Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Death of UPND?



By Michael Chishala

I have no doubt that United Party for National Development (UPND) president Mr Hakainde Hichilema is a a good man with a good heart and good intentions for Zambia. However, his recent political tactics are painting an ugly picture of a man seemingly out of touch with reality.

With all due respect to Mr Hichilema, the Zambians who supported him did not vote for him so that he can gripe and moan endlessly about a stolen election seven months after the fact. Yes we all know he has a very valid point about the elections being less than above board owing to various irregularities. Mr Hichilema is not helping himself or his supporters by being stuck in the past and crying over spilled milk instead of looking to 2021.

If Mr Hichilema is to be honest with himself, he made tactical mistakes which cost him an election that he had a good chance of winning. He became overconfident and thought he had the election in the bag. This coupled with underestimating the ruling Patriotic Front (PF) under Edgar Lungu caused him to be complacent and fail to plug potential loopholes.

HH and his team wasted the entire 2 weeks raising preliminary issues. Believe it or not, even on the final day of deliberations they raised 4 preliminary issues that took up to 19:00 hours to decide on!

Mr Hichilema failed to put in place a proper functioning Parallel Vote Tabulation (PVT) system in place that could quickly raise red flags, especially in Lusaka. As a famous quote attributed to former Soviet Union leader Joseph Stalin says, the people who vote decide nothing; the people who count the votes decide everything.

Mr Hichilema petitioned the election results last year and what happened during the 14 days Constitutional Court case was a comedy of unbelievable errors. HH and his team wasted the entire 2 weeks raising preliminary issues. Believe it or not, even on the final day of deliberations they raised 4 preliminary issues that took up to 19:00 hours to decide on!

So when Mr Hichilema continues to say that he wants his dead case to be heard, he sounds utterly ridiculous. No one put a gun to his head and forced him to waste the 14 days he was given. He could have revealed so much during the case and we would have learned about the shenanigans that taint elections and a precedent would have been set for future elections.

I was shaking my head when I read his recent statement that no one can force him to recognize Edgar Lungu as president without hearing the petition. According to him, it is a “sheer waste of time”. He is a very intelligent man but such statements taint his credibility and make him sound delusional. And when Mr Hichilema claims to be talking to US President Donald Trump to come and sort out “African dictators” like Edgar Lungu, he reduces his credibility further. Does he really expect Mr Trump to come and sort out his own mess? Does he really believe that his election petition will ever see the light of day, in direct contravention of the Constitution which provides for a 14 day hearing?

And when Mr Hichilema claims to be talking to US President Donald Trump to come and sort out “African dictators” like Edgar Lungu, he reduces his credibility further.

As the News Diggers editorial comment of 3rd April 2017 noted, Mr Hichilema can cry all he wants about the “stolen election” and “being heard” in court, but hardly anyone is listening to him. Instead of providing robust opposition and checks and balances to the ruling PF the way the late Mr Michael Sata did to the then ruling Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD), Mr Hichilema continues to waste our time with pointless regurgitated statements that add no value. He would do well to heed Mr Sata’s statement years ago that elections are not won in court but on the political battlefield.

The PF have given the opposition so much material to hit them with every day but Mr Hichilema is failing in his duties to provide robust opposition. He can help the PF govern better by pointing out their mistakes and he can go on radio every week and show Zambians a better alternative to the PF policies. He should be selling himself instead of whining and complaining.

If Mr Hichilema has failed to fulfill his role as biggest opposition leader, perhaps it is time to step down from politics and go back into full time business. It is bad enough that he lost 5 elections, but to continue making himself irrelevant to Zambian politics means he is doing the nation and his supporters a huge disservice. He is digging a very big grave for the UPND.

If Mr Hichilema has failed to fulfill his role as biggest opposition leader, perhaps it is time to step down from politics and go back into full time business. It is bad enough that he lost 5 elections

Mr Hichilema and the UPND should focus on real issues like getting the application of the Public Order Act properly sorted out by suing the Zambia Police. The Police are illegally enforcing a non-existent provision by assuming the power to give permits for holding rallies. The Supreme Court in 1995 (Christine Mulundika and Seven Others Vs The People) ruled that the Police do not have the power to issue or deny a permit for a public gathering. All one has to do is notify them in advance. I end by quoting some excerpts from the case:

“The requirement of prior permission [for a gathering] is an obvious hindrance to two very important freedoms under the constitution since the right to organise and participate in a public gathering is inherent in the freedom to express and to receive ideas and information without interference and to communicated ideas and information without interference. The fact or possibility that permission to assemble and to speak may be refused – so that the constitutional freedoms are denied altogether – on improper or arbitrary ground or even on unknown grounds, renders the subsection [5(4)] objectionable for a variety of reasons.”

“…the holding that section 5(4) is unconstitutional will simply mean that the police and other authorities can no longer deny the citizens of this country their freedom to assemble and speak. The requirement of a prior permit is a left over from the days of Her Majesty’s Governors and the British themselves do not require permission to assemble and speak. Why should we require it?”

“In sum and for the reasons which we have given we hold that subsection 4 of section 5 the Public Order Act, CAP 104, contravenes Articles 20 and 21 of the constitution and is null and void, and therefore invalid for unconstitutionality. It follows also that the invalidity and the constitutional guarantee of the rights of assembly and expression preclude the prosecution of persons and the criminalisation of gatherings in contravention of the subsection pronounced against.”

Story Originally published here:

The Author is a businessman and a software and web developer based in Lusaka, Zambia. He was trained as an engineer at the University of Manchester in England. He has interests in Philosophy, Economics, Politics, Theoretical Physics, Architecture, Music, Art and Movies.


  1. Chishala, I am sure that HH did not get your Bemba vote. What you are lecturing him in is that yes, the election was stolen from him because he did not have a proper PVT. If PF will rig every election where there’s no proper PVT then it means that elections in Zambia will never be free and fair. HH is fighting to stop elections in Zambia being rigged going forward.

    • If PF are allowed to get away with rigged 2016 elections then 2021 elections will be rigged in a wholesale and devastating manner. PF want to spread despair in UPND supporters by making it obvious that their votes do not count and their candidate can be locked up for no reason, not treason.

    • It will be Preliminary Issues until 10th August 2021. Then we shall sue again and start the preliminary issues unitil 10th August 2026! Forward with Preliminaries. By the way, where is GBM?

    • What Chishala is saying is that hh wasted the 14 days on irrelevant preliminaries and failed to present a single shred of evidence, period. In other word, evidence of rigging was not availed to the ConCourt and was only an illusion!! Therefore the elections were free and fair. hh lost this election, fair and square, he only dominated in his bantustan tribal areas and failed to get a single parliamentary seat in the urban areas!!

    • The write is raising some very good points to observe.

      However, I must point out that HH managed to the author that he had a valid petition based on valid evident, or is it that the author is just trying to flatter HH?

      The reason why HH spent the 14 days on on preliminaries was a calculated plan. He had no evidence.

      There was no basis for his petition.

    • Michael Chisala, I wish you will respond to comments the way general miyanda does. When you “say we all know…” who is “we” in this case? Certainly not me. How HH lost is just simple math 3/10 vs 7/10. From the way some tribes are behaving now next it will even be 1/10. This thing of attacking Bemba by bloggers will make it impossible in future for other tribes to rule because Bemba with their cousins are are the majority. It is time Zambian politics moved away on tribe and focus on unity of purpose. Development will benefit us more than our sir names.

    • Mr Chishala confusing himself in the article. he is raising some very good points to observe, at the same time he seems to say he (Chihana) had some evidence which he hid from HH thereby denying him help.

      I must point out that HH managed to deceive the author that he had a valid petition based on valid evidence, or is it that the author is just trying to flatter HH, while he (Chishala) knows that HH had no evidence.

      HH spent the 14 days on on preliminaries on purpose; it was a calculated plan. He had no evidence, but still wanted to cause confusion which he has continued to cause to derail the development of the country.

      There was no basis for his petition, definitely no even the so-called “votes found in a bin by Maureen Mwanawasa”.

