Saturday, July 27, 2024

Zambians Must Condemn UPND’s Hypocrisy and Immaturity


UPND MP's seats unoccupied in Parliament this morning
UPND MP’s seats unoccupied in Parliament this morning

By Sunday Chanda

The decision by UPND to instruct its Members of Parliament to boycott President Lungu’s address to the nation yesterday in Parliament was hypocritical and exposed the immaturity deeply embedded in the Opposition Party.

This is the second time they are acting that way. They were censured for their first boycott by the Speaker as first offenders but it seems their political leaders are hellbent on this ruinous strategy.

It is unacceptable that UPND MPs have allowed themselves to be controlled like zombies even when they know too well that they represent constituencies in dire need of development. It is hypocritical for these MPs to claim tgey do not recognise the Republican President and yet they swore an Oath as MP to the same President they claim not to recognise. In our Constitution the President officially opens Parliament for it to function and without him Parliament cannot open. Its because President Lungu opened Parliament that all MPs (including UPND MPs), the Speaker and his deputies are in Parliament transacting the business of the House.

UPND must desire to grow their politics by learning from the USA. In the US Congress, despite huge differences and alleged election hacking, opposition Democratic party Senators and Congressmen did NOT boycott President’s Trump’s State of the Nation Address in Congress last week. That’s being principled and mature!

I wish to challenge the UPND to do the following if they refuse to recognize the President is to:

1. RESIGN on principle en masse from parliament and wait for 2021 elections

2. BOYCOTT all sittings of parliament pending resolution of their petition in court

3. STOP asking Her Honour the Vice President Mrs. Inonge Mutukwa Wina questions in Parliament because she was elected on the same ticket as President Edgar Lungu.

Further, Zambians who elected President Lungu and his running mate should ask Her Honour the Vice President Mrs Wina must refuse to take questions from the UPND because clearly they do not recognise her and the President.

Since they are unlikely to do the above, and UPND MPs being second offenders, the Speaker and the Parliamentary Committee on Privileges should review this issue critically and consider what disciplinary measures to take in line with the rules of the House!

These MPs cannot even claim that they succumbed to their Party’s intimidation because they know too well that the law is on their side.

Article 60 (2) (b) of the Constitution provides that:

“A political party shall not—

(b) engage in or encourage violence or intimidate its members, supporters, opponents or other persons.”

That notice by UPND to its MPs had a penal notice that whoever disregarded the directive would be disciplined. Clearly that amounted to intimidation on the side of the Party which the MPs should have disregarded. On this score I commend Hon Keith Mukata for disregarding that unconstitutional and childish directive. Its unacceptable for elected adults to be intimidated in the manner their leader Hakainde Hichilema does it.

If the UPND wishes to live up to its threats and disciplines Hon Mukata, he can challenge such action by the party as being unconstitutional. That is to say it violates Article 60 (2) (b) above.

Even if the Party was to even go the extent of expelling such a member, the Constitution would still offer the victimized MP protection.

Article 72 (2) (e) says:

“The office of Member of Parliament becomes vacant if the member—

(e) is expelled from the political party which sponsored the member for election to the National Assembly.

And in terms of Article 72 (5):

“Where a Member of Parliament is expelled as provided in clause (2) (e), the member shall not lose the seat until the expulsion is confirmed by a court, except that where the member does not challenge the expulsion in court and the period prescribed for challenge lapses, the member shall vacate the seat in the National Assembly.”

Article 72 (6):

“Where a court determines that an expulsion of a member, as provided in clause (2) (e), was not justified, there shall be no byelection for that seat and the member shall opt to—
(a) remain a member of the political party and retain the seat; or
(b) resign from the political party and retain the seat as an independent member.”

Since the expulsion imagined above would have arisen from an unconstitutional so-called discipline of its members, the same cannot be found justifiable by the courts and the courts will seek to uphold the expelled member’s rights.

In short, more UPND MPs could have disregarded that unconstitutional directive if they so wished and UPND would not have done anything meaningful to them.


  1. My president a Lungu please help us we are living in fear of the thousands of hard-core criminals that you keep pardoning from prison, they are terrorizing us. And the police can’t do anything since they are constantly on high alert waiting to be summoned to go and arrest the next political opponent. Please help us. Even the female prisoners are terrors; one Mirriam Musengi who you pardoned last year is now pausing as a maid looking for a job kanshi she’s carrying a gun. Also, you people (both pf and upnd) bought too many pistols for your carders for 2016 election, what do you think those guns are now being used for! Awe you have brought us problems mwe; help us

    • The United Dunderheads only see what they want to see. As far as they are concerned their leadership is perfect and can do no wrong!
      Some of us pro PF commentators have been honest enough to criticise the govt and PF in areas we feel they are lacking or strayed whereas these United Dunderheads are in a perpetual state of denial of the fact their leadership is merely using them Let them continue their pettiness if they want to, days are ticking and only a Dunderhead can believe that come 2021 at the rate they are going (UPND) that they will win! Only in a Dunderhead’s paradise! You can’t force wisdom on a Dunderhead!

