is in it for him.He is an opportunist before anything else.

    • In chemistry he would be a chemically anstable gas. He was mmd, then pf, now upnd, about to go back to pf. Grow some balls little Keith.

    • We need to introduce a specific tax for people whose survival in life is dependent on been affiliated to the party in power, what about if we call it PARASITE TAX.

    • “As an MP for Chilanga,I owe it to my people, to represent their local interests, review legislation on their behalf,attend debates/committees and generally promote and advocate their interests at a national level That is why I was elected.”

      I am sure HH OVAL HEAD has picked one or two things from the statement above! Why should Chilanga people suffer just because some idyot is busy turning the Court premises into a play park…daily..from one court room to another…from one chamber to last ichi chipuba chizazipeza mu toilelt ya ku court swine!

    • The UPND and their lawyers are extremely incompetent.

      UPND and their lawyers lack understanding of basic law.

      The constitution in article 279 states as follows:

      (b)if the last day of the period is a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday (“excluded day”), the period shall include the next day;

      (c) where an act or a proceeding is directed or allowed to be done or taken on a specified day and that day is an excluded day, the act or proceeding shall be considered as done or taken in due time if it is done or taken the
      next day; and

      (d) where an act or a proceeding is directed or allowed to be done or taken within a time not exceeding six days, an excluded day shall not be counted in the computation of
      the time.

    • Now, anyone who does not understand this basic article cannot defend a case.

      The commencement of the case was on Friday when the petition was filed because the filing-in day was not an excluded day.

      Where the timeframe does not exceed 6 days, the excluded days are not counted in the computation of time.

      Otherwise the excluded day form part of the count – and in the case of the expired petition 14 days is clearly more than 6 days – thus all the excluded days ( weekends and holidays) were countable.

    • Let Mukata just join PF. Let’s have a by-election so that Mukata knows the wishes of his constituents. No double tobela.

    • Walking out means failure, No point, UPND MPs should have stayed so that you fight for the right of the citizens in your constituencies. Use facts not emotions.. Let not this Happen again Guys??be strong and real leaders.

    • Bull! How many times do these MPs abscond parley to go to drink or be with their girlfriends when there are important matters on the floor. Some of them even miss their own questions. Here its a question of principle. Instead of talking about the people of chilanga, he should have told us his position on the petition & recognition of Chagwa. Whatever his position we would respect him more if he was honest.

  1. You are the man and I give you respect. You know what you stand for and you know what it means to represent your people who voted for you. You are a real MP and stand by what you were voted for not what someone thinks should be done to benefit him and his vice-president.

  2. Very good move. Aleast one MP wasted his time hearing an empty speach full of hearsay with no solutions.

    No one can say UPND boycotted. They left one MP there.

  3. Of course we cannot force him and pull him away from the house. However as a party we have directives issued which based on his membership he agreed to abide by. So there will be a consequence for his behaviour internally because if we turn a blind eye to him then as a party we are been unfair and setting bad precedent. You are mp first but how does that relate to your people when you listen to an illegal president who they voted against. Anyway we will live your constituency to show you reality.

    • Those who boycotted are cowards. The parliament they sit in to drink water and chew tax payers money was opened by president Lungu not hh. In the first place they should all resign because their upnd government does not have parliament. Why go there if you can’t accept Lungu? Shame

  4. How did listening to the illegal president put food on table of your constituency members? How has this benefited your people. Only you have gained allowance. Better if you did not attend this and instead did work in your constituency. My brother do not worry we will ensure we deal with this case. It is before our disciplinary committee and I cannot comment more.

    • Wow! This thing still speaks? @NEZ, when did you, upnd, realise that Lungu is an illegal President? To answer this question, include the Friday “Questions to the Vice President” in parliament and consider how she became VP.

    • Kikiki kakolwe has followed me from umfweko Kikiki first ndanje now you. You ka retard I will make you run away like you did before Kikiki

  5. All the manouvers are a GBM mission to destroy Lungu. He’s has no other motivation other than punish this previously unknown nonentity for humiliating him.

