Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Hot FM Unveils New Breakfast show Hosts


Patience Chisanga (left) K-Smash

Zambia’s Multiple award winning radio station, HOT FM Limited has announced changes to its week day line up with  the introduction of new hosts of the flag ship ‘Red Hot Breakfast show’  hosted  Mondays to Fridays  from 6am to 9am.

Announcing the changes today, HOT FM Chief Executive Officer Zachariah Chavula said the changes are effective Monday 10th April 2017 and have been necessitated by Management’s periodic review of the station’s content and programming as part of  the brand re-fresh as the station believes in constantly re-inventing itslef  to stay ahead of competition.

“We are a station which is constantly thinking ahead and always want to bring a fresh feeling to the air waves ,so the change of line up was inevitable and has come at the time that the station is repositioning itself for much bigger things that will add value to the listener,” said Mr. Zachariah Chavula.

And  HOT FM Chief Operating Officer and Co-Founder Oscar Chavula announced that the new Breakfast show Hosts, Kalumba Chikonde  ‘K-smash’ and Patience Chisanga  as the appropraite combination for the show  which the Board and Management settled for and are confident that the duo will take the show to a whole new level and complement what  Hope and Chi achieved over the last 8 years.

“HOT FM is happy to announce legendary K-smash and the amazing Patience as new Breakfast show hosts and appluad Hope and Chi for being game changers of morning radio in Zambia and hosting the show for 8 years. The format of the show will not change but will have a few new and exciting elements added for the listening pleasure,however,  it will remain the voice of the people in the nation, “said Mr. Oscar Chavula.

He further urged listeners to embrace the change and  support the new breakfast hosts as their combination is not new to  Zambian  radio and television adding that K-smash and Patience have a proven  track  record of professionalism and excellent delivery in broadcasting due to their talent, skills, passion, knowledge of the industry  and vast  expereince .

Hope and Flava who have  been hosting the breakfast  show  since Febarury this year will  move to evening radio on ‘Radio after 6’ week days from 18 to 21 hours while Gary Masano  will  host Sunday Chillz from 18 to 21 Hrs.

The rest of the shows remain unchanged.


  1. Naipasa a month loyal listeners switch off from the RnB that will begin to play, K-Smash talking about relationships, Zambia’s entertainment industry and celebrity interviews. Meawhile, Luchi and Roxy are struggling to find new callers (active listeners), daily its Max, Angelus and Chuuuuuuuufi, calling from Garden.

  2. Go to Mongu if you don’t have news! Its is going to be the biggest traditional ceremony in Zambia with unprecedented 600 policemen!

  3. Oh more hope,s voice..i hope i wont start off going for work at 6 pm thinking its 6 am since its hope and Chi,s voice which used to make me rush getting in my car for thier show…. K smash..faka stango and move away from the know it all political opinion which i disliked esp with Flava who replaced Chi

  4. No,no, no the show will never be the same. Hope is simply amazing.Flava also fitted in very well in Chi’s shoes. Why are they replacing Hope and Flava when they are doing an amazing and great job? I hope it is not political.

    • An old man in a village called one young man a thief. The young man took the old man to court for defamation. The judge asked the old man to prove that the young man was a thief but the old man answered that there was no evidence at all. The accusations were mere words and he did not mean what he said. The judge then said, write your apology on this piece of paper, on your way home, tear it up into small pieces and throw it away as you walk then come back and put the pieces together. The old man answered that it was an impossible task. The judge the answered him back that in the same way, words once said cannot be taken back and whether rumour or not, they have the power to destroy. What will u benefit from talking about Hope’s s*x life? Get some wisdom. Grow up.

  5. Sorry it will never be the same, I don’t think it was appropriate to make changes to the winning team….I for one I cant hide my disappointment….bring them back…Radio Christian did the same….its not about how you as a radio station but us your masters the listening public…..if you dont change just know you have lost it???

  6. Hope & Chi were a good combination. But hope couldn’t do a good job without Chi. I think she failed to get along with Abel Chungu & Zack at some point. She was too domineering. I didn’t like her behavior on air when she was with Zack. She literally couldnt let Zack talk. I’m happy she’s been taken to radio after 6. She needs to learn how to be flexible. But I’ll surely miss the Hope & Chi combination.

  7. Hope was becoming pro PF. Its a good change. DJs should not be seeing favouring one political party but should be neutral

  8. I have been missing Chi but Hope’s presence has been soothing.Just when I start settling with Flava baah…show is over..

    In come Kalumba and Patience…on this show I think Kalumba should present himself with the real name this show is serious no DJaying here….Patience is excellent news reader 18hrs news read by Patience is just so amazingly presented…above all I have a lot of confidence in the new team.

  9. Hope and Chi have a very powerful work chemistry, why separate them. I dont like the new people that have been assigned to Hope and Chi.

  10. good riddance, so immature, why even keep them the behaved like prostitutes most of the time, I even stopped listening to the radio, guess now will, much props to k smash, please play me some james fauntleroy..

  11. There can only be one Hope and Chi!!! Despite what people would want to make you believe, as a feel good philosophical cliche, people are simply irreplacable. In the end, the numbers of listeners tuning in to listen to the Hot Breakfast show will provide the complete story. Replacing Hope and Chi and living up to that billing is a tall order. And nothing really personal to KSmash and Etience.

  12. Thank you Hope and Chi. ‘The only constant thing in life is change’ it is said. Most listeners of the Hot Fm breakfast show are still trying to digest the recent development with regard to who hosts the show going forward. There is no smoke without fire…. the rumours of your being replaced have ultimately come to pass. You put in enough work over the last 8 years which propelled the both of you to stardom . This created a concentration risk and could affect ratings of the stations in the event that you crossed the floor to join the competition . Nonetheless, take heart…. I am very certain it will not be long before we hear your voices on another breakfast show and with all your loyal supporters in tow. ‘The game was to be sold not just to be told’. ‘ The war is over but your…

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