    • Look, right from the start HH knew he lost, but still thought he would still somehow find his way to statehouse. This is why he did a number of things including the following:

      1) On the Sunday following the Thursday polls, before the final result was even announced, HH called on the public to rise and take to the street to fight.

      Through this he hoped to cause confusion that would somehow create opportunity for him. But unfortunately for him the public refused apart from those in Namwala and some portions of Southern and Western provinces

      2) When he pushed in his petition, he knew he had no evidence but wanted to use it to cause some confusion by:

      a) calling on the incumbent to hand over power to the speaker even when he knew that handing over power to the speaker applies…

    • a) calling on the incumbent to hand over power to the speaker even when he knew that handing over power to the speaker applies only when the petition follows run two if elections. Through this he wanted to find and connive with some accomplices in the system.

      b) asking the court to order that election materials be transferred from ECZ to the court’s custody. Again, through this he wanted to find and connive with some accomplices in the court system. Unfortunately for him the court refused to grant his desire, because it lacked constitutional basis.

      c) partnering with LAZ, under Linda, so that LAZ could join the case as friends of the court so that they could influence the direction of the case in favour of HH. But again the court refused to grant the request as it lacked both moral…

    • The fact that you spend all this time talking about HH while everything around Zambians is crumbling down just shows why Africa is underdeveloped, Talk about how bad things have become under EL and PF, Only a fool can seat and think all is well, In short Zambia is a failed state, We have gone 40 years backwards under PF and it will take a genius to bring us back. At time i wounder as to weather All these PF supporter live under a different planet then the rest of us, How do you support something that is failing before your very eyes. PF is a failed project and by the time of the next election there will be nothing left for the poor Zambians.

    • c) partnering with LAZ, under Linda, so that LAZ could join the case as friends of the court so that they could influence the direction of the case in favour of HH. But again the court refused to grant the request as it lacked both moral and construction backing.

      He did not rest calling on people rise against government, coupled with stopping his MPs from effectively representing their constituencies in parliament by boycotting when the Republican President is addressing parliament.

      The latest effort is was the money plot to cause confusion which had potential to even cause death so that he could chance an opportunity thereof. Instead he was nabbed and now is in police custody either planning another move when he is out, or is reflecting on his actions if maturity has started…

    • Michael Chishala is another common Bemba thief. Stealing is in his DNA and everything his says pure SH.IT because NO NORMAL person could justify stealing of any kind including theft of elections.
      Chishala, I am (am proud) Tonga and an educated one for that matter. You are dreaming if you think we will ever let a THIEVES like you get away with your looking. We are going to pursue you to the end until you drop dead. Edgar Lungu has shown that thieves can be violent in protecting their loot but we will NOT let him and you get away with it. By the way, Michael Chishala has FAKE qualifications. I have trolled all lists at Manchester University from 1984 to 2016 and Michael Chishala’s name is NOT one them. Mr Graham Lester the Head of that Faculty will investigate this further and take…

    • The writer of the article is encouraging hh and upnd to sell themselves by focusing on issues that will help them win elections. But imwe ba Cadre you’re crying over spilled milk. If this is the way you will continue to behavior trust me, whether you agree with the writer or not you will never win any election. You and your hh are behaving like kids. Grow and look to the future. ECL is the President you better get that. Trump will never help you grow up.

    • The writer of the article is encouraging hh and upnd to sell themselves by focusing on issues that will help them win elections. But imwe ba Cadre you’re crying over spilled milk. If this is the way you will continue to behavior trust me, whether you agree with the writer or not you will never win any election. You and your hh are behaving like kids. Grow and look the future. ECL is the President you better get that. Trump will never help you grow up.

    • African elections are nothing but social censuses. We have heard too much about the 3/10 against 7/10 which confirms that our elections have not graduated from the wako-ni-wako curse to idea-based! To achieve this desperate arrogance of numbers, some have used government machinery to dubiously register foreigners from the Northeast neighbors like Malawi and DRC as was reported by the Post and Muvi for which they paid a heavy price! The TRUTH hurts in Zambia! Being someone from the 7/10 extraction, it distresses me how even the so called educated are making a mountain of one’s ethnic extraction. We must remember that the country Zambia was born from two states – Nortwestern Rhodesia and Northeastern Rhodesia! It is very clear that this marriage is on the rocks. I think Northeasterners…

    • I think Northeasterners have disrespectfully spoken a lot of obscenities against their Northwestern brothers and sisters! Only sobber leaders with the wisdom and vision of a better unified Zambia will heal the deep wounds. The bible says unless two agree, they can’t move together! We must agree to differ and to be different!

    • @ BUCK TEETH …

    • @Kci
      This one of the most ridiculous arguments I have come 8in years. Reread it when you’re sober and see how umitlligible it sounds.

      When did you decide that votes will be cut along tribal lines? I fault KK on many things tribalism is not one of them.

      Stop this nonsense of seeing Zambian political leadership through the tribal lens. Jus stop!

      Just so you know, I am muBemba.

    • I have always stated that UPND is led by busy foools these guys would use all their energy and finances for the wrong reasons…instead of consolidating their party position and gaining new ground they are busy doing the absolute opposite.

      Just listen to emotionally charged Gen. Miyanda, Mmembe, Nevers, Prof. Ndulo, Munkobwe, Mukuni, Guy, VJ, Linda Kasonde to mention but a few and; listen to his use.less and unbuilding lunatic-like commetaries from his net-suppoters. Couple that with his running-mate, one violent GBM, you got yourself a perfect disoriented people around him and a delusional solution for a perfect loss. All these groups of people unreasonably mumble as a chilling wind of truth blow and makes their hearts hardened with the brutal passion of hatred. HH promised you that he was not to accept a 5th time loss. I garantee you that he is definitely on a collision course with a 6th time straight loss come 2021.


    • Mr. Chisala, The Article should about: “Death of Democracy? A New Dictator is Born!”

      As Fred Mmembe described the Dununa reverse celebrations after lungu was declared winner: “They are dancing after drinking from a poisoned chalice”.

      It’s not even a year & the effects of lungu’s poor leadership have affected every Zambian. Show me a shop which is selling mealie-meal, fuel, electricity at half price to bembas, nyanjas or PF cadres?

    • Most people in UPND will read the name CHISHALA and immediately become negative. There are a lot of Zambians who are of mixed tribal parentage. Please do not judge a person by his name or tribe. This is a very sensible post and the author has done justice to the subject matter. HH please move on and stop using racist white South Africans to smear Zambia.

    • Why have a Govt if we have to it to get free and fair elections? You lost it Chishala. Then you condemn the man trying to right the wrong. Wow!

    • onece beaten twice shy kwasila .underrating your friend dosnt give u an upper hand the game.this guy called hh lost elections before and after the elections because he had no strategy .wars are won in a strategic room not in a court marshal .am sure this time hh is enjoying his new home as he awaits for his death,the gates of hell is awaiting for hh

    • It is sad to see how Zambians have become so corrupt that they see opposition in a democratic society as an enemy? If we have to keep the government checked on their promised deliverables, we need the opposition. PF survived because MMD tolerated them. If MMD behaved in this same way as PF? SATA would have not survived.
      It is important that we step back and embrace one another. HH has money and a very successful business man, I do not think calling him names because he has challenges lungu on critical matters should make him a bad person.
      ZAMBIANS lets change and not hate fellow citizens in this manner, where is the so called Christian values? Are we truly a Christian nation or we are Satanists hiding in Christian skin? PF UPND, HH, Lungu, we are all Zambians. Stop the hate and start…

  2. The United Dunderheads (UPND) have no one to blame but themselves! Instead of practising issue based politics of objective criticism and creating checks and balances they opted for insults, pettiness and incitement. Boycotting Parliament yet expecting allowances and gratuity, not recognising an internationally
    recognised Head of State elected through ballots monitored by all the known and reputed monitoring bodies both international and local.
    What has and will happen to them is theirown doing! Non the less I personally wish the Human Hyena (HH) can accept Zambia is bigger than his ego, let the cretin change its ways so it can be release and we focus on more important issues!