    • That is why we have rules and regulations that advise towards replacement of a leader when one dies unlike in pf where we saw people raising hands to vote for that rat. Where we saw gunshots and total indiscipline due to lack of structure and greed. This is why this government is failing in everything. Lungu has always been illegal from the start. And FYI hh dying vs Lungu dying I think we all know that the rat is now well. Was he not the one with kunyu fainting like a dehydrated dog.

    • A show of hands is much better than keeping quiet as Ndanje puts it. None of your MPs has b*lls to dare say/do something against your ka semi god no matter how ludicrous that directive might be! Mangwalala yama MP, busy doing vigololo mu Parliament Motel!

  6. bonse mulifye amatako, how can someone who is aspiring for a higher office to tell his mps to shan such an event, are u telling me that is he GOD,so when he becomes a president other mps should be listening to him, i think HH has no brain,he behaves like those head of cattle he keep. Any way does he owe those mps are his children, he only owes a party not mps please, HH get matured, u are learned but not matured.

  7. Before you confirmed eligible to stand as MP, am sure the first question they asked Keith before he became MP was which party he will stand on, and any one with no adoption certificate from your sponsoring party was not allowed to go ahead and file in, when you went to campaign in your community political identity were you carrying? It’s known fact 99% at parliamentary level most Zambians vote for a party and not people.

    What kind of a heartless man are you, who decides to eat dinner with the man who has incarcerated your own brother mwaliteta,what about our brother mutambo on the copperbelt, what kind of man are you who is ready to throw away the freedoms of men and women who died during the campaigns.

  8. Mukata is not a Team Player. He was nominated and stood as an MP Candidate for Chilanga under the UPND Ticket. So Mukata has betrayed not only UPND but people who voted for him in Chilanga. Mukata by defying his Party and supporting Lungu he is a traitor and Sell Out. He is condoning the the theft of our votes by Lungu and in return for 3 pieces of silver. People of Chilanga except their Sell Out MP voted for HH and strongly believe that HH won the Election but Lungu stole the Election Victory from HH. The Election of Lungu was Petitioned by UPND and that Petition has not been heard. How can Mukata recognise Lungu, the vote Thief, when the Petition has not been heard? We know Mukata has been bought by Lungu to support Electoral Fraud. We in Chilanga have withdrawn our trust and confidence…

  9. But why didn’t Mukata stand as an independent parliamentary candidate, if he exalts his independent thoughts? Keith was a UPND candidate before he became a Member of Parliament! So, it should be the Party first before the Constituents! It is the Party (UPND) collectively that has the vision, policy and strategy. In a democracy, it the collective and individual wisdom that matter. So, collective responsibility here is key. This shows that Mukata is simply a job seeker. When he was in MMD, he betrayed them for a job in PF. Mukata should learn to shameful.


  11. The Plan by Lungu and PF is to use the Lungu controlled Courts to destabilize the UPND MPs and force them to recognise Lungu and forget about the Petition against the Election of Lungu. They want to Matibini to suspend or expel UPND MPs from Parliament but Parliamentary rules and procedures cannot over ride the Constitution and in particular the Bill of Rights. The UPND MPs have a Right to boycott Parliament, a Right to be heard in Court, a Right to belong to a Party of their choice etc. In a normal Constitutional Democracy the Constitution is Supreme and any Subsiary laws,rules etc must be constitent with the Constitution otherwise they should be struck down as unconstitutional. Lungu wants to use his corrupt and friendly Concourt Judges to intimidate and expel UPND MPs from Parliament…

  12. moya you seem to get things confused with your MPs,if you do not recognise Lungu then why do your MPs sit when Inonge is in the house as vice president yet under the new constitution ,she was elected with lungu,so if you don’t recognise lungu then you don’t recognise Inonge yet the still sit to receive allowances. The should boycott then all the sittings

    • Kids born in late 90 and 2000s,do you still have social studies in schools? Before you and i sit down and talk about this nice topic you have brought up, do you know the difference between parliament and national assembly? Do you also know what the 3 arms of government? After you finish researching inform me, so that i explain why upnd MPs attend the national assembly.

