Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kalaza and Siwale expelled from FAZ


Football Association of Zambia Vice President Richard Kazala
Football Association of Zambia Vice President Richard Kazala

The FAZ council on Saturday voted unanimously to expel two executive committee members at the rescheduled emergency annual general meeting held in Lusaka.

Councillors voted 257-21 to expel FAZ vice president Richard Kalaza and executive committee member Blackwell Siwale.

Kalaza and Siwale have been suspended for the last four months for alleged financial irregularities.

Meanwhile, the councilors also voted an overwhelming 309-11 to adopt the new FAZ constitution that will see the electoral college reduced.

The new electoral college from 300 to 90 comprising of 130 delegates.

The 90 votes will see twenty Super Division and twenty Division 1 sides have two delegates and one vote each.

The women’s league shall have two delegates and two votes each.

Forty delegates shall represent the regional leagues at the FAZ council with a total of 40 votes.

The Referees and coaches association shall have two delegates each and a one vote respectively.


  1. Lovely, way to go. It’s time the respect is given to the FAZ president and those wishing him to fail must be kicked out.

  2. There is corruption in all institutions under pf government. It tell u a lot about the illegal leadership at the top

  3. I don’t even understand how and why this arrogant and thieving piece of a “coloured” bastard had got into FAZ in the first place!
    Was he elected out of inferiority complex by FAZ members because of his half Fanta half Cock skin colour? Anyway, Good riddance!

  4. I don’t even understand how and why this arrogant and thieving piece of a “coloured” bast.ard had got into FAZ in the first place!
    Was he elected out of inferiority complex by FAZ members because of his half Fanta half skin colour? Anyway, Good riddance!

    • Stop your hate.. Even your wife wears wigs to hide her kinky hair and look like a mixed race. She probably uses lightening cream to look like a coloured.
      If you have daughters they all wear wigs to look like mixed race…..and lightening creams. Every one loves the mulatto.

    • @Chilyata, Now you are being a dick, this has nothing to do with colors and tribes. Go get yourself some civility.

    • Kazala is an arrogant coloured Bas.tard that does.nt even know his father born by a commercial Zambian sex worker or prostitute!

  5. Its just the matter of time. Kamanga could be the worst football boss. 2017, no AFCON, Next world cup Zambia is not going. So we have a president who knows not to qualify for major tournaments. What happens when if we fail to qualify for AFCON 2019? kAMANGA its just the matter of time

    • COSAFA U20 Winners,AFCON 20 Winners,New Sponsorship deal with FNB,New clean FAZ leadership….the list is growing.
      Just accept that the era of Kalusha and his minions is well and truly over.For your information Hayatou and his corrupt crew are no more…

    • @6.1 All the u20 players atarted playing under kalusha’s reign. Kamanga is a serious disease if you don’t know him well. For me all the U20 glory must go to kalu. Kamanga has to build his own legacy

  6. Its just the matter of time. Kamanga could be the worst football boss. 2017, no AFCON, Next world cup Zambia is not going. So we have a president who knows not to qualify for major tournaments. What happens when if we fail to qualify for AFCON 2019? KAMANGA its just the matter of time. We shall how you dribbled your friends to be expelled.

    • COSAFA U20 Winners,AFCON 20 Winners,New Sponsorship deal with FNB,New clean FAZ leadership….the list is growing.
      Just accept that the era of Kalusha and his minions is well and truly over.For your information Hayatou and his corrupt crew are no more…

  7. I wish our country Zambia was governed the way FAZ is now governed. Total transparency and good leadership. Out with the old and in with the new. We need the UPND government to rule Zambia. Then you will see how everything will go in the right direction. The present government with their illigitemate president is cursed.

  8. China – Agreed. I wish the president of the republic of Zambia could take a leaf from what has happened in FAZ. We only hear words like there are a lot of corrupt ministers and next no action. Kamanga this is the way to go. Mafias should be purged out of FAZ. No wonder footballers were being frustrated after working so hard because most of income realised did not go towards motivating the players but in the pockets of mafias.

  9. Simataa Simataa might find himself back in the FAZ executive.After all elections will be held to fill up the vacant positions…

  10. The moment Ponga joined hands with Kamanga, I had a feeling that out football was back on the right tracks. Iam priverledged to have known these two individuals personally. “Ponga and Kamanga are men of integrity, mark my words” Because of Kalusha Bwalya and his cadres football in Zed is 10 yrs back. These guys have serious work ahead of them. I wish Simataa Simataa could find his way in to assist. Good luck folks.

    • Integrity my foot! Clearly you don’t know the the people you are talking about. Ponga joined Kamanga for selfish reasons. If you talk about integrity then you should ask Ponga why he left supersport as sponsorship manager. He is still not sure whether he is in Zambia to stay hence the wife is still a PA to a neurologist at morning side hospital. Wait and see as all episodes unfold. Others still talk about Simataa the failed Faz president, What did he do under his tenure?

  11. Kudos to Kamanga. That’s how corruption must be fought and not just empty statements we hear everyday coming from the Republican President.

  12. Kikikikikikikikiki its laughable to list under 20 as a major achievement compared to the fame associated with the senior team. Already world cup and AFCON 2017 is history under Kamanga. We need major tournaments and not these blablablabla tournaments in the name of under 20, under 17, under 5…..

  13. Kalaza made us lose the Zambia Vs Nigeria game in Ndola because of corruption.

    He did not get the right supporters in. Kalaza, Kalaza, Kalaza.

  14. I know this kazala boy very wel,l he is a grade nine drop out at chingola secondary schoo.l l don’t even know how he found himself at FAZ with that pomposity in his head !

  15. Great move by KAMANGA. its high time we see accountability and transparency at FAZ. i salute your style of leadership which is second to non

  16. Why doesnt LT ban Chilyata. His posts are full of insults but you do nothing about him yet you have banned others just because of their names

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