    • Losing an election 6 times is a very big blow to take down with a pinch of salt! For the rest of their lives UPND followers will have a very miserable life and if the party were to sink a lot of these people will die of shame.

    • The conclusion of this is war.we shall divide this country simple.We are ready .

    • Effectively, upnd is not the only opposition Zambia will ever know!! Infact upnd is a promoter of tribalism and regionalism as its power base is based on TRIBE!!

    • How about promoting some democracy within UPND by having a convention? HH has lost you elections since 2006 but he denies the party members an opportunity to choose a leader that might actually win the presdidency. If UPND is serious about being in power they need to be ruthless about the party leadership and get rid of deadwood at the nearest opportunity.

    • Chishala is a typical Bemba who grew up within a thieving culture. What he is saying is that a robbery victim should accept being robbed and move on so that the thieves can enjoy their spoils. This is why Zambia is now a failed state. The Bemba culture of no morals, steal everything in sight, and blame the victim, is wrecking the country.

  3. This is a just a typical Bemba thief hiding behind a British University Education funded by money stolen by his Bemba uncles from us the tax payers. This is how Bembas have perpetuated their stealing legacy, they steal and tell us to just forget and move on while the enjoy the proceeds from the crime scene. This Chishala boy is a full time PF cadre eating with both hands from the stolen loot and now he wants to protect it by urging us to move on. How laughable indeed. These Bemba Criminals will never cease to amaze Zambia


    • But they will be wanting the same Bemba votes and in desperation you allow your small God HH to appoint someone unsuitable like GBV.

    • Go on and insult the Bemba’s. You are making me a neutral to harden my position. The more Bemba’s you alienate the more difficult it will be for you to go into office

    • For small minds, the Apha and omega is Bemba/Nyanja and anything else not of that nomenclature is labelled tribal. What warped thinking! Too early to beat victory drums. Just measure your alimentary canal if you can and stop a moment and think how stuff goes on in there because sometimes one gets diarrhoea!

  4. This article has been viewed 200 times so far with only one comment? It means it’s not making sense to people.

  5. Preliminary Issues until 10th August 2021. Then we shall sue again and start the preliminary issues unitil 10th August 2026! Forward with Preliminaries. By the way, where is GBM?

    • Zambian law is low. Five monkey judges spend 14 days watching lawyers argue without stepping in to regulate proceedings and then conclude that there is no time to give a verdict! Zambia is a monkey country. What a joke!

    • Aaha walasa @Buck Teeth you are closer to the point. Now i know you are truthful person. Lawyers were arguing. Indeed they were arguing about preliminaries. This is the one point that disappointed many Zambians.
      We were denied an opportunity to hear how elections were stolen.

      Even when warnings were given that 14 days are about to expire no body in the UPND legal team bothered to produce just one piece of evidence .

      This is what Chishala is saying in his article

  6. Very useless article, a waste of ink and paper. How do you criticize people who stand up to wrong doing in the name of all is well. Wishful thinking …UPND will be stronger and PF will die soon.

    What a coincidence that HH is being held on trumped up charges and a PF cadres starts preparing our minds for the demise of the party.

    • The elections were won by PF because they won over 100 Mps against 58 Mps for UPND. In Zambia voting is partisan, meaning one votes for MPs and corresponding Presidential candidate. So the petition was just a waste of time and I have not heard any piece of evidence to make a personal analysis of the rigging. The issues which led HH to chimbokaila are silly miscalculations and undermining of state institutions. The law is very clear on how all should view the presidency and how we should conduct ourselves even when we lead small parties. He will suffer and I can assure you that by the time he is out, he will definitely sober up.

  7. Undoubtedly so. The UPND is dead under former leader, Ailing Dictator Akainde. A very well written piece by Chileshe.
    (HH) Kaponya is a political midget who has no bite, no sting!
    He complains like a child. He is an Under 5 and he has died a politically death under the category of Infant Mortality.
    Zambia has seen peace at last with this minion behind bars. Let us behead/hang him and send him to hell.

  8. He has put in so much and as a businessmen he has been expecting higher returns – alus those are not the rules of the game.
    HH is not a politician at all, if he remains in politics he will surely collapse, having lots of money is irrelevant.

    • That is the biggest problem with ugly HH OVAL HEAD, he takes politics for cattle breeding! It does not work that way badala. He thinks because he put in so much, that should and must take him to Plot One at all costs…tefyo iya ba guy! Te business yama banzi awe!

      Hope you will have sobered up by the time you set foot in your mansion again from those rat holes where you currently are!

  9. Points made in this article are exactly what the blind HH supporters do not understand. You cannot force your agenda on assumptions. HH assumes every Zambian voted for him but when given the chance to prove himself, he failed at every hurdle to convince the Zambian people. Using gorilla style freedom fighting techniques in a relatively peaceful country is absurd and Zambians should be questioning HH’s real intentions in his approach of getting to state house at all cost. Not recognizing the presidency is an outright insult to the millions who voted for Edgar Lungu whether he won the election or not. Wealth without humility does not guarantee the presidency in Zambia.

  10. If PF can violate the law and our democratic rights with so much impunity , What is the use of focusing on 2021 If the same violations will happen again ?

  11. – When we predicted PF would Run down the Economy, they called us liars.
    – When people said PF had intentions of turning this country into a one party state, they said we were tribal even when we were not.
    – When we said PF was actually the tribal Party they denied this and put it on Tongas, Kaondes, Lozis, Lundas, Luvales and those perceived to support UPND.
    – The whole Government system was turned into a Bemba and employment haven. The whole foreign service, councils, Unions, intelligence, army ZNS, ZAF, name it, is Northerners and Easterners! Other tribes are being “retired in national interest”. Now tell the world who is tribal.

    There are 3 reasons Pf00ls support PF. It’s either:-
    – you benefit from Govt contracts, jobs
    – you have tribal/region inclinations or
    – you are…

    • Maloza…people have been brainwashed ( same as they are in other countries that have dictators) to believe in whatever the ruling party says. The senseless comments they make about UPND and HH is proof of that.
      The problem with us Zambians is we are easily mislead and believe in anything. We d not fight for our rights and if one person stands up and challenges what he believes in, like HH did, then you are incarcerated. HH is a great leader with great vision yet he has been portrayed as a satanist, a liar, a thieve, a tribalist . It is shameful.

    • This PF blind support even when things are boilingly going wrong is like a person’s head that starts to spot gray hair. No matter how much the hair is dyed or balded it does not alter the real fact. If Bemba/Nyanja numbers are all that mattered, Zambia would have been very wealthy after 53 years of the damned independence. It’s a fact that cleaning ones back side, by design, can sometimes be a challenge. It takes those who can see it to tell you how soiled it is. Wisdom dictates that you listen.

  12. It’s frightening how tribal bigotry can blind even supposedly learned people from reality. What else apart from venomous bigotry could compel someone to go to such lengths in trying to justify such a glaringly injustice by faulting the wronged party? Preliminary issues were raised in the constitutional court thus in ernest started the petition case against Lungu’s fraud, period. To halt the proceedings on the pretext of 14 days was a laughable fallacy in the same mound as the Treason case against HH. Chishala, HH has been done terrible injustice, he didn’t need to be Bemba like you for you to see it.

  13. Ba Chishala tamwakwata mano! Your article has no valid logical argument: Because kabwalala has stolen your car you must just let him; you should have locked your gate or guarded your property properly? Really? With characters like you Zambia has no hope!!!

  14. Why are we destroying our country in this manner? Chishala you have correctly stated (in your quote of Stalin) that elections can be swayed at counting and admitted that the 2016 results were adulterated. Why then do you want HH to await 2021 as if the electoral mal-administration will not resurface? The judiciary and police in Zambia are to a large extent failing to uphold the constitution. You speak so highly of the late Michael Sata as if he is not the architect of this impunity. Remove your ethnic bias and re-write this article if you really wish to carry the respect of your academic credentials.

  15. @Maloza,
    I fully agree with you. And the split fault line that is fast leading to the secession of the Western half of Zambia from the rest has already materialized right before our eyes. This bigotry and exclusion of half the population from participating in the affairs of their nation is recipe for war! We will not tolerate such st.upidity from Lungu, the courts it PK Chishalas of this world, this is war.

