Saturday, July 27, 2024

First Lady calls for increased support to the elderly


First Lady of Zambia Mrs Esther Lungu delivering a keynote address at a side-event co-organised by FAO, IFAD, WFP, UN Women, the EU and the Permanent Mission of Slovak to the UN under the theme: “Step It Up Together with Rural Women to End Hunger and Poverty” at the 61st Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW61) in New York USA on Monday 13 March 2017. Photo | Chibaula D. Silwamba | Zambia UN Mission
First Lady of Zambia Mrs Esther Lungu
First Lady Esther Lungu has called for increased support to the vulnerable in society especially the elderly people.

Mrs Lungu says building capacity of institutions that cares for the elderly is key one of the ways of that the needed support can be enhanced.

She says this will help in mitigating the various challenges the elderly face as many have lost their breadwinners due to HIV AIDS pandemic.

The First Lady has however called on organisations supporting the elderly and ophans in society to always remain accountable for the support they receive from various corporating partners.

Mrs Lungu said this in Lusaka today in speech read for her behalf by Mrs Lilian Chitotela, who is Minister of Housing and Infrastructure, Ronald Chitotela’s wife.

This was when the Office of the First Lady donated 50 assorted food hampers to the elderly and orphans at Devine Mercy Home for the Elderly.

And Devine Mercy Home for the Elderly Director Matina Mitambo praised the Office of the First Lady for coming to aid of the elderly.

Dr Mitambo says the donnation will help in meeting the nutrition needs of the elderly and vulnerable children.

She has meanwhile appealed for financial support from various corporating partners for the institution to build a multi facility home to accommodate the vulnerable elderly people.


  1. She must urge her husband to quickly settle retirees of their dues as these are the additions to the elderly pool! Rhetoric is for appeasing emotional hope of something to happen yet action is giving a solution!

    • I totally agree with FuManchu. We are sick and tired of listening to hollow and empty speeches written by other people that do not reflect the minds of those who read them. You cannot talk about the elderly when your husband has failed to pay retirees some of whom have died without receiving their money. It is hypocrisy to stand and read a speech you do not even understand because you did not write it. You can look after the elderly if only you can cut on unnecessary trips and jamerson per year, share your food and reduce expenses on clothes and beer for violent cadres so that elderly can have a share of the nation cake.

  2. Can’t this woman find something constructive to do like enrol on a night school course

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