  13. Ma Rubbish Chabe!!
    Is that Stinking Crook Kaiser still dragging his tail in State House??
    That is the sole reason I. WOULD NEVER sit down & listen to this Corrupt compromised Clueless Alcoholic excuse for a President, & would walk out.
    There’s been Taxpayers money siphoned from the treasury, & still NOT paid back after Corrupt Chagwa advised his officials to plunder after Parliament was dissolved.
    There’s been Kambwiligate, Maizegate, Roadsgate, Kaizergate part 3, & this silly Drunk continues to squat in State House, whist travelling, & making Zambia poorer by the day, via his plunder, & ineffective leadership.
    He still keeps “Ministers” who have had their Parliamentary mandates dissolved, giving them a living they aren’t entitled to, simply because they are Cadres who tell him…

    • Cont;
      because they are Cadres who tell him he’s the “Best thing since sliced bread”

    • We all know what you meant by genius. We know what Mmembe’s persecution is evidence if. Tin pot dictatorship, heartlessness, impunity, crookedness etc. I didnt realise this equals ingenuity…or being a genius. Which world are you from? Peace!

  14. How many of those fooolish silly UPND MPs went back and consulted the people who elected them before walking out? In the UK if you dont consult they people punish you at the ballot…in Zambia they are fortunate in that majority of the voters are illitrate and too busy scrapping a living to keep up with what their MPs are up to.

    • @Kafula who did I vote for? Here I am talking about the role of the MP and why someone stands as an MP…Lazy is the President of Zambia the minute he was sworn in whether you like it or not…even in the US they can not reverse that.Don’t blame me for your opposition leaders being naive and immature to think they could decamp PF with ballot papers in Saudi Arabia recommeded by MU7. Only a foool can trust an Arab.

    • I said this before the election and now your silly naive leaders are going to take 3 years fighting uselesss court battles and funds instead of consolidating the parties position.

  15. Well done Keith Mukata,I really salute you other than these stupid UPND dogs
    We are here for our country Zambia and Not for our own interest or business

  16. If i were a upnd mp,i would exactly what Keith Mukata did because boycotting parliament when president Edgar Lungu is in the house does not make sense at all.upnd mps are always with Vice President Inonge wina in parliament.Inonge Wina is ECL’s number two,unless this tonga party go tribal here as usual and recognize Inonge Wina as one of them (bantustan) and reject ECL because he is from Eastern.any upnd mp who follow hh will die poor because hh will never be Zambian president as many voters in 6.5 provinces cant vote for him!!

    • You chaps have axed you a simple question what is the difference between national assembly and parliament? Because if you knew you wouldn’t axe silly question on why they don’t move out when inonge is the National assembly.

  17. who appoints high court judges?who appointed con court judges?who opened parliament?who signed the constitution which stipulate when one can appeal election results in the courts of law? so please as UPND take your issues before your court appointed by HH.follow the constitution signed by your god.and find your own parliament were you can debate your cattle raring

    • kikikikikiiiiiiiiii you have made my day. These dung beetles awe nikuyama bwino siba jailika! Eish nayenda kumwa ma pint ine salani na President wanu waku Dundumwezi kweka! Vipuba imwe.

      ECL unitl 2021, zoonda uzalema!

  18. We had mentioned that others would follow Hamududu’s example..

    Mukata is a wise man! Too wise to be associated or dictated to by the likes of GBV!

    We expect more UPND MPs to arise above the pettiness and nonsense common to their party for the sake of their constituents and the sake of the nation as a whole!

    Well done Mukata!

  19. whatever it is time is clicking and the country have enough oxygen to breath the almighty will bring justice at an appropriate time

  20. The UPND and their lawyers are extremely incompetent.

    UPND and their lawyers lack understanding of basic law.

    The constitution in article 279 states as follows:

    (b)if the last day of the period is a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday (“excluded day”), the period shall include the next day;

    (c) where an act or a proceeding is directed or allowed to be done or taken on a specified day and that day is an excluded day, the act or proceeding shall be considered as done or taken in due time if it is done or taken the
    next day; and

    (d) where an act or a proceeding is directed or allowed to be done or taken within a time not exceeding six days, an excluded day shall not be counted in the computation of
    the time.