  16. An educated cadre is still a cadre. I remember this Chishala saying similar superior things about Sata (“like Mugabe” “where he got the salute from” etc.) Even an empty educated tin makes noise in a vacuum

  17. The authour of this article. Please find better things to do in life than display or show people how dumb you are. You can only get support from your fellow kaponyas. Any well meaning Zambian like Gen. Miyanda knows that the elections were massivesly rigged. Why is Lungu failing to prove he won instead of defending he won. Lungu should have been the first to show proof or validation that he won once the petition was launched instead he dogged it. His actions during that time also said a lot. The entire system was manipulated to get away with the illegality. What a shame to all Zambian constitutional holders. This is not even about HH but the truth and the best for Zambia. The thugs and criminals around Lungu do not mean well for the country.

  18. I pity the writer. Trying to discuss facts with donkeys, you wasting your time man, take it from me these ARE DONKEYS.
    However, facts
    1. UPND is dying if not dead
    2. You cannot make a donkey see sense
    3. If the British do not need the POA, its because they do not have donkeys in their politics. The diplomat from foreign capitals said so in referring to the donkeys in Mongu. With their kind of behaviour as seen in Mongu and all spheres of our life, how else would makr sure that donkeys do not ruin this nation?
    4. Finallt a cirrection to the writer: you DO NOT KNOW HH, “……he is a very bad man…”, quote from a tribesmate who knows him, and some of his senior officials confirm this too in private. Why are they still in UPND? Some say they do not like hopping from one party to…

  19. ……..So bad that some of his own senior officials are in church right now others yesterday, all praying that the correctional facility academy that he is attending lasts forever so that they may walk free like all other men in Zambia.


    • …as Terrible has put it: “Trying to discuss facts with donkeys, you wasting your time man, take it from me these ARE DONKEYS.
      However, facts
      1. UPND is dying if not dead
      2. You cannot make a donkey see sense”
      TERRIBLE MY BROTHER, YOU ARE SPOT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  22. @4 Educated UPND, so why are you wasting the time of HH’s hand picked deputy? You know that he is bemba don’t you?
    These donkeys will never cease to amaze Zambians!

  23. The comments from pro-UPND cadres here just convinces me that indeed UPND is dying. It seems to me that these UPND bloggers can never listen to advice. If you can’t listen to some of the good and free advice Chishala is giving, how do you survive? Instead of listening to him, you are attacking himon the basis of his tribe! Oh my God!

  24. Laods of rubbish. That’s the wish of the PF cadres reading through that foolish article shows how desperate the PF is to kill UPND. Now there us one thing they are Forgetting they have made a grave mistake by arresting the so called man with no evidence on tramped up charges which are embarrassing them. It is clear that they have given UPND more ammunition hit so hard that not even the Police will help. Preliminary issues and hearing the case vs fourteen days. Lawyers do not set how the case will be bundled by judges but judges set that. judges should be seen to know what they are doing and exhibiting incompetence of flip flipping on how the case shall proceed. The constitution describes what constitutes fourteen days but the judges came up with there own understanding of the fourteen…

  25. @22 SEMEKI, …..kikikikikikiki…….try again donkey, but even if you do, not worth a comment.

  26. HH had raised a petition and told Zambians that we [UPND] have won the elections and will produce tangible evidence in court. He pumped up his follows so much to the point that there was no return for him to accept that there was nothing to prove the obvious.

    This is HH who used Maureen Mwanawasa that she had found ballots in the dust bin. Only for Maureen to say … Please don’t get me involved into your dirty games. Since them HH and Maureen don’t see eye to eye.
    Put it simply, HH was given a platform to prove President Lungu wrong. Lungu went as far as postponing the inauguration to give UPND a chance. If Lungu had not done that, HH could have cried loud and loud. But ECL was smart enough to go along with their agenda.

  27. Cont….
    Then the circus started with the 14 Days to make the case. UPND behave live drunkard bunch of fools. Martha Mushipe was a joke. That too they still blame Lungu, when he had nothing to do with UPND Lawyers failing to prove the case.

    Frankly, HH is just ASHAMED to tell his followers that he has failed and its time to go. He raised the bar too much by claiming that he was a winner no matter what – even before the elections were held.

    HH is a BAD LOSER and a CONTROL FLICK. UPND MPs were elected by the people. The people sent these men and women to Parliament to represent them. Yet HH has no respect for these constituents’. He bullies his MPs like kids. Such as, asking them to boycott parliament and yet sit and get paid GRZ Salaries.

    HH had assembled an army of diplomats…

  28. Cont….

    HH had assembled an army of diplomats at his resident. The international monitors were in the country from Europe, USA, Japan and West Africa. All have the same view that the elections were fair and PF had won.
    He had hoped that the international community would rise up for him, but surely no one has time to a non entity issue like his lost election. The world has so many problems that need attention.

    The British Ambassador put it plainly that the Mongu incidence was provocative. Honestly, in other countries the security wings could have fired guns towards the thugs that were endangering the presidential motorcade.

  29. Cont…

    Finally, HH is doing what KK did to UNIP.

    It was either KK or his sons, or there was no UNIP. HH would rather see UPND die, if its not him at helm. WHAT A SAD LOSER !!

    I had respect for him, but the more he tries the more a joker he becomes. He is an intelligent business man, but politics are not for him

  30. Instead of disagreeing with author with opposing views you are calling names. Let UPND put evidence onine so that we can all read.

  31. This article is incoherent hogwash to say the least. If Lungu has brains of his own then he would realise that the 2016 Disputed and Petitioned Election will not go away on its own. The Strategy to force the Petitioners and their Party UPND to recognize Lungu the Vote Thief as Legitimate President of Zambia will not work. Lungu can kill the Petitioners but their dead bodies will not recognize him as a Legitimate President. Right thinking Zambians and Supporters of UPND will not recognize Lungu as President until the Petition is heard and the Court declares him as Winner of the Election and duly elected President. Lungu is on a destructive path and is already isolated. Very soon Lungu and his Cabal will be slapped with Sanctions by the International Community. What Lungu saw in Durban,…

  32. This is truly fascinating, how people have concluded from reading the article that the author is tribal is really shocking to me. It seems the only sin the author has committed is to have a Bemba name.

    I think he has raised valid points and it would be interesting to see paid UPND cadres or bloggers rebut than go ad hominem on someone who sounds to me like he is fed up with PF and desires UPND to d better next time and offering sound advise. As a matter of fact the author has nicely hedged his opinions in the first paragraph.

    UPND cadres, please feel you tooes and read this article again. There is sound advise in this.

  33. Is HH really fighting to ensure elections are never rigged? Or he is doing it for His ego. I agree with this write up. HH and the UPND were over confident and thought there was no need of a PVT. They thought people would vote based on prevailing economic conditions. 2016 was about tribe which is sad but true.
    I heard a retrenched miner in mufulira say ‘nangu kwena tulechula, teti tuvotele aba tonga’ (even if we are suffering we cannot vote for tongas) PV won Copperbelt!! How? With all the suffering? Yes PF still won cause the majority of the people are from nothern and eastern. The same is the case in LSK. The election was won on tribal grounds by PF. In this environment I don’t think it is practical to think UPND won the election and all honest Zambians know this. We should fight…

  34. I bet Dr Canisius Banda is s saying I told you. It just appears the prophesy he [ Banda ] said is now haunting HH.

    Its also the way HH treated Banda when it came to choosing GBM. Where is GBM. He is mute, resting in India on medical leave.

    Where is Nevers Mumba… He is mute.


