Saturday, July 27, 2024

PF MPs Bombard Speaker with Point of Orders on UPND address boycott


President Lungu with PF MPs
FILE: President Lungu with PF MPs

There was nonstop point of orders in Parliament on Tuesday as PF Members of Parliament demanded to know if UPND MPs were in order when they boycotted President Edgar Lungu’s address to Parliament last Week on Friday.

Several PF Members of Parliament rose on a point of order asking the Speaker of the National Assembly Patrick Matibini if the action by UPND MPs on March 17th was in order.

Kanchibiya Member of Parliament Martin Malama was the first when he asked the Speaker in his point of Order if the opposition UPND MPs were in order to shun the Presidential address.

Others who rose on a point of order are Shiwa Ng’andu MP Stephen Kampyongo, Mandevu MP Jean Kapata, Msanzala MP, Peter Daka and Makebi Zulu of Malambo Constituency among many others.

But the Speaker ruled that he has resolved to refer the matter to the committee on privileges.

Soon after the Speaker’s ruling, Monze UPND Mp Jack Mwiimbu rose on a point of order seemingly to counter and asked the Speaker if the PF members were in order to sing political songs in the House on Friday.

Mr. Mwiimbu said the action was against the decorum and etiquette of the House.

In his ruling the Speaker said the issues raised were serious and required proper examination.

Calm only returned to the House after the speaker limited the number of points of order on the same topic and permitted Minister of Religious Affairs Godfrey Sumaili to issue a ministerial statement.

Meanwhile, Some Lusaka Youths have petitioned Speaker of the National Assembly Dr. Patrick Matibini demanding action be taken against UPND Members of Parliament for shunning President Edgar Lungu’s address to parliament.

In their petition to the Speaker, the youths contend that the boycott by UPND MPs is an insult to the people of Zambia hence the need to take action against lawmakers

The Youths have recalled that in 2001, then UPND Leader Anderson Mazoka lost elections in the disputed general election which saw the UPND go to court, but that at no point did he instruct his Members of Parliament to boycott then President. Levy Mwanawasa’s address to the House.

They are asking the Speaker to withhold the salaries of the Members Parliament until such a time that they will recognize President Edgar Lungu as the duly elected President.

And the Evangelical Youth Alliance International (EYAI) has also written to the Speaker seeking tougher punishment for the UPND Members of Parliament whom they have accused of failing to firmly represent their electorates.

EYAI Executive Director Reverend Moses Lungu tells QTV News that this is because the MPs are failing to reason on their own, but are working under instructions from their political party leaders.


  1. Zambian voters should bombard PF with points of order on the deep poverty seen in Misisi , Mandevu ,Kalingalinga and the utter chaos and filth that meets visitors to Lusaka at Kulima Tower.

    That’s what matters and not this self serving points of order by PF politics of the belly.

    • Insala yeka yeka fye. I tell you a hungry man can do anything commanded to do, fight, kill, name it etc. A hungry man easily gets angry which makes him weak to withstand temptation to engage in political fights. Hence the cadres you hear and read about in Zambia, they are hungry people who can do anything for their political bosses. It is sad in Africa because the number of such kind of cadres will increase as population and unemployment continue. We really need a new crop of leaders who will deny these cadre politician worshipers any freedom to violence.I will be one such leader. I will stop this stu!pidity if given a chance.Even lining up ministers/PS’/DCs etcs at airport tarmac. Abashi.

    • Let them stop talking about UPND MPs since the speaker has advised that he will make a ruling but for now we want them to start talking about things that matter.. i know HH want people to be talking about him, he enjoys it at the expense of development as if he is something. i think the time he will become president it will be difficult for a normal person to enjoy being Zambian.

    • Enka i.diot poverty is even in America and most of those chaps ypou call poor are just lazy. They don’t want to engage in real money making ventures like farming.

    • You know, HH and his MPs have a serious problem.

      HH and his MPs do not understand issues.

      Parliament is made of of the President and the National Assembly.
      The National Assembly is made up of elected and nominated members.

      Now, you cannot serve as MP minus recognising the President. Because which parliament are you a member of?

      The speakers is appointed and sworn in by the president, and as MP by taking an oath before the speaker and the parliament, you are acknowledging the authority of both the speaker and the president as appointing authority, and as a component of Parliament.