  21. Now, anyone who does not understand this basic article cannot defend a case.

    The commencement of the case was on Friday when the petition was filed because the filing-in day was not an excluded day.

    Where the timeframe does not exceed 6 days, the excluded days are not counted in the computation of time.

    Otherwise the excluded day form part of the count – and in the case of the expired petition 14 days is clearly more than 6 days – thus all the excluded days ( weekends and holidays) were countable.

    • But the 14 days time limit was only for the Hearing! How about the Trial, and Determination – did that also expire? The Constitution gives clear guidance as to how its Provisions are to be interpreted. It gives an overriding direction that its application must be to yield substantive Justice and that it should not be used outside equity by legal technicalities or niceties.

      Let the Petition be Heard, Tried, and Determined!

    • @ 24.2 Maano,

      I think there is no need to request that even simple logic and common sense be explained.

      The normal way of farming maize is that you plant the seed, the seed germinat, you tender it, it matures, then you harvest it.

      Now, tell me one thing. If you plant the maize seed and it fails to germinate, is it imaginable to to ask the following question:

      “Now that germination has not taken place, does it mean that we should not tender the maize plant and does it also mean we should not harvest?”

      The question is what are you going to harvest?

  22. @19 Njiku, you took the words out of my mouth. Ii is my belief that the UPNDonkeys boycott Lungu’s presence but comfortable with Inonge in parliament and even ask questions simply because of the tribalism in them. Unfortunately Inonge is not a tribal leader. If UPNDonkeys were not tribal how come they are comfortable with Inonge when in fact she is the same Lungu’s election, she defends Lungu everyday in and out of parliament? In fact she is the architect of Lungu’s President by making him succeed Sata. In fact if UPNDonkeys were not tribal they should hate Inonge as the iron lady who brought Lungu to power. They should attribute all their woes of hh not being in power to Inonge and not Lungu. This us indisputable proof that UPNDonkey party remains not only donkey but genetically…

  23. Contd…This is indisputable proof that UPNDonkey party remains not only donkey but genetically tribal.

    So ba GBM finshi mulechita ku bantu abo? Balikwata ka inner circle. Imwe tabamisumina nangu panono, mulifye ba bemba monkey imwe.

  24. Actually it’s true that attending National Assembly is a direct endorsement of ECL because Inonge did not appear on any ballot. She’s VP as a result of being ECL’s running mate.
    Being a running mate means that she’s the alternative President, that’s why she took two (2) Oaths. One of them was the same as the single oath taken by ECL(Allegiance to the Constitution), while the other was allegiance to the President.

  25. This bas.tard called Keith Mukata has NO brains and the best we can do is let him test his popularity!
    The quest is why did he have to stand on the UPND ticket if he thinks the Party comes after his being MP. He could have stood as an MMD or Independent MP in Chilanga if he was that popular. This is an easy job for Mr Katuka – fire this idi.iot and let him re-contest that seat!!

    • Really laughable …and you think you can win a by election seat a stone’s throw from Lusaka, if the people are smart they can re-elect him as an independent and it will be a complete loss again for the selfish HH and GBM!!

    • @Jay Jay:
      Keep on laughing like a kanangwa – so why didn’t he stand as MMD or Independent? Of course he knows he will lose it – EMPTY tins like you live in fantasy!!

  26. @ 24.2 Maano,

    I think there is no need to request that even simple logic and common sense be explained.

    The normal way of farming maize is that you plant the seed, the seed germinate, you tender it, it matures, then you harvest it.

    Now, tell me one thing. If you plant the maize seed and it fails to germinate, is it imaginable to ask the following question:

    “Now that germination has not taken place, does it mean that we should not tender the maize plant, and does it also mean we should not harvest?”

    The question is what are you going to harvest?

  27. In fact HH was not interested in the petition.

    The people that were interested in the that fiction were Mushipe and Mwiimbu, for employment financial purposes.

    This why HH chose to resort to preliminaries till time was consumed.

    Mushipe and Mwiimbu tried to force HH to create evidence but it was not easy for HH to do that, especially after people like Maureen Mwanawasa wanted to protect their integrity by refusing to tolerate HH’s falsehood of ‘HH’s vote in the bin’.