  35. You cannot Legitimise election theft. Let us have the petition heard to verify who won the 2016 elections

  36. Lungu should listen to the voice of Reason and Release HH unconditionally from Jail. SADC Leaders seeing those protests in Durban,South Africa must have told Lungu to put his House in Order. The source of those protests is the Disputed and Petitioned 2016 Election. Lungu is naive to think that he can get away with Stolen Elections. He has to find a solution around the unheard Petition if he is to solve his illegitimacy problem. To imprison or kill the Petitioners will not resolve his illegitimacy problem. By so doing Lungu will compound his problems by attracting Economic,Financial and Travel Sanctions. The Good Governance Initiative (GGI) has already given its Report on Zambia to the US State Dept and that means Mutati can kiss Goodbye to the $1.6 billion Loan. The USA and EU will not…

    • Bafikala lets just fight.Leave the Tongas alone they have suffered enough for a very long time.

  37. With all your good reasons for whatever we are asking to tell your bosses to hear the petition. Nothing other than the petition will change the status quo. UPND for life.

    • Well if you change the constitutional provision of 14 days perhaps then you can, but given the fact that your UPND does not have the number of MPs required despite your insistence that HH won the elections I doubt that will happen.

    • @43.1
      Well the id1ot would have done better to remian in business…Politics is for well baked people with some aura, not that flat and boring dung beetle you call Human Hyena!

  38. It is this kind of reasoning that has given Zambians wrong leaders! If we want this country to develop, we must stop glorifying thieves! A stolen cheque is a stolen cheque even when you manage to cash it illegally! An election is not won on Election Day! The campaign period is equally important. We have to look at the campaign period, voting day and transparency of the counting process to make a conclusion that elections were FREE & FAIR! Peaceful Election Day is unfortunately what many equate to free and fair! Wrong! Were all candidates given freedom to campaign everywhere? No! Were candidates given equal air space? No! Did all candidates participate in debates to tell us their plans for this country? No! Did PF use government resources to campaign? Yes! How did Zambians choose their…

    • How I wish people could just for a brief second be as logical and as objective as you are being. I also wish they could look back at history and see how bigotry, triumphalism and the perceived advantage of numbers has led to bloodshed, disunity and suffering that consumes all sides. You don’t have to go back far to see destruction caused by thoughts such as I am seeing above, among our brothers that support the government in power. The people you are subjecting to your injustice, calling names and cynically labelling as regional and tribalist to try to hide your own deceit, arrogance, nepotism and bigotry are humans like you and something will give if we don’t find leaders of character and intelligence who will not defuse the situation. We are walking blindly into the abyss. Have you…

  39. How did Zambians choose their leaders? Bribed by political gifts, hypnotized by dununa reverse! Choosing leaders should not be reduced to social census about who are many between North Easterners and Northwesterners! Choosing leaders should be about development agenda for the country. In a normal country, a candidate is discarded immediately they say they have no vision or refuse to participate in debates! I voted for Sata in 2011 in protest against RB who completely lost direction and failing to build on the solid foundation Levy left. I gave Sata the benefit of doubt because of Guy Scott’s brilliant manifesto which PF has failed to implement systematically during and after the death of Sata. Guy Scott warned us about the new CEO of PF but in our usual blindness we thought he was bitter…

  40. Guy Scott warned us about the new CEO of PF but in our usual blindness we thought he was bitter. To cut the long story short, we are where we are not because the election was petitioned but because those whose fraudulent election has been petitioned are troubled by their conscience such that they cannot concentrate on the development agenda of the country! This is why they have resorted to dictatorial tendencies which are short-lived. You can lock up the petitioner but you can’t lock up the petition. Let the petition be heard! Our country has missed out on many investment opportunities which could have come our way thanks to ECZ’s mismanagement of the electoral process!

  41. Michael Chisala, I wish you will respond to comments the way general miyanda does. When you “say we all know…” who is “we” in this case? Certainly not me. How HH lost is just simple math 3/10 vs 7/10. From the way some tribes are behaving now next it will even be 1/10. This thing of attacking Bemba by bloggers will make it impossible in future for other tribes to rule because Bemba with their cousins are are the majority. It is time Zambian politics moved away on tribe and focus on unity of purpose. Development will benefit us more than our sir names.

  42. Mr Chishala confusing himself in the article. he is raising some very good points to observe, at the same time he seems to say he (Chihana) had some evidence which he hid from HH thereby denying him help.

    I must point out that HH managed to deceive the author that he had a valid petition based on valid evidence, or is it that the author is just trying to flatter HH, while he (Chishala) knows that HH had no evidence.

    HH spent the 14 days on on preliminaries on purpose; it was a calculated plan. He had no evidence, but still wanted to cause confusion which he has continued to cause to derail the development of the country.

    There was no basis for his petition, definitely no even the so-called “votes found in a bin by Maureen Mwanawasa”.

    • How do you hear a petition which is long dead.

      It’s like someone addressed a meeting a year ago and then died.

      If there was no recording of his address i can assure you cannot hear him now.

      This is the same with your beloved the late petition; if you did not keep any recording there is nothing you will hear.

      Again if in the 14 days there was nothing to record about the expired petition, then forget.

      The same thing applied to the speaker referred to about. If he was scheduled to speak at the 78th summit of the general conference of UN and he missed it until it came to a close, he cannot speaker later on the same 78th summit of general conference of UN.

  43. What has gone wrong with Zambia or what is wrong with us Zambians? Here is somebody Mr Michael Chishala who is being objective and no-partisan about the plight of HH and the UPND. He also talks not in favour of the PF and its government per say but actually he is also against any wrongdoing from the PF and there comes imbecile remarks such as “Chishala is a typical Bemba who grew up within a thieving culture” What kind of nonsense is that.
    And since when did this whole thing move from UPND and PF to Bembas and Tongas.
    Isn’t it that all the thieves and the wrong doers are currently locked up, some in Chimbokaila Prison.

    • I didn’t even know that Bemba’s were ruling! The President is a Nsenga the vice is a lozi. Why do some people identify their rival as Bemba all the time? They just want to fight Bemba’s. What insane tribal hatred!

  44. In short mr chishala is simply saying rigging elections, is the way to go, that’s why he has quoted Joseph Stalin, that voters don’t matter, but those who count votes.

  45. When I raised concerns of many party members I was called names many of them unprintable. What is true is that the great leader has only one focus in mind which is getting his hands on stately. He has in the process forgotten the bigger picture which is he needs a following. When cancius, shaka and many other good people were set aside for voicing out any sort of flaws in the party I knew we were headed for disaster. One man saying boycott national events, one man like an excited kid gets in a drag race with a presidential motorcade, one man calling his friend hyena and then he excepts to be respected? On Thursday the great one must pray he is not sent to the high court for he will spend a long long time in jail before his matter is concluded. You can do what must as an opposition leader…

  46. To be honest with you Mr Chishala, HH is not fighting for himself but fighting for the Zambian people. If you think HH is fight for himself I then question you wisdom. To be educated is one think and to be wise is something else.

    If we allow what PF did them Zambia is heading to Leopard Hill Cemetery. PF have destroyed the nation, the court system is corrupt, police officer don’t know they law just follow instructions. Even someone who is not learned in Zambia can be one because they just tell them what to do like 3 years old.

    See what they didn’t to HH’s house, like thugs.

    You have written well but have haven’t answered other side of the story, you can’t tell the whole true because Lungu will send his cops to pick you up.

  47. Mr. Engineer Chishala it’s obvious that analytical thinking is not your thing. Better continue working in a workshop welding pieces of metals or fixing electrical circuits.

  48. Look, right from the start HH knew he lost, but still thought he would still somehow find his way to statehouse. This is why he did a number of things including the following:

    1) On the Sunday following the Thursday polls, before the final result was even announced, HH called on the public to rise and take to the street to fight.

    Through this he hoped to cause confusion that would somehow create opportunity for him. But unfortunately for him the public refused apart from those in Namwala and some portions of Southern and Western provinces

    2) When he pushed in his petition, he knew he had no evidence but wanted to use it to cause some confusion by:

    • a) calling on the incumbent to hand over power to the speaker even when he knew that handing over power to the speaker applies only when the petition follows run two if elections. Through this he wanted to find and connive with some accomplices in the system.

      b) asking the court to order that election materials be transferred from ECZ to the court’s custody. Again, through this he wanted to find and connive with some accomplices in the court system. Unfortunately for him the court refused to grant his desire, because it lacked constitutional basis.