      Even lawyers for UPND have no understanding apart from presenting preliminaries, and failing on each of the same preliminaries. So even their advice is not worth any salt, not even fake salt.

    • And when they boycotted the opening of parliament by the president they said they dont recognise him as president.

      But when parliament was opened they starting sitting and deliberating, showing they acknowledge that the parliament was opened, something that can only be done by the president.

      You seem, I give these MPs a benefit of doubt, that they do think before acting.

      You see, later they went and apologised for boycotting, meaning they understood they were wrong.

      Now by boycotting again implies they did not understand they were wrong, meaning they acted without thinking. This contradicts with my view of them, because I have always believed they are not robots.

      The UPND MPs seem to have resigned all manner of thinking to HH.

      Mumbi once said HH was being…

    • Mumbi once said HH was being disingeneous. I think he should have just said HH, the UPND leadership as well as their layers and advisors are disingeneous.

    • Looking at the poverty levels and the lack to seriousness by Zambian politicians in solving problems of the Zambian people, I suggest we the learned and experienced developmental managers in diaspora form a political party:

      “Zambia Diaspora Development Party (ZDDP)”

      We have experienced individuals from nurse, engineers to Mushota’s of Scotland in diaspora with vast experience and professional qualifications who can manage the Zambian economy properly and professionally.

    • The learned and interlectuals have repeatedly failed this country. Look at the way the Nchitos and their clique, though highly learned and experienced, ravaged the legal system. Why do you think cadreism is on the rise here? Because these brave but mostly limited educated souls stand up and fight for the needs of their communities and are on hand to dialogue with them. You, the paper tigers they call you, when you get into office bring fancy ideas that don’t conform to their needs and usually seclude yourselves from them. I really doubt you can gain votes from these communities who are the majority of voters.

    • What is currently happening in Zambia is scaring and this is caused by the PF’s maladministration. I am seeing a time coming soon when the opposition and the UPND in particular will lose their patience and tolerance and re-act to the never ending provocations by the PF. CHAOS IS ABOUT TO ERUPT IN ZAMBIA AND EVEN PRESIDENT LUNGU WILL FAIL TO STOP IT WHEN IT DOES ERUPT IF HE DOES NOT STOP THIS NON-STOP PROVOCATIONS BY THE PF ON THE UPND.

    • President Lungu may need to know that he could have a majority of MPs in Parliament but he should also ask himself this question: Am I a majority leader by having won by a paltry 50.1% of voters? What then would happen to the 49.9% of voters who didn’t vote for me? Mr Lungu, the situation in the country is fearsome. DO NOT COUNT ON POLICE, ARMY, AIRFORCE OR THE ZNS BECAUSE WE HAVE SEEN LEADERS IN OTHER COUNTRIES WITH EVEN STRONGER MILITARIES REMOVED OUT OF POWER BY PEOPLE’s POWER. FOR EXAMPLE, HOW WAS FERDINAND MARCOS REMOVED FROM POWER IN THE PHILLIPINES? PRESIDENT LUNGU, DON’T SAY YOU WERE NOT WARNED.

    • President Lungu, mind you, you only ‘won’ the election by a mere 100,000 votes!. For argument’s sake, you have plus or minus 5 or 6 million registered voters who never elected you, including sinono because out of the total 15 million population of Zambia, a good number are children and unregistered voters!

    • @ Sinono: Believe me there will be no chaos anywhere in Zambia. If a few disgruntled tribalistic UPND cadres are not happy with what happened, who are they to stand against the majority of the other side who are ok with the government and voted for the PF?? What I foresee though is when your minority react, we will be privy to treason proceedings in our generation. Believe me these treason trials are not pleasant!!

    • This is what you expect when you have dogs masquerading as MPS. Can these fools go back to their constituencies and tell the electorates that asking about who was present or absent in parliament was the mandate they were sent there for and are doing just that? The people who voted for them are hungry and angry and the dogs are busy wasting time on who ignored who and who was not here?

  2. Too late for this nonsense of PF bandits perpetuating to be MPs.
    The brave UPND are 2 steps ahead of visionless PF & have already logged in an injunction to restrain PF parliamentary bandits from their mediocrity.
    Until the presidential petition is heard & Dagama gives power to the speaker, the visionless one remains illegally, undemocratically & fraudulently in power~simple. The petition must be heard & a real winner can be inaugurated by the Chief Justice not a court clerk like blind Lungu.
    The Skeleton Key

    • You are thanking God? Which one? The one which condone criminality, rule of law, democratic principles, equality, compassion, justice………………………?
      Or you are thanking “anointed”, “humble”, “visionary” and convicted embezzler PF deity?