  28. if you pick a woman in the night, knowing so well that she is a sex worker , prostitution, what would you call yourself that leaves your wife and decides to have funny with this woman all night? if she went publicly declaring that you are a bad man that does not pay, would you blame her? I find it a bit silly to call mukata names because he attended UPND interviews and was successfully adopted by the party as a popular guy that won them the disputed votes. Take away his contributed votes, it would have been over 110,000 votes difference. Anyway, its clear that their is a 99% belief that UPND MPs won based on the party they stood for and contributed nothing at all in the overall presidential tally. If they had contested on another party, they would have lost because they are useless in…

  29. The rest is the UPND MP’s walked out in Friday morning just before President Edgar Lungu started making his State of the Nation Address.

  30. A Keith mwati mulupumuke chino chaka? Mwamvwana nayanu kuti simuyako, mphela mwe mwaya? Ati tyala kuzelezeka bati

  31. Collective agreement vs personal decision. Keith must GO. Am not surprised that PF does not know that there is poverty in Zambia. They do not know that patients sleep on the floor. They do not know the country`s high unemployment levels. Zambians choose the President and not the commonwealth or AU.

  32. Treacherous traitor that Keith Mukata. we are not arguing that you are not an MP. The fact is you won the Chilanga seat not that you where popular as a person but because of the UPND ticket for which you stood on was. therefore, you are obliged to abide by the party rules otherwise you are a recipe for chaos and confusion. If you think you are popular resign and stand as an independent

  33. What Government should do including the Vice President Inonge Wina is not to answer any questions or queries posed to them by the UPND educated danderhead MPS who boycotted the President’s address… This can be done during the Vice President’s question time as well as during Ministerial Statements in Parliament…

    • @Zakeyo:
      Who cares anyway? Those questions to the VP are meant to remind them of their lies which they told the people during the campaigns. If they don’t respond the people will respond in a better form. The VP’s responses are usually in denial and very defensive – so only Kaponyas like you pay attention to that.

  34. @ Chilyata,The very fact that you have referred to the VP truly reflects that your medulla knows that Zambia has a sitting President Mr Edgar Chagwa Lungu and only a Kaponya like you who pretends to the contrary and Educated UPND danderhead MPS will dispute this fact that we have President Lungu…

  35. I find strange that the UPND MPs can wine and dine with the Vice president Inonge Wina and ask questions about government (ECL government) activities in Parliament and then refuse the one who made Inonge VP!!! Does that make sense? It is better that they completely stay away from parliament… It will make sense rather that being selective… Is it the adage that say, you know where your loaf is battered!!! Because they know that by completely staying away,,, no money in their pockets…LOL hypocrites!!!

  36. I find it strange that the UPND MPs can wine and dine with the Vice president Inonge Wina and ask questions about government (ECL government) activities in Parliament and then refuse the one who made Inonge VP!!! Does that make sense? It is better that they completely stay away from parliament… It will make sense rather that being selective… Is it the adage that say, you know where your loaf is battered!!! Because they know that by completely staying away,,, no money in their pockets…LOL hypocrites!!!
    In fact it is the MPS who stayed away from Parliament that work for the stomachs and not Keith!!!

  37. Bravo to this MPs who stayed behind. Maybe his fellow UPND MPs can get a mind changing lecture from him… Man of the week. You have made history, defying his majestic Mr. Hikahinde Hichilema.

  38. Yes Mano the 14 days time limit was only for the Hearing (Trial), and Determination (ruling) of the petition whether PF stole the votes for UPND but due to your HH’s delaying tact’s by raising other issues like ” the Court should keep the ballot papers and that ECL should vacate State house and let the Speaker take over these are what they call preliminaries (small issues) while the main issue was kept in waiting and while these small cases were being looked at meanwhile the petition has already been filed and the 14 days limit days were ticking not forgetting that the petition was filed on a Friday. Hope yo will get something out of what I have said.

  39. The MP is spot on.He represents chilanga constituency both who voted and who didn’t vote for him.It was time for him to represent those who did not vote for him.

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