    • c) partnering with LAZ, under Linda, so that LAZ could join the case as friends of the court so that they could influence the direction of the case in favour of HH. But again the court refused to grant the request as it lacked both moral and construction backing.

      He did not rest calling on people rise against government, coupled with stopping his MPs from effectively representing their constituencies in parliament by boycotting when the Republican President is addressing parliament.

      The latest effort is was the money plot to cause confusion which had potential to even cause death so that he could chance an opportunity thereof. Instead he was nabbed and now is in police custody either planning another move when he is out, or is reflecting on his actions if maturity has started…

  49. Lets see who will die first between PF and UPND.
    Mutati is having sleepless nights as money from exports and bilateral financial support is dwindling.Even the planned electricity tariff increase will not help with the situation.
    Edgar Lungu has to find money for the huge Eurobond repayments,Corrupt Judges,District Commissioners,Party Cadres and civil servants who have up to 5 months in salary areas.Clearly IMF knows that Zambia’s economy is in the ICU and is playing around with Mutati and ECL.

    • If your desire is to see Zambia get into trouble, you a failed project.

      Zambia will not follow your wush; Zambia will go up and not down.

      UPND should not always look for bad things to happen, hopping that by them they can find opportunity to migrate to statehouse. It won’t happen.

      Zambians can see beyond the passions of politicians. If you want your party to ever rule Zambia you better pray and wish Zambia the best.

      You must question why Zambians have continued to refuse when HH calls on them to rise and fight.

      Zambians are not looking for a leader who cares less that Zambians die as long as it gets him to statehouse.

      It does not matter which part of Zambia, when it comes to destroying our peace not one will support you, and do it is with the economy.

    • @Advise
      Just from your posting,I can see that your income comes from the PF government.Too bad for you as things are about start turning sour for you and your fellow PF cadres.When the western diplomats took that photo with HH at his residence,their message was clear to the Zambian people.Their support accounts for over 80% of the countries bilateral support.
      Now after your connived with the ECZ to fraudulently turn the 2016 elections in your favour.You think they will come to your support.No way.They will smile at you,say nice words but give you peanuts in the end.Soon PF will be wishing 2021 was coming next year”
      Not to worry….Russia,China,Saudi Arabia , Morocco and even North Korea can give bilateral financial support… YABA ni Dununa reverse yachine

    • @Indepemdent: if anyone has divergent views that are not in line with hh, then they are PF thugs or cadres. That is why you have failed to go to a convention since 2006 and your political im.b.ecile hh has been HAMMERED five times including twice by newcomer ECL. You have overvalued hh to a point where you see him as a messiah who will deliver Zambia to the promised land. Already the Americans have increased their support to the health sector and others like the British and the EU who have forgotten about the elections will soon follow suit. Your doomsday predictions are nothing but feelings of bitterness and denial, feelings that have landed your hh in hot soup and effectively put upnd at the crossroads of disintegration!!

  50. PF zealots like Chishala are indeed disgusting. Just listen to their chilling tales of propaganda, misinformation, and manipulation to give a fraudulent electoral result a positive spin! This stinks to the very heavens above. May it it a Bemba cheated next time to help spur a sense of outrage in you, foolish man! Masipa ahao pombwe tuwe.


  52. “Your votes were stolen,… move on and look forward to the 2021 elections”. What kind of thinking is this? What guarantee is there that the 2021 elections results won’t be stolen by Lungu with no credible media and opposition to keep him in check?

    The writer is a typical PF blogger whose thinking is really myopic. The man has the right to complain and that’s what democracy entails. Asking him to move on from a stolen election is crazy thinking and this only encourages the alleged thieves to steal even more.

    Perhaps you prefer HH and UPND folds and Lungu goes in unopposed… or just watch how Lungu ammends the constitution to allow him go for a 3rd, 4th terms until he drops dirty. You may be luck if you are on the looting team enjoying the spoils but there will be no…

  53. …You may be luck if you are on the looting team enjoying the spoils but there will be no Zambia to talk about in terms of development and progressive.

    Unless you are biased by your tribal narrow thinking, it would be crazy not to see that 2016 elections results were tempered with; difficult to understand the charge of treason.

    See some of us were very excited about Sata’s toppling of Rupiah Banda (tribe was never an issue) because were tired and sick of corruption and other issues, hoping will bring about change he preached. Needless to say Sata turned out to be worse than Banda; and Lungu is the worst of them thus far. Think progressive my friend and remove your tribal barbaric bias (I know it’s hard to remove but that is the meaning of being ‘progressive’, similar to the way…

  54. …(I know it’s hard to remove but that is the meaning of being ‘progressive’, similar to the way you want racists to progress).

  55. This why I like democracy. When you read what is being said here, you will realise who big the ripples HH’s politicking is raising. The same people noticing him are the same ones claiming that no one is noticing.

    Umucele ukufina baumfwa kubausendele (The weight of salt can only be felt by those carrying it). When did civilised society start forcing people to accept disputed decisions? I feel pity for our children and grandchildren.

  56. I cry for these donkeys when they exclaim “let the petition be heard”. Its like their beloved uncle passes on and has just been buried. They attended the funeral including the body viewing, but they insist that their uncle is still alive and he must tell them who should inherit his wealth.

    Now thats normal at funerals but the mourners quickly get over it within hours. For the UPNDonkeys, its now eight months denying that their uncle (petition) died. Forgive me people for concluding that these guys are donkeys, which normal person behaves like that?

  57. I 100% agree with Mr Michael Chishala.the points he has raised are very true.but as usual since he is bemba,UPND cadres cant see sense in his valid points about HH and UPND.
    The other valid point is that PF won 2016 elections because Zambia was divided on tribal lines.i heard a lot of ex-miners on the Copperbelt saying “even if we are suffering,we cant vote for a tonga-HH”.this was the same in Lusaka.truth be told,LSK and CB urban areas are dominated by people from the North and East!!HH’s failure to win in these two highly populated provinces is what made him lose to ECL in 2016.IF ZAMBIANS CONTINUE VOTING ON TRIBAL LINES,THEN EXPECT HH TO LOSE TO ANYBODY ON PF IN 2021 TOO.yes,HH will win in 3.5 provinces,but lose in 6.5 provinces dominated by those from the North and East!!SO THE…

  58. Let me offer another free advice to these donkeys. The UPNDonkeys are unknowingly at variance with their leader HH. HH does not believe in the petition either when it was still alive or now when it is dead, even though he has made his donkeys swallow the story. What is at issue for HH is his ego. The blind donkeys have believed in him so much that he does not know how to break the bad news that he actually lost BOTH the election and the petition. His ego is so strong that he has even brought the treason upon himself, as a way of escaping what he thinks is the worse evil of breaking the news. To HHs relief, the big issue now is demanding, or negotiating for his release from correction. And there is enough goodwill for HH to get it while the dead petition is finally forgotten.

  59. THAT IS THE PLAIN TRUTH you donkeys, HH has a very simple brain for a politician and easy to read his thought process which is why he keeps losing elections.

  60. LOL – Ba Chshala, how inept and incoherent can you get? Is this some kind of a protracted joke or what? You claim you are an Engineer. Analyse this:-

    1. “Zambians who supported him did not vote for him so that he can gripe and moan endlessly about a stolen election seven months after the fact. Yes we all know he has a very valid point about the elections being less than above board owing to various irregularities.”
    1.1. So, you know HE HAS A VERY VALID POINT, you know HE IS WITHIN LEGAL REMIT to pursue the valid point in courts of law, and you know that umulandu taubola?

    2. “..So when Mr Hichilema continues to say that he wants his dead case to be heard, he sounds utterly ridiculous.”
    2.1. The question is:- do you even know what’s before the courts of law or are you following…

    • Cont’d… following Given Lubinda blindly?

      3. ..” And when Mr Hichilema claims to be talking to US President Donald Trump to come and sort out “African dictators” like Edgar Lungu, he reduces his credibility further.
      3.1. .. Who is the biggest Donor of IMF by far?