    • People who are being represented by these UPND MPs are happy with what they did. Who are you to say they are not representing their constituencies well. You don’t come from these constituencies and therefore keep quiet.

  3. There is nothing that PF and UPND can offer the people of Zambia. This is two lame ducks trying to outdo one another. Unfortunately we don’t have any party that can redeem this country economically, hence the jokes you are seeing in parliament from both parties. # Bring back the whites to rule us please please

    • No whites to come back, you go live with the whites so you can be second class citizen. #ka pipeni aba sungu, we are ok in our motherland Zambia and our government.

  4. in 2001, then UPND Leader Anderson Mazoka lost elections in the disputed general election which saw the UPND go to court, but that at no point did he instruct his Members of Parliament to boycott then President. Levy Mwanawasa’s address to the House.

  5. Sir Jack was too diplomatic, he should have asked the speaker if he was in order to allow pf mps to sing party songs in the national assembly, and was he also in order to allow pf mps to rise on the same point of more than 5 times, we heard him request mps before not to rise on the same point of orders in the best interest of time, what happened yesterday, did he enough time for pf st upidity?

  6. Everyone has a right to question an action. Much as Upnd have a right to walk out I would urge them to boycott the debate on the president ‘s speech. You cannot propose or second minutes of a meeting that you didn’t attend. It’s just logical that you can only swallow through the mouth.

  7. The PF Points of Order are useless. The Root cause of our problems is a Disputed Election which has been Petitioned. Lungu is desperate to think that he can use Parliament to Kill the Petition. The Petition has to be heard and disposed off in Court and a Winner declared by the Court. Even the Docile SADC must have told Lungu to finalise the Petition. Belatedly Lungu is looking for other excuses not to hear the Petition. The Commonwealth ,AU,SADC,AU and the International Community are unanimous on the need to hear the Petition urgently and put Zambia’s Disputed Election to rest.

  8. There is nothing that PF and UPND can offer the people of Zambia. This is two lame ducks trying to outdo one another. Unfortunately we don’t have any party that can redeem this country economically, hence the jokes you are seeing in parliament from both parties. # Bring back the whites to rule us please please

  9. The big question is why has UPND continued losing election when it just took SATA ten years to get to state house?

  10. I feel sorry for this country you have 89 PF MPs who want to ask the same question to the speaker,some like Peter Daka can’t speak for the life of him,why didn’t they give that question to one person to fire at the speaker or was that. a sign of disorganisation in parliament

    • It has now become serious that is why so many MPs asked the same question so that the speaker can feel the graviyt of it.

    • It’s a sign of how shallow minded PF lemmings are. They were tripping on each other to ask the same question. Yet, not questioned themselves on the very serious matter that Jack Mwiimbu raised and as acknowledged by the Speaker.

    • It was nice to see some pf mps like peter daka, malama former kopala police chief speak in the national assembly for the first time, it was easy kaili it was like kindergarten everyone was allowed by the pre school teacher matibini to repeat the same thing over and over.

    • One nation~the answer to your question is very simple~PF bandits are visionless. In layman’s language, PF is clueless, they have no plans~typical chimbwiz.
      Until the presidential petition is heard whilst Lungu gives power to the speaker & this is what these PF bandits can’t get into their empty tin heads.
      The Skeleton Key

  11. I don’t have a problem with Bantustan mps not ‘recognising’ lungu as president. But I find it very foolish for the same *****s to be referring to Inonge Wina as ”YOUR HONOUR THE VICE PRESIDENT” during the vice president question time when they don’t recognise lungu who was on the same ticket that made Inonge wina as vice president. How can the same ticket be rigged for lungu and not for inonge?

  12. Bravo to UPND MPs just one point of order from Sir Jack and the house came to attention. Now that is maturity.

    Viva UPND.

