Saturday, July 27, 2024

FQM welcomes the lifting of the ban on night movement of goods transporters


FQM copper heading to market

First Quantum Minerals has welcomed government’s decision to revise the Statutory Instrument (SI) 76 of 2016, lifting the ban on night movement of goods transporters or trucks.

The regulation that restricts the movement of public service vehicles at night came into effect on November 28, 2016 and constrained the movement of any freight or goods vehicles from travelling between 2100 hrs and 0500 hrs.

“The ban on the night-time movement of freight and goods vehicles was hampering our operations, as well as damaging the economic viability of the mining sector,” said FQM country manager General Kingsley Chinkuli.

FQM produces around half of the country’s copper, and between its mines and neighbouring Lumwana some 40-50 truckloads of copper concentrate and at least 30 truckloads of finished copper travel on the Solwezi-Chingola road every day.

Transport and Communication Minister Brian Mushimba has however clarified that the revision will apply to trucks that meet set requirements, but that the movement of passenger service transporters still remains restricted.  

First Quantum Minerals invested US$5.7 billion in its Sentinel mine, and Kansanshi mine and smelter, and has paid more than US$3 billion in taxes in the last ten years, transforming the economy of North-Western Province and creating employment for more than 8,500 people.

“These figures demonstrate the importance of the mining sector as a whole, and First Quantum in particular, to the nation’s economy. They also emphasise how vital it is to ensure that the sector and the companies within it remain robust and profitable,” said General Chinkuli.

“And it is for this reason that we commend the Government for revising SI76 of 2016 following their extensive consultation with industry last year. Given the mining industry dependency on robust and reliable logistics this move will ensure the company’s contribution to the nation’s treasury is maintained,” he added.

The mining firm is of the belief that when transport systems are safe and efficient, they provide economic and social opportunities and benefits that result in positive multiplier effects such as better accessibility to markets, employment, and additional investments.


  1. Synonymous with a working Government – well done Lungu and keep an eye on the Treason cases please



    • WHY not Ban all cars moving after 10pm until 6am?

      This will stop crime, night goods movement and will drive theft and make Zambia a more safer country

      I have just completed my PhD , so I know what I am talking about



    • We should just ban vehicle movement’s 24 hours a day.

      Then we will not need expensive roads and there will be no more PF corrupt contracts!

      And no need to FLIP FLOP FLIP FLOP.!


    • Chronic PFlip-PFloppers! That’s how PF has screwed the mining industry with a tax regime that changes every 6 months. PF leaders have no capacity to think and plan anything other than how to kill HH.

    • I am Glasgow and not England. I cant help you with that.

      I can however tell you that the Government under PF needs your support to continue doing what they have been doing for us.

      Join me in supporting them to 2026



    • You can be in a civilised place but remain uncivilised like what we are witnessing with some Zambians in Glasgow.

  2. @Mushota, you’re anaza! Ala taumfwa, uli walubuli. It will be a fight of the century when LT twosome insultants, NEZ and Chilyata, meet you. Yaaaaba!

    • When powercuts began, a PF Cabinet Minister confidently said that the electricity deficit would have no impact on the economy. That’s how dull these PFooIs are.

  3. pf a party with leaders without vision.chipante pante party have run out of cash to steal.they have a eurobond to pay back…bakawalala!

  4. Post the revised. SI 76. so i can show traffic officer who might tell me that walakwa iwe Pakin’ga apo!

  5. I told these empty tins that it was a no brainer to do that…no one listened now 6 -7 months later billions missed in revenue you chipante again.
    Zambia is going NOWHERE!!

  6. Good move for the economy.
    However, traffic police with speed guns and portal weigh bridges must be introduced at night as well to avoid accidents and damaging roads.
    PF is a government full of geniuses!

    • Buck, guns are not hand-held. Since 2004, they are stand-mounted by the side of the road. The police hides ubder a tree with an LCD screen on which he monitors the soeed

  7. It’s not flip flops as you call it . In health institutions it is called assessment. Coz At the moment all the stakeholders involved,Have been Reflecting on there Dids , E.g. Taking there drivers for mandatory training.

  8. Just lift the ban fully to allow passenger transporters to continue the ban is not commercially viable. accidents occur at any time.

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