      4. .. “ He would do well to heed Mr Sata’s statement years ago that elections are not won in court but on the political battlefield”.
      4.1. So you are saying Yes you all know he has a very valid point about the elections being less than above board, but he must not legally pursue that valid point in courts of law? Because Sata said otherwise?

      5. ..”He can go on radio every week and show Zambians a better alternative to the PF policies”.
      5.1. ..Which Radio can HH go on every week without being stopped by PF Govt?…

    • Cnt’d….
      6. ..Police do not have the power to issue or deny a permit for a public gathering. All one has to do is notify them in advance.
      6.1. LOL- Which Police? This is a joke, right? Are you referring to the PF Police who have denied or withdrawn permit for UPND public gatherings without just cause other than partisan bias, in the exact same manner MMD Police denied permit for PF public gatherings without just cause other than partisan bias?

      Engineering is an exact science, grounded in fact and objective truth. I therefore, seriously question your engineering credentials and competence because you, my friend, are come short on substance, and clearly, you are easily persuaded to abandon objective truth.

  61. Mr Chishala speaks for PF beneficiaries of a vote stolen of 2016. Mr Chishala claims to have been at Manchester University with an engineering qualification but not on the ground during the elections. I was at Manchester University and returned to Zambia and was one of the chief trainers in parallel voter tabulation (PVT). Mr Chishala discounts the effectiveness of PVT employed by UPND without valid reasons. In case is not aware what took place during the process of initial vote result transmission by ECZ. PVT by UPND was so effective and valid that soon transmission of results by ECZ started, errors and discrepancies emerged and ECZ was notified but defied it. Refusal by those managing polling stations to give P12 forms was part of the evil in those elactions. Recall UPND protested at…

  62. @Advice
    Just from your posting,I can see that your income comes from the PF government.Too bad as things are about start turning sour for you and your fellow PF cadres.When the western diplomats took that photo with HH at his residence,their message was clear to the Zambian people.Their financial support accounts for over 80% of the international bilateral support to Zambia.
    Now after you connived with the ECZ to fraudulently turn the 2016 elections in your favour,you think they will come to your support…….No way.They will smile at you,say nice words but give you peanuts in the end.Soon PF will be wishing 2021 was coming next year”
    Not to worry….Russia,China,Saudi Arabia , Morocco and even North Korea can give bilateral financial support… YABA ni Dununa reverse yachine…

    • @ 67 Independent,

      Do I even care if your income comes from HH or GBM?

      I don’t; and how can PF send me money all the way to Canada.

      Yiur thinking is very little.

      I will not be surprised if you are HH’s advisor, who advised him not to get out of the presidential motorcade passage.

      May be you can now advise him not to get out of custody.

      And if HH is convicted, advise him not to accept if Lungu pardons him because he does not recognize him as president.

      HH should say, “I have refused to be pardoned, I will not come out because I don’t recognise Lungu as president. How can he pardon me?”

    • @Advice
      LOL….HH will not be convicted…
      Even a simple Magistrate rebuked the half baked Treason charge with the contempt it deserved.PF and ECL are on a downward spiral.Once they hit the bottom it will be a sad story for Zambia.
      See you at the next ZAMCAN event…

    • @ 67.2 Independent,

      You have no slight understanding of law.

      The magistrate simply said the charge was not clearly stated; that is not the same as acquittal.

      As long as there is a case they will simply tell you to amend the write-up while the case stands.

      And what does it matter if the magistrate acquitted him on all the changes?

      If you understood law you would have known that a person with 20 charges may be convicted on all charges in a lower court, and yet be acquitted on all of them in a higher court, or vice-versa.

      So it definite is too early for any manner of conclusion.

  63. cont’d. Recall UPND protested at the initial transmission of results because what was being transmitted was different from what really took place at polling stations. This was because the PVT employed by UPND was so effective that soon false results began to reach ECZ, they were being accepted by ECZ. Even where more results were being declared than the actual registered voters in particular polling stations, districts and provincial centres was being taken as truth by ECZ. At one time former Tanzanian president Mukapa was equally concerned with the process where a foreigner was in the data centre of ECZ and differences in results coming through ECZ and what UPND PVT was receiving. All this is evident enough that vote results were being manipulated and not the defectiveness of PVT by…

  64. Looks like the words Tonga/UPND and Bemba/PF are insulting words in Zambia because of misuse of the social media in Zambia.

  65. To continue claiming nothing really happened as put by Chishala is reducing himself as one not exposed to more efficient societies and bury his head together with unschooled PF cadres. Errors, fraud and manipulation vote results took place and needed to be corrected through means such as courts not for the benefit of HH or UPND. Justice in the land is not for particular people, its for all Zambians. The future generation depend on it another party may in future come and be in similar situation a solution needs to be now not living in denial of truth that 2016 election results were stolen by PF regime.

  66. Comment:Griping and whining for over seven months over loss? How different is this from whining and griping over lack of recognition for over seven months?

  67. @ 67 Independent,

    Do I even care if your income comes from HH or GBM?

    I don’t; and how can PF send me money all the way to Canada.

    Yiur thinking is very little.

    I will not be surprised if you are HH’s advisor, who advised him not to get out of the presidential motorcade passage.

    May be you can now advise him not to get out of custody.

    And if HH is convicted, advise him not to accept if Lungu pardons him because he does not recognize him as president.

    HH should say, “I have refused to be pardoned, I will not come out because I don’t recognise Lungu as president. How can he pardon me?”

    • @Advice
      LOL….HH will not be convicted…
      Even a simple Magistrate rebuked the half baked Treason charge with the contempt it deserved.PF and ECL are on a downward spiral.Once they hit the bottom it will be a sad story for Zambia.
      See you at the next ZAMCAN event…

    • @ 67.2 Independent,

      You have no slight understanding of law.

      The magistrate simply said the charge was not clearly stated; that is not the same as acquittal.

      As long as there is a case they will simply tell you to amend the write-up while the case stands.

      And what does it matter if the magistrate acquitted him on all the changes?

      If you understood law you would have known that a person with 20 charges may be convicted on all charges in a lower court, and yet be acquitted on all of them in a higher court, or vice-versa.

      So it definite is too early for any manner of conclusion.

  68. I feel saddened as I smell anger in most of the comments on this article. I just pray our own conscious will not bear witness to the worst that would happen to our beloved country. I know we have not experienced civil war and hardly understand what it really means. Let’s try to use our reasoning and God given wisdom in conquering the evil of war by minding our tongues before we speak. I believe all of us here have the ability to conquer the evil. The day that civil war will erupt, there’ll be no mercy whether you’re from the north, south, west or east. It’ll all come to an equal loss of life for nothing. AVOID TRIBAL REMARKS. Don’t wait to come and realise that we all need each other after the unnecessary loss of lives.

    This is a Warning!

  69. The author’s name says it all. All bloggers with a negative attitude towards UPND and HH are stating proudly they are Northeasters. We in the Northwest are practical. We waste no time on idle talk. Wait, and you will definitely see your wish to divide the country come true in your lifetime.

  70. the biggest problem that Unhappy People Never Develop is to refuse the reality on the ground. the truth of the matter is the issue of wanting a tribesman to be in State House and nothing less. this thinking can only succeed if the embrace and also look at other tribes to be as good as theirs

  71. Mr.Chisala, one thing you must understand is that HH is a leader of a political party, meaning he has followers. Zambia is a democratic dispensation and people are free to choose whom they feel can bring them economic freedom. Now for those who put a vote on HH should not be treated like fools. It was within their constitutional rights to choose a leader of their choice. Please explain to me what you think of what millions of Zambians saw happening live on TVZ and other stations, the Chavula saga? What led to Priscilla Isaacs being removed from the high table? I think it is not fair what you are doing to UPND. Not at all. You can write all the hurtful things about him, but the Zambian people are on their knees, not only for HH to be released, but for GOD to expose all election…

  72. Ctnd… election fraudsters. What do you make of the PF refusals to adhere to the laws of Zambia on many issues including the petition? What would be your comment Sir when the PF leader is on record of threatening to use a big stick to sort out the Zambian people ‘nganamufwilwa’ telling the Police? Please let us all begin building bridges so that we can heal as a country.