    • How does this jack baboon raise a point of order when he was not there. It is lunacy to participate in a parliament to boycotted

    • How does this jack baboon raise a point of order when he was not there. It is lunacy to participate in a parliament to boycotted

  13. Kiki the pf dull monkeys are in panic mode. You cannot compare the calibre of the highly educated upnd members to that of the illiterate pf members

  14. @Enka i just wish they would speak with the same passion on issues like delayed payment of pension benefits for civil servants, their voices when speaking they were so close to yell.

  15. Advice to PF government is that as long as petition is not heard in Zambian courts to ascertain elections results, history has been written that Lungu remains an illegitimate president of Zambia. The world is aware of it and even if PF cadres go further by barring UPND to enter parliament, the status quo remains Lungu will struggle to convince all Zambians that he won elections fair and free.

    • With your own brainless actions, you will give PF the right to decide whatever they want in parliament!! Because there will be no opposition. While you cry for a petition that was closed last year and call President Lungu illegal, your MPs will be barred from participating in parliament while dununa reverse will become the anthem in parliament, my friend:ALL YOUR OWN DOING FOR LISTENING TO THAT BRAINLESS TRIBAL LEADER HH!! No access to CDF, no coordination between MP and relevant ministry=disaster in the bantustans!!!

  16. The reaction from the PF shows that the objectives of their protest seem to be yielding its intentions and they are likely to repeat this action. Ignoring UPND’s staying away from Parliament would have rendered their boycott useless. Unfortunately most MPs are too dull to be able to read that.

    • Exactly ba Bululu. Now after all that crying and wailing by PF MPs the whole saga has become news all over even to those who never knew about the rigging, now they have heard and some are digging deeper. That August house has become a joke. They even sing political campaign songs and spend the house time defending it.

    • ????? Do you realise there are consequences for their actions? and you celebrate like you have achieved something? Your own SG distanced himself from that letter that was published because he is aware of the backlash!! Infact an injunction is already in court to restrain the Speaker or the committees taking action!! And you celebrate? Do you want to have no representation in parliament? You people should think before you do these things.

  17. Viva UPND continue harmaring the heyna kraal. Continue reminding them about the stolen election, stolen maize and the stolen money by your leader whislt he was a layer from a poor woman.

  18. UPND MPS are rit to boycot.only foolish people and those benifiting from this useless gornment are conderming them.we all know that the ELECTIONS where stolen by ECL AND HIS GROUP.why do you want us to stop talking about it? *****s.

  19. I cant believe how much venom is coming out of the lips of PF cadres, so much hatred for UPND. I wonder if MPs get paid or earn sitting allowances by attending and listening to the presidential speech in parliament which normally happens once in a year. Maybe MPs should be getting paid on that basis of attending presidential speech. Exercise good judgement on such matters guys

  20. In public and on their faces , these so called honorable MPS from both the UPND and the PF are serving the interests of the poor Zambians. But in their hearts, secrets and motives they are serving the interests of themselves and families .We are busy name calling one another, using un palatable language to one another but lets wait a minute and think and ask our selves very honest and serious questions. Did these MPS got their allowances for their poor point of orders????.Are they hungry??? Are their children go to the same government schools as ours?? They will point out at people living in poverty and claim to represent them .are they living in poverty themselves . Lets face it. At least they are intelligent because they managed to use us and our votes as stepping stones to get these…

  21. There is a proverb which says “small minds discuss people but big minds discuss ideas”. Surely is it only the point of order s that were discussed in parliament? When will we read about development in Zambia? Since Lungu took office, the approved newspaper discuss personalities not development. Politicians please do notbrun down our peaceful country. Do the work you werw elected for.

    • UPND MPS and their moronic supporters are very dull and are thieves to say the least, how do you continue getting allowances from a government that is controlled by the president you don’t recognize? How do you ask questions and expect answers from the same govt you don’t recognize? Do these idy.ots with cow dung infested brains think with their asse.s or what?

  22. I don’t have a problem with Bantustan mps not ‘recognising’ lungu as president. But I find it very foolish for the same i.diots to be referring to Inonge Wina as ”YOUR HONOUR THE VICE PRESIDENT” during the vice president question time when they don’t recognise lungu who was on the same ticket that made Inonge wina as vice president. How can the same ticket be rigged for lungu and not for inonge?