    • The United Dunderheads only see what they want to see. As far as they are concerned their leadership is perfect and can do no wrong!
      Some of us pro PF commentators have been honest enough to criticise the govt and PF in areas we feel they are lacking or strayed whereas these United Dunderheads are in a perpetual state of denial of the fact their leadership is merely using them Let them continue their pettiness iif they want to days are ticking and only a Dunderhead can believe that come 2021 at the rate they are going (UPND) that they will win! Only in a Dunderhead’s paradise! You can’t force wisdom on a Dunderhead!

    • Sunday. Even your name should suggest that you might have some morals. Lungu knows deep down he has a lot of explaining to do with regards to the true winner of the elections. Well meaning Zambians also doubt that Lungu was the true winner. Instead of yapping like a headless chicken. Save yourself sometime and advise Lungu to show everyone he truly won. This is not about HH but a matter of principle. Let the petition be heard

    • Well said true zambian.

      This is about the future of free and fair elections in zambia.
      Election results must be accepted as being free and fair and any suspicions about theft and mal practice should be cleared.

      Lungu is setting the worst ever president for future of free and fair elections in zambia.

    • Sunday Chanda is an empty air head that masquerades as a lawyer. He has recently gained so much weight that his bottom appears it will snip off anytime. I will not be surprises he uses the bottom to think as well.We all know of ethnic cleansing going on and when UPND tried to legislate against this vice PF shot down the motion. Where was this big bum with his fake analysis?

    • Why are we expected to think like bots? In Chanda’s thinking all those that do not recognise Chagwa should not be Zambian. Like that mantra of lesa kumulu Kaunda panshi.

    • Why are we expected to think like bots? In Chanda’s thinking all those that do not recognise Chagwa (& we are many) should not be Zambian. Like that mantra of lesa kumulu Kaunda panshi.
      My MP attended that speech session, I’m waiting to see how that will translate into development for my constituency.
      Oh thanks for explaining why you have failed to expel Kambwili.

  2. Mr. Chanda,
    There is only one 100% hypocrite in Zambia, your boss.
    Whilst you are quoting Articles of Constitution, you are quiet about rampant corruption, destitution, hunger, joblessness, police brutality, plundering, incompetence, disregard for the rule of law…………..
    By the way, when the past and current plunderers are going to comply with ConCourt ruling and return stolen money to the treasury?

  3. Sunday Lelo Chanda, the reason you wrote this is to seek attention from ECL. When the creator of your party was in opposition, he once dismissed all rabel MPs who didn’t toll his line. How come you find it strange that our MPs are putting the interest of their party first? By the way was it really necessary to listen to that speech about morality when his own senior cabinet minister is involved in illicit affairs with married young boys?

  4. Iwe Sunday if not Monday Chanda Kanyela oko. The biggest hypocrite in Zambia is Lungu followed the likes of you that follow him. Your President arguably, a lawyer does not follow the constitution let alone the laws of the land. Until legitimised as President ‘legally’ things will keep going the way they are! UPND will keep on keeping on with this to ensure that it does not happen again in future!

  5. HH we told him not to be bitter like me but awe sure akana. Help us PF help us. bring back Sakwiba Sikota

  6. Sunday. Even your name should suggest you might have some morals given its one of the important days in the bible as the 7th day. Don’t start making uncessary noise. Lungu knows deep down he has a lot of explaining to do with regards to the truth about the 2016 election. Even if he get away with it now it will follow him and those like yourself until justice is served. This issue is not about UPND or HH or anyone but PRINCIPLE. Clearly we should not allow this to happen and the chief justice should have stood up to protect the law and not allowed any inauguration until the main petition was determined by an impartial and independent judiciary.

  7. I think this chap should have been named Monday or Friday. Please parents name your children and groom them based on the names. Sunday is an important day and we should not have people justifying wrong doing having such name. The Friday or Saturday would be best suited

  8. You can tell the boy is hungry and wants a job from Lungu. Where is morality? Lungu, by preventing the petition being heard, has pooped big time and if he thinks it will go away, he is badly mistaken. If he doesn’t allow the petition, then the legacy he will leave behind is that of a thief. But may be he doesn’t mind that tag since he is habitual career criminal.

