Saturday, July 27, 2024

Zambia keen to learn from Rwanda


Vice President Inonge Wina says Zambia is keen to learn some of the policies Rwanda is implementing to empower women in that country.

Mrs. Wina noted that Rwanda is one of the few countries in that world that has over 50% of women in Parliament and other decision making positions which many countries should emulate.

ZANIS reports the Vice President said this when Rwanda’s Minister of Gender and Family Promotion Esperance Nyirasafari called on her at her hotel at Radisson Blue in Kigali.

Mrs Wina said Zambia is making headway in scaling up women representation and participation in governance as evidenced by President Edgar Lungu championing the HeforShe campaign which seeks gender equality.

She said Zambia is eager to learn how Rwanda has managed to surpass other countries in ensuring gender equality by promoting women through involving them in developmental programs in the country.

She noted that Rwanda has also been a good example when it comes to women empowerment saying Zambia wants to adopt some of that country’s policies that have worked in order to add on to the current policies Zambia is using to empower its women.

And Rwanda’s Minister of Gender and Family Promotion Esperance Nyirasafari said her country’s constitution is made in such a way that it makes mandatory that 30% of seats in parliament are reserved for women which has helped women to reach 64% in parliament.

Ms Nyirasafari said Rwanda has made deliberate policies to include women in all programs because they are the majority in the country.

She said Rwanda considers women as the backbone of development hence it has devised many empowerment programs to ensure all women are involved and benefit from them.


  1. Lets learn their ICT ,their cleanliness (Kigali is very clean) and their well managed economic dynamism.Gender equality BS is for another day.

  2. Boring boring useless old cretin. You cannot achieve all those aims if you are failing to ensure free and fair elections. No empowerment comes out of an illegal government. That is why theft is on the increase because people are following footsteps of lungu who stole elections and makes himself believe he won genuinely.

  3. Paul kigame is not a theif…..he may be a lot of things but he is not a theif. Has never been convicted of any fraud.

    Now our lungu, kaya…….

  4. There is virtually nothing to learn from Rwanda and Paul Kagame’s regime. If anything, Zambia must be cautious about where Rwanda has come from. Zambia at one time had all that Rwanda is show casing to Inonge Wina who is old enough to know how a Zambia government under Patrick Levy Mwanawasa had all the characteristics which she is getting impressed with the Rwandan government. This emerged not from a dark blot of mass genocide as is the case of Rwanda, but sheer good leadership our late president PLM S/C put Zambia on the world map with a good reputation. Paul Kagame regime is under spotlight of harassing and incarceration of opposition groups and most of them are in exile here in UK and America. Contact Shaka Saile VOA broadcaster for more details. What can Rwanda teach Zambia?,…

  5. How PF settled for a thief for a president is what I can’t understand. First they settled for a snake who deceived them. Then they settled for a thief. Kaya!

    • Any one but a theif and fraud convict with leadership morals of kaizer zulu straight from the pit latrines of chawama ….

  6. We always want to ape others, or rather we admire what others are doing but lamentably fail to do anything for ourselves. Even the democracy we brought about in the country is slipping away.Sad.

  7. Paul Kagame has jailed opposition leaders without trial. He is a Tutsi responsible for annihilation of thousands of Hutus! He belongs to an ethnic group (only 9%) which was used in pre-colonial days to oppress a majority (91% Hutus). If any free elections were to be done in Rwanda, today Kagame cannot be president! Rwanda has no resources but gets its money (pilfers it) from Congo where another dictator from Rwanda is president! They are a matrix of a Kingdom in East and Central Africa with Museveni! And Zambia wants to learn from Rwanda? What?

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