Saturday, July 27, 2024

Demanding the Release of HH by UPND



  1. Stop the talking guys,
    We are raising money here in Canada to help the cause.
    I the midwest, the wheat farmers are sympathetic with the cause.

    • Canada Id.iot. u dont just demand for the realize of a suspected criminal the law must take it course. raise the money bring it and see who will riot, when president Lungu said he carries the biggest weep you thought he was joking, that is just a small weep he used on ur hallucinating naive leader who has been rejected several times by Zambians. stop under 5 politics

    • Canada Id.iot. u dont just demand for the release of a suspected criminal the law must take it course. raise the money bring it and see who will riot, when president Lungu said he carries the biggest wipe you thought he was joking, that is just a small wipe he used on ur hallucinating naive leader who has been rejected several times by Zambians. stop under 5 politics

    • Wow the man has a passion. Good talk. PF has their days?? Zambians are good at voting a government out of Power. so PF is no different

  2. No matter what lungu does to hh the truth remains that lungu is not legally elected president of Zambia. More than half the country do not recognise him. How do you force yourself on people. Reality hit lungu in western province when the entire province booed him

    • @NEZ that issue of recognition is boring. HH and us are human rights fighters.
      HH only demanded to be heard in court, being elections, traffic offence or taking money from HH house all deserves some kind of hearing.

  3. Keep on dreaming upnd cardres!!your legal president is in jail for treason and its life as usual in Zambia.if in your minds those 1.7 million Zambians or 3.5 provinces who voted for HH is more than half of Zambia population,then you need doctors from chainama to treat your lunatic minds!!upnd yesterday(12/04/2017) tried to incite people on facebook urging people to go and protest on streets until HH is released.sadly for them 99% of those who respended to that blamed HH’s bad behaviour in mongu and warned them never to dare the police.some even said they are ready to help the police in crushing upnd cadres who will dare to protest on our streets.SO KEEP ON FIGHTING A LOSING BATTLE!!

  4. VIVA GBM… He has managed to destabilize the UPND… GBM was a tick in the UPND from PF to destabilize and finally kill it… UPND…fell in the trap of PF… Politics…is not a game of under five… UPND is dead now… GBM will finally go back to PF after 2021 Elections!!!…

  5. and take over PF for 2026 elections!!! trust me!!!
    Why is GBM not arrested!!!? Ask yourselves!! I am just looking!!!LOL

    • Very true Juju, let the war begin in UPND. Smart move by the government! As for Canada, you and the wheat farmers can bring your money to Zambia, we welcome the investment!

  6. wina azalila, zambians are still walking the streets but those who think they are biggaer than the community they live in will see Red. wanya walapiila HH. FOOLS WILL NEVER RULE THE GREATER ZAMBIA. POLICE WILL PROTECT ZAMBIA AND ALL ZAMBIANS ARE READY TO HELP. if anyone thinks he is superior than zambians who voted ECL to power, then they are wrrroooong forever.

  7. These zealots are still insulting instead of them being apologetic. Your tribal leader at this stage only requires Ecl the republican president for release not even Jesus can save him. The crime he committed is too big ……

  8. ok not even Jesus can save him.ok that’s your curse .Watch what will happen after easter on the day Jesus resurrected.

  9. Njimbu, it is you who is dreaming!, your so called 3.5 provinces constituted half of the voters, numbers do not lie 50% did not vote for your so called president. That’s more reason he’s at every opportunity be it at airport, church, or where ever. he keeps rubbing it in that he’s president. Yes he was sworn in but why deny Zambians opportunity to hear the petition that will bring this matter to rest. He will not enjoy he’s presidency for sure that’s why he keeps going to his strongholds where he allegedly obtained the dubious 50.43%!!!

  10. Which Zambians are saying No?……..
    ….. Why always people with surnames from Southern Province airing their views on HH…..! Lets also see people from other provinces apart from GBM, Nevers and Mulongoti.


  11. No matter what you say HH is in prison ke ke ke ke…ati “legal president”…the Legitimate President is travelling to the Northern Province to inspect developmental works….while Kalusa is wallowing in mire…in some prison cell…ati Lungu is weak there is nothing he can do…he has done something and you are wishing you were REBELS… ke ke ke

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