  9. We cannot be making noise in a media about UPND but you don’t let the same media write on the UPND point of view so that people will understand what is going on. We need to hear both PF and UPND views on wide speculated media like ZNBC, TIMES, DAILY MAIL etc but these have been turned into PF propaganda machines. Even people breaking the law if PF are given prominence on the news. Surely where are we going Zambia? Is patriotism being PF or supporting PF without critically thinking? I saw a few weeks ago MPs voting that it is okay for government or PF to purge people from three UPND strongholds and at the same time you accuse same people being tribalists. PF MPs does this make sense ? Are you going to accept if people from Eastern, Northern, Luapula and Muchinga to be purged in…

  10. Dear Mr Sunday Chanda,
    A person, in the presence of witnesses, makes a solemn affirmation or pronouncement (Oath) to God almighty that he/she will do what he has been elected to do by holding scripture in his/her hand “So help me God”. Period. In this case Lungu was among the witnesses. It is NOT the other way round, i.e. its NOT “So help me Lungu”. Please do not play dice with God.

  11. They are not doing anything wrong because the petition has not been heard yet.First it was frank bwalya ,then nathan kakunkubiti and now saturday chanda commenting on the constitution.Keep studying it and you will find that a petition has to be heard in the court of law .there is no two ways about it.

  12. Fusekeni iwe chi Sunday chanda. Our party our rules. Who are you to force people to condemn our party decisions. You are a dog who will die soon with that continued behaviour. Please stick to addressing your health as it is well known that you are hiv positive

  13. It is very incouraging to note that the majority of zambians , even those who don’t support HH want the petition heard and realise the future of free and fair elections in zambia is at risk.

    If lungu won, what is the fear of hearing the UPND petition ?? They keep bringing up 14 days as if the evidence will change in 14 days ??

    Why would any sane person who won rather be called a theif and rule over a divided country then prove that he won ????

  14. The UPND stands on a position that we won the election, the ECZ failed us, the Courts did not want to hear our case and have continued on this ill path, Chagwa Lungu violated the constitution when he refused to handover power to the speaker, and so we have continued to dispute. Lungu is an illegitimate president.
    It is logical that we do not recognize him as president and hence he cannot address us in that supreme house.
    It, therefore, remains illogical to provide the illegitimate president a platform to address Zambians through us in his quest to cement his illegal ascendancy to the presidency as he continues to masquerade as the winner of the past presidential election.

  15. What is wrong with you UPND Supporters and your leader HH.
    This is all madness. You lost and accept defeat, you are now looking incredibly insane and desperate.
    Why not concentrate on developing Zambia? we are now sick of you sore losers.

    EL IS PRESIDENT. Accept it and besides your HH will never be president.

    • When someone accuses you of been a thief, the first thing you will do is seek judicial help so that all the accusations are put to rest, why do you take pleasure in been called vote thieves,? One great man once said EVIL TRIUMPH WHEN GOOD MEN DO NOTHING.


  16. Live with it Chanda! It is called Democracy! Good that you got the message! Well done opposition MPs! PF leaders should never be made to think they own us! Unfortunately this is what Zambians are not waking up to until it is too late! Zambia is meant to be a Democracy and not a Dictatorship! Chanda, please take those bad manners of yours back to Mugabe and Museveni! We are fed up with you good for nothing parasites!

  17. This sycophant never cease to amaze me, everything to do with the visionless one, to him its right and never wrong.This level of thinking is alien in modern day democratic environment were the rule of law and fairness are the bedrock of democratic dispensations. Do you need to open your mouth or write gibberish every time just to look relevant? This is the reason Lungu has always overlooked your canning maneuvers for a job. Get a life, HH heads the biggest opposition party in this country and has every right to have his petition disposed off in a fair manner after all evidence of rigging is presented in the courts of law. Why have all those people resigned at ECZ all of a sudden, rings a bell? They are scared of ramifications that awaits them.

  18. Comments coming from the retards clearly tells how pricking Sunday’s articles is. No cretins has responded to the intelligence of Sunday but they have resorted to insults. Well done Sunday. The zealots have heard you but we know they can’t oppose their leader because the issue is more of tribal than political. We need an opposition party with a national character so we boot out Pf in 2021 not this useless tribal party.

  19. It’s like imwe Ba pf na Ba upnd u think Zambia yenu mweka ai? Twanaka nobupuba bwenu ala… Whether pf or upnd mulifye bakapususu bonse twanaka nemwe,so both of u go to hell nama nonsense yenu. I wish both parties yo licenses are consificated by ECZ come 2021. Bonse muli ma hypocritical (pf and upnd).

