Saturday, July 27, 2024

Dr Mwaanga, Hichilema mourn late freedom fighter Salome Kapwepwe


Veteran Politician Vernon Johnson Mwaanga has expressed sadness over the demise of the late freedom fighter Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe’s wife Salome Kapwepwe.

The late freedom fighter and former Vice President in the UNIP administration’s wife Salome Kapwepwe was born on 8th August, 1926, at Lubwa, Chinsali, now called Muchinga Province, an area largely considered a birthplace of Zambian politics.

Mrs Kapwepwe died on Monday night in her sleep and the actual cause of death has not yet been established and the funeral is in Chinsali, Muchinga Province and will be buried next to her husband according to her daughter Mulenga Kapwepwe.

In a statement, Dr. Mwaanga who first met Salome Kapwepwe in 1960, fifty-seven years ago during the struggle for Zambia’s independence noted that Salome stood firmly by her late husband who was deeply involved in the struggle against colonialism and apartheid in Africa and elsewhere.

He has since described Salome as a humble and unassuming person who devoted her life to raising children at a difficult time during Zambia’s struggle for independence.

Dr. Mwaanga said the death of Salome Kapwepwe is a loss to the nation as she contributed immensely to the independence struggle of the country.

“Am sadden by the demise of the late freedom fighter Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe’s wife Salome Kapwepwe” Dr. Mwaanga said

Meanwhile, the incarcerated opposition United Party for National Development (UPND) leader Hakainde Hichilema has also mourned the late former freedom fighter’s wife Salome Kapwepwe.

In a statement issued by the UPND President Head of Media and Publicity Clayson Hamasaka, Hichilema said the death of Salome Kapwepwe is a blow to the nation as she contributed significantly to Zambia’s struggle for independence.

“We mourn together we the family she left behind as she contributed significantly to Zambia’s struggle for independence” Hichilema said


  1. She was not a freedom fighter. She was a wife of a failed politician. Kapwepwe was a failure.

    I am sorry she has lost her life and wish her family all the strength in this difficult time

    But I’m getting fed up that she is still stealing headlines.

    Quiet frankly I feel like throwing up.



    • Iwe Mushota, may be you had not yet been conceived then. But learn to respect Mrs Kapwepwe as well as her husband, Mr. Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe, that fiery politician who dared call a spade a spade. He may have had his weaknesses, but he was one of the very few who dared challenge Kaunda’s authoritarian rule at a time when it was unthinkable for many to do so. Before his death in 1980, I remember very well those pictures of Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe being beaten by UNIP cadres at Luburma market all because he dared challenge his childhood friend Kaunda in 1978 during the Mulungushi rock of authority UNIP conference where the UNIP constitution was changed by a mere show of hands to disqualify Kapwepwe and Nkumbula from standing.

  2. This man irritates me, he has made all Tonga’s believe in rigging elections simply because he was the chief rigger.
    UPND lost elections clean game and let her rest in peace don’t politicize her death.

    • Who is talking about winning and losing elections here? The problem is when you steal and someone coughs, you start running away on your own.

  3. Rip it is sad you died under deplorable conditions under pf. I am sure this is isone of reasons you died.

  4. Boss you are foolish Mr HH is not talking about election here he is mourning and why is it that you people yout hate this man called HH is it because he is rich and you are poor my friend that is jealous and you will deal poor so lave Mr HH alone we know you are Pf and Pf dead when Mr sata dead May he’s soul rest in peace.

  5. SALOME kapwepwe IS BEMBA? WHY TONGAZ are commenting on a BEMBAs death when she was not even in GOVERNMENT also will be burried in MUCHINGA the HQ of PF ? PLEASE dont take your ka UPND (Uzanya politics ni Dununa LOL). TO cause trouble kumalilo ya wife to veteran FF otherwise we shall block your acting president (LINDA KASONDE) presidential motorcade

  6. Why should this be news? Does it mean Mwaanga and HH never mourn at all? Last time I checked there is national mourning and all Zambians are mourning please!

    • POINT!!!! Imagine, reporting that Mwaanga mourns Mrs. Kapwepwe instead of announcing that a national mourning has been declared to honour our mother???? Remember the Brenda Bukowa (the media expert) issue about private media-THIS IS HOW UNPROFESSIONAL IT HAS BECOME:
      “People that are running private media organizations have political ideologies that they tend to affiliate their mandate to at the expense of their editorial policies” Ms. Bukowa said.
      TAKE HEED LT….

  7. VJ maybe. But HH? According to his earlier recorded statements she was a bemba monkey wasnt she? Is he seeking publicity and relevance? I mean underfive is all but forgotten which is why Katuka wants to organise a “protest rally” to restote awareness. I dont think Katuka can even organise 15 people for his rally, the majority of even UPND members are happy with the peace prevailing since underfive went into correction. Let police deny Katuka a permit, I am sure Katuka will be happy to be saved the embarrassment.

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