  23. Let us limit the term one can serve as MP to say 3 terms of 5 years so in total 5 years at most after that one should be ineligible to stand if we can limit he terms of a nominated MP this shouldn’t be difficult

  24. They never protest against corruption, misappropriation of taxpayer funds in the AG report but here they are all up…this is just more fuel to fire for UPND no matter how childish they protest is. Anyway PF are led by an old senile grandma in house.

    • …corruption you have failed countless times to prove in courts of law except accusing and harassing people in that evil and defunct newspaper that was owned by that fugitive!! Zambians gave you 8 years and millions of dollars to convict Chiluba but you failed badly!! Just tarnishing his legacy with falsities. WHAT A BUNCH OF FEACES!!

  25. You know, HH and his MPs have a serious problem.

    HH and his MPs do not understand issues.

    Parliament is made of of the President and the National Assembly.
    The National Assembly is made up of elected and nominated members.

    Now, you cannot serve as MP minus recognising the President. Because which parliament are you a member of?

    The speakers is appointed and sworn in by the president, and as MP by taking an oath before the speaker and the parliament, you are acknowledging the authority of both the speaker and the president as appointing authority, and as a component of Parliament.

    Even lawyers for UPND have no understanding apart from presenting preliminaries, and failing on each of the same preliminaries. So even their advice is not worth any salt, not even fake salt.

  26. And when they boycotted the opening of parliament by the president they said they dont recognise him as president.

    But when parliament was opened they starting sitting and deliberating, showing they acknowledge that the parliament was opened, something that can only be done by the president.

    You seem, I give these MPs a benefit of doubt, that they do think before acting.

    You see, later they went and apologised for boycotting, meaning they understood they were wrong.

    Now by boycotting again implies they did not understand they were wrong, meaning they acted without thinking. This contradicts with my view of them, because I have always believed they are not robots.

    The UPND MPs seem to have resigned all manner of thinking to HH.

    Mumbi once said HH was being…

    • What is sad Peace, is I heard yesterday the filed an injunction in court to restrain the speaker or the committees from taking action. Meaning they were fully aware of the consequences and only wanted to embarrass the President!I read Hon. Bowman Lusambo’s letter yesterday and I just realised he spoke so much truth: these guys are not thinking. I am sure Keith Mukata must have realised and did what he did. Even Steven Katuka, their SG, realised this and disowned that letter that was circulated to their MPs. What a bunch of dodos. These guys shouldn’t be Mps-they are scrap material to be put in the rubbish bin!!

    • Mumbi once said HH was being disingeneous. I think he should have just said HH, the UPND leadership as well as their layers and advisors are disingeneous.

    • Their injunction, whatever it is, will fail.
      It will not go anywhere because they don’t even understand that there is separation of powers.

      Parliamentary business cannot be stopped by judiciary.

  27. Guys let’s forget petty politics and start discussing real based issues! Mps start discussing issues to bring real development to your constituents! Silly politics aside! Everyday is an opportunity to improve someone’s life, everyday wasted on politics is a day we lose to improve people’s lives!

    Zambia first!

    • Thanks a million 2020 vision for those well thought out points. We spend too much time and energies on petty politics instead of sharing our ideas for changing and improving our lives and those around us. These guys get good money for petty politics in parliament. Just look at the types of vehicles they drive .They only use us to advance their political and party agenda .Why is that everyone in the world wants to see change for the better world and yet no one is willing to change to be a better person.


  29. If upnd won with the minority in parliament, how were they going to govern if pf mps were behaving like them.? In democracy it’s the majority that rules. Upnd would ‘ve failed and fresh general elections would have been called. For upnd to act the way they doing they should understand that they are irrelevant. Whether present or not, they have no capacity to change or influence anything in parliament because they are a minority group.
    Think twice bafimbwi. You only go to parliament to furt and express you tribal ignorance and get paid for fako.

  30. PF for us Zambians and one wonder had the devil has done to this country.
    Law is only law when it happens with the opposition but somebody said they don’t mind what ever UPND MPS will as they are in government? Why are you getting bothered with UPND MPS?
    Can one answer me on these five points

    1.The courts ruled that all ministers who occupied office illegally after parliament was dissolved must pay back the salaries they got have they paid back?
    2.The courts nullified the seats for Lusaka Central and Munali but these MPs are still in Parliament?.
    3.The constitutions states that when a petition is filled the President must step down was it followed?
    4.Dora Siliya is involved in corruption on maize scandal but still walking freely when the other one is fired in Malawi
    5.GMB and HH…

    • There was no scandal in Zambia.