  20. We know The south-west movement craves for a Tonga president….but I want to tell you that your time will come. The time when all higher learning institutions will be demanded and forced to use Tonga as an official language. When cows shall congest major streets like Cairo. You always claim to be rich and wise. Who feeds from your riches or benefit from your wisdom or education after all you also work for money. And you are full of nepotism. Yep true. But you can’t force us to vote for you. You are very bitter and your adversarity has spilled out as far as universities and now south west lecturers are failing students from the north- eastern forces. They are so *****ic in nature. Am not surprised of thier MPs actions cox they are a brutal united force in rubbish and mediocrity. They are…

  21. UPND are not interested in the future of Zambia we Zambians don’t need such politician’s HH will not rest until Zambia burns.I cannot understand why he can’t move on i personally don’t think they exist them boycotting parliament just sums them up. Please ban them from all sittings and let serious minds move on to discuss important developmental issues.

  22. Push off Chanda. You think that you have monopoly of wisdom just because your PF is in power. Let me warn you that PF days in power are numbered. The petition is there to be heard whether you like it or not. UPND MPs are on solid ground since they are speaking the truth. I would urge them to stand their ground against that PF speaker Matibini. Let them face the bully and he will ultimately be defeated for certain.

  23. Those of suggesting that UNPD is. It interested in the future of Zambia should think again. Ask your self what the future of Zambia is under Lungu who right now is nothing but fraud? What evidence have you put forward to justify the fact that Zambia is on the right path so far…zero, nothing?! Lungu is not Presidential material albeit his masquerading as one. He is a worker seeking instructions on what to do. A qualified who specialised in passing exams to wear the qualification as one. He has no respect for the constitution or the law. Not because he claims to be president but simply because he does not understand the law himself. Aleswatafye. There is no practical evidence that he understands the law let alone anything involving governance. Only limited people in the heads will support…

  24. Those of suggesting that UNPD is not interested in the future of Zambia should think again. Ask your self what the future of Zambia is under Lungu who right now is nothing but fraud? What evidence have you put forward to justify the fact that Zambia is on the right path so far…zero, nothing?! Lungu is not Presidential material albeit his masquerading as one. He is a worker seeking instructions on what to do. A qualified who specialised in passing exams to wear the qualification as one. He has no respect for the constitution or the law. Not because he claims to be president but simply because he does not understand the law himself. Aleswatafye. There is no practical evidence that he understands the law let alone anything involving governance. Only limited people in the heads will…

  25. Awe ama UPNDonkeys twatendwa nasho inama ishi. Pilizi ba judiciary chitenipo chimi, bushe teti mupwishe imisango sha ma petition yama donkeys?
    Pilizi fitwaleni fima donkeys ifyo ukulya ichani cha uma ku dundumwezi.

    • Bawiso ubwingi iwe pumbafu, what’s wrong with my name? Because I don’t support the moron of your President you think I am Upnd. I don’t support HH and I strongly feel Edgar Lungu is useless and you are C.U.N.T!

  26. Michael Sata (MHSRIP) was no angel either but a smart general. He used to hand over limited presidential powers to Lungu not because he trusted him. He knew that his Presidency was never under any threat with Lungu. Why, because Lungu follows instructions. A good boy! But the gullibility of f00ls led them to interpret the act in biblical terms ati, the chosen one!! Yet the bafoons are wondering why we are in such a mess. The President of Zambia incognito is Bwezani Banda and the Vice President is Kaizer Zulu. Lungu and Inonge are just ceremonial goons! You kicked MMD out, are they? What talent has this fraud of a Presiednt given us? Scandal after scandal. Meanwhile, you are going for prayers that don’t make sense. Pray for God to give you eyes you 1d10ts!

  27. Sunday Chandra why did you use the USA scenario and not the Gambia election? Do you know what happened in the Gambia?
    Hillary Clinton got more votes than Trump that us a fact. The system in USA counts votes differently. Get your research in order.
    So why us Trump scream and shouting unfairly elected if his presidecy is CLEAN?
    Gambia is the example you should go by..

  28. Zambia should Taj PF to court for the deaths of UPND youths killed during the election of Lungu
    Short memory guys yaba

  29. What is wrong with boycotting Parliament? You should Judy deny them sitting allowance and stop condemning them. Why do you want us to imitate Americans all the time. Carbon copy mentality has never taken us anywhere.

  30. What is wrong with boycotting Parliament? You should Just deny them sitting allowance and stop condemning them. Why do you want us to imitate Americans all the time? This Carbon copy mentality has never taken africa anywhere.

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