  73. A very good article, points well put. i should encourage those that want to cry for the rest of their life time to think twice about their actions. Life is short and calls for one to live life happily. Losing an election is not the end of the world. After all he has lost four times and still contested for the fifth time without success. He can quit politics or start preparing for the sixth failure.

  74. Leadership Job For All and By All
    Our country Zambia is made up of so many unique tribes and languages. These tribes I believe for sure they all have equal feelings of being proud of who they are and how much each of them would want to be recognised when it comes to things such as leadership, language and culture recognition. This understanding led me to think of how other tribes may feel when they come to a realisation of not being recognised as an inferior tribe to lead others or the country, their language as second to others e.t.c. THAT FEELING I KNOW FOR SURE REALLY HURTS AND HAS BROUGHT ABOUT WARS IN THE RECENT PAST, and if that feeling goes unquenched it can bring a country to a stand still in future.
    My fellow comrades, I have been thinking and working on an idea which I…

  75. You don’t know these people’s tribalism ya mumulopa..The author is right but because they lack vision and discernment they cannot see.Politics is about smartness and understanding your opponents it has nothing to with one having a PHD this is where HH was mislead.Look at Zuma what academic credentials does he have but where is he today. He capitalised on his experiential knowledge and used it well.My advice master the art and apply your skills well stop aligning yourself with outsiders who only consider money nothing else.They will make you kill for money and in the end it may have consequences for your life either directly or indirectly.

    Just listen to emotionally charged Gen. Miyanda, Mmembe, Nevers, Prof. Ndulo, Munkobwe, Mukuni, Guy, VJ, Linda Kasonde to mention but a few and; listen to his use.less and unbuilding lunatic-like commentaries from his net-supporters. Couple that with his running-mate, one violent GBM, you got yourself a perfect disoriented people around him and a delusional solution for a perfect loss. All these groups of people unreasonably mumble as a chilling wind of truth blow and makes their hearts hardened with the brutal passion of hatred. HH promised you that he was not to accept a 5th time loss. I guarantee you that he is definitely on a collision course with a 6th time straight loss come 2021.

  77. Continued: Leadership Job For All And By All
    My fellow comrades, I have been thinking and working on an idea which I personally feel and through consultation think would really help to build peace and balance of leadership for our beloved country.

    What do you think about taking turns in terms of leadership for our country Zambia? what I mean is that, we can let each province elect one person who can later be put as the president of Zambia for 4 yrs each term and let MPs be chosen through parliamentary elections as per usual. The vice President can be chosen by the President but not from his lineage.

    I Know the process sounds unique and would require a lot of constitution amendments but we’ll be guaranteed of strong competitiveness as the selection criteria will be based on…

  78. Continued: Leadership Job For All and By All
    the selection criteria will be based on credibility and not tribal inclination where we have even voted for failures simply because we share sir names and a village. I believe each province would strive to produce a credible leader. And I feel all province will feel to be equals before each other and there will be no such a thing as marginalisation and no over staying in power.

    Anyway this is just a very brief part of what am working on before I can fully present it in a formal manner. I just want to hear other people’s views on this

  79. Honestly, I sympathise with HH but the stakes are so high. It doesn’t matter how many times you lose, bitter feelings should not knock you off your feet to make you realise that in any competition, there should be a winner and a loser. It’s okay if you choose not to recognise Chagwa as president but if you will go blind on his motorcade, you will be asking for trouble. The State is keen to setting HH as an example should anyone else attempts/pulls off that weird (100% unwise) act in future. Going forward (whether in jail or outside jail) HH needs counselling. After the shocking poll results, trauma set in. He needed professional counsel. The contusion was way too much, he is just flesh and blood.

    • @ 85 Politico Sumo I agree with you 100% After shocking results TRAUMA set in. It is not an easy thing to lose an election he thought he won.I feel for ba HH he is just flesh and blood.

  80. @86 Imitation Name, when?
    Of course it can rule , no one has denied that. What is not in dispute except in the minds of donkeys is that UPND will never win as long as HH remains at the helm. HHs chance was written off as soon as he took over the party to with the objectice of a tribal president. The UPND ambitions were still born right at that moment. If he continues to try you will forever experience the pain of coming second, even by the 1 vote stipulated in our 50%+1 constitution. Now that can be painfilul I advise you not to try it!

  81. To All northwestern chiefs,western chiefs and southern chiefs, this the time you must rise and do one thing for your children’s Future. Let’s divide this country. The one zambia one nation is No longer existing. Pull up your jackets and protect our land.

    • I didn’t, in this time and age, know that such morons like Kabilela with such warped thinking still existed! What a shameful Cowtherner!

  82. @88 kabilela, laughable indeed if it were not so tragic that there are pockets of people (donkeys actually) that think like you…….Kikikikikikiki……

    Who told you that the children of Zambia have time for or even know tribalism. Go to the night clubs and see how happy they are with each other as Zambians. They leave no doubt to any observer how proud they are to be Zambians. You must be a mad donkey to even begin to imagine that those young Zambians living in Lusaka would like to start a “new life” and be confined to Mwinilunga, Namwala or Mongu at the whims if evil failures and tribalists like you? Why do you think the seccession of Barotsekand cannor work? Di you know how many Lozis have set up home, business and careers in Lusaka, Copperbelt, Chipata, Kasama, Mansa and…

  83. I like HH of course not Westerner but treason is treason he wo
    uld have avoided it what caused all this lark of respect and too that he could do anything without being pursued by state please fellow Zambians respect the rule of law. All this would’nt have happened

  84. HH is a political imbroglio with no vision but envy. The chap wants to bring confusion in the country. We know that his funders Anglo America must have been very dissapointed in him big times because he had assured them that he was going to win the ELECTION not knowing that he had won the ERECTION

  85. HH is UPND and UPND is HH how can one survive? Without HH there is no UPND that is the believe in our friends the donkeys.

  86. At least we know that some one somewhere is afraid of HH and therefore he wants to humiliate him thinking that he will lose popularity actually the opposite is true. HH is gaining popularity even in prison…..every where you go in Zambia now HH is a household name……kikikikiki the guilt are always afraid period…

  87. HH is not a politician. I believe he is only a business man. How can a real politician go to Kanyama only to talk about GDP, Micro economics and Macro economics which the people of Kanyama don’t understand? Those of you who attended the UPND rally in Kanyama will agree with me that the man is not in tune with the people. That’s why UPND will die unless they find a politician to replace this man, otherwise Lungu will outsmart this man again in 20121 and they will cry foul as usual.

  88. HH is not a politician. I believe he is only a business man. How can a real politician go to Kanyama only to talk about GDP, Micro economics and Macro economics which the people of Kanyama don’t understand? Those of you who attended the UPND rally in Kanyama will agree with me that the man is not in tune with the people. That’s why UPND will die unless they find a politician to replace this man, otherwise Lungu will outsmart this man again in 2021 and they will cry foul as usual.


  90. I heard you have spoken, But let it be known to all P.F supporters that this partern will never change as a result of different cultures we have. It is like after M.M.D the current govt will impose it self to rule and it will never happen not untill we have our own state. point

  91. I am staunch UPND supporter and love my party passionately. But I think we need another person who is thought to be neutral to replace HH from what many ordinary Zambians say. Please don’t misunderstand me. From what I have heard out there, many people believe that HH harbours deep hatred against other tribes. Worse still, many people on the streets and shanty compounds think that HH would split the country if given chance to rule which makes the party fail to spread to other provinces and remain confined in SP.

  92. UPND is the leading opposition political party in the country. UPND may well remain in opposition for years: it all depends on the voters. Founded by Engineer Anderson Mazoka (MHSRIEP), the party continued to grow membership and representation in all corners of the country. Credit goes to HH for working diligently to maintain party coercion while at the same time opening up to embrace the voters beyond Southern-Western regions where UPND always remained unchallenged at the polls. It is just a matter of time before UPND clinches victory. Challenging a ruling party, including challenging PF is nothing new in this country. All that is required is to stay away from violence. Or are you imposing a personal view of multi-party democracy? Give peace a chance.

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