      Much as the maize involved in the scandal was to come/ came from Zambia, the scandal happened in Malawi.

      Where was the money lost, who paid who, and who did the tender process for Malawi?

      You wanted Dora to carryout the tendering process on behalf of Malawian government?

      I know that reasoning is yours and supports your opinion; I have mine – different from yours.

      Malawians had a duty to manage the purchase themselves. Government gave them the permit, but did not give them the vendor.

      Suppose a vendor was proposed by any Zambian, it was still their duty to evaluate.

  31. 1.4 flag Peace for Zambia
    This chap so called PEACE FOR ZAMBIA is so dull. He does not know the difference between parliament and national assembly. According to civics we learnt in Kaunda’s days, national assembly is when the President and MPs (parliament) congregate and the president addresses the parliament. NOT THE RUBBIS.H you were trying to explain. Go back to school. Instead of saying HH and UPND MPs have a problem it is you who has shallow understanding of facts (civics) hence your blind royalty to thieves.

    • Since you are ignorant,
      just like your fellow UPND members, their president HH, their layers and advisors,
      please read:

      And all who wishibto verify the ignorance of @ 35 MALIKOPO, please read the above.

      This is why UPND does things in reverse, and dupes themselves by wasting their own time through preliminaries.

      They see things upside down.

      So Mr @ 35 MALIKOPO, next time you write, write because you know what you are saying – not because you know how to type.

      I repeat read third paragraph from the link below, in accordance with article 62:

    • Your comment is awaiting moderation
      Since you are ignorant,
      just like your fellow UPND members, their president HH, their layers and advisors,
      please read:

      And all who wishibto verify the ignorance of @ 35 MALIKOPO, please read the above.

      This is why UPND does things in reverse, and dupes themselves by wasting their own time through preliminaries.

      They see things upside down.

      So Mr @ 35 MALIKOPO, next time you write, write because you know what you are saying – not because you know how to type.

      I repeat read third paragraph from the link below, in accordance with article 62:

    • @ 35 MALIKOPO

      Since you are ignorant, just like your fellow UPND members, their president HH, their layers and advisors, please read:

      And all who wishibto verify the ignorance of @ 35 MALIKOPO, please read the above.

      This is why UPND does things in reverse, and dupes themselves by wasting their own time through preliminaries.

      They see things upside down.

      So Mr @ 35 MALIKOPO, next time you write, write because you know what you are saying – not because you know how to type.

      I repeat read third paragraph from the link below, in accordance with article 62:

      This explains why UPND and their lawyers fail to defend even preliminaries.

      What is shocking is that they are even around of their ignorance, announcing it…

  32. With your own brainless actions, you will give PF the right to decide whatever they want in parliament!! Because there will be no opposition. While you cry for a petition that was closed last year and call President Lungu illegal, your MPs will be barred from participating in parliament while dununa reverse will become the anthem in parliament, my friend:ALL YOUR OWN DOING FOR LISTENING TO THAT BRAINLESS TRIBAL LEADER HH!! No access to CDF, no coordination between MP and relevant ministry=disaster in the bantustans!!!

  33. @ 35 MALIKOPO

    Since you are ignorant, just like your fellow UPND members, their president HH, their layers and advisors, please read:

    And all who wishibto verify the ignorance of @ 35 MALIKOPO, please read the above.

    This is why UPND does things in reverse, and dupes themselves by wasting their own time through preliminaries.

    They see things upside down.

    So Mr @ 35 MALIKOPO, next time you write, write because you know what you are saying – not because you know how to type.

    I repeat read third paragraph from the link below, in accordance with article 62:

    This explains why UPND and their lawyers fail to defend even preliminaries.

    What is shocking is that they are even around of their ignorance.

  34. Do one appeal before he/she is charged or convicted? Can a thief appeal even before the Police catches him or taken to court? UPND injunction will fail because what is the injunction for? Is not to early for them to do that? What if they are not reprimanded but already they would have obtained an injunction. You see how silly these HH’s sons can be? Is it because they are being controlled by some one who is as young as their sons as Lusambo said a boy.

  35. What klnd of MPs are these upnd they don’t know who they represent, its either hh or people who voted for them.they need education ,speaker has a lot to